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        검색결과 9,512

        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To solve the problem of raw milk surplus, the Korean government encouraged the farmstead milk processing industry. However, the hygiene of farmstead dairy products has not been evaluated. Therefore, the microbiological analysis of farmstead cheeses was performed in this study. Farmstead cheeses (Berg, Colby, Cottage, Gouda, Mozzarella, String, Tilsiter, and Quark) were purchased from 16 dairy farms. In qualitative analysis, the presence of foodborne pathogens (Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Campylobacter spp.) were examined. Also, total aerobic bacteria, Pseudomonas spp., coliform, and E. coli, and yeast/mold were enumerated. Seventeen samples (37.8%) of 45 farmstead cheeses were contaminated with B. cereus and the highest detection rate was observed in String cheese. Two samples (4.4%) were E. coli positive and seven samples (15.6%) were S. aureus positive. Four other foodborne pathogens were not detected in all farmstead cheeses. Also, the mean levels of total aerobic bacteria, coliform, E. coli, and yeast/mold were 4.3 Log CFU/g, 1.4 Log CFU/g, 1.1 Log CFU/g, and 3.8 Log CFU/g, respectively. These results indicate that the food safety of farmstead cheese is extremely poor and, thus, the hygiene management of farmstead cheese should be improved to provide safe farmstead cheese to consumers.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 예이츠의 희곡『유리창에 새겨진 글자들』의 마지막 장면이 갖는 극적이고 상징적 의미를 집중 연구한다. 조나단 스위프트의 영혼이 영매를 통해 강한 외침을 토해내는 마지막 장면은 무엇보다도 무방비 상태의 관객에게 매우 충격적인 순간을 제공한다. 또한 충격적인 경험과 함께 18세기 영웅의 비극적 삶을 직면하도록 유도한다. 이와 더불어 여성과 남성의 대립이라는 극적 장치는 주관성과 객관성의 상징적 의미를 수반하고 마지막으로 여성이 무대를 장악하는 연출을 통해서 당시 아일랜드를 주도했던 광적인 가톨릭 윤리와 정치에 대항하는 작가의 전복적인 의도 또한 전달한다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) variability can be used to study the physics of the region in the vicinity of the central black hole. In this paper, we investigated intra-night optical variability of AGN in the COSMOS field in order to understand the AGN instability at the smallest scale. Observations were performed using the KMTNet on three separate nights for 2.5 to 5 hours at a cadence of 20 to 30 min. We find that the observation enables the detection of short-term variability as small as ∼ 0.02 and 0.1 mag for R ∼ 18 and 20 mag sources, respectively. Using four selection methods (X-rays, mid-infrared, radio, and matching with SDSS quasars), 394 AGN are detected in the 4 deg2 field of view. After differential photometry and X2−test, we classify intra-night variable AGN. The fraction of variable AGN (0–8%) is statistically consistent with a null result. Eight out of 394 AGN are found to be intra-night variable in two filters or two nights with a variability level of 0.1 mag, suggesting that they are strong candidates for intra-night variable AGN. Still they represent a small population (2%). There is no sub-category of AGN that shows a statistically significant intra-night variability.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 정치적으로나 문화적으로 영국과 유럽의 변방에 있는 국외자적 지위에 항시 민감한 작가 3명의 소설을 탐구한다. 에드나 오브라이언의『작은 붉은 의자들』, 조 베이커의『시골길, 나무 한 그루』및 세바스찬 배리의『한시적 신사』, 등을 읽는다. 우선『작은 붉은 의자들』에서 오브라이언은 아일랜드의 유럽변방의식을 주제로 비영감적으로 가능한 플롯을 만드는데, 최근 유럽역사상 가장 악명높은 불법자 중 하나(보스니아의 학살자 라반 카라치크) 같은 주인공은 아일랜드의 외딴 곳 코나트 지역에 잠시 숨어서 비교적 잘 지낸다. 베이커의『시골길, 나무 한 그루』에서는, 반면에, 아일랜드시민 도망자에게 일종의 피난처가 되는 것은 유럽이 된다. 내가 “일종”이라고 한 것은, 피난하기 위해서 소설의 문화적 도피자—극작가며 소설가인 새뮤엘 베겟—는 어정쩡하게, 아니면 위험하게 2차대전 중에 프랑스에 머물기로 한다. 마지막으로, 배리의 포스트콜로니얼 아일랜드의 세기 중엽의 “웨스트 브릿트” 소설인『한시적 신사』의 텍스트인 공상적 메모와는 우리에게 아일랜드적이라는 것은 전적으로 거의 다루어 지지 않았다는 것을 상기시킨다. 이 두 가지 요구는 아일랜드 사람이라는 것을 요구하고 동시에 유럽인이며 영국인임도 요구한다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠 시의 생사의 신비에 대한 비전 내용을 선불교적 명상을 통해서 시적 공감력을 높인 후, 그의 영생에 대한 영적 문학성을 현대 실험 표현장르인 “서정 에세이(Lyric Essay)” 양식을 빌려서 시적 산문 창작을 해보았다. 명상 대상시는 “재림,” “죽음을 예견한 아이랜드 비행사,” “서커스 동물 탈주,” “레다 여신과 백조”를 중심했다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper proposes a fusion controller combing an anti-windup PID controller and BELBIC (Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller) for controlling the position and vibration of a robot system having a single flexible manipulator. A finite element model of the flexible manipulator is developed. The reliability of it is verified by comparing the natural frequencies computed using the finite-element method with the experimentally measured ones. An MSC.ADAMS computational model of the robot system is interfaced with the proposed controller in MATLAB/Simulink, for carrying out a simulation. The simulation is performed with various references inputs and endpoint masses. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller for control of the position and vibration of the flexible manipulator is shown through the simulation.
