
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12

        2022.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the Western Zhou dynasty in China, the word 聖人began to have a special meaning, entered various social fields such as literature and history and medicine, and gradually integrated into Chinese traditional culture. As an important symbol of traditional Chinese medicine culture, 聖人 shows a basic category of the core concept and value system of traditional Chinese medical classics represented by the book of Huangdi Neijing(also named The Inner Canon of Huangdi) in the pre-Qin and Han dynasties. In Huangdi Neijing which is the foundation work of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine, 聖人is not only a man with perfect personality under the traditional Chinese moral and ethical concepts, but also a regimen practitioner and a master of universe laws and the best model of physical and mental health. Based on the traditional Chinese medicine book Huangdi Neijing, this paper uses the knowledge of Chinese philology and traditional Chinese medicine culture to trace the origin meaning of the Chinese word 聖人 from the perspective of genesis, and examines the semantic evolution of 聖人 and its cultural characteristics in the development of the Chinese nation and the Traditional Chinese medicine
        2020.08 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 아유르베다와 중국전통의학에서 바라보는 질병에 대한 병리적 이해를 비교하였다. 두 전통의학은 고대로부터 내려온 의학체계로 수많은 유형의 질병을 극복하여 온 역사적 기록들로 이루어져 있다. 아유르베다에서는 질병의 원인으로 심신의 잘못된 사용과 감각기관의 과잉 사용 혹은 부족한 사용과 자연을 거스르는 행동으로 꼽았다. 중국전통의 학에서는 질병의 원인을 외인으로 외부 사기의 침범, 내인으로 칠정의 손상, 불내인으로 외상과 음식 및 과로라고 보았다. 질병의 발현을 보는 관점도 차이가 있다. 아유르베다에서는 도샤의 불균형을 질병 발현의 핵심으로 본다. 반면에 중국전통의학에서는 음양의 평형이 파괴되는 것을 주요인으로 본다. 질병의 발전과 변화단계를 보면, 아유르베다에서는 6단계로 나눈다. 도샤의 불균형, 자극단계, 분산, 재배치, 출현단계이며 마지막으로 분화단계는 합병증이 발생하는 단계이다. 중국전통의학에서 질병의 발전과 변화단계를 살펴보면, 사기와 정기의 변화단계를 거쳐 음양 평형의 파괴 단계, 기혈의 병리 변화단계, 생리 장애단계 이며 마지막으로 장부의 병기 발생단계로 나눈다. 두 전통의학에서는 건강한 삶을 위해서는 질병의 원인이 되는 행동이나 환경으로부터 주의가 필요하며, 질병 발현의 초기 단계에서 불균형을 인식하고 더이상 진행이 되지 못하게 하는 것에 주력해야 함을 강조하고 있다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Big data analysis methods are useful tools for sorting valuable data and products. Achyranthes Radix root extract (AR) is a well-known herbal medicine in East Asia due to its anti-osteoarthritis, pro-circulatory, and anti-osteoporosis effects. In this stud y, we investigated the liver- and kidney-protective effects of AR by applying big data analysis to traditional medicine. CDDP (cis-diamminedichloridoplatinum) is an effective cancer cell anti-proliferative agent used in the treatment of diverse types of tumors. However, it is clinically limited due to liver and kidney toxicity. The current study was designed to assess the potential protective effects of AR against CDDP-induced hepato-renal toxicity. For this purpose, male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were assigned to four groups, each consisting of four animals. Intravenous injection or oral administration of either saline or AR was performed daily for 14 days, whereas CDDP was injected intraperitoneally on day 3 following AR treatment. Serum biochemistry results revealed that CDDP induced clear hepatic and renal damage while the AR treatment groups showed less damage relative to controls. Next, we tested the pharmacokinetics of AR using 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE), which is the most abundant component of AR extract. After intravenous administration of AR, the plasma concentration of 20-HE rapidly declined with a terminal half-life (t1/2) of 0.99±0.47 h. The area under the plasma concentration vs. time curve was 24.96±3.5 h*ng/mL. The present study provides valuable tools for further verification studies of the classical herbal literature and its scientific relevance.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        대한민국의 백두대간보호지역 (baekdudaegan protection area)은 지형, 기후, 토양, 수문 등의 자연환경과 생물이 축 을 이루는 거대한 자연생태계이다. 