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        검색결과 1,884

        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A Tenebrio molitor larva that is called mealworm is widely used as feed for raising a pet. Also, it is the insect that would be produced as the edible food for human. For these reasons, many researchers are revealing about physiologic characteristic of Tenebrio molitor to make good use of it. However, morphological characteristic of different larval stage is not specifically indicated and researchers have different opinions about the average number of Tenebrio molitor’s instar until now. This study, therefore, was carried out to examine the physiological and morphological characteristics of Tenebrio molitor larva in different larval stages, and the average number of Tenebrio molitor’s instar. As a result, all of the Tenebrio molitor larvae had 7~8 days during their incubation period and 3~4 days during the 1st instar period. After the 1st instar, there were comparatively large differences in the number of days in each instar. Before emergence, most of the larvae comparatively showed 15th~17th instars, particularly, the largest rate of pupae (28.83%) was observed in the 17th instar. In terms of the body length of each Tenebrio molitor larval stage, the body length was gradually increased by the 17th instar. Beyond the 17th instar, however, the body length was smaller than 17th instar. In the 1st instar, the larva had white color, and the color gradually changed into brown from the 2nd instar. Through this study, we could identify the accurate incubation period, 1st instar period, the average number of instar, body length and the color change in different larval stages. These results would be used as a fundamental data for further study about the physiological and morphological characteristic of each instar period.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As demand for Tenebrio molitor increases in animal feed market, improvement of mass-rearing indoor system became more crucial. This study is aimed at establishing the technology for conserving genetic resource of Tenebrio molitor, and increasing the technology utilization. This year, in advance, this experiment was designed for examining the developmental characteristics of eggs and larvae. To research the developmental characteristics under different temperatures, eggs, larvae and papae were treated at 17.5, 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5 and 30°C. At 25°C, larvae were exposed to various photoperiod conditions, LD 14:10, 12:12, and 10:14. The results show that the temperature range which affected hatching was 15~32.5°C. To achieve 70 percent or higher hatching rate 17.5~27.5°C was required. Furthermore, hatching occurred within 10 days, when the eggs were treated in 22.5~27.5°C. In regard of larval development, shorter developmental period, and higher pupation and eclosion rates were observed in 25~27.5°C. The shortest larval period was recorded at 14L:10D. At 10L:14D, in contrast, pupae showed the lowest chance of eclosion. Overall, larval development was optimal in long-day condition.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, has played an important role as one of the alternative pollinators since the outbreak of honeybee collapse disorder. Recently, pathogens and parasites such as viruses, bacteria and mites, which affect the life span and fecundity of their host, have been discovered in B. terristris. In order to detect the microsporidian pathogen, Nosema Spp. in the field populations of B. terristris, we collected adults and isolated their genomic DNA for diagnostic PCR. The PCR primers specific for Nosema Spp. were newly designed and applied to gene amplification for cloning. Only small subunit ribosomal RNA(SSU rRNA) gene of N. ceranae was successfully amplified and sequenced among examined genes, which indicates that N. ceranae mainly infects the examined field population of B. terristris. To detect of SSU rRNA gene, two regions of SSU rRNA gene were selected by primary PCR analysis and further analyzed in quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR). The qRT-PCR analysis demonstrated that SSU rRNA of N. ceranae was detected at concentrations as low as 0.85 ng/μl genomic DNA. This result suggests that the detection via qRT-PCR can be applied for the rapid and sensitive diagnosis of N. ceranae infection in the field population as well as risk assessment of B. terristris.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to determine the effect of six different leguminous seeds a) cowpea, b) white kidney bean c) soybean (Cheongja) d) soybean (Daepung) e) mung bean and f) azuki bean on the nymphal development, mortality, adult longevity, fecundity and hatchability of Riptortus pedestris (F.) (Hemiptera: Alydidae). Total developmental time ranged from 18 to 25 days; R. pedestris fed on white kidney bean took the longest time. There was no difference in mortality among the bugs fed on the legumes except those fed on white kidney bean which had the highest mortality (94%). Also, adult bugs fed on white kidney bean showed the shortest longevity. Total number of eggs laid by adult female and the hatchability of the eggs were highest from the bugs fed on cowpea. Higher reproductive success of R. pedestris fed on cowpea suggests that cowpea could be very suitable legume for the bug and it can be used as a trap crop against the bean bug.