
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 45

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고에서는 유형론 연구에 기반하여 가장 전형적인 ‘능격-절대격’ 언어에서 능격동 사가 어떻게 실현되는지 살펴보았고 한·중 능격동사의 판단기준, 유형, 특징을 알아 보았다. 아울러 능격동사와 비슷한 개념인 절대격동사, 비능격동사, 비대격동사들의 정의와 하위분류들을 살펴보고 능격동사와의 차이점을 제시하였다. 그리고 한·중 능 격구문의 실현양상을 제시하고 그 통사적 특징을 분석하였으며 능격구문과 관련된 중간구문, 사동구문, 피동구문의 실현양상, 판단기준, 발전과정을 살펴보았다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 다의어에서의 의미 확장 과정에서 핵심 의미 작용을 하는 성분에 주목하여 동사 ‘熬’와 ‘炒’를 대상으로 사전과 코퍼스를 활용하여 이들의 핵심 의미 자질을 추 출하는 방법과 과정을 소개하고, 그 역할과 방향성을 탐구하는 데 연구의 목적을 둔 다. 또한, 構詞를 통해 ‘熬’와 ‘炒’의 복합어에서 보이는 핵심성분을 추출하여 핵심 의 미 자질을 다시 입증하였다. 연구 결과, ‘熬’의 핵심 의미 자질은 동작의 시간과 관련 된 [+장시간]이었고, 내포의미자질로 [+인내]자질이 ‘熬’의 의미 확장에서 두드러졌다. ‘炒’의 핵심 의미 자질은 동작의 횟수와 관련된 [+빈번]이었고, 내포의미자질로 [+조작]자질이 ‘炒’의 확장 의미에서 두드러졌다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the conceptual spaces of the diachronic semantic evolution of “Paste” semantic verbs are constructed through the diachronic literature surveys. In the history of Chinese language, the verb with the meaning of “Paste” was rarely used in literature before the Tang Dynasty, and it was not until the modern Chinese period that it gradually increased. In terms of activity, from the dominance of “膠” in ancient Chinese to the emergence of “貼” in medieval Chinese, and until modern Chinese, a situation where the three words “貼” “糊” and “粘 (黏)” went hand in hand was formed. The pattern of “粘” “帖”, and “膠” as marginal members greatly influenced the use of “Paste” semantic verbs in modern Chinese, and this pattern was generally continued in modern Chinese, At the same time, there are some differences in the use of words between WeiJin Dynasty
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary is a multilingual dictionary of Chinese characters marked in multiple characters. It records the pronunciation and interpretation of Korean, Japanese, Northern Mandarin and Manchurian language corresponding to Chinese characters. There are few Chinese-Korean bilingual dictionaries in modern Korea, and the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary, which records many Chinese words, is evaluated as the prototype of Chinese-Korean dictionaries. In this study, we examine the Chinese and Korean meanings of the ‘火部’ Chinese monosyllabic cooking verbs in the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary. We then analyze their meanings, summarize their meaning-positions and classify the semantic fields. Furthermore, the accuracy of their Chinese and Korean interpretations in the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary is examined, and the prominent interpretation methods and characteristics of the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary are investigated. This study examines the influence of Modern Times food culture and language, and also points out the problems of Modern Times Chinese-Korean bilingual dictionaries and the direction of future dictionary compilation. This paper discussed the applicability of modern and contemporary Chinese-Korean dictionary definitions, examine the interpretation strategies of modern and contemporary Chinese-Korean dictionaries, summarize their similarities and differences. This paper also discusses the applicability of modern and contemporary Chinese-Korean dictionaries from the perspective of language learners. This study has significance for researchers on the historical development of Chinese-Korean dictionary compilation.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한중 조리동사는 의미의 범주가 달라 대응관계가 매우 복잡하다. 동일한 조리활동 을 가리키면서도 중국어와 한국어가 ‘일대일’의 대응관계를 보이지 않는 경우가 있다. 본 연구는 삶다(煮)류 의미장의 중국어 13개, 한국어 9개 조리동사를 대상으로 계열 관계와 결합관계를 통해 의미소를 설정하고 이들의 의미특징을 분석하여 한중 조리 동사의 대응관계를 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 특히 사전과 코퍼스를 활용하여 다의어 에서 다수의 의미소를 설정하고 분석하는 방법과 과정을 제시함으로써 한중 조리동 사의 의미 범주 차이를 고찰하였다. 구체적인 의미자질 분석을 통해 중국어 조리동 사에서 다의성이 강하게 나타나고 의미의 범주가 크다는 결론을 내릴 수 있었다.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the semantic map model is adopted to study the diachronic evolution and synchronic regional characteristics of the Chinese Verbs “Dai (代)” and “Ti (替)” with the meaning of “substitution”. The semantic evolution of the Verbs “Dai (代)” and “Ti (替)” are complicated, including the evolution in both dialects and general language, which can be clearly shown in the semantic map model. In the general language, “Dai (代)” and “Ti” have different lexical semantic functions. “Dai” mainly has the verbs semantic functions of “substitution”, yet the newer word “Ti (替)” mainly has the grammatical function of “substitution”. In the dialect, the evolution of the two verbs in different regions are not consistent. In northern dialects, the newer word “Ti (替)” is mostly used, yet in some southern dialects, more components of the ancient Chinese are retained, such as the prepositional function of “Dai (代)” in ancient Chinese.