이 지역은 생물의 서식 처와 이동통로를 제공할 뿐만 아니라 산림자원 및 종다양성 확보에 기여하고 있다. 이곳은 산림자원 중에 자원식물이며 전통지식의 가치가 있는 약용식물이 있다. 덕유산 권역의 백두대간보호지역은 전통의학에 기초한 약용식물 보고가 미흡하여 그 연구의 필요성 때문에 조사를 실시하였다. 조 사는 2014년 5월부터 2015년 5월까지 한반도 전통의학 (동 의보감, 방약합편, 향약집성방의 수재품목)의 약용식물 (관 속식물)을 대상으로 하였다. 확인된 전통의학 약용식물의 조사 결과는 다음과 같다. 덕유산 백두대간보호지역 출현의 전통의학 (동의보감, 방약합편, 향약집성방) 약용식물은 45과 (family), 78속 (genus) 94분류군 (taxa)이었으며, 종 (species) 이하의 계급 분류는 86종, 7변종, 1품종이었다. 이를 문 (phylum) 단위의 상급분류로 구분하면 양치식물문 (pteridophyta)은 석송 강 1분류군 (1.1%), 고사리강 2분류군 (2.1%)이며, 나자식 물문 (gymnospermae)은 2분류군 (2.1%)이고, 피자식물 문 (angiospermae)은 쌍자엽식물강 77분류군 (81.9%), 단 자엽식물강 12분류군 (12.8%)이었다. 가장 많은 분류군이 출현하는 과는 국화과 (9분류군, 9.6%)이었으며, 다음으로 미나리아재비과 (8분류군, 8.5%), 백합과와 장미과 (각각 6분류군, 6.4%), 초롱꽃과와 참나무과 (각각 4분류군, 4.3 %) 순이었다. 덕유산 백두대간보호지역 출현의 전통의학 약용식물 중 자생식물은 89분류군 (94.7%)이었으며, 침입식물은 5분류 군 (5.3%)이었고, 침입식물 중 귀화외래식물 2분류군 (2.1%), 식재식물 3분류군 (3.2%)이었다. 이용부위에 따른 전통의학 약용식물은 뿌리가 32분류군 (34.0%)으로 가장 많았으며, 다음으로 전초 28분류군 (29.8%), 뿌리줄기 19분 류군 (20.2%), 잎과 줄기 각각 15분류군 (각각 16.0%), 열매 14분류군 (14.9%), 종자 9분류군 (9.6%), 꽃 5분류군 (5.3%), 가지 3분류군 (3.2%), 기타 2분류군 (2.1%) 순이었다. 덕유산 백두대간보호지역 출현의 전통의학 약용식물을 의학고서별로 보면 향약집성방은 94분류군 (100%)으로 가 장 많았고, 다음으로 동의보감 73분류군 (77.7%), 방약합편 67분류군 (71.3%) 순이었다. 그리고 전통의학 약용식물의 의학고서별 유사성은 유사도지수 0.96을 나타낸 동의보감 과 방약합편이 가장 비슷하였으며, 다음으로 유사도지수 0.87의 동의보감과 향약집성방, 유사도지수 0.83의 방약합 편과 향약집성방 순이었다. 향약집성방, 동의보감, 방약합 편에 모두 공통적으로 나타나는 약용식물은 67분류군이었 으며, 이는 전통의학 약용식물 총 94분류군의 71.3% 비율 이었다. 덕유산 백두대간보호지역의 한반도 전통의학 약용식물 은 94분류군이었으나 광범위의 약용식물은 인접지역의 연 구를 종합할 경우 종류가 많을 것으로 판단되었다. 따라서 이곳은 전통의학 약용식물 이외에도 현대의학 (대한민국약 전) 약용식물 및 일반적으로 이용하는 광범위의 약용식물 조사가 따라야 할 것으로 여겨졌다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to look at how pepper was used in traditional medicine. In other words, this study aims to take a look at the process by which the medicinal nature & efficacy of pepper in traditional society was perceived and arranged through the aspects of the use of pepper as an exotic crop for treating diseases. This study investigated cases of using pepper for medical treatments by referring to books on traditional medicine in Korea. The old records about pepper are mainly in empirical medical books from the late Chosun dynasty. Nevertheless, the records about pepper tend to decrease in medical text as time goes by. Such a phenomenon can be attributable to the fact that people began to use pepper for daily food life rather than for medicinal purposes. Pepper was used mostly for digestive trouble such as vomiting, diarrhea, and stomachaches, and it was also applied to mental and aching diseases caused by the sound of body fluids remaining in the stomach. In addition, there were many cases where pepper was used externally for surgical disorders. Such symptoms for treatment are linked to, or in a complementary relationship with, research results in modern times. Boiled pepper was generally taken in the traditional herbal decoction method, and in the case of surgical diseases, it was applied externally. The cases of using old pepper, using pepper with seeds or without seeds, and using pepper mixed with sesame oil belong to a sort of herbal medicine processing, which usually aimed at changing the medicinal nature of pepper. In addition, in relation to the eating habits at that time, pepper was used as seasoning and to make red pepper paste with or without vinegar. There are two words used for pepper in the medical textbooks, 苦椒 (gocho) and 烈棗 (yeoljo). These words are translated into Korean as gochu, so we can identify this word as a nickname for pepper.