Phytoplankton community is one of the important factors for the management of aquatic environment due to generation of varying toxins by harmful algal species. This study was performed to examine the phytoplankton community structure (PCS) in the midstream of Geum River (GR) from January 2014 to December 2015. The water sampling was performed in five stations on 2014, and three stations on 2015. Subsequently, the morphological identification was performed by microscopic observation in laboratory condition. As results, total 265 species were identified and it was comprised of 40.8% of Bacillariophyceae, 9.1% of Cyanophyceae, 44.5% of Chlorophyceae, and the others (4.9%). During the investigation period, total average standing crop of phytoplankton was 12,948 cells mL-1, and it was comprised of 7,702 cells mL-1 of Bacillariophyceae, 2,821 cells mL-1 of Cyanophyceae, 2,121 cells mL-1 of Chlorophyceae, and 305 cells mL-1 of others. To verify which tributaries of upstream area influence on PCS of midstream of GR, the phytoplankton standing crops of two stations including Mihocheon (MH) and Gapcheon (GC) were examined on 2014, and compared to result of on 2015. The results were shown that the MH station had more similar phytoplankton standing crops with midstream of GR than GC station. The relationship between environmental parameters and phytoplankton dynamics was studied at the investigated station. As results, whereas water temperature and total phosphorus were represented the positive correlation, N/P ratio was remarkably exhibited negative correlation. From the results, it is suggested that the PCS of midstream of GR was more affected by MH station than GC station, and the changes of temperature, phosphorus concentration, and N/P ratio may be important factors on the PCS formation of midstream of GR.
본 연구는 복숭아 주간부 동해 예방을 위한 피복재의 보온성을 평가하기 위해 백색부직포, 황색일반지, 방수패드로 만들어진 피복재의 물리적 특성 및 보온성을 평가하고 실제 겨울철 복숭아 주간부 보온효과를 구명하여 피복재로서의 이용가능성을 검토하기 위해 수행하였다. 세 피복재 중 2겹방수패드 처리가 보온율과 열저항성이 가장 우수하였다. 2겹방수패드 처리의 주간단열효과는 14.09oC 만큼 온도상승을 차단하였고, 야간보온효과는 7.23oC 만큼 온도하강을 차단하여 보온효과가 가장 우수함을 확인하였다. 따라서 방수패드 재질을 보온피복재로 개발·보급할 경우 복숭아 주간부 동해 피해를 경감시키는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 생각되었다.
Coal Ash, a byproduct of coal combustion in power plants, is usually disposed in surface impoundments or wet disposal areas and landfill sites. Toxic substances contained in coal ash which slowly seep into the groundwater and aquifers in nearby impoundments, and which are also dispersed by wind and storm water in landfill sites, lead to serious health and environmental effects. The main focus of this study is to analyze the strength characteristics of the recycled coal ash mixed with dredged soil to test its capabilities from external forces such as in the stacking of geotextile tubes. The SEM and XRF analysis were carried out in order to grasp the grain size and composition of the coal ash and the dredged soil. To find the optimum mixing ratio of the coal ash and dredge soil, the type of deformation and the strength of the different mixtures were obtained by performing a uniaxial compression test. The relationship between the compressive stress and deformation of the uniaxial compression test and the tubular structure formed by injecting the coal ash into geotextile tube was confirmed and the applicability of the geotextile tube reinforced with the recycled and improved fill material is very high.
중국에서 매년 우리나라로 비래하는 멸구류의 정밀한 예찰을 위하여 끈끈이트랩을 이용한 들녘단위의 간이예찰법 개발이 필요하다. 본 실험은 끈끈이트랩을 이용한 비래해충의 간이예찰법을 개발하고자 김제 광활, 부안 계화, 고창 해리 3개 지점에 색상은 흰색, 황색, 청색의 끈끈이트랩을 설치하고, 설치방법은 사면, 수평, 수직으로 설치하였다. 유인효과를 살펴본 결과 색상의 경우 황색끈끈이트랩에서 3.2마리로 다른 색상에 비해 유인 포획 효과가 있었고, 설치방법의 경우 수직에서 6.9마리로 많았다. 따라서 끈끈이트랩을 이용한 예찰법은 황색 끈끈이트랩, 수직으로 설치하는 것이 좋은 것으로 생각된다.
전국 과채류 시설재배지의 뿌리혹선충을 발생 현황을 2013년 부터 2015년에 조사한 결과 2,074개 포장중 42%의 검출율을 보였다. 작물별 뿌리혹선충의 검출율은 박과작물인 오이 44%, 수박 45%, 참외 42%, 멜론 31%, 가지과인 토마토 40%, 고추 41%, 장미과인 딸기 46%를 보였다. 지역별 시설재배지 뿌리혹선충 발생 현황은 중부지역은 184개 포장중 48.4%, 호남지역은 638개 포장중 30.3%, 영남지역은 1,252개 포장중 47.1%의 검출율을 보였다. 뿌리혹선 충이 감염된 토양중 132점 시료에 대하여 분자생물학적 방법을 이용하여 분류 진단한 결과 M. incognita 36.4%, M. arenaria 15.1%, M. hapla 46.2%, M. javanica 2.3%를 보였다.
