Background: As sedentary life increases, people's thoracic vertebra joint movement decreases, and the resulting associated pain is complaining of a lot of discomfort. This is also affecting the autonomic nervous system. Objectives: The purpose of this study was therefore to find out the effect of thoracic vertebra joint mobilization on heart rate variability in upper back pain patients. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Method: Thirty subjects in this study were randomly assigned to two groups of 15 persons each using a randomization tool. Maitland's grade III joint mobilization, hot pack, and interferential current therapy (ICT) were applied to T1-L2 and hot pack and ICT were applied to the control group. The intervention was performed 3 times a week for 4 weeks. Results: There were statistically significant changes in Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Standard Deviation of all Normal R-R Intervals (SDNN), Low Frequency (LF), High Frequency (HF) and LF/HF ratio in the study group, and statistically significant changes in VAS, SDNN, and LF/HF ratio in the control group. In comparison of differences, there were statistically significant changes in VAS. Conclusion: Positive effects were found on SDNN and LF/HF ratio in both the joint mobilization group and the control group compared to before the study. In particular, even LF and HF were positive in the joint mobilization group showed influence.
성인지 감수성을 비롯하여 인권 감수성이 강조되고 있다. 이러한 의식의 변화에 맞게 최근 대학 내 인권 업무를 전담하는 인권기구의 도입이 법제화되었다. 학내 인권센터의 설치 및 운영이 대학의 의무가 된 것이 다. 하지만 대학 인권센터가 법에 따른 형식에 그치지 않고 실질적인 인권 전담 기구로서의 역할을 다하기 위해서는 적절한 조건이 충족되어야 할 것이다. 먼저 객관적·중립적인 인권침해 사건 처리와 관련하여 조직 상의 독립성과 함께 운영상의 독립성을 확보하는 것이 무엇보다 필요하다. 나아가 조직이 신설되는 만큼 이에 대한 적절한 예산 지원과 인력의 충원 역시 적극적으로 검토되어야 한다. 또한 학내 다른 유사 기구, 대표적으로 양성평등상담소와의 관계를 재정립함으로써 업무의 중복과 분절의 문제가 발생하지 않도록 하는 것이 바람직하다. 현재 인권센터 설치·운영 의무의 불이행에 대한 벌칙 규정은 존재하지 않는다. 이러한 점에서 대학 인권센터 법제화의 실효성을 담보하기 위한 방안으로써 인권센터에 관한 사항을 국가 재정지원 사업의 평가 항목으로 편성하거나 대학 알리미 사이트의 공시 항목으로 지정하는 것을 검토해 볼 수 있다.
This is a summary of a comparative study of the national policies to foster the agri-food industry implemented by the leading countries of the industry before and after the COVID-19-induced global economic crisis. By comparing the policies of each country, we discovered that key leading countries of the agri-food industry had given up or suspended one-on-one, face-to-face support programs that they had maintained for years, and have started providing financial assistance to companies or self-employed people in relative industries. Korea should implement such decisive policies for the Korean agri-food industry to tackle this unprecedented economic shrink and maintain the competitiveness of the industry. Considering the scale and speed of the spreading of the pandemic, the new policies should be implemented swiftly and boldly.
Theming has become a powerful strategy in hospitality industry to enhance customer engagement and to serve as a competitive advantage in a saturated market. Based on the resource-based theory (RBT) of sustained competitive advantage (SCA), this qualitative study is an exploratory attempt to investigate 10 hotels in Mainland China and Taiwan that have adopted the theming strategy.