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Several pentatomids and an alydid are reported inflicting losses in several host plants ranging from leguminous crops to fruit orchards in Korea. Understanding their visual preference would help develop mass trapping or efficient monitoring device. Visual preference of the major pentatomids and an alydid bugs to different colors and light emitting diodes (LED) of different wavelengths were observed. Adults of pentatomid such as Halyomorpha halys Stål, Plautia Stali Scott, and Nezara sp., and an alydid Riptortus pedestris (F.) were exposed to seven different colors (black, yellow, green, blue, white, cream, orange) in a multiple choice tests. Also, adult and second instar nymphs of the bugs were released inside a hexagonal LED boxes consisting of LED lamps of six different wavelengths (375 to 630 nm). Most of the pentatomids showed highest preference to blue color followed by yellow and 530 nm LED. However, R. pedestris showed higher preference to the yellow color followed by blue and black. Second instar nymphs of all the tested species also showed higher preference to 530 nm. Their color and LED lamp preference would help in development of mass trapping device.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The sex pheromone of Stathmopoda masinissa (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae) [감꼭지나방], an important pest of persimmon in Korea, was studied. Two pheromone components which known from Japanese population were detected in the gland extracts of females by mass spectral analysis of the gland extracts and comparisons of retention time with authentic compounds. Those were (E4,Z6)- 4,6-hexadecadienyl acetate (E4,Z6-16Ac) and (E4,Z6)-4,6-hexadecadien-1-ol (E4,Z6-16OH) in the ratio of 10:90. In a persimmon orchard, a single compound of E4,Z6-16Ac and E4,Z6-16OH was attractive to S. masinissa. However, the mixture of E4,Z6-16Ac and E4,Z6-16OH (1:1) caught significantly more males than each single component. In addition, the traps baited with E4,Z6-16Ac attracted significantly more Oedematopoda ignipicta (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae) [붉은꼬마꼭지나방] than control. These results suggest that both of the E4, Z6-16Ac and E4,Z6-16OH are needed to attract S. masinissa
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The subfamily Sterictiphorinae which include 324 species from 26 genera is widespread group of sawfly. Most recorded species of Sterictiphorinae distributed in the Palaearctic, Nearactic, Oriental and Afrotropic regions. Among them, only 20 species have been reported from the Eastern Palaearctic region. Unfortunately, this group is very poorly studied in Korea. In the Korean fauna were reported only one species, Sterictiphora tanoi Togashi 1997(Togashi, 1997). The larvae of genus Sterictiphora feed on cherry and serviceberry (Smith, 1979). The adults of genus Sterictiphora are easily distinguished from the other genera of Sterictiphorinae by following characters: convex anterior margin of the head in dorsal view, hind wing with very long anal cell. As a result of this study, we report five new species, Sterictiphora rugosa sp. nov., S. gapjangensis sp. nov., S. flavicollis sp. nov., S. koreana sp. nov. and S. daeguensis sp. nov. and provide a key to Korean species and diagnosis with photos of five new species.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genera Aproceros and Yasumatsua have not been recorded in Korea previousely. Genus Aproceros is small genus among genera of subfamily Sterictiphorinae with 10 described species. Almost species of this genus recorded in Eastern Palaearctic region except A. scutellis Wei & Nie, 1998 from Oriental region. Also, genus Yasumatsua has been reported only two species: Y. albitibia Togashi, 1990 and Y. nigra Togashi, 1970 in the world. Key characters of the genera Aproceros and Yasumatsua as following: (1) Aproceros: anal cell of hind wing absent; head narrowed behind eyes; basal anal cell of fore wing open, (2) Yasumatsua: anal cell of Hind wing closed; claw with a basal lobe; face between antennal sockets narrow with sharp median carina (Meicai, 1997). Biology and ecology of these two genera are poorly studied. In this study we record one unrecorded species of genus Aproceros and described one new species of genus Yasumatsua from Korea. Also, key to korean genera of subfamily Sterictiphorinae, diagnoses of Aproceros and Yasumatsua and photos of morphological characters are provided.