
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3,156

        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this review paper, the sources of odor, major odor compounds, and emission characteristics from livestock farms are summarized. The main sources of odor on livestock farms are barn facilities, manure storage facilities, manure composting facilities, and wastewater treatment facilities. High concentrations of odor are emitted during the manure removal process, and livestock odor tends to be the most severe in summer. There was a remarkable difference in odor intensity depending on the farm size and the cleaning condition, and odor intensity varied greatly depending on the weather parameters such as wind direction and speed. The concentrations of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were high among the odor compounds emitted from livestock farms, and these compounds also contributed to odor intensity. The odor intensity in poultry and swine farms was higher than in cattle farms. Information on livestock odor emission is very useful for managing livestock odor complaints and designing odor abatement technologies.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For practical applications of graphene sheets in a variety of fields, mass production of high-quality graphene sheets is necessary. Herein, we reported a cost-effective, green, and simple approach to synthesizing mass production exfoliated graphene (EG) flakes employing electrochemical exfoliation of pencil graphite in neutral aqueous electrolytes. Pencil graphite cores of different grades were applied as anode and cathode electrodes and exposed to the electrolyte solution at a different voltage. Several parameters were examined and optimized, including pencil grade (2,4,6,8 B), applied voltage (10, 15, 20, 30 V), different inorganic electrolytes ((NH4)2SO4, Na2SO4, NaNO3, NaCl, and CH3COONa), and the concentration of electrolytes. The optimal condition was chosen by considering the mass of produced graphene and the conductivity of the graphene solution. The optimal conditions were as follow: pencil grade: 6B; applied voltage: 10 V; electrolyte type: Na2SO4; electrolyte concentration: 0.1 M. Under these conditions, the production yield was > 95% within 3 h and 9 min. The EG was characterized by utilizing FT-IR, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, FE-SEM, Cyclic Voltammetry, and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Characterization indicates that the synthesized EG had an XRD peak at 2θ = 26.6° and an ID/ IG ratio of 0.36. Furthermore, the EG showed good conductivity when tested by cyclic voltammetry and EIS whereas the R2 values were 985.8 and 76.3 Ω for bare GCE and EG/GCE, respectively. In addition, EG effectively removed cadmium (Cd(II)) with an adsorption level of 8.72 mg/g. The results from this study suggest that EG can be scaled up and commercialized in an environmentally friendly and low-cost manner, especially in low-income countries, and using it to rectify metal ions.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the vertical distribution and vascular plants in the Gakho mountain. Form the results of three field surveys from May 2022 to September 2022, a total of 478 total taxa, representing 426 species, 11 subspecies, 35 varieties, four forms, and two hybrids were identified, which were categorized in 282 genera and 94 families. We identified the elevational distribution ranges of 398 taxa of vascular plants. Among them, 19 taxa were endemic to Korea, one taxon was identified as a rare plant. The floristic target plants amounted to 72 taxa, specifically two taxa of grade V, two taxa of grade IV, 16 taxa of grade III, 27 taxa of grade II, and 25 taxa of grade I. Further, 71 taxa were identified as northern