        2018.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Microalgae produce not only lipids for biodiesel production but also valuable biochemicals which are often accumulated under cellular stress mediated by certain chemicals. While the microcarriers for the application of drug delivery systems for animal cells are widely studied, their applications into microalgal research or biorefinery are rarely investigated. Here we develope dual-functional magnetic microcapsules which work not only as flocculants for microalgal harvesting but also potentially as microcarriers for the controlled release of target chemicals stimulating microalgae to enhance the accumulation of valuable chemicals. Magnetic microcapsules are synthesized by layer-by-layer(LbL) coating of PSS-PDDA on Fe3O4 nanoparticle-embedded CaCO3 microparticles followed by removing CaCO3 sacrificial templates. The positively charged magnetic microcapsules flocculate microalgae by electrostatic interaction which are sequentially collected by the magnetophoretic separation. The microcapsules with a polycationic outer layer provide efficient binding sites for negatively charged microalgae and by that means are further utilized as a chemical-delivery and flocculation system for microalgal research and biorefineries.
        2018.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Surfactant-wrapped separation methods of metallic and semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) can result in large changes in intrinsic physical and chemical properties due to electronic interactions between a nanotube and a surfactant. Our approach to synthesize SWCNTs with an electronic feature relied on utilizing carbon nanorings, [n] cycloparaphenylenes ([n]CPPs), which are the fundamental unit of armchair type SWCNTs (a-SWCNTs) that possess a metallic feature without any surfactants. To obtain long tubular structures from [n]CPPs, the host-guest complexes formed with well-aligned [n]CPP hosts and various fullerene guests on a silicon substrate were pyrolyzed under an ethanol gas flow at a high temperature with focused-ultraviolet laser irradiation. The pyrolyzed [n]CPPs were observed to transform from nanorings to tubular structures with 1.5–1.7 nm diameters corresponding to the employed diameter of [n]CPPs. Our approach suggests that [n]CPPs are useful for structure-controlled synthesis of SWCNTs.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since social media has become an essential tool in the contemporary hotel industry, companies are now building social media communities to engage customers online (Leung & Bai, 2013) and to maintain satisfaction, trust, commitment, loyalty, and brand relationship quality (Harrigan, Evers, Miles, & Daly, 2017). Despite global hotel companies’ increasing adoption of social media platforms to promote customer engagement, research in this area is still sparse (Harrigan et al., 2017; So, King, & Sparks, 2014). To fill this gap, the authors developed a theoretical model incorporating two antecedents (hotel brand experience and customer involvement to social media) and a consequence (brand relationship quality) of customer engagement (CE) in the context of hotel brand communities embedded in social media. Additionally, the authors included hotel brand reputation (HBR) in the model as another predictor of brand relationship quality (BRQ). This study obtained data from a panel survey consisting of the responses of hotel customers who had stayed at one of ten famous hotel brands in the U.S. within the past 12 months and were simultaneously followers of the hotel brand’s page on Facebook. The findings reveal that both antecedents (ISM and HBX) positively and significantly influence CE and that hotel brand experience (HBX) has a stronger impact on CE than ISM. The findings also demonstrate that CE has the strongest, positive effect on BRQ, followed by HBX and HBR. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the relationship between HBX and BRQ is partially and significantly mediated by CE. This research provides theoretical and practical contributions to the field. First, unlike previous studies, the current study utilized the concept of CE with hotel brand communities embedded in social media as a mediator between HBX and BRQ and found partial and significant mediation effects. Second, the study identified two new and crucial antecedents of CE with brand communities embedded in social media—customer brand experience and customer social media involvement. Third, this study found brand relationship quality as one of the primary outcomes of customer engagement with hotel brand communities in social media. Lastly, the findings confirm that social media-based brand communities (i.e., Facebook) are one tool companies can use to build long-lasting customer-brand relationships.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The global apparel manufacturers have produced apparel and textiles to meet consumers’ needs. Recently, they have applied the sophisticated technologies and more effective organizational systems to improve the efficiencies in apparel product development and their applications have led to enhancement of consumers’ satisfaction (Kunz, Karpova, & Garner, 2016). In this study, we identified novel approaches of product innovation strategies including technological innovation and organizational effort which a representative mass-scale Bangladeshi apparel manufacturer, Ananta Group has practiced. For data collection, in-depth interviews were conducted with four managerial staffs who were managers and assistant managers working at the research and development (R&D), production, marketing and quality control departments in Ananta Group. The interviewees were male employees having degrees higher than bachelor’s degree in textile engineering. Their work experience years ranged from 5 to 15 years within their respective fields and their ages ranged from 28 to 55 years (m=40). Qualitative approach was used to analyze the data. It was found that Ananta Group has used innovative technologies such as advanced softwares, process systems and machineries in new product development and its organizational effort of running specialized teams of design, new product development, and marketing activities has enhanced technological innovation. These findings provide global apparel manufacturers with valuable information on how product innovation strategies for new apparel development are important and what technological approaches can be used to accomplish it.