The Korean native cattle, Hanwoo, is the most popular breed of beef cattle in Korea. However, the reproductive performance data are limited although reproduction is one of the most economically and biologically important in beef production. Therefore, this study was undertaken to investigate reproductive performance parameters including calving interval, parity for life time production. Data collected from 206,827 calvings were analyzed. There were no significant differences in calving interval and gestation days as parity increased from 2nd and 13rd parity cow, from spring to winter. However, we found a dramatic increase in calving interval after year 2000. About 1 month were increased per year ( y = 30.578x + 344.45 R² = 0.9157). Interestingly, we observed that parities for life time can be affected by birth weight. Calves with 23 kg at birth showed highest parities, 3.4±2.0 times. In summary, this study provides valuable data on reproductive performance of Hanwoo and the data presented here can be used as a standard target for optimising and enhancing reproductive performance.
Wholesale beef price is the critical factor for determining Korean native cattle, Hanwoo, farm’s income in short-term. Wholesale beef price has seasonality due to high demand in Korean traditional holidays such as Korean thanksgiving day and lunar new year’s day. Therefore, it is important to make reproduction and marketing plans for Korean Hanwoo farmers, in order to increase their farm income. However, there is no study available on changes in the expected farm income depending on reproduction and marketing schedules. This study analyzed the expected farm income per head depending on the monthly-based marketing schedules. The analysis was conducted based on the seasonality of wholesale beef price, reproduction efficiency, operating costs, relationship between carcass grade and slaughter age. The result shows that slaughter Hanwoo at the age of 29 months-old in August and January generating the highest expected farm income per head.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate and estimate timing of artificial insemination (AI) in Hanwoo heifer (Korean native cattle) that is the most popular breed of beef cattle in Korea. To determine changes in body weight of heifers around AI, body weight were measured at different stages either before or after AI. We found that daily body weight gain was higher in the pregnant cows after AI. We also investigate correlation between body mass measured by shoulder height and body length, and conception rates, used (body length+ height)2 instead of height2 for body mass index (BMI), and found that relatively more BMI heifers (>55) showed higher conception rates. Finally, we estimated body weight by measuring should height (SH), heart girth (HG), and body length (BL); BW=3.93372*HG-2.90985*SH-0.021*BL. In addition, we observed that HG is most closely correlated with BW; y(BW) = 1.77355*x(HG), R² = 0.98881. In summary, we can determine the best timing of AI using body measurement and its application including BMI.
All measurements include uncertain factors affecting the result in accordance with environment and conditions. In order to guarantee right decision making and quality improvement, these factors must be found and appropriate actions should be taken. This paper aims to estimate and analyze variabilities found in set-up and as well as measurement uncertainty when using CMM(Coordinate Measuring Machine). Two skilled operators were selected to individually measure a product which was a kind of main part of an engine called connecting rod cap. The results showed that at the least, 10 % was stable while at the most, 30 % was somewhat unstable regarding P, percentage of measuring errors. There was little difference between the two operators on measurement uncertainty expecially considering their degree of freedom based on their objective and subjective judgement of type B uncertainty despite the significant difference between them. Through this research, I have come to a conclusion that a much more detailed analysis on variation factors can be identified in general measurement by using CMM and the result of set-up variability demands specific investigation and efforts to improve operators’ skill or thorough examination on the method of setting product to minimize set-up variability later.
본 연구에서는 마커없이 구조물의 변위를 측정할 수 있는 영상기반 변위계측 시스템(NVDMS)을 제안한다. 기존의 방식과 제안하는 NVDMS는 크게 두 가지의 차이점이 있다. 첫째, NVDMS는 마커를 사용하지 않고 구조물의 특징점의 픽셀좌표 변화를 추출한다. 둘째, 특징점의 픽셀좌표를 물리좌표로 변환하는 scaling factor는 기존 방식에선 마커의 크기로부터 계산되는 반면, NVDMS에서는 카메라와 구조물사이의 거리, 각도, 초점거리로 계산된다. 3층 축소모형의 자유진동 실험에서 제안한 NVDMS로부터 얻은 변위데이터의 신뢰도를 분석하기 위해 LDS로부터 얻은 변위데이터의 비교를 하였으며, 얻어진 변위데이터를 이용하여 동특성을 분석하였다. 분석결과 NVDMS는 마커없이 구조물의 동적변위를 정밀하게 측정가능할 뿐만 아니라 얻어진 변위데이터로부터 추출한 동특성의 신뢰도 또한 높았다.
