
결과 내 재검색

검색결과 14

2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
대리만족권역은 2012년 농림축산식품부의 권역단위 종합정비사업계획 수립의 시범지역이며 즐거운 교육을 품은 건강한 마을 만들기의 목표를 가지고 기능별 공간구상을 중심으로 계획되었다. 권역은 대리와 호암리이며 쌀, 고구마, 고추, 율무 등이 산업의 중심을 형성하고 있다. 기본적인 공간개발의 방향은 도농교류, 교육과 문화체험을 위한 시설을 배치하여 교육을 품은 건강한 마을만들기를 주축으로 하고 있다. 주요 내용으로 기초생활기반은 도농교류센터와 독거노인 공동홈조성, 지역소득증대는 농산물 저장고와 농촌유학센터, 지역경관개선은 진입로 개선, 안내판 설치, 쉼터조성, 둘레길 조성 등이 계획되어 있다. 이러한 기능별 공간구상은 지역주민들에게 삶의 질을 높여줌과 동시에 지역자원을 활용할 경우 지역경제가 활성화될 것으로 판단된다.
2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study aims to identify more reasonable and efficient development plans to engage local university students in landscape improvement projects in rural areas. To survey university students, residents, administrators and experts involved in such projects on important considerations in this regard, SWOT analysis was employed to identify important factors, followed by analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate their relative importance, identify problems and suggest implications for improvement. The results are summarized as follows: the relative importance of the SWOT group was in the order of opportunity, strength, threat, and weakness. For each SWOT factor, the relative importance of strengths was in the order of students’ aspiration and passion, availability of creative ideas and designs, and improved attachment to their community. The relative importance of weaknesses was in the order of the lack of spontaneous participation of residents, short preparation periods and insufficient budgets, and the lack of experience in similar projects. The relative importance of opportunities was in the order of young students’ activity itself being a boost factor to the community, students’ endeavors arising a consensus among residents, and students feeling a sense of duty as representatives of their school. The relative importance of threats was in the order of projects being one-shot, temporary events, immaturity, and differences in preferences between older and younger generations. To draw an overall ranking of the sub-factors evaluated, the overall relative importance of the decision-making factors was evaluated. Among the sub-factors for each SWOT group, young students’ activity itself being a boost factor to the community as an opportunity factor was shown to be the most important, while the lack of experience in similar projects was shown to be the least important as administrators and experts made appropriate interventions in each stage.
2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The study was intended to identify the effect of the rural development projects (comprehensive improvement of the seats of Eup and Myeon and regional unit comprehensive development projects) on the quality of life in rural areas against local residents living in areas subject to those projects by means of structural equation modeling based on covariance structure analysis. The result indicated that perception factors affecting the quality of life for residents in rural areas by the projects included ‘improvement in spatial environment’, ‘increase in vitality of rural areas’, and ‘promotion of community activities.’ It was also suggested that ‘improvement in spatial environment’ and ‘increase in vitality of rural areas’ have significantly positive effect on the quality of life for residents in rural areas while the former has relatively higher correlation. In comparison between comprehensive improvement of the seats of Eup and Myeon and regional unit comprehensive development projects, it was analyzed that all the perception factors of the comprehensive improvement of the seats of Eup and Myeon have effect on the quality of life for residents in rural areas indicating that comprehensive improvement of the seats of Eup and Myeon is more effective than regional unit comprehensive development projects in promoting the community activities. It means that existing rural development projects have been promoted to improve spatial environment rather than improving the quality of life for residents in rural areas. Thus, it is considered that the rural development projects in future should seek for a sense of community so that they can induce voluntary participation by local residents.
2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The comprehensive rural village development projects (CRVDP) have been carried out as the core one of the rural development schemes in Korea since 2004. CRVDP included the various rural experience programs to increase rural income and in order to promote rural community development in the project area. This study analyzed the operating management conditions, types and characteristics of the rural experience programs targeting the 168 CRVDPs have been completed so that the recommendations and lessons which were found the usefulness, challenges and improvements to the CRVDP can be provided to be better the same kinds of rural development projects. We identified the relationships between performances such as increasing village income and utilization of rural amenity resources to the CRVDP and operational management types of the rural experience programs as well. Employing principle component analysis and cluster analysis technique, this study found 5 clusters of rural experience programs among 168 CRVDPs. The results of analysis of variance indicated that there were significant the mean differences between clusters such as the utilization of rural amenity resources(0.01), income of rural experience programs(0.1). According to the result of the Chi-squire test, there was very significant differences between internet homepage operation and clusters(0.01). Finally, the analysis of covariance about the income of rural experience programs showed that there were significant the mean differences between clusters(0.05).
