해양심층수는 수심 200 m보다 깊은 심층(深層)에 위치하고 있어 차가운 온도를 유지하고 있으며, 대장균 및 일반세균 등에 의해서도 오염 되지 않은 깨끗한 해수이다. 해양심층수는 산업적 가치가 높은 재생순환형 자원이기 때문에 이를 상업적으로 이용하기 위한 활동이 활발히 전개되고 있다. 해양심층수를 기존 식육가공품의 염지제 대체제로서, 최적인 해양심층수 처리수를 적용한 시제품을 일반 식육가공품 소세지와 비교하여 안전성과 품질특성, 미네랄 함량차이를 알아보았다. 이를 통하여 해양심층수의 염지액 대체제로서의 가능성을 검토하고 이를 이용하여 제작한 식육가공품의 품질을 검토한 결과, 안전성과 품질특성에서는 일반 식육가공품 소세지와 차이가 없었으나, 미네랄 함량은 해양심층수를 적용한 축산가공품이 더 높았다. 이를 통하여 해양심층수는 소금의 대체제와 청정미네랄로 그 활용도가 높아서 해양심층수를 이용한 새로운 식품시장이 크게 활성화될 것으로 예상된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 식품공전 규격 검사에 의한 안전성 평가 시험방법을 이용하여 품질검사항목 분석에 의한 품질특성 평가 및 유통기한 경과에 의한 안정성을 검토하고, 시험군과 대조군간의 미네랄 함량 시험을 진행하여 그 함량을 비교, 분석한 결과 후속 연구를 통한 식품, 의약품 및 축산업에 다양하고 차별화된 식육가공품을 제조할 수 있는 가능성이 있다고 판단하였다.
The objective of this study was to develop software to predict the kinetic behavior and the probability of foodborne bacterial growth on processed meat products. It is designed for rapid application by non-specialists in predictive microbiology. The software, named Foodborne bacteria Animal product Modeling Equipment (FAME), was developed using Javascript and HTML. FAME consists of a kinetic model and a probabilistic model, and it can be used to predict bacterial growth pattern and probability. In addition, validation and editing of model equation are available in FAME. The data used by the software were constructed with 5,400 frankfurter samples for the kinetic model and 345,600 samples for the probabilistic model using a variety of combinations including atmospheric conditions, temperature, NaCl concentrations and NaNO2 concentrations. Using FAME, users can select the concentrations of NaCl and NaNO2 meat products as well as storage conditions (atmosphere and temperature). The software displays bacterial growth patterns and growth probabilities, which facilitate the determination of optimal safety conditions for meat products. FAME is useful in predicting bacterial kinetic behavior and growth probability, especially for quick application, and is designed for use by non-specialists in predictive microbiology.
Nitrite and nitrates are usually used in the production of meat products as food additives even though they pose a secondary risk. In this study, the residues of nitrite and nitrate ions in 366 processed meat products distributed in Seoul were analyzed using ion chromatographs and UV spectrophotometers. In all tested products, the residues of nitrite were below 70 mg/kg, which met the processing standard and component specification for livestock products.
Evaluation of nitrite ions, revealed a mean concentration of 7.1 - 11.9 mg/kg in hams, sausages, and bacons, while higher ratios of nitrite were found in other types of products. Among the studied processed meat products, at least 60% of hams and sausages had indications of nitrite, as did 90% of bacons and dry meats. No spiced meat and less than 10% of crushed meat had indications of nitrite. However, all dried meats showed below 1 mg/kg, regardless of whether they had indications of nitrite. Up to 9.7 mg/kg of nitrite was detected in the products with no indication of nitrite, and 14.6% of all products had at least 1 mg/kg of nitrite. This can be attributed to the reduction of residual nitrate ions in the products into nitrite ions.
A review of the concentrations of nitrate ions in processed meat products by type suggests that the mean concentration was 22.3 (maximum 110.2) mg/kg in hams, 31.8 (maximum 89.5) mg/kg in sausages, 16.4 (maximum 28.2) mg/kg in bacons, 16.8 (maximum 61.1) mg/kg in spiced meats, 20.2 (maximum 99.4) mg/kg in crushed meats, and 121.0 (maximum 216.5) mg/kg in dried meats. Therefore, dried meats showed much higher nitrate ion concentrations than other types of meat products; however, the residue of nitrite ions in actual dried meats was found to be lower than 1 mg/kg, suggesting that the concentrations of nitrate ions do not affect those of nitrite ions. However, a certain concentration of nitrate ions was observed even when nitrate ions were not used in the products, as nitrite ions were transformed into nitrate ions and nitrite ions were detected even the products with no indication of nitrite ions. Therefore, continuous monitoring and preparation of relevant standards of the use of nitrate in processed meat products are necessary.