본 연구에서는 마커없이 구조물의 변위를 측정할 수 있는 영상기반 변위계측 시스템(NVDMS)을 제안한다. 기존의 방식 과 제안하는 NVDMS는 크게 두 가지의 차이점이 있다. 첫째, NVDMS는 마커를 사용하지 않고 구조물의 특징점의 픽셀좌 표 변화를 추출한다. 둘째, 특징점의 픽셀좌표를 물리좌표로 변환하는 scaling factor는 기존 방식에선 마커의 크기로부터 계 산되는 반면, NVDMS에서는 카메라와 구조물사이의 거리, 각도, 초점거리로 계산된다. 3층 축소모형의 자유진동 실험에서 제안한 NVDMS로부터 얻은 변위데이터의 신뢰도를 분석하기 위해 LDS로부터 얻은 변위데이터의 비교를 하였으며, 얻어진 변위데이터를 이용하여 동특성을 분석하였다. 분석결과 NVDMS는 마커없이 구조물의 동적변위를 정밀하게 측정가능할 뿐 만 아니라 얻어진 변위데이터로부터 추출한 동특성의 신뢰도 또한 높았다.
Various kinds of processes are used in the Public Sewage Treatment Works(PSTWs) in order to achieve water quality criteria and TMDL in the watershed. The performance of the existing processes at PSTWs depends on influent characteristics, effluent quality target, amount of sludge production, power cost and other factors. In present, the Selection Guideline for the Available Treatment Process of PSTWs is used for a process decision in the country. But there are some problems regarding redundancy of assessment factors and complexity of assessment procedure in the guideline. In this study, we did a test application of AHP for process selection of PSTWs, which propose is to simplify assessment factors such as pollutant removal amount, sludge generation, electricity consumption, stability of operation, convenience of maintenance, easiness of existing process application, installation cost, and operating cost concerning of environmental factors, technical factors and economical factors. According to the study, the PSTWs selection procedure guideline can be improved using application of AHP method.
Plant-parasitic nematodes are the most devastating group of plant pathogens worldwide and are extremely challenging to control. In the present study, we have performed a genome wide analysis to identify common genes among four nematode species consisting of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne hapla), cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines), and free living nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans) respectively. Using their whole genome sequences, we predicted 15,274 genes from M. incognita, 38,149 genes from M. hapla, 8,061 genes from H. glycines and 23,894 genes from C. elegans, where, among the predicted genes, 1,358, 1,350, 1,401, 1,365 respectively from each nematode, code for common groups of proteins. Further, 2,067, 2,086, 1,566, 2,903 genes were recollected using Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) database. Under our search criteria, a total of 800 common genes were identified in all the four studied nematode genomes. The most annotated conserved genes were obtained from four different species using Basic Local Alignment Searching Tool (BLAST). Uni- Prot Taxon identifier database was used to elucidate their taxonomic classification such as 698 genes under kingdom Metazoa, 660 genes confined to Nematoda, 290 genes in Chordata and 660 genes falling under class Chromadorea. The biochemical characterization of proteins expressed by these genes was examined using Pedant-Pro sequence analysis. The protein length, molecular weight, isoelectric point (pI), and transmembrane domain of the coded proteins were at a range of 300 to 999 amino acids (40.9%), molecular weight of over 100 kDa (96%), pI from 4.5 to 5.5 (27.6%) and 0 (56.6%), respectively. To classify protein function, the obtained BLAST hits were assigned to Gene Ontology classification scheme. The fractions of protein function were distributed as cellular component, biological processes and molecular function of the cell (22.2%), multicellular organism process (15.8%) and binding (48.3%), respectively. The current study provides an excellent resource for nematode functional genomics studies, which can be utilized further for studies on role of genes involved in nematode biological processes.
The table grape 'Hongisul' with strong cold and disease resistance has high sugar, low acidity and excellent palatability. However, this grape has a problem of poor coloring. This study was carried out to improve the fruit color through leaf removal treatments in ‘Hongisul’ grapes. The leaf removal treatment involved removing 2 leaves and 4 leaves around the grape cluster at the start of veraison. The light exposure value of clusters increased 4 leaves removal clusters compared with those of the 2 leaves removal and non-treatment. However, there was no difference in the ambient temperature among the three treatments. The improved light exposure caused by leaf removal increased soluble solids content and the ratios of hunter a value (red) in the grape skins, while total acidity had decreased more in the leaf removal. These findings are expected to improve viticultural practices with the aim of producing red-colored grape.