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Internet communication technology has encouraged social services and media industry to develop in various aspects. Web drama is one of them, which is characterized by mobility, immediacy, and personality, and provided with popular contents regardless of time or place. In addition, it includes various themes such as work, romance, thriller, zombie, and homosexuality. This study aims to examine what web drama characteristics affect consumer behavior. Data was collected from university students in south korea. who are main viewers of web drama. The respondents to this study consist of random sample respondents from college students in their 20s. A total of 200 samples were surveyed, and a voluntary participant. The data are analyzed by the SPSS 21.0. Short running time, convenience, contents diversity, accessibility, review, and grade are defineded as characteristics of web drama. Acording to the analysis of data. Web drama characteristics have a positive impact on reuse intention. Consumer engagement mediates the relationship between web drama characteristics and reuse intention. PPL moderates the relationship between web drama characteristics and reuse intention. The results of this study are expected to provide both the researchers and marketing practitioners with the framework to understand why and how web drama works on watching intention.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study explores the dynamics of wellbeing co-creation in sports communities of non-professional athletes through their everyday consumption of extended service encounters. With the use of ethnographic methods and using extreme sports communities (Surf, and Triathlon) of non-professional athletes in Colombia as a case study, the researchers explored how wellbeing evolves as forms of active integration of competences, materials, communities, and images reproducing actual and recreating new consumption practices. The findings show evidence that extreme sports consumption can be acknowledged as a social practice in the Colombian extreme sports consumption community of non-professional athletes, reaching three main outcomes. Firstly, the study suggests that wellbeing co-creation in the Colombian extreme sports communities emerge through the active integration of a constellation of elements in the extreme sports consumption practice. Secondly it has been found that the practice of extreme sports emerges as a heterogeneous consumption community where groups of practitioners can be classified into broader groups, according to the hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing meanings they are pursuing, and which may interact in function of more than one subculture or social community at a time. Finally, participants co-create wellbeing through their consumption practices within the sports community being both an operand and operant resources within the community; in short, participants transform sacred, profane, material, intangible, individual, social, relational, contextual, hedonic and eudaimonic aspects of the practice within the performance of it. This study contributes TSR researchers to the understanding of both hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing in leisure activities. The study may validate the idea that stronger ties in communities provoke a more diverse constellation of practices beyond the sport practice, expanding the knowledge of social supportive third places, commercial friendships and betrayals acknowledging their dynamics in social contexts; and the role of restorative servicescapes, expanding them to virtual and “through materials place” roles. From a managerial perspective this study shows how wellbeing is constructed within social constellations of resources that interact interdependently and go beyond commercial intent.