In this study, effective gene extraction methods were compared to identify raw materials of processed meat products through molecular biological methods. Species specific primers were used to identify ingredients of processed foods and, as a sample, 13 kinds of processed meat products including beef, pork and chicken. According to the type of sample, 13 kinds of samples were classified into liquid type, source type and powder type. The samples were pre-treated (centrifugation) and (or) performed Whole Gene Amplification (WGA) kit for amplification of the extracted DNA. As a result, it was possible to identify the raw material of products through the centrifugation of sample 1 ml for liquid type of processed meat products. For source type of products after gene extraction, it was required to perform WGA for the identification of ingredients. For powder type products did not required any further pre-treatment and WGA. In this study, it was an opportunity to confirm the possibility of identification of raw material from the gene extraction of processed meat products and this method could be used to examine the authenticity of raw material of products.
In this study, a method was developed using molecular biological technique to distinguish an authenticity of meats for processed meat products. The genes for distinction of species about meats targeted at 12S or 16S genes in mitochondrial DNA and the species-specific primers were designed by that PCR products' size was around 200bp for applying to processed products. The target materials were 10 species of livestock products and it checked whether expected PCR products were created or not by electrophoresis after PCR using species-specific primers. The results of PCR for beef, pork, goat meat, mutton, venison, and horse meat were 131, 138, 168, 144, 191, and 142 bp each. The expected PCR products were confirmed at 281, 186, 174, and 238 bp for chicken, duck, turkeymeat, and ostrich. Also, non-specific PCR products were not detected in similar species by species-specific primers. The method using primers developed in this study confirm to be applicable for composite seasoning including beefs and processed meat products including pork and chicken. Therefore, this method may apply to distinguish an authenticity of meats for various processed products.
2002년 1-12월까지 시험 의뢰된 식육가공품 총 450건(햄류 231건, 소시지류 112건, 건조저장육류 32건, 양념육 17건, 분쇄가공육 16건, 베이컨 16건, 식육통조림 등 26건 등)에 대하여 아질산 이온 함량을 시험, 조사한 결과, 아질산염 함량이 10 ppm 이상 되는 검체들은 햄류 45.9%, 소시지류 62.5%, 베이컨 37.5% 그리고 분쇄 가공육 12.5% 이었고, 30ppm 이상 나타난 검체로는 햄류 14건, 소시지류 5건, 베이컨 1건 그리고 분쇄가공육 1건으로, 식육가공품에 대한 아질산 이온의 사용이 일반화되어 있는 것으로 나타났다. 결국, 식품의 안전성과 위생적인 식품 보급을 위해서는 아질산 이온 등 발색제에 대한 지속적인 감시가 필요함을 알 수 있었다.
2002년 1-12월까지 시험 의뢰된 식육가공품에 대하여 소르빈산 함량을 시험, 조사한 결과, 14.9%(67/450)에서 소르빈산이 검출되었고, 유형별로는 건조저장육 65.6%(21/32), 베이컨 17.6%(3/17), 햄 11.7%(27/231), 소시지 11.7%(13/111), 기타식육가공품(통조림 등) 11.5%(3/26) 순이었으며, 소르빈산 함량 범위는 ND-1.21 g/Kg, 평균 0.86 g/Kg이었는데, 유형ㅂ려로는 각각, 건조저장육 ND-1.21 g/Kg, 0.34 g/Kg, 베이컨 ND-0.84 g/Kg, 0.12 g/Kg, 햄 ND-1.27 g/Kg, 0.074 g/Kg, 소시지 ND-0.90 g/Kg, 0.077 g/Kg 그리고 기타식육가공품(통조림 등) ND-0.20 g/Kg, 0.015 g/Kg 등으로 나타났다. 결국, 식품의 안전성과 위생적인 식품 보급을 위해서는 소리빈산 등 보존료에 대한 지속적인 감시가 필요함을 알 수 있었다.
Ham, sausage and bacon were treated with common household processing techniques including refrigerated storage(0, 14, 28 days) and cooking(pan-frying, microwaving, boiling). Lipid oxidation was evaluated by measuring fatty acid composition, malonaldehyde(MA), TBA values and by measuring fluorescent products. Major fatty acid composition were oleic acid and followed respectively palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid. There was no significant difference in fatty acid composition by cooking method but there was a tendency of being increased of unsaturated fatty acid during 28days storage. Ma, TBA and fluorescent products showed a tendency of being increased continually according to storage days rather than cooking method.