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Thomsonina is a small group of Proctotrupidae, with two described species in Palaearctic region: T. boops from Europe; T. scymni from Japan. These species are parasitoids of Scymnus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Genus Nothoserphus was erected on the single species N. mirabilis Brues (1940) from Taiwan (Oriental). Since then two genera, Thomsonina Hellén (1941) from Europe (Western-Palaearctic) and Watanabeia Masner (1958) from Japan (Eastern-Palaearctic), proposed and the taxonomy was revised by Townes (1981) who synonymized Thomsonina and Watanabeia, including three species groups (boops- group, afissae-group and mirabilis-group). At present one genus classification Nothoserphus, is universally accepted. But, Masner (1958) suggested that Thomsonina and Watanabeia should be separated in two distinct genera from the Nothoserphus. This is supported by the different characters and biological data. In this study, the Authors are also agree to the Masner’s proposal and first report the genus Thomsonina from South Korea based on T. scymni. Also, we provide comparison of main different characters and host data for three genera.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Spherical harmonics power spectrum of the geopotential field of Gaussian-bell type on the sphere was investigated using integral formula that is associated with Legendre polynomials. The geopotential field of Gaussian-bell type is defined as a function of sine of angular distance from the bell's center in order to guarantee the continuity on the global domain. Since the integral-formula associated with the Legendre polynomials was represented with infinite series of polynomial, an estimation method was developed to make the procedure computationally efficient while preserving the accuracy. The spherical harmonics power spectrum was shown to vary significantly depending on the scale parameter of the Gaussian bell. Due to the accurate procedure of the new method, the power (degree variance) spanning over orders that were far higher than machine roundoff was well explored. When the scale parameter (or width) of the Gaussian bell is large, the spectrum drops sharply with the total wavenumber. On the other hand, in case of small scale parameter the spectrum tends to be flat, showing very slow decaying with the total wavenumber. The accuracy of the new method was compared with theoretical values for various scale parameters. The new method was found advantageous over discrete numerical methods, such as Gaussian quadrature and Fourier method, in that it can produce the power spectrum with accuracy and computational efficiency for all range of total wavenumber. The results of present study help to determine the allowable maximum scale parameter of the geopotential field when a Gaussian-bell type is adopted as a localized function.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The iron oxides nanoparticles and iron oxide with other compounds are of importance in fields including biomedicine, clinical and bio-sensing applications, corrosion resistance, and magnetic properties of materials, catalyst, and geochemical processes etc. In this work we describe the preparation and investigation of the properties of coated magnetic nanoparticles consisting of the iron oxide core and organic modification of the residue. These fine iron oxide nanoparticles were prepared in air environment by the co-precipitation method using of Fe2+ : Fe3+ where chemical pre- cipitation was achieved by adding ammonia aqueous solution with vigorous stirring. During the synthesis of nanoparti- cles with a narrow size distribution, the techniques of separation and powdering of nanoparticles into rather monodisperse fractions are observed. This is done using controlled precipitation of particles from surfactant stabilized solutions in the form organic components. It is desirable to maintain the particle size within pH range, temperature, solution ratio wherein the particle growth is held at a minimum. The iron oxide nanoparticles can be well dispersed in an aqueous solution were prepared by the mentioned co-precipitation method. Besides the iron oxide nanowires were prepared by using similar method. These iron oxide nanoparticles and nanowires have controlled average size and the obtained products were investigated by X-ray diffraction, FESEM and other methods.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Worldwide there is concern about the continuing release of a broad range of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals, including polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, phthalates, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and other halogenated organochlorines persistent organic pollutants (POPs) into the environment. They are condemned for health adverse effects such as cancer, reproductive defects, neurobehavioral abnormalities, endocrine and immunological toxicity. These effects can be elicited via a number of mechanisms among others include disruption of endocrine system, oxidation stress and epigenetic. However, most of the mechanisms are not clear, thus several number of studies are ongoing trying to elucidate them in order to protect the public by reducing these adverse effects. In this review, we briefly limited review the process, the impacts, and the potential mechanisms of dioxin/dioxin like compound, particularly, their possible roles in adverse developmental and reproductive processes, diseases, and gene expression and associated molecular pathways in cells.