lineage plants. A total of 19 taxa of alien plants were identified, with a Naturalized Index of 4.0%, an Urbanization Index of 6.6%, and three plants that disturbed the ecosystem. The result of analyzing the pattern of species richness showed a reversed hump shape with minimum richness at midhigh elevation. A cluster analysis showed a high degree of similarity between adjacent elevation sections that are geographically adjacent with similar habitat environments. Warmth index in the Gakho mountain ranged from 57.2°C · month to 84.2°C · month. Our results provide basic data on vascular plants and valuable information on elevational distribution ranges of current plant species in the Gakho mountain, which could serve as a baseline for comparison of the shifts in elevation under future climate change.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effects of light intensity and external sucrose on the vase life of cut roses were estimated by monitoring the net photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence. Cut flowers were held under different light intensities 10 (L10) or 50 (L50) μmol‧m-2‧s-1 with or without treatment with external sucrose. We found substantial differences in stomatal conductance, photosynthesis rate, photosystem II (PSII) quantum efficiencies, specific fluxes, and vase life of the cut flowers when exposed to different light intensities. Light intensity at 50 μmol‧m-2‧s-1 increased photosynthesis capacity, thus delaying petal senescence and extending the vase life of cut flowers. L50 flowers maintained a high photosynthetic rate by reducing heat dissipation (DI0/RC) and increasing electron transport (ET0/TR0 and ET0/ABS) in the electron transport chain of the photosynthesis apparatus. The application of external sucrose extended the vase life of cut flowers by improving water balance and sustaining turgor pressure in the petals of the cut flowers. The net rate of photosynthesis of the cut flowers was increased by higher light intensity; however, it was not affected by the application of external sucrose. Our results indicate that the application of external sucrose is necessary to improve the longevity of cut flowers when endogenous sucrose production by photosynthesis is insufficient under low light conditions during the postharvest period. In addition, our results revealed that most of the photosynthetic parameters were significantly correlated with the vase life of cut rose flowers. Moreover, the relation between the rate of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters indicates that the rise from the basic dark-adapted fluorescence yield to the maximum (OJIP transient) method can be used as a tool for the evaluation and prediction of the photosynthesis rate in cut flowers.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국의 국가지질공원과 유네스코 세계지질공원이 증가하면서 지질유산에 대한 인식이 높아지고 지자체의 관심 도 증가하고 있다. 이번 연구에서는 울산지역 지질유산을 종합적으로 정리하고 가치평가를 실시해 지질유산의 실질적 활용방안을 마련하고 기대효과를 제시하였다. 문헌조사를 통해 발굴된 112개 지질유산 가운데 33곳의 가치를 평가하였 으며, 지질유산은 유형에 따라 지질학적 유산이 2개, 지형학적 유산이 1개, 복합유산이 30개로 나타났다. 울산지역의 지 질유산은 하천, 해안지형이 우세하며 화석, 습곡, 단층, 전단대, 광물, 광상 등 다양한 지형, 지질 요소들이 산출되는 특 성을 보였다. 33개 지질유산의 등급은 세계급 보호대상인 I등급이 3개, 국가급 보호대상인 II등급이 18개, 국가지정 관 리대상인 III등급이 9개, 관리목록 등록대상인 IV등급이 3개이다. 지질유산의 본질적, 부수적 가치를 종합적으로 고려했 을 때 강동해안, 주전해안, 태화강 일대(습곡구조, 하천침식지형), 대왕암, 대곡리 반구대 일원, 천전리 공룡발자국, 무제치 늪 지역이 지질학적, 경관적, 생태적·문화적 요인 등이 우수하며 관광자원으로 가치가 높아 향후 지질명소로 활용 가능 성이 높다. 이들을 지질명소로 지질공원 인증을 추진했을 시에 자연공원법 내 지질공원 인증 세부기준에 따라 지속적인 명소 원형 보존과 유지, 지질교육을 통한 과학 교육 수요 충족, 지속가능한 지역 경제발전에 기여할 수 있으며 울산광 역시의 브랜드 가치를 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 제주도 연안의 해역별 해조류 분포특성을 비교하기 위하여 2018년 5월부터 12월까지 제주도 본섬 4개 정점과 유인도서 2개 정점의 마을어장에서 수행되었다. 해조류는 총 101종으로 녹조류 13종(12.9%), 갈조류 24종 (23.8%) 그리고 홍조류 64종(63.4%)이 출현하였다. 계절별로는 5월에 가장 많은 해조류가 출현하고, 10월에 가장 적게 출현하는 전형적인 온대해역의 특징을 나타냈다. 