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are two purposes of this paper. One is to present a brief introduction to item response theory in conjunction with marketing research. The other is to present a review of current use of item response theory in representative marketing research journals. Several item response theory relevant papers were recently published in various marketing research journals. Because models under item response theory from simple to complex were used without any systematic introduction in marketing research, this paper briefly presents main concepts in item response theory. An encyclopaedia entry (Kim, 2015) and two graduate-level textbooks (Baker & Kim, 2004, 2017) are mainly referred and used for the first purpose. A content analysis was done for the second purpose with 28 item response theory relevant articles on marketing research journals. Articles are sorted based on the classification framework by Thissen and Steinberg (1986). Many articles reviewed relied on some type of unidimensional dichotomous item response theory models. Articles published recently within 10 years that used item response theory models were more complicated both mathematically and statistically than other previously published articles in marketing research journals. The taxonomic tabulations in this study should aid marketing researchers who are planning their continuous training in item response theory, and faculty who design or teach courses on marketing research methods for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Public transportation companies often classify customers into only two classes, i.e. first and second class. This segmentation largely ignores travelers’ needs and may leave heterogeneity within classes. Using a discrete choice experiment, this work investigates if the introduction of dedicated sections based on travelers’ characteristics can provide them additional value.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Export diversification – the extent to which the firm seizes export sales opportunities across different nations and/or geographic regions – is a critical element of export marketing strategy. Yet, knowledge of the export performance consequences of export diversification is lacking. Underpinned by contingency and resource dependence theories, we examine the export diversification-export performance relationship as well as critical contingencies of this link. Based on a sample of UK exporters we find that firms gain the highest export performance benefits when they simultaneously increase national and regional export diversification. Our results also show that the export diversification-export performance link is weaker when firms operate in markets that are very in dynamism. Additionally, the relationship between export diversification and performance is stronger when both resource sharing and interfunctional coordination are high. Such contextual factors provide a better understanding of the diversification-performance relationship.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Researchers have yet to investigate whether it is beneficial for exporters to engage in greater levels of product adaptation in their export operations, or whether there is some limit to the amount of adaptation exporters should engage in. We posit that customer value creation, a central marketing concept and a mechanism to achieving market and financial goals in business to business markets, is a core outcome of export product adaptation activities. In order to explore the routes by which adaptation may shape export customer value creation, we adopt a multi-faceted conceptualization of firm-level product adaptation, comprising export product adaptation (i) quantity, (ii) intensity and (iii) novelty. Drawing on survey data from 249 Finnish exporters involved in business-to-business activities, we find evidence to support the claim that the impact of export product adaptation on export customer value creation is contingent on various factors, and we identify instances where greater adaptation is beneficial for export customer value creation, and instances where greater export product adaptation is potentially harmful for export customer value creation.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study is to examine how a “paring” of a sponsoring brand with wellmatched products in a branded content (e.g., branded entertainment content and/or commercial) possibly leverages consumers’ attitude toward the sponsoring brand. For instance, to maximize the perceived benefit and desirability of their product, Guinness previously portrayed their product along with foods, such as oysters, steaks, and cheese, that would all be much better if consumers enjoyed it with a bottle of Guinness. We refer this type of practice as a “paring strategy,” another form of Leveraged Marketing Communications (LMC), and aim to explore how such paring practice successfully benefits the brand through association. In this context, this study shows a) a proportion of a sponsoring brand and a paring product portrayed in a content (e.g., 20/80 vs. 80/20), b), the attribute of the branded content (desirability vs. feasibility orientation), c) the demonstration natures of the paring strategy (integrated vs. sequential) creates association between a sponsoring brand and matching products, and amplify the perceived benefits of the sponsoring product. Finally, this study aims to explore the moderating role of consumer’s general tendency of processing style (holistic vs. analytic) in the effect of paring strategy.