2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In empirical studies on rural development projects, differentiation tends to be considered a strategy aimed at increasing the number of visitors. Rural development projects include the improvement of living environment, and the discussion about project goals and evaluation of project results are often focused on the aspect of rural tourism. Thus, subjective benefits of such projects for residents are omitted. This study examines the meaning of differentiation from the perspective of residents and explores the validity of the number of visitors and the possibility of reflecting residents' subjective score as evaluation indicators for a project. To achieve such an objective, this study uses survey data collected from 153 people in 38 comprehensive development projects in areas of Eup and Myeon, Korea. The results of this study show that differentiation is viewed as a by-product of positive improvement from a rural development project, from the perspective of residents. The effects of rural development are classified into two dimensions: socioeconomic effects and living environmental effects. Landscape improvement is included in the dimension of living environmental effects and an increase in the number of visitors is included in the dimension of socioeconomic effects. As such, they are confirmed to be the factors that determine the level of differentiation. For example, the increase in the number of visitors is confirmed to be a valid indicator of project success, in which two-dimensional characters are reflected. The level of differentiation evaluated by residents is a result of the workings of the above two factors. Unlike in previous studies, the possibility of evaluation based on the perception of residents is confirmed in the evaluation of results. When the level of differentiation is interpreted as the direct result of a project, the number of visitors has an impact on socioeconomic effects, and the project content of landscape improvement has an impact on living environmental effects. The goal of policy and residents is the same in terms of the effort residents may make in maximizing results of a project by themselves; thus, the government's goal is achieved even when a project is carried out under the autonomy of residents. Ultimately, the government should focus on providing conditions in which active citizen participation can not only occur but help to establish a policy direction, which subsequently strengthens the substantial rights of residents.
2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
A lot of rural development projects have been planned and implemented for revitalizing rural areas in South Korea. However, it is not easy to properly evaluate and quantitatively analyze project outcomes. For this reason only selected regions have been evaluated for rural projects by government agencies. In this study, we analyzed the purpose and the contents of the Rural Village Development Project (RVDP) and Green Tourism Village Project (GTVP) to find indicators for evaluating results of rural projects using logistic regression analysis. Outputs of this study show that RVDPs increase regional population and GTVPs positively affect the sales of agricultural products. We also estimated the spatial distribution of project effects through spatial autocorrelation analysis and local-spatial autocorrelation analysis. Results show that the Moran's I values for the proportion of farmers with avocational jobs, product sales changes, and population growth in Jeol-La province are positive and the biggest one is population growth. Especially, key areas of agricultural product sales are widely distributed.
2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study has been performed with the purpose of making Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan in which landscape characteristics in rural villages are reflected so that landscape in the medium to long term shall be established and managed. The issue that has been brought up is that procedures of Rural Landscape Plan and Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan have been focused on facilities. The study carries out resources survey in agriculture, daily life and history and culture to make Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan in O-chon district. Through landscape evaluation map participated by local residents, landscape management areas which they can form and manage have been established. The study also suggests Projects and guidelines appropriate to management areas. The study has a different signification from the existing Rural Village Development Project Landscape Plan which is fundamentally devoted to specific projects. The study shows Landscape Plan in the medium to long term and suggests guidelines available to be used by residents.