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate how L1 Chinese speakers of Korean acquire Korean embedded clauses with wh-expressions. Korean embedding verbs tutta ‘listen’ (Propositional-selecting predicate class) and kwungkumhata ‘wonder’ (Question-selecting predicate class) subcategorize for different types of complements which are defined by declarative complementizer ta or interrogative complementizer nunci. Tutta takes declarative or interrogative clauses and kwungkumhata can take only interrogatives. Experimental stimuli consisted of 12 embedding clauses by tutta (6 ta complementizer items and nunci complementizer items) and 12 embedding clauses by kwungkumhata(6 ta complementizer items and nunci complementizer items). Sixty three intermediate and advanced Chinese speakers of Korean(CK) participated in the study and 40 Korean native speakers(NK) participated as a control group. CK subjects were divided into 31 CK high group and 32 CK low group according to the participants’ Korean proficiency. The acceptability judgment among 3 groups were significantly different in the tutta-nunci condition and kwungkumhata-ta condition. The result showed that different learning principles were applied depending on the proficiency of learners. CK high group accepted the wh-embedding sentences in accordance with the semantic meaning of matrix verbs and type of wh-embedding clauses. However CK low group were not sensitive enough to discern the different linguistic context of wh-embedding sentences and rather accepted most of the given sentences.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current project investigated the effects of concept-based instruction (CBI) in phrasal verbs learning. CBI was carefully designed on the basis of two important principles of cognitive linguistics (CL): image-schemas and conceptual metaphors. The analysis focused on conceptual development in the participants who were graduate students registered in an ESL speaking course. Specifically, the influence of the image schema and conceptual metaphor was examined with various data sets. This study focuses on one of the datasets, verbalization tasks. They were provided as a homework assignment to familiarize participants with the new way of understanding particles and phrasal verbs and to internalize the relevant image schemas and conceptual metaphors by externalizing their understanding. The analysis showed that the metaphorical and imagistic associations that students made had a strong impact on their subsequent accounts of the meanings of the phrasal verbs. The metaphorical and imagistic performance of some students demonstrated that CBI can fundamentally impact on learner understanding of the semantics of particles and phrasal verbs.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Previous research developed lists of the most frequently used phrasal verbs in native English corpora. This study aims to discover how these high frequency phrasal verbs were presented in high school English textbooks in Korea. A high school English textbook corpus comprising 189,203 words taken from the listening scripts and reading passages of eight different textbook series was developed for the study. A corpus-based analysis of phrasal verbs revealed that each textbook series covered only 30% of most commonly used phrasal verbs in native corpora. In addition, the phrasal verbs used in the different textbook series rarely overlapped, suggesting a lack of systematic selection process. Among the recursive phrasal verbs appearing in the textbook series, high frequency phrasal verbs were more likely to be recursive and evenly distributed. A comparative analysis conducted with a referential corpus revealed that the textbooks employed fewer phrasal verbs than their comparative counterparts. In terms of meaning, 91% of high frequency phrasal verbs in the textbooks delivered their most frequent meanings while the rest 9% did not. The results of this study support the necessity of pedagogical guidelines for phrasal verbs.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents aspects of eight advanced Korean EFL speakers' acquisition of English unaccusative verbs over a period of five years. It examines how three factors−L1 morphology, pragmatic causation, and animacy−have affected their English unaccusative verb grammar during that time. A forced-elicitation grammaticality judgment task was performed three times over this period. It showed that L1 morphology was the most persistent among these factors. The results are compared with Chung (2014), a cross-sectional study, where the same method was used. The findings reveal that the Korean EFL subjects' overpassivization of English unaccusatives is not fossilized, which differs from the findings of Han (2006), who examined two Chinese native learners of English. It also indicates that instruction can play an important role in long-term L2 learning.