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        검색결과 9,512

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The treatment process for Spent Filter(SF) of Kori-1 was developed that includes the following : 1) Taking out by robot system 2) Screening by ISOCS 3) Collection of representative samples using a sampling machine 4) Compression 5) Immobilization 6) Packaging and nuclide analysis and 7) Delivery/disposal. Although the robot system, ISOCS, sampling machine and immobilization facility are essentially required for building the above processing but decision to build the compression system and nuclide analysis system must be made after reviewing the need and cost benefit for their construction. In addition, for effcient SF treatment, it is necessary to determine the nuclide concentration range of the SF to which immobilization will be applied. In this study, a cost benefit analysis was performed on existing and alternative methods for processes related to compression treatment, nuclide analysis and immobilization methods, which are greatly affected by economics and efficiency according to the design. First, although the disposal cost is reduced with reducing the number of packaging drums by compressed and packaged but the expected benefits not be equal to or greater than the cost invested in building a compression system. As a result, non-compressed treatment of SF is expected to be economical because the construction cost of compression system is more expensive than the benefits of reducing disposal costs by compression. Second, a cost benefit analysis of direct and indirect nuclide analysis methods was performed. For indirect analysis, scaling factors should be developed and the drum scanner suitable for the analysis for DAW should be improved. As a result, direct analysis applied grouping options is expected to be more economical than indirect analysis requiring the cost for developing scaling factors and improving the scanner. Third, it is timeconsuming and inefficient to distinguish and collect filters that are subject to be immobilized according to the waste acceptance criteria among the disorderly stored SFs in the filter rooms. If the benefits of immobilization of the SFs selectively are not greater than the benefits of immobilization of all SFs, it can be economical to immobilize all SFs regardless of the nuclide concentration of them. As a result, it is more economical to immobilize all SFs with various nuclide concentrations than to selectively immobilize them. The conclusion of this study is that it is not only cost-effective but also disposal-effective to design the treatment process of SF to adopt non-compressed processing, direct analysis and immobilization of all SFs.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has been operating the Post Irradiation Examination Facility (PIEF) for fuel examinations. The facility has pools and hot cells for handling and examining fuel assemblies and rods. Among the hot cells, the second cell is for measuring rod internal pressure (RIP) and then cutting the rod to make samples for destructive tests. Currently, the cutting machine is broken, so it has to be replaced. Because the existing cutting machine consists of many parts and its size was quite a bit large to handle and treat for the radioactive waste disposal, the disassembly work has been performed to make it smaller using manipulators. The drawings of the cutting machine were reviewed and the disassembly tools were developed considering workability when the work performed at the hot cell using the manipulators. The large parts such as motor, mirror and cable, etc., were able to be disassembled and the machine size became so smaller that it could be easily handled for the disposal.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It is crucial to be sure about the safety of nuclear facilities for human resources who are in danger of radioactive emission, also diminishing the volume of the wastes that are buried under the ground. Chemical decontamination of nuclear facilities can provide these demands at the same time by dissolving the oxide layer, which radionuclides such as 60Co and 58Co have been penetrated, of parts that are utilized in nuclear plants. Although there are many commercial methods to approaching its aim and they perform a high decontamination factor, they have some issues such as applying organic acids which have the ability to chelate with radionuclides that can be washed by underground water, have large quantities of radioactive waste and damage to the surface by severe intergranular attack. A new method has been introduced by KAERI’s scientist which is named the HyBRID Process, in this process the main solution is the acidic form of Hydrazine. In this process, like other acid-washing processes, there is a chance of corrosion on the metal surface which is not desired. The metal surface is able to be protected during dissolving process by adding some organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors such as PP2 and PP3. There is a very new research topic about ionic liquids (ILs) as corrosion inhibitors which illustrates a vast potential for this application due to their tunable nature and the variety of options for cationic and anionic parts. The key factors for ILs corrosion inhibitors such as the hardness properties are summarized. In this study, we review to the fundamentals and development of corrosion inhibitors for chemical decontamination and give an prospect with emphasis on the challenges to be overcome.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The radiation field generated in the primary cooling system of a nuclear power plant tends to increase in intensity as radionuclides bind to the oxide film on the internal surface of the primary system, which is operated at high temperature and pressure, and as the number of years of operation increases. Therefore, decontamination of the primary cooling system to reduce worker exposure and prevent the spread of contamination during maintenance and decommissioning of nuclear power plants uses the principle of simultaