Recently, Clinical reports about reducing the delivery time, pain, instrument delivery, and C-section by increasing intrauterine pressure through giving a steady pressure on fundus have been released. However, the use of fundal pressure during the labor is a cause of great concern about medical malpractice and accidents caused by overpressure on fundus. To practice fundal pressure in safe way, medical device is designed. The device consists of inflatable belt, controller, and TOCO transducer; it inflates the belt to give air pressure onto fundus. In this study, we propose the shape of belt to give an air pressure on fundus equally, efficiently, and safely.
난태생종인 다슬기(Semisulcospira libertina libertina)와 곳체다슬기(Semisulcospira gottchei) 어미에게 여러 가지 물리 화학적 자극을 주어 출산 개시 소요 시간, 출산 유생 치패수 및 치패 출산율을 조사하였다. 곳체다슬기는 온도, 공기 노출, serotonin 및 acetylcholine 자극에 대하여 다슬기보다 더욱 민감하게 반응하였으나, 및 자극에 대하여는 두 종 모두 반응하지 않았다. 다슬기는 acety