수심별 해조류 출현 종수는 5m와 8m에서는 66종과 65종으로 유사하였으며, 12m에서는 74종으로 최대였다. 해역별로는 도서해역인 우도에서 66종으로 가장 많은 해조류가 출현하 였고, 본섬의 동부 표선에서 27종으로 가장 적게 출현하였다. 출현종 가운데 중요도가 높은 해조류는 감태(Ecklonia cava)와 둘레혹산호말(Corallina crassissima)로 각각 21.1%와 20.3%를 나타냈으며, 방황혹산호말(Corallina aberrans) 9.2%, 에페드라게발(Amphiroa ephedraea) 6.2% 그리고 큰열매모자반(Sargassum macrocarpum) 4.4%의 중요도를 나타냈다. 해조류 중 산호말류는 평균 11.2종이 출현하였고, 각 해역의 산호말류 중요도는 평균 32.6%로 우도에서 14.7%로 가장 낮았고, 표선에서 가장 높은 41.0%를 차지하였다. 해조류 군락의 생태학적 평가지수(EEI)는 2.1∼10.0으로 표선의 5월과 6월 12m에서 가장 낮았고, 그 밖의 다른 해역에서는 평균 7.3이상으로 좋은 상태를 나타냈다. 본 조사에서 설정한 생태등급기준 Ⅰ등급은 우도와 추자도의 수심 12m이었으며, Ⅱ등급은 사계와 추자도의 수심 5 m와 8 m가 해당되었다. Ⅲ등급은 표선과 귀덕2의 수심 5m와 12m, 평대의 수심 5m와 8m가 해당되었으며, Ⅳ등급은 귀덕2의 수심 8m가 해당되었다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to investigate the flora of Mt. Seongdeok (Ganghwa-gun) in Korea. From the results of nine field surveys from March 2020 to July 2022, a total of 445 total taxa, representing 397 species, nine subspecies, 35 varieties, two forms and two hybrids were identified, which were placed in 273 genera and 93 families. The plant formation of Mt. Seongdeok is a deciduous broad-leaved and conifer mixed forest, which is common in the middle part of the Korean Peninsula. Most of the mountain is covered by a young secondary forest, which is mainly composed of Quercus ssp. and Pinus ssp. Among them, five taxa were endemic to Korea, one taxon were endangered plant and two taxa were red list plants. The floristic target plants amounted to 27 taxa, specifically one taxon of grade V, four taxa of grade III, seven taxa of grade II, and 15 taxa of grade I. And 43 taxa were northern lineage plants. A total of 46 species of alien plants were identified, with a Naturalized Index of 10.3%, an Urbanization Index of 11.7%, and six plants that disturbed the ecosystem. Our results provide basic data on vascular plants flora, and plant diversity and distributional changes.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        방태천의 어류군집 특성과 냉수성 어류의 서식양상을 파악하기 위해 2020년 4월부터 10월까지 조사를 실시하였다. 조사기간 동안 11개 지점에서 9과 26종 4,640개체의 어류가 채집되었다. 우점종은 금강모치(Rhynchocypris kumgangensis, relative abundance 31.5%)였고, 아우점종은 참갈겨니(Zacco koreanus, 27.8%), 그 다음으로는 새미 (Ladislavia taczanowskii, 15.9%), 돌고기(Pungtungia herzi, 4.0%), 열목어(Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis, 3.7%), 배가사리(Microphysogobio longidorsalis, 2.4%), 피라미(Z. platypus, 2.3%), 퉁가리(Liobagrus andersoni, 2.3%) 등의 순으로 우세하였다. 출현종 중 한국고유종은 17종(65.4%)이었고, 법정보호종으로 환경부지정 멸종위기 야생생물 II급 인 묵납자루(Acheilognathus signifer), 가는돌고기(Pseudopungtungia tenuicorpa), 돌상어(Gobiobotia brevibarba), 열목어 4종, 천연기념물인 어름치(Hemibarbus mylodon) 1종 등 5종이, 육봉형 어류는 둑중개, 열목어 2종이 채집되었 다. 냉수성 어류는 금강모치, 둑중개(Cottus koreanus), 열목어, 새미 4종이 출현하였으며 모두 주로 중·상류역에 서식하 고 있었다. 어류군집 분석 결과, 상류에서 하류로 갈수록 우점도와 균등도는 낮아지고 풍부도와 다양도는 높아지는 경향을 보였으며, 군집구조는 크게 상류와 하류 그룹으로 구분되었다. 하천 건강성은 매우 좋음(9지점)과 좋음(2지점)으 로 평가되어 양호하였다. 과거 조사와 비교한 결과, 어류상은 과거와 큰 변화가 없었으나, 과거에는 출현하였으나 본 조사에서 출현하지 않은 종은 3종(붕어 Carassius auratus, 대농갱이 Leiocassis ussuriensis, 쏘가리 Siniperca scherzeri)이었고, 과거에는 출현하지 않았지만 본 조사에서 처음으로 출현한 종은 3종(끄리 Opsariichthys uncirostris amurensis, 돌마자 Microphysogobio yaluensis, 대륙종개 Orthrias nudus)이었다. 방태천은 서식지가 잘 보존되어 있으며, 기후변화민감종과 멸종위기 야생생물, 천연기념물 등이 서식하고 있어 보존가치가 높은 지역으로 판단되기 때문에 지속적인 관심과 체계적인 보존방안체계적인 보존방안이 요구된다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On April 29, 2021 (1st), June 2 (2nd), and August 17 (3rd), we surveyed benthic macroinvertebrates fauna at Muljangori-oreum wetland in Bonggae-dong, Jeju Island, Korea. Muljangori-oreum wetland was divided into four areas. The survey was conducted in three accessible areas (areas 1-3). As a result of habitat environment analysis, the average monthly temperature from 2017 to 2021 was the highest in July and August and the lowest in December and February. This