우박 및 태풍에 의해 생육기간 동안에 낙엽이 발생했을 때를 가정하여 5월부터 10월까지 1개월 간격으로 인위적으로 낙엽 처리를 실시하고 그에 따른 사과나무 ‘시 나노스위트’의 수량, 저장양분 및 다음해 화총 수에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 평균 과중은 낙엽 정도가 심할수록, 낙엽 시기가 빠를수록 감소하였으며 과실 비대 감소는 수량 감소로 이어졌다. 30% 낙엽구의 과실 크기 및 수량은 낙엽 시기와 관계없이 무처리구와 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 2년생 가지의 탄수화물 함량은 8월 이전 낙엽구가 9월이후 낙엽구에 비해 현저히 낮은 함량을 보여 낙엽 정도보다는 낙엽 시기의 영향이 컸다. 8월 이전 낙엽구 중에서는 낙엽 시기가 늦어질수록 탄수화물 함량이 감소하여 8월 낙엽구에서 무처리구 대비 50% 수준으로 가장 낮았다. 생육기 중의 조기 낙엽 다음해 화총 수는 낙엽 시기 및 정도에 따라 큰 차이를 보였다. 5월 이후 낙엽 시기가 늦어질수록 화총 수가 감소하여 7월 낙엽 구에서 가장 낮은 화총 수를 보였으며 8월 이후 낙엽구는 무처리구와 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. 낙엽 이듬해 화총 수는 수체내 탄수화물 함량과 정의 상관을 보였다. 위의 결과, 7월 이전의 낙엽 피해가 발생되었을 때에는 적과를 통해 개별 과실의 sink 기능을 강화하여 과실 비대를 향상시키고, 저장양분 확보를 통해 다음해 화총 수를 확보하는 것이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
본 실험은 1-MCP처리와 저장방법이 아스파라거스의 신선도 유지에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 수행하였다. 1-MCP 처리는 MA 조건과 유공필름(관행조건)에 처리 되었으며 무처리구를 대조구로 사용하여 저장하였다. 처리된 아스파라거스는 40일 동안 4oC에 저장되었다. 저장 중 생체중 감소율은 1-MCP 처리를 포함한, MA저장 처 리구에서 0.2% 이하였고 유공필름에 저장된 1-MCP 처리는 생체중 감소율이 저장 20일 후부터 다소 낮아졌다. 포장 내 이산화탄소 농도는 MA저장 처리구 모두 최적 CA 조건인 5-12%(CO2)의 농도를 유지하였고, 산소농도는 5-15%를 유지하였다. 에틸렌 농도는 MA저장 1- MCP처리구가 가장 낮았다. 저장 최종일의 외관상 품질, 이취, 경도, 당도, 그리고 Hue angle 값은 MA저장에서 관행저장보다 우수하였으나 1-MCP처리간 차이는 없었다. 이상의 결과로 1-MCP처리는 아스파라거스의 품질 및 저장성에 영향을 미치지 않았다.
There can be included a variety of uncertainties in all measurement results whether we can perceive or not on the causes. These uncertainties may end up in lowering the reliability of measurement results and also deteriorate the level of quality. For the purpose, we tried to combine the strengths of measurement uncertainty and measurement system analysis together to present a practical flowchart so as to verify those potential variation factors in general measurement processes. As a case study, we did an experiment and gathered data on the length between two holes of an engine cylinder head which is a core part for vehicles with a coordinate measuring machine and estimated nine uncertainty factors of it. Consequently, it was identified that the four primary factors among the nine which were related to the measurement standard, random errors or spread of the repeat measurements, differences between the coefficients of thermal expansion and the environment especially had been the influence around the laboratory. Since it is impossible to analyze the equipment and appraisal variations respectively through the only measurement uncertainty, we have used the measurement system analysis following the flowchart. Showing the result of being just about 0.5 % lower for the appraisal variation, and the equipment variation occupied about 7% for the total Gage R&R. Through this research, we have come to a conclusion that much more detail analysis on variation factors can be possible to be identified in measurement processes by using the developed flowchart which is composed of measurement uncertainty and measurement system analysis. Therefore, we expect engineers who are involved in quality and measurements to utilize this developed method.
PURPOSES: This study supports the evidence that it is possible to rehabilitate a damaged pavement with a lane closure specifically based on the Gimcheon~Sunsan project. METHODS : The prediction results from the simulation programs were compared with field monitoring, which focused on traffic management planning, congestion (length, time, and passing speed), bypass, and user cost, among others. RESULTS : The research results showed that lane closure application and pavement repair of the aged pavement in Korea were possible, even though the prediction results were minimally different from the field monitoring. The road agency contributes to service life extension of the rehabilitated pavement using this method. CONCLUSIONS: A marginal effect caused by the lane closure was observed on travelling users or vehicles, and the user cost of pavement repair decreased. Therefore, introducing the repair method or rehabilitation in Korea is possible. Information dissemination through various media was properly done to execute the project well. Moreover, the construction area traffic utilized nearby alternative roads. Therefore, improving the repaired pavemen’s service life while ensuring that the pavement management agency can provide a road with comfortable user riding quality was possible.