As hospitality industry is facing the increasingly intense competition and saturated markets, theming is continuously gaining importance of hotels strategy to survival and growth. In addition, strategy planning determines the future of firms and discover the method to achieve success (Yong & Oh, 2004). Holjevac (2003) predicted that at the beginning of the 21st century, hotels with themed strategy which characterized by a synthesis of esthetics, quality and functionality would become the future trend. Theming has created the differentiation in hospitality market, using the creation of experience-centric service. Pine & Gilmore (1999) once pointed out that the shaping of experience stems from simple and powerful thematic transmission. Moreover, experience marketing can bring preference to the product and service of the enterprise, which in turn leads to a positive value experience (Milman, 2013). The results of theming strategy will positively influence the satisfaction and return rate (Wu, M. Li, & T. Li, 2018). Theming strategy with the advantage of pursuing innovation and uniqueness was extensively used to firms in the competitive hospitality market, like hotels in Las Vegas and Macao. However, some scholars concerned about the sustainability for the strategy due to the high-capitalized cost and the customers sensitive taste (Wassler, Li, & Hung, 2015). Although hotels with themed strategy has flourished in Chinese market more than decade, market research has lagged behind to support the industry’s growth. Researchers still adopted a rather normative paradigm by either identifying the superficial issue focused on experiential market concept or pointing out problems without providing more sustainability related solutions (Zou & Peng, 2008; Xiao, Zhang, & Huang, 2013). Barney (2007) indicated that internal resources could lead to the competitive. Therefore, this study aims at understanding the factors that lead theming strategy to be sustainable in hotels, based on the resource-based theory of sustained competitive advantage. The article has the following structure. The first section establishes a theoretical foundation through a review of strategy literature on theming. The second section proposes a conceptualization of theming strategy’s sustained competitive advantage (SCA) consisting of firms intrinsic resources based on resource-based theory (RBT), also, describe the assessment of key sustainable factors of theming strategy through interview the superior manager of 10 hotels in Mainland China and Taiwan that have adopted the theming strategy. The final section discusses the study’s findings, implication, and suggests directions for future research. As this research is one of the first studies in the hospitality field that identifies the resources and capabilities of the hotels’ theming strategy from the inside viewpoint, the contribution of this study will, and can conceptualize and discover the key factors to sustain the competitive advantage of themed hotel managing strategy
Literature review
Theming strategy for hotels
Theming is a complete and ubiquitous way of impressing consumers and improving brand awareness (Olson, 2004). From theme parks, casinos, department stores, aviation, restaurants to hotels, thematic construction has the dominant influence on most customer engagement (Muñoz, Wood, & Solomon, 2006). Hotel theming strategy, based on the theme of cultural material (history, city story, etc.) either from surrounding area or develop within hotel, display the core value of theme from physical resources, as buildings and facilities, to invisible resources, as atmosphere and service, which would, in the end, create a valuable and unforgettable customer stay experience(Zins, 1998). Xiao, Zhang, & Huang (2013) noted that the distinctive consumer experience at the theme hotel can impress customers, and, ultimately enhances brand recognition, customer engagement and repurchase intention. On the other hand, Wassler, Li, and Hung (2015) has indicated the pros and cons for the China themed hotels, which are the uniqueness to create competitive advantages that are difficult to imitate. On the contrary, the gaining of customers’ sense of demand can lead to the difficulties to fulfill customers’ taste and the ingrained capital with the narrow development is hard to recapitalize once invested.
Importance of sustainability for theming strategy.
Due to the strong specific image of the themed hotels, some cases developed as a passing fad in the hospitality field. Although prior study has indicated the importance of theme selection for themed hotels (Xiao et al., 2013), seldom literature focus on the overall implementation and application within hotels’ ins and outs, also the SCA issue of hotels management. Xiao & O'Neill (2010) pointed out that the analysis of internal resource is enable manger to realize and build sources of competitive advantage, which is emanated from the resource-based view of strategy. In Resource Based Theory (RBT), scholars thought that resources and capabilities from firms could bring lasting competitive advantage to the organization, and companies that have SCA (Wernerfelt, 1984). Organization have SCAs can reach outstanding performance by constantly creating and delivering the core value through price, trust, aesthetics and functionality to its target markets (Barney, 1991). Thus, in order to observe the SCAs for themed hotels management, this research will employ on internal resource view based on RBT to explore the SCAs from the internal aspect of themed hotels.
We illustrate the key factors and analyze the importance of internal resources for the SCA of hotels’ theming strategy by means of a qualitative study in which 10 hotels applied theming strategy in Mainland China and Taiwan were surveyed using semistructured interviews. For the research question, a qualitative approach offers the advantage to allow an adequate, in depth analysis of the complex relations between internal recourses and SCA of theming strategy. These 10 hotels adapted theming strategy are chosen by non-probability snowball sampling method, below Fig.1 is the hotels list for 10 interviews in Taiwan and Mainland China. In addition, because China with a vast territory is limited to cover all area, the research focuses on Zhejiang province and Shanghai city, which have well-developed economy and rich tourist resources. All interviewees of the hotels will be the superior manager who decides the core value and leads the hotel’s future. The interview will be three part to proceed. First, in warm-up period, interviewer will frame an informal and trust environment, first step is to confirm interviewees’ background. The second part will be identify period; there will be a questionnaire, which adopted Chuang (2000), whose survey to prioritize the 5 dimension of internal resources that essential to hotel theming strategy management. Finally, we will confirm the competency, competitive advantage, and the strategy to achieve the sustainability for hotels theming strategy. We present conclusions for research and practice, as well as deriving practical recommendations for hotels’ theming strategy in Chinese market based on our findings.