pattern was repeated. As a result of analyzing changes in vegetation and water surface area through satellite images, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) increased from February to July and decreased after July. Normalized difference water index (NDWI) was analyzed to show an inverse relationship. A total of 21 species from 13 families were identified in the qualitative survey and a total of 412 individuals of 24 species from 15 families were identified in the quantitative survey. A total of 26 species from 17 families, 8 orders, 3 classes, and 2 phyla of benthic macroinvertebrates were identified. The dominant species was Chronomidae spp. with 132 individuals (32.04%). Noterus japonicus was a subdominant species with 71 individuals (17.23%). As a result of comparative analysis of species identified in this study and the literature, it was confirmed that species diversity was high for Coleoptera and Odonata. Main functional feeding groups (FFGs) were found to be predators. Habitat orientation groups (HOGs) were found to be swimmers. In OHC (Odonata, Hemiptera, and Coleoptera) group, 17 species (73.91%) in 2021, 23 species (79.31%) in 2016, 26 species (86.67%) in 2018, and 19 species (79.17%) in 2019 were identified. Cybister japonicus, an endangered species II, was confirmed to inhabit Muljangori-oreum wetland in the literature. Ten individuals (2.43%) were also confirmed to inhabit Muljangori-oreum wetland in 2021. Therefore, continuous management and habitat protection are required to maintain the habitat environment of C. japonicus in Muljangori-oreum wetland.
        2022.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research purposely conducts to identify Malaysian role in port bilateral diplomacy in ASEAN. Malaysia known as role leader in ASEAN and commit with excellence, drive the country among ASEAN since 1969. The research included Malaysia role within maritime working group where this forum or organization discuss and negotiate any issue related maritime sector in ASEAN. The research also highlights in Port Enhancement and Malaysia Port Strategic whereas Port Development in Malaysia that contribute to Port Bilateral, Port Alliance and Port in ASEAN. The objective includes i) to identify the issues and challenges in bilateral diplomacy in port shipping, ii) to identify Malaysian marine department role toward integrating ASEAN Maritime Working Group, iii) to find out Malaysian initiative for enhancement Malaysian Port Development through ASEAN port alliances, iv) to formulate Malaysia Port Strategic Plan toward the development of national port ASEAN port Alliances. For the literature review in this research is refer to five keywords which is Port Alliances, maritime working group, Malaysia contribution, Malaysia Port Development and Port Strategic Plan. This research is using qualitative method that refer to previous research, article, and journal. The collecting data consist of text transcribe form interview session into verbal and text written. There are selected organization such as Ministry of Transport and Port Authority. The interview process through online using Webex. The coding process take afterward for analysis and conclusion data. The theory formulation of relation diplomacy for this research is propose the objective to formulate Malaysia port strategic plan toward the development of national port ASEAN. Finally, the finding of this research that Malaysia plays significant role in port operation through ASEAN regional. The ministry of Transport plays as policy maker and drive the actor form Malaysia Marine Department and Port Authority in operation and regulatory. The recommendation is to increase the effectiveness of communication and enhance the efficiency of relation toward port bilateral.
        2022.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        클리포드 스틸은 1904년 노스다코타의 농부 집안에서 태어났다. 그는 어린 시절 을 알바타, 케나다, 스포켄, 위싱턴의 거친 사막과 높은 산맥, 황량한 대초원과 오래 된 메사 지역에서 보냈다. 이러한 경험을 통한 그의 초기 작품은 지역주의 관점에서 태곳적부터 이어온 성장, 투쟁, 소멸을 포함하는 날씨와 땅의 자연적 순환을 정확하 게 직접 다룬 것이었다. 그러므로 그에게 있어 자연과 문화, 환경과 자아의 구분은 무의미한 것일 수밖에 없었다. 즉 그의 미학은 이러한 원시적인 최초의 감동에서 저 절로 진화한 것이었다. 이로써 스틸은 제2차 세계 대전이 도래하고서야 본격적으로 신화적 주제에 의존하게 된 뉴욕의 도시적인 추상 표현주의자들보다 먼저 경험을 바 탕으로 예술을 형성하는 데 앞장서게 되었다. 스틸은 1943년 후반부터 1945년 초반 버지니아의 리치먼드 교사 시절, 그곳에 서 그는 처음으로 지금 우리가 추상표현주의라고 생각하는 작품을 만들었다. 그리고 페기 구겐하임 미술관(1946)과 베티 파슨스 갤러리(1947, 1950)와 같은 뉴욕에서의 세 번의 개인전 전시는 스틸을 가장 독창적이고 높이 평가할 수 있는 작품인 추상표 현주의의 계통의 초기 예술가이자 세계 최고의 살아 있는 화가 중 한 명으로 급부상 시켰다. 그러나 스틸은 문화 기관에 대해 가장 의심이 많았고 비평가, 딜러, 수집가, 박물 관에 대한 그의 불신은 전설적이었다. 특히 스틸은 자신의 작품 이해를 위한 미술사 를 거부하고 미술계 관계자들의 중재 노력에 적대적이었다. 마찬가지로 그는 추상표 현주의와 같이 그의 예술에 있어서 일반적인 비판 또는 해석적 범주에 맞추려는 시 도조차 거부함으로써 연구의 어려움을 가져왔다. 그리고 추상표현주의자들과 달리, 스틸의 예술적 업적은 실제로 그들과 학문적으로 연구되고 출판되는 카탈로그 연대 기적 대상에서 제외되었다. 뉴욕화단에서 벗어난 자발적인 그의 은둔은 학문적 성과 에도 영향을 미쳤다. 이에 본 논문은 스틸의 위상을 재고하고자 하는 의의가 있다.
        2022.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Underwater heritage is the term commonly used to mean material found underwater. Many states have heightened of underwater heritage remains unprotected. The UNESCO 2001 convention on the protection of the underwater cultural heritage is the foremost international legal reference for the protection or salvage of underwater heritage. To conduct a literature review for this thesis, five keywords were chosen such as UNESCO, under water cultural heritage, marine salvage and sovereignty, exploration, and investigation. The objective is; i) To ensure Malaysia underwater heritage is being well enforced by respective enforcement authorities.; ii) To create an awareness and protection to public and relevant parties.; iii) To identify the relevant implementation of legal enforcement from the respective Malaysia authority) To formulate Malaysia underwater cultural heritage strategic framework for enhancement sustainability development of underwater assets and wealth, and sovereignty. And for the problem statement, i) Lack of proactive measures from operational patrol of underwater cultural heritage for the enforcement from maritime authority,; ii) lack of public disclosure on the importance and existence of underwater heritage in Malaysia by stakeholders,; Iii) Lack of procedures and legal aspects for implementation of underwater cultural heritage in Malaysia water,;iv) None of national underwater cultural heritage strategic framework for sustainability of underwater assets and wealth in Malaysia. Specifically, the component of the underwater heritage is outlined for the protection and conservation of artifacts which have been partially or totally underwater. Qualitative method as main method and data collection from research book, journal article, publish and non-publish report. While expert interviewed via Webex within expert from academician and operational as supportive for this research. Text transcribed has been used for this research and coding system functioned for reference during discussion and findings. This thesis also uses theory of formulation and marine salvage as well as underwater cultural heritage law as a main reference. Finally, underwater cultural heritage strategic framework has been formulated regards to enhancement sustainability development of underwater assets and wealth, and sovereignty. thereby, it shown the Malaysian government commitment and concern to remain national maritime sovereignty.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The demand for novel strains has been rising in the domestic market to increase the production of sclerotia from Wolfiporia hoelen. To improve strain breeding efficiency, we investigated whether single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the RNA polymerase II subunit (RPB2) gene, which may be linked to the mating type locus, are useful for distinguishing monokaryons from dikaryons in Korean W. hoelen strains. We designed a specific primer set to efficiently amplify a region of RPB2 using PCR with the genomic DNA of 12 cultivated strains and 31 wild strains of W. hoelen collected from Korea. Nucleotide sequences of the PCR-amplified RPB2 genes were determined and analyzed for the presence of SNPs among the 43 W. hoelen strains. Previously reported SNP loci were detected in the RPB2 gene of all W. hoelen strains tested. However, these previously reported SNP loci could not be applied to differentiate monokaryons from dikaryons in approximately one-third of Korean wild strains with homozygous genotypes. Three additional SNPs in the RPB2 gene, which may improve the ability to distinguish monokaryons from dikaryons, were identified by searching through the multiple sequence alignments of the 43 W. hoelen strains. The applicability of these three novel SNPs, together with the previously known SNPs, in the RPB2 gene to W. hoelen strain breeding was verified by examining the hybrid strains and their parental strains.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was the acoustic analysis of vocalizations of domestic dogs when they want to play with humans. Using a digital camcorder and microphone, we recorded and acoustically analyzed the vocalizations of six 7-month-old dogs (beagle) when they wanted to play with humans. The vocalizations were classified into five types, namely, barking (type Ⅰ, type Ⅱ), whining (type Ⅰ, type Ⅱ), and howling, based on the shapes of waveforms and spectrograms. There was a significant difference in the fundamental frequency (p<0.01), intensity (p<0.0001), 1st formant (p<0.001), 2nd formant (p<0.0001), 3rd formant (p<0.001), and 4th formant (p<0.05) among the vocalizations, whereas the duration was not different (p<0.05). Whining type I showed high values in the fundamental frequency and 3rd formant, while whining type II showed high values in the fundamental frequency and 1st, 2nd, and 4th formant. Further, bark types I and II showed high intensity values, with bark type II having a high value in the 1st formant. Finally, whining showed high values in the 4th formant only and significantly lower values in the 1st and 2nd formants than other vocalizations. Domestic dogs mainly exhibited barking and whining with differences in characteristics of fundamental frequency, intensity, and formant dispersion when they wanted to play with humans during the experiment. Accordingly, we suggest that vocalization could be a useful method for identifying dogs’ intentions or emotional state in a non-invasive manner.