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Attitudes toward advertising as an institution remain an important research topic in developing countries. Even in the West, the issue is currently being revisited to update for various online media contexts. This paper examines attitudes toward advertising among college students in Egypt. There was little difference in attitudes depending on whether they were thinking of traditional TV advertising or advertising on social media, although they use SM much more frequently. Generally the respondents agreed with a range of issues related to the beneficial aspects of advertising, and only slightly agreed or were roughly neutral on most issues related to detrimental effects. There is strong support for laws about ‘truth-in-advertising’ and legal responsibility for claims, but only weak support for direct government control of advertising.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in sharing service businesses. In B2C sharing-service businesses such as Zipcar, customers share goods and services provided by a service firm with other customers and perform the roles played by service employees in traditional service businesses. Consequently, how well one customer carries out expected tasks influences the quality of service provided to other customers. Extant studies have emphasized the importance of a governance system to prevent such a social dilemma as the personal interest of an individual being pursued at the sacrifice of the interest of the community. However, few studies have empirically examined the effect of different design of a governance system. To fill this gap in the research, this study examines the framing effect of customer messages on customer intention to cooperate by complying with the request by the firm. Theoretical development For customers to be willing to cooperate with a firm, they have to be first motivated to do so. The framing effect of on customer motivation has been well demonstrated (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995) in diverse service contexts such as healthcare (Christensen, Heckerling, Mackesy, Bernstein, & Elstein, 1991), education (Fryer Jr, Levitt, List, & Sadoff, 2012), and consumer behaviors (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995; White, MacDonnell, & Dahl, 2011) In the context of service consumption, motivation is defined as the inner driver that triggers an individual to cooperate with the service providers (Tsai, Wu, & Huang, 2017). Whether messages were framed as a gain versus a loss exerted a significant impact on consumer motivation. In the consumer behavior contexts, consumer reactions to frames were mixed (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995). In this study, we will examine the framing effect in the context of sharing service consumption. H1: In the B2C sharing service context, the framing of customer message (gain vs. loss) will affect customer motivation to comply with the request of the service firm. Customers tend to behave different depending on the value they pursue through consumption (Hwang & Griffiths, 2017). Even in the same consumption context, values of customer pursuit can vary widely. Hence, we intend to examine the moderating effect of customer value perception of sharing service on the effect of message framing on motivation. Studies showed that customers pursuing utilitarian values consider monetary savings and convenience as important, while customers pursuing symbolic value consider status and self-esteem as important and those pursing hedonic values consider entertainment and exploration as important (Rintamäki, Kanto, Kuusela, & Spence, 2006). The framing effect was shown to differ by the emphasized value of the product in the context of advertisement. A gain frame was more effective than a loss frame when the ad highlighting the hedonic attributes of a product while a loss frame was more effective when the ad stressing the utilitarian attributes of the product (Lin, 2007). Taken together, we conjecture that customers pursing different values will react differently to the same frame of messages and the level of motivation triggered by the same message frame will also differ. H2: Customer value perception of sharing service will moderate the framing effect of customer messages (gain vs. loss) on motivation. Specifically, customers pursuing utilitarian values will react more strongly to the messages framed as a loss (H2a), while customers pursuing hedonic or symbolic values will react more strongly to messages framed as a gain (H2b). The effect of motivation on customer behaviors and behavioral intentions have been well demonstrated (Ganzach & Karsahi, 1995). In the service context, customer cooperation behaviors induced by motivation significantly influence the efficiency of service operations (Mills & Morris, 1986). We propose that the motivation enhanced by customer messaged influence customer willingness to cooperate. H3: In the B2C sharing service context, motivation affects customer willingness to cooperate. Methodology Data will be collected from American consumers who have used a car sharing service at least once in the past one year through an online scenario-based survey using a 2 (message frames: gain vs. loss) x 3 (values of sharing service: utilitarian vs. hedonic vs. symbolic) between-subject experimental design. Hypotheses will be tested by an analysis of variance and a regression analysis. Implication The findings of this study will help P2P service firms better design customer messages in inducing customer cooperation and how to customize the design by customers’ value perceptions of sharing service.