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to analyze the difference between meaning and function of the two psychological verbs ‘想(xiang)’ and ‘要(yao)’ meaning ‘hope.’ ‘想’ and ‘要’ are the two widely used words meaning ‘hope’ and are the most commonly used vocabularies. These two words can be interchanged when used to mean ‘hope’ but sometimes it is impossible to replace one another. Therefore, if both ‘想’ and ‘要’ have the meaning of ‘hope’ as their meaning and the purpose vary. This research tries to examine the meaning and use of ‘想’ and ‘要.’ The method of analyzing the difference between meaning and the role of the two psychological verbs meaning ‘hope’, ‘想’ and ‘要’ is done in the following ways; Firstly, this research looks into the definition of the words ‘想’ and ‘要’ and analyzes the semantic feature of them. Through this examination it was identified that ‘想’ has meaning of ‘hope’ but ‘要’ has features of ‘hope’ as well as ‘willingness’ and ‘duty/responsibility.’ Secondly, based on the fact that common semantic feature of ‘想’ and ‘要’ is ‘hope’ but ‘要’ has ‘willingness’ and ‘duty/responsibility’ along with ‘hope.’ As a result, this study analyzes their functional difference in terms of restriction of the subject, subject person, and object.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze usages and functions of quotation sentences and quotation verbs in newspaper texts. The newspaper quotes have the functions of factuality, neutrality, expressiveness, expert contribution, and personal involvement. If we analyze usages of quotation verbs, we can explain the functions of quotation sentences in newspaper texts. The corpus for the study consisted of newspaper texts from '21st Century Sejong Project' corpus. It comprises around 250,000 words in newspaper reports and around 250,000 words in newspaper editorial articles. I analyzed the quotation sentences and measured the ratio of frequency of quotation verbs. The results show that the citations of statement are more than the citations of thought in newspaper reports. But the citations of thought are comparatively frequent in newspaper editorial articles. From this we may know that journalists cite other's statements mostly in newspaper reports. But editors cite their thoughts and assertions in newspaper articles more than in newspaper reports. Using the quotation sentences in reports, the journalists express that cited statements are objective and authentic. And using the quotation sentences in editorial articles, the editors show foundation for their assertion. And '-다고 하-' in articles has function of periphrasis for declining to assert.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Manner-of-motion verbs show both unergative and unaccusative behavior, namely the variable behavior. The variable behavior of these verbs is a problem for Perlmutter's (1978) Unaccusative Hypothesis, which claims that the unergativity or unaccusativity of a verb is based on the meaning of the verb. The Unaccusative Hypothesis loses its predictive power if a certain verb can be both unergative and unaccusative. Mateu (2005) argues that the unaccusativity of manner-of-motion verbs, which are basically unergative, is derived by their conflation into a phonologically null verb heading the canonical unaccusative structure, which is associated to the directed motion event. Despite its apparent simpler manner of explanation, this paper argues that Mateu's (2005) l-syntactic approach to the variable behavior of manner-of-motion verbs is problematic in that it induces the overgeneration problem by exploiting the overly powerful operation of generalized transformation. Although his analysis may give a correct syntactic description of the problem of the variable behavior of manner-of-motion verbs, it cannot gain the status of syntactic explanation without an additional constrained grammatical device to distinguish grammatical structures from ungrammatical configurations, such as Hale and Keyser's (2005) revision of conflation in terms of selection.