        2022.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: In countries with a large elderly population, the integrated visiting health care program for the elderly in communities was effective in preventing frailty and reducing medical expenses. Customized preventive health service is essential in a super-aged society. The purpose of this study is to estimate the number of professionals who perform visiting health care for the elderly. Methods: The statistics for the elderly from Statistics Korea and the Visiting Healthcare Performance Report from Korea Health Promotion Institute were employed in the analysis. The elderly were divided into four groups: healthy, pre-frailty, frailty I, and frailty II, according to their health level. Through the focus group interview, the ratio of nurses, physical activity experts, and nutritionists was set at 8:1:1. Results: Three scenarios were classified into minimum, medium, and maximum according to the number of visits. In the case of Seoul, the number of essential professionals was calculated at least from 719 to a maximum of 1,837. Conclusion: Since this study has a limitation in calculating visiting health care experts only by the ratio of nurses, physical activity experts, and nutritionists, future studies should consider experts or professionals in the field of social welfare, oral health, and visiting treatment.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        밭농업의 일관화를 위해 개발된 복합작업기의 효율적인 운영전략은 연료절감의 목표와 함께 저속 로터리작업의 품질에도 중점을 두어야 한다. 본 연구는 둥근 두둑 복합작업기의 작업품질을 유지하는 적정조건에서 동력과 연료소비를 계상하고 비교하여 집약적 밭농업에서의 효율적인 작업기 운용전략을 제안하려 하였다. PTO 표준 시험성적을 이용한 Kim 모델은 임의의 부분 부하 상태에서 연료소비량(FC), 비체적 연료소비율(SVFC) 및 단위면적당 연료소비율(FCA)를 구하고 셀선도(shell diagram)를 얻을 수 있다. 따라서 개발된 복합작업기에 적용할 카테고리 1 트랙터(DK450)와 카테고리 2 트랙터(PX800)를 선정하고 적정운용 조건에서의 연료소비 특성을 비교하였다. 이전 연구를 바탕으로 이론적인 목표 작업속도는 3.0<SPDth<4.0km/h와 로터리 피치(p)가 35<p<47cm/rev인 범위를 적정한 작업 기준(criteria)으로 하여 운용조건을 선택하였다. 각 트랙터에서 적정한 운용조건의 사례들을 비교하면 작은 트랙터(DK 450)를 사용함으로써 얻을 수 있는 연료소비 절약율은 FC가 19.4%, SVFC가 21.1% 그리고 FCA가 29.9% 정도로 평가된다.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 의령군 남강하류 하천변의 식물상과 외래식물의 분포현황 및 관리방안을 제시하기 위해 수행하였다. 식물상조사는 3구간(Ⅰ: 장박교∼정 암교, Ⅱ구간: 정암교∼백곡교, Ⅲ구간: 백곡교∼낙동강 합류지점)으로 나누어 조사하였다. 조사지에서의 관속식물은 95과 279속 405종 1아종 38변종 7품종 451분류군이 출현하였다. 양치식물은 7과 11속 14종 1변종 15분류군, 나자식물은 5과 7속 8종 8분류군, 피자식물은 83과 261속 383종 1아종 37변종 7품종 428분류군이 출현하였다. 쌍자엽식물은 73과 200속 287종 1아종 23변종 7품종 318분류군, 단자엽식물은 10과 61속 96종 14변종 110분류군이 출현하여 피자식물이 약 95%로 가장 많은 분류군이 출현하였다. 희귀식물은 8과 8속 8종 8분류군으로 검팽나무, 낙지다리, 새박 등이 출현하였고, 한국특산식물은 2과 3속 4종 4분류군으로 은사시나무, 키버들, 능수버들, 오동나무 등이 출현하였다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 30과 38속 37종 2변종 39분류군이 출현하였다. 일년생식물은 27분류군, 일년생식물(겨울형)은 17분류군, 지중식물은 4분류군, 반지중식물은 14분류 군, 지표식물은 3분류군으로 관목은 1분류군과 대교목 2분류군 이었다. 침입외래식물은 19과 54속 66종 2변종 68분류군으로 닭의덩굴, 소리쟁이, 큰석류풀 등이 출현하였고, 귀화율 약 15.1%, 도시화지수는 약 19.8%였다. 생태교란식물은 4과 7속 8종으로 8분류군이 출현하였다.