2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study analyzed the budget investment plans for the unit-project items(UPI) of 176 project districts for the rural village comprehensive development projects (RVCDP). This study classified the master plan reports of 176 project districts into 88 unit project items in aspect of project management, in order to analyze characteristics of distribution of budget in each project item. Most of all unit project items have similar types of uniform distribution with plus skewness in frequency pattern analysis except the total budget of the project district. This study analyzed the characteristics of budget distribution per province, year, and geographical types of region. Furthermore this paper also analyzed ratio of budget in unit project items to find out distribution pattern of each budget between project items over time. The hierarchical system for UPI of RVCDP consisted of three steps, which are 4 items of the first step on Strength of Rural-urban Exchange & Regional Capability (RURC), Green-income Infrastructure & Facility (GIF), Culture- health-welfare Facility, and Eco-environment & Landscape facility (ELF), 13 items for the second one, and 52 items for the third project items. From the results of the budget investment analysis for 5 years from 2004 to 2008, the budget investment ratios of RURC and ELF have steady state for every year, while GIF in decreasing and ELF in increasing over time. The ratios of UPI on infrastructure were decreased, whereas those on culture, health, and welfare were increased. Portion of tow project items among 52 items, which are community centers for village residents and rural experimental study facility, has 30% of total budget investment. Futhermore, the budget ratios of seven project items showed 50% of total budget. Average value of project budgets for five years was optimized as a type of exponential function in the case of decent array for ranking order.
2009.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the present condition of the landscape plans(LPs) established in the Rural Village Development Projects(RVDPs) and to propose the ways to improve the LP. Toward this end, the legal system related to rural landscape and the RVDP were examined. Also, the current condition of the LPs was diagnosed through making researches on the RVDP and LP of the 10 regions. The results of examining the legal system showed that the suitable types of the LPs is 'the Specific Landscape Plan' in Rural Area. Of the development projects that have been in operation, RVDP was found to have been equipped with the system. Because the LPs can be established and the contents of formation and readjustment of rural landscape elements were broadly dealt with in RVDP. And the RVDPs consisted mostly of scenery facilities, rural village sightseeing, and income-growth. The results of examining the plan establishment procedures showed that the LPs were set up as subordinate plans of the RVDP, so structural problems such as the positions of the plans, inadequacy in the procedures of approval and collecting opinions were identified. Such problems were pointed out as the cause of the LP to deal with the contents of the basic designs of the RVDP. The schemes to resolve the problems are to give equal positions to the LPs and to the basic plans of the RVDP. When the results of this study are reflected on the policies, the LP will effectively carry out the functions of formation and management of continued scenery preservation of rural villages.
2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The purpose of this study is to identify the trend of the contents of the plan that was implemented through contents analysis on the master plan project of rural village development projects that began in 2004. Contents analysis is based on the classification of business in the detailed enforcement regulations of rural village development project. Analysis on the project contents was conducted for 30 days from June 20 to July 20 for the 132 regions established in the master plan during the period from 2004 to 2007. The results of the analysis showed the following. First, scenery facilities, rural tourism, cultural welfare and income basis projects accounted for 76.5% of the total projects. Second, with regard to investment costs depending on the contents of the projects, cultural welfare, rural tourism and income basis projects accounted for 66.3% of the total investment costs. Third, it was found out that, with regard to the trend of change in the project contents by year, income basis projects were sharply reduced whereas cultural welfare and scenery facilities projects were increased. Finally, with regard to the analysis on the projects by region, it was found that Gangwon, Gyeonggi and Chungnam gave high weight on rural tourism, whereas Gyeongbuk, Jeonnam and Jeonbuk gave low weight on rural tourism. Particularly, Gyeongnam was found to have given low weight on income basis project.
2003.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The objectives of the study are to improve techniques for social impact assessment and to suggest their measuring methods to apply in small scale rural development projects. Population, residence, industries, and traffic volumes were selected to measure the social and economic impact assessment of Seongeup agricultural water development project in Jeju Province. Existing data gathering methods were used to estimate the changes of population and traffic volumes. Interview schedule for villagers was applied to estimate the residents' satisfaction to living environments. Interview schedule for experts was applied to estimate agricultural productivity and land price. The results of social and economic impact assessment show that there will be considerable changes in living environments, agricultural productivity, and land price. On the contrary, the project will make little impacts on the changes of population, em-ployment, and traffic volumes.
1999.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The study intends to find out contents and impacts of rural development projects implemented by government in Ucheon myon-center village (Hoingseong-county) between 1989-1995. The projects in concern are Rural Industrial Estate Project(1989-90) and Rural Collective Village Project(1992-93), The restructuring of village plan introduced new construction and renewal of buildings that are required for a myon-center in general has to be. The study reveals some morphological patterns the village has and needs to be adjusted. As a conclusion, it proposes a conception of self-containment for a myon-center development. It is necessary that a project plan strategy should be based upon harmonious exploitation between old and new, flexible planning, and sense of technological alternatives.