Preliminary findings
The preliminary findings of the research will base on the key themes that emerge from in-depth interview to understand perceptions of hotel managers regarding theming. The result will be presented and discussed in three period. First, based on the questionnaire result from the interviewees, we will recognize that what the priority degree about the five dimension of internal resources is regarding perception of theming in hotel strategy. Second, 10 interviews will transcribe from voice recordings to pages of text, then the text will go through the coding technique, in which the raw and efforts data will be identified as the themes and subthemes. All the analyzed process will be carried by expert triangulation. Finally, through the experts examining on the links of themes and quotations, we will create a view of framework that would explore the relationships between theming strategy and SCA, the result will find the formula for hotels adapted theming strategy to possess competitive advantage of being sustainable. Although space limitations of the conference preclude the detailed explanation of this research work, the authors believe this study will broaden the theoretical domains used in understanding internal resources and competency of hotels’ theming strategy and practical information can be observed from the findings.
집단 내 갈등연구는 갈등의 유형을 과업갈등과 관계갈등으로 분리하여 집단성과에 미치는 서로 다른 영향에 초점을 맞추었지만, 대다수의 선행연구는 관계갈등뿐만 아니라 과업갈등도 집단성과에 부(-)적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 보고하고 있다. 또한 과업갈등과 관계갈등 사이에서 관찰되는 밀접한 정(+)의 상관 관계로 두 갈등 유형간의 전이효과에 대한 연구의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 크게 두 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 첫째, 집단 내 갈등유형 간의 전이과정을 약화시킬 수 있는 집단 내 전반적 공정성 풍토의 조절역할을 살펴보고, 둘째, 집단 구성원들이 지각하는 전반적 공정성 풍토가 과업갈등이 집단성과에 긍정적인 영향을 이끌어 낼 수 있는 하나의 상황 조건인지를 검증하였다. 이를 위해, 83개 작업 집단을 대상으로 설문 자료를 수집하였다. 조절회귀분석 결과, 관계갈등과 과업갈등 간의 관계에 전반적 공정성 풍토의 조절효과가 유의미하게 나타났다. 전반적 공정성 풍토가 낮을 때, 관계갈등과 과업갈등 사이에 정(+)의 상관관계가 강하게 나타났지만, 전반적 공정성 풍토가 높을 때, 두 갈등 유형간의 상관관계는 많이 약화되었다. 또한 과업갈등과 집단성과 간의 관계에 대한 전반적 공정성 풍토의 조절효과도 유의미하게 나타났다. 전반적 공정성 풍토가 낮게 지각 될 때, 과업갈등은 집단성과에 부(-)의 효과가 강하게 나타났지만, 전반적 공정성 풍토가 높게 지각될 때, 집단성과에 대한 과업갈등의 부(-)의 효과는 더 이상 나타나지 않았다
In order to improve the durability of the asphalt pavement, the glass fiber reinforced asphalt which reinforces the aggregate and the binder in three - dimensional form by adding glass fiber to the asphalt mixture has been studied and the durability improvement effect of the asphalt pavement has been confirmed. Porous pavement has been increasingly applied due to reduced traffic accidents and noise reduction, but durability problems such as aggregate stripping and pot-hole are emerging. This study evaluated the durability enhancement effect by adding glass fiber to the porous mixture. The cantabro loss ratio and the indirect tensile strength test were performed to evaluate the performance of the glass fiber reinforced porous mixture. The glass fibers were added to the mixture using PG76-22 and PG64-22 binder and not to the mixture using PG82-22 binder. The mixture using the PG76-22 binder was added 1.4% (PEGS 0.6%, Micro PPGF 0.2%, Macro PPGF 0.6%) glass fiber based on the weight of the mixture. The mixture using the PG64-22 binder was added 1.4% (PEGS 0.6%, Micro PPGF 0.2%, Macro PPGF 0.6%) and 2.1% %(PEGS 0.9%, Micro PPGF 0.3%, Macro PPGF 0.9%)glass fibers by weight of the mixture. The glass fibers were used at the same ratio as that applied to the conventional asphalt mixture test. As a result of the cantabro loss rate test, the mixture using the PG82-22 binder showed a loss rate of 10.7% at 20 ℃ and 22.4% at -20 ℃. The mixture using PG76-22 binder and 1.4% glass fiber showed a loss ratio of 13.2% at 20 ℃ and 26.7% at -20 ℃. The mixture using PG64-22 binder and 1.4% glass fiber showed a loss rate of 12.5% at 20 ℃ and 35.9% at -20 ℃. The mixture using PG64-22 binder and 2.1% glass fiber showed a loss rate of 11.9% at 20 ℃ and 26.6% at -20 ℃. The three mixtures (using of PG82-22 binder, PG76-22 binder + 1.4% glass fiber and PG64-22 binder + 2.1% glass fiber) satisfied quality standard of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. As a result of the indirect tensile strength test, the mixture using the PG82-22 binder showed 0.73 N/㎟. The mixture using PG76-22 binder and 1.4% glass fiber showed 0.88 N/㎟. The mixture using PG64-22 binder and 1.4% glass fiber showed 0.62 N/㎟. The mixture using PG64-22 binder and 2.1% glass fiber showed 0.74 N/㎟. In this study, the durability enhancement effect was confirmed by adding glass fiber to the drainage mixture. We will do further research to confirm the optimal combination of glass fibers.
Lee, Jung-yull. 2017. “Pragmatic Functions of Amplifiers as Response Devices in Spoken American English: A Corpus-Based Analysis”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(2), 103~130. The verbal behaviors of amplifiers such as very much, really, pretty, particularly, very, absolutely, totally, quite are frequently represented in descriptions of interactions between speaker and hearer. The input of the main speakers was principally explicated with regard to semantic features, including collocational restrictions, by many linguists in the past. However, this study focuses on the output of hearers in different types of talk, especially elaborating on a wide variety of pragmatic roles of the amplifiers in spoken American English. For example, the amplifiers in hearers' speech play diverse pragmatic functions as bridging devices, by indicating surprise, repair, agreement, reinforcement, enthusiasm, encouragement, satisfaction, and rapport between interlocutors. Throughout the analysis, this study suggests that although these amplifiers do not ostensibly seem to have big meanings, they play significant roles in spoken discourse.
This paper adopts a multi-factorial analysis and investigates English dative alternations in Korean EFL learners’ writings, by directly comparing dative alternations of native speakers and those of Korean EFL learners’ writings. Two corpora were chosen for the comparison: the Switchboard corpus (written sections) and the Korean component of the TOEFL11 corpus. After all the sentences with dative alternations were extracted from these two corpora, and seventeen linguistic factors were manually encoded, the data were statistically analyzed in R. This paper was theoretically based on the concept of interlanguage in the Second Language Acquisition and Competition Model of Bates and MacWhinney (1982, 1989). Through the analysis, the following facts were observed: (i) the Korean EFL learners used ditransitive constructions more frequently than prepositional constructions, (ii) eight main factors and four interactions with the L1 were statistically significant, and (iii) the ditransitive constructions which the Korean EFL learners used were closer to the prepositional constructions rather than the ditransitive constructions in Korean.
소셜벤처는 창의성과 혁신성을 가지고 영업활동을 통한 수익을 기반으로 취약계층에게 사회서비스를 제공하거나 취약계층 대상의 일자리를 제공하는 등 국민의 삶의 질을 높이는 사회적 목적을 추구하는 진취적인 사회적기업 모델로서 사회적기업의 발전을 위한 그 원동력으로 작용될 가능성이 높다. 최근 창의적 비즈니스 아이디어로 사회문제를 해결하려는 소셜벤처와 같이 사회적기업에 대한 청년들 의 관심이 증가되고 소셜벤처와 관련되어 일자리가 확산되는 등 혁신적인 모델을 통한 사회적기업의 사 회적 역할과 기능이 확대될 것으로 기대되고 있는 추세이며, 사회적기업과 관련된 공공기관들에서도 이 같은 추세에 따라 각종 다양한 정책들을 제시하고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 흐름에 따라 본 연구에서는 혁 신적인 아이디어와 창의성을 가진 소셜벤처에 대한 체계적인 지원을 통하여 혁신적인 사회적기업 모델로진화하여 보다 진보된 사회서비스의 제공과 청년실업 해소에 기여할 수 있는 소셜벤처의 지원정책에 대 한 분석을 통해 소셜벤처의 특수성에 적합한 실천적인 전략을 제시하고자 하는데 연구의 목적을 두었다. 현재 진행되고 있는 소셜벤처 지원현황과 문제점에 대한 분석을 통하여 소셜벤처의 특수성에 적합한 소 셜벤처를 활성화하기 위한 정책적인 방향성에 대한 방안을 제시하였다.
In this paper, we present the result of investigations pertaining to the elastic buckling of simply supported columns with various cross-sectional dimensions but the same length and volume. In the investigations the accuracy of the analysis methods is studied and it was found that the result obtained by the successive approximations technique is the most accurate. In addition, the elastic buckling loads of columns with variable cross-section dimensions are obtained by the theoretical and numerical methods. From the results, it was found that the buckling loads obtained by the numerical methods are close to the buckling loads obtained by the successive approximations technique for the practical standpoints. Moreover, the buckling load of column with convexity in its middle is the highest while the buckling load of the tapered column is the lowest as expected.
This study was carried out in the peatland for estimating the paleoenvironment based on the analysis from its fossils plant and radiocarbon at the Hwayang-ri, Hyeondeok-myeon, Pyeongtaek-city, South Korea. Variety of fossil was collected from the peatland which could discriminated with naked eye and sorted into seeds, leaves, stems from four-stage of standard sieve. During analysis for the large plant fossil within the peatland, the dead plants were largely divided into 3 fossil zones according to its peatland. In the fossil zone Ⅲ(the oldest layer; 6,970~6,070 yr C14 B.P.), the observation of leaves of hydrophyte such as Trapa sp. and stems of Alnus japonica which appeared in wetland means that the environment was influenced by the climate changes such as rainfall increasing and sea level rise. In the fossil zone Ⅱ(the middle layer; 6,070~5,800 yr C14 B.P.), the occurrence of Gramineae, Cyperaceae and Fagaceae indicate that the environmental condition might be more or less dry by decreasing rainfall and drop in sea level. The fossil zone Ⅰ(the recent layer; 5,800~4,540 yr C14 B.P.) where lots of herbaceous plants, increasing of Fagaceae, decreasing of A. japonica. and distribution of Pinaceae were showed, was inferred to be repeated both dry and wet environment due to human disturbance.
Studies on Trapa of Korean, Japanese, and Chinese origins have been generally limited to currently living Trapa, thereby demonstrating the lack of phylogenetic approaches. In the present study, we conducted a numerical taxonomic study on 34 Korean origin Trapa species newly discovered in peat deposits. By using the numerical taxonomy as well as geological data, we created an appearance map based on the periods and taxonomic groups of the Korean Trapa. Further, by using this appearance map, we reviewed the limitations that exist in the taxa and simultaneously discussed the adaptational environment of Trapa in each period. Although other studies have discussed new variants of Trapa worldwide, including T. litwinowii V. vassil. var. chihuensis S.F.Guan & Q.Lang of China (Guan and Lang, 1987), the present study is significant because it provides data on the origin of Korean Trapa species. The availability of such data is essential in determining the adaptational environment of the presently living Trapa. To our knowledge, this is the first report of approximately 10 newly discovered and other presently living species of Trapa. Further, the appearance map in the present study allows the use of the 10 newly discovered species and variants of 34 Trapa species indigenous to South Korea for over 1000 years, for a comparison with the currently living Trapa species. Thus, the present study results could serve as important basic data to understand the adaptational environment of the genus Trapa. from the past to the present in Korea.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrogen species (RNS) are implicated in cellular signaling processes and as a cause of oxidative stress. Recent studies indicate that ROS and RNS are important signaling molecules involved in nociceptive transmission. Xanthine oxidase (XO) system is a well-known system for superoxide anions (O2˙-) generation, and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) is a representative nitric oxide (NO) donor. Patch clamp recording in spinal slices was used to investigate the role of O2˙- and NO on substantia gelatinosa (SG) neuronal excitability. Application of xanthine and xanthine oxidase (X/XO) compound induced membrane depolarization. Low concentration SNP (10μM) induced depolarization of the membrane, whereas high concentration SNP (1 mM) evoked membrane hyperpolarization. These responses were significantly decreased by pretreatment with phenyl N-tert-butylnitrone (PBN; nonspecific ROS and RNS scavenger). Addition of thapsigargin to an external calcium free solution for blocking synaptic transmission, led to significantly decreased X/XO-induced responses. Additionally, X/XO and SNP-induced responses were unchanged in the presence of intracellular applied PBN, indicative of the involvement of presynaptic action. Inclusion of GDP-β-S or suramin (G protein inhibitors) in the patch pipette decreased SNP-induced responses, whereas it failed to decrease X/XO-induced responses. Pretreatment with n-ethylmaleimide (NEM; thiol-alkylating agent) decreased the effects of SNP, suggesting that these responses were mediated by direct oxidation of channel protein, whereas X/XO-induced responses were unchanged. These data suggested that ROS and RNS play distinct roles in the regulation of the membrane excitability of SG neurons related to the pain transmission.
An in-vivo diagnosis of trace Mg(II) ion was performed using a low-cost and environment-friendly voltammetric method, using a graphite counter and reference electrodes and a fluorine-immobilized graphite working electrode, and clean deep seawater was used as an electrolyte solution. Under optimum conditions, the analytical working ranges attained microgram ranges, and a detection limit of 80.6ugL-1 was obtained using stripping voltammety with 60 sec accumulation time. Ex-vivo application was performed on fish liver and mice droppings. The developed techniques can be applicable to tumor cell analysis.
본 연구는 본국 대비 현지국의 발전 수준이 한국 다국적기업 자회사의 성과에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 사회심리학이론의 집단 간 편향에 대한 기존 연구들에 기반을 두어 본 연구는 본국에 비해 현지국의 발전 수준이 높을수록 다국적기업에 대한 현지국 직원들의 국수주의적인 내집단 편향이 강하게 나타날 것이라고 주장하였다. 현지국 직원들의 국수주의적인 내집단 편향은 다국적기업 자회사에 부정적인 영향을 미치기 때문에 본국 대비 현지국의 발전 수준은 다국적기업 자회사의 성과에 부(-)의 영향을 미칠 것으로 가정하였다. 또한 집단 간 접촉이론에 기반을 두어 자회사의 주재원 활용 정도는 본국 대비 현지국의 발전 수준과 다국적기업 자회사 간의 관계를 정(+)의 방향으로 조절할 것이라고 가정하였다. 47개국에서 경영활동을 수행하고 있는 818개 한국 다국적기업의 1,453개 해외자회사들을 대상으로 이상의 주장들을 실증적으로 검증하였다.
This study investigated the initial mass function (IMF) and star formation history of high-mass stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) using a population synthesis technique. We used the photometric survey catalog of Lee (2013) as the observable quantities and compare them with those of synthetic populations based on Bayesian inference. For the IMF slope (γ) range of -1.1 to -3.5 with steps of 0.1, five types of star formation models were tested: 1) continuous; 2) single burst at 10 Myr; 3) single burst at 60 Myr; 4) double bursts at those epochs; and 5) a complex hybrid model. In this study, a total of 125 models were tested. Based on the model calculations, it was found that the continuous model could simulate the high-mass stars of the SMC and that its IMF slope was -1.6 which is slightly steeper than Salpeter's IMF, i.e., γ=-1.35.
Fault plane solutions in North Korea and the northern part of the Yellow Sea (37.5˚N-40.5˚N, 124.5˚E-128.5˚E) was studied for the earthquakes that occurred from November, 2008 to May, 2013. The analysis was based on the data collected from seismic networks in Korea and China. Fault plane solutions were obtained from P and SH wave polarities and SH/P amplitude ratioes. Most earthquakes exhibited predominantly strike-slip fault characteristics with NNE-SSW or WNW-ESE nodal planes. The P-axes trends are mainly NE-SW or ENE-WSW direction in the northern part of the Yellow Sea and inland area of North Korea except some areas in the Hwanghae province. Fault plane solutions and main axis of stress field in the study region were similar to those observed in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.