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present paper addresses Korean EFL learners’ acquisition of psych-verb and unaccusative constructions from a processing point of view. Korean learners’ interlanguage psych-verb constructions and unaccusative constructions are marked by underpassivization and overpassivization, respectively. While both kinds of errors are observed in Korean learners’ data, the processing account of language acquisition predicts that learners will commit underpassivization errors more frequently than overpassivization errors because passivization requires more processing. In order to see if the acquisition of psych-verb and unaccusative constructions is affected by the processing complexity of passivization, the present study compared learners’ performance on psych-verb and unaccusative constructions. Ninety six university students performed a timed grammaticality judgment task on the two types of constructions. The comparison of the learner performances between psych-verb and unaccusative constructions revealed that the learners were more accurate with psych-verb constructions than with unaccusative constructions. The learners’ accuracy with psych-verb constructions increased faster than unaccusative constructions, with the increase of the overall proficiency. The findings suggest that while processibility might be a major issue for low-level learners, there are other factors such as L1 transfer that exert a pervasive influence on the acquisition of psych-verb and unaccusative constructions.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The commonly used word historical evolution research is one of Chinese glossary history research important topics. The verbs Relevant to plant is in Chinese the important commonly used glossary from the pre-qin until the modern age. According to the historical literature,this article carries on the investigation to this kind of verb in each historical period evolution situation, and tries to find their characteristic .The research for the commonly used word to provide the document reference.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the errors of prepositional verbs in Korean university students' essays and alert teachers to the necessity of a more systematic instruction of prepositional verbs. Prepositional-verb errors found in the learner corpus of essays written by 416 Korean university students were classified into five categories: (a) preposition omission, (b) wrong prepositions, (c) preposition addition, (d) misordering, and (e) others. Of the 1317 tokens of prepositional verbs retrieved from the corpus, 448 were found to be used erroneously, over half of which were instances of preposition omission. No tokens of misordering errors were found (e.g., *to go school / *go school to). A careful analysis of these errors also revealed the following. First, students were not able to discern the difference between a verb used transitively and the same verb used as a prepositional verb (e.g., believe and believe in). Second, the inability to distinguish transitive verbs from intransitive ones also resulted in a considerable number of errors in preposition omission (e.g., *listen music) and preposition addition (e.g., *enter in university). Third, using wrong prepositions (e.g., *worried at me) was also a rather common occurrence, accounting for 18% of the all the errors related to prepositional verbs.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study reports on an experimental study that investigates Korean EFL college students" acquisition of English verbs (such as break and change) that participate in the transitivity alternation. The experiment was devised specifically to examine how the distinction of the three types of transitivity alternation verbs - unaccusatives, middles, and passives (all with non-agent subject on the surface) - is revealed in the development of learners" interlanguage. A total of 80 college students were divided into two proficiency groups and asked to perform a production task and a grammatical judgment task on the target structures. The overall results show that the learners acquire passives earlier than unaccusatives and middles. The results also reveal that with increased proficiency, the learners perform better on all the target structures regardless of the task type. The results show, however, that even higher proficiency learners are not sensitive to lexico-syntactic properties associated with unaccusatives and middles. Another finding from the results is that the major type of the learners" interlanguage error is overpassivization of unaccusatives and middles, which confirms that Korean EFL learners, like learners with other L1 backgrounds, rely on a universal mechanism of subject―agent and object―patient/theme mapping.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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