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this quantitative research was to examine whether there were statistically significant differences in Islamic elementary public school teachers’ curriculum orientation and teaching conception across demographic variables of gender, age, and teaching experience. Data were collected through questionnaires from 65 Islamic elementary public school teachers. Data were analysed through Rasch analysis and tests of inferential statistics. The results of the data analysis show that, over all: 1) the teachers’ curriculum orientation tended to be “technological” and “academic” rather than “social reconstructionistic”; and 2) the teachers tended to conceptualize teaching as “apprenticeshipdevelopmental” and “knowledge transmission” rather than “nurturing” or “social reform”. Tests of inferential statistics revealed a significant difference between male and female teachers’ conception of teaching. A significant difference was also found in the teachers’ curriculum orientation across the demographic variable of teaching experience. No significant difference was found across the variable of age. Correlations were identified between the teachers’ curriculum orientation and teaching conception. The findings of this study provide evidence for policy makers, school leaders, researchers, parents, and teacher educators that the curriculum orientation and teaching conception of the majority of the teachers seems to be incompatible with the nature of character education that necessitates teachers to be “nurturing” and “social reconstructionistic”. In addition, evaluation and reorientation of paradigms and approaches in teacher education and educational objectives and further research are suggested.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The debate on whether antidumping law should be integrated into competition law is a relatively new but very significant one. Building on prior scholarship, this paper attempts to contribute to the debate by reexamining the fundamental justification of antidumping law. An exploration into the economic theories of dumping and the evolution of antidumping law indicates that the current antidumping system neither serves the broad goal of preventing ‘unfair trade’ nor functions as a ‘quasi-safeguard’ mechanism. The only rationale for antidumping law is that it deals with international predatory dumping. Modern competition rules target the same predatory conduct but they are more meticulous than antidumping law and are less susceptible to protectionist abuse. In light of this, the paper advocates the substitution of antidumping law by competition law. To achieve this, the paper suggests a gradual approach. Substitution could first be achieved in bilateral and regional trade areas before being implemented at the level of WTO.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analysis of muscle fatigue in the upper trapezius and splenius capitis muscles according to therapy table height variation. The subjects were consisted of 15 healthy adults(10 males, 5 females) who had no medical history of neurological and musculoskeletal problems. In experiment, wireless electrode EMG system was measured for each the upper trapezius and splenius capitis muscles during the treatment performed on table. the differences in the muscle fatigue was compared for 4 types of table height(-6cm, -3cm, 0, +3cm from elbow in 90° flexion position). Muscle fatigue according to therapy table height were significant difference except for left upper trapezius. And muscle fatigue of right upper trapezius and splenius capitis showed significant decrease in +3cm table height compared to -6cm table height(p<.05). Muscle fatigue of right upper trapezius and splenius capitis were the highest in -6cm table height, but those were the lowest in +3cm table height. This study propose to change therapy table height higher than +3cm from elbow in 90° flexion position, if you hope to reduce muscle fatigue.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of chronic shoulder pain on the muscle tone in trunk muscles. The study's subjects were 40 men and women in their 30 to 50s, which were divided into two groups. A chronic shoulder pain group consisted of 20 subjects who had been diagnosed with chronic shoulder pain by doctors, and a painless group consisted of 20 subjects who had experienced no such pain. An analysis was performed using electromyography on the muscle tone in the rectus abdominalis, external oblique, internal oblique, and erector spinae muscles under the same conditions between the two groups. The analysis results were as follows. The chronic shoulder pain group exhibited an overall high level of trunk muscle tone than the painless group, along with a statistically significant difference in the rectus abdominalis(p<.05). Moreover, the chronic shoulder pain group showed differences in the trunk muscle tone depending on the affected side. The chronic left shoulder pain group yielded higher levels of muscle tone in the right-side trunk muscles. In particular, the group revealed statistically significant differences in the rectus abdominalis and internal oblique(p<.05). The chronic right shoulder pain group exhibited higher levels of muscle tone in the left-side trunk muscles with a statistically significant difference in the internal oblique(p<.05). The above results suggested that chronic shoulder pain influences increases in the muscle tone in the trunk muscles on the opposite side to the affected shoulder.