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lung cancer, the most common malignant disease worldwide, is the predominant cause of cancer deaths, particularly amongst men. Therefore, various researchers have focused on the growth inhibitory effects of medicinal plants used in traditional Korean medicine. This study aimed to investigate the growth inhibitory effects of ethanol extracts of Rubiae radix, Inulae flos, Nelumbinis receptaculum, Astilbe radix, and Lagerstroemia flos on NCI-H1229 cells. Method and Results: The viability of NCI-H1229 cells was evaluated in vitro using an MTS assay. Treatment with the ethanol extracts of the selected medicinal plants at 500 ㎍/㎖ reduced NCI-H1229 cell viability and increased apoptotic cell death and caspase-3 activation. In addition, treatment with ethanol extracts of Inulae flos and Astilbe radix increases DNA fragmentation, as measured by the TUNEL assay. Conclusions: These results indicated that ethanol extracts of Rubiae radix, Inulae flos, Nelumbinis receptaculum, Astilbe radix, and Lagerstroemia flos exhibited growth inhibitory effects, inducing apoptotic cell death, DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 activation in NCI-H1229 cells. Therefore, these medicinal plant extracts may be used in the development of natural medicines to inhibit the growth of lung cancers. However, further study is needed to determine the active ingredients of the ethanol extracts from medicinal plants that are reposible for the inhibitory effect on lung cancer cell grwoth.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Plants belonging to 5 species of the genus Eleutherococcus are currently distributed in the Korean peninsula. The traditional medicine ‘Ogapi’, derived from Eleutherococcus sessiliflorus and other related species, and ‘Gasiogapi’, derived from Eleutherococcus senticosus, are frequently mixed up and marketed. Therefore, accurated identification of their origins in urgently required. Methods and Results : Candidate genes from nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of Eleutherococcus plants were analyzed. Whereas the nrDNA-internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions were useful in elucidating the phylogenetic relationships among the plants, the cpDNA regions were not as effective. Therefore, a combined analysis with nrDNA-ITS was performed. Various combinations of nrDNA and matK were effective for discriminating among the plants. However, the matK and rpoC1 combination was ineffective for discriminating among some species. Based on these results, it was found that OG1, OG4, OG5, OG7, GS1, GS2, and GS3 were derived from E. sessiliflorus. In particular, it was confirmed that GS1, GS2, and GS3 were not derived from E. senticosus. However, more samples need to be analyzed because identification of the origins of OG2, OG3, OG6 and GS4 was not possible. Conclusion : The ITS2, ITS5a, and matK combination was the most effective in identifying the phylogenetic relationship among Eleutherococcus plants and traditional medicines based on Eleutherococcus.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        신선한 울릉도 민들레 뿌리를 70% ethanol로 침지 추출하여 얻어진 추출물을n-hexane, EtOAc, n-BuOH로 순차용매 분획하였다. 이중 상대적으로 높은 pancreatic lipase 저해활성을 나타낸 EtOAc 분획에 대해 Toyopearl 및 겔을 활용한 column chromatography를 수행하여 5종의 페놀성 화합물을 분리하였다. 각 화합물의 화학구조는 NMR 스펙트럼 데이터 해석 및 표품과의 HPLC 직접 비교를 통
        2001.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Many plant species are used in China in tradtional medicine for the prevention and treatment of cancer. This paper presents some of these species with defals on other pharmacologic evaluation and its tradional Chinese meditional uses. The known bioaktivities and some chemical constituents of each of the species given. Information on bioactivities of each species resulting from tests on experimental animals are given. Many of the known chemical constituents of each species are given. Various species of plants elective for various types. In this meeting I will present on some antitumor of the plants which are as follows ; (1) Akebia trifoliata(Thunb.)Koidz. ((2) Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F, H, Chen ., (3)Ziziphus jujuba Mill., (4)coriotus versicolor(Fr.) Quel., (5) Trich osanthes kirilowii Maxim., (6) Ficus carica Linnaeus., (7) Acanthopanax senticosus(Rupr. et Maxim.)Harms.,(5) Hibiscus mutabilis Linnaeus.,(9) Arctium lappa Linnaeus., (11) Agrimonia pilose Ledebour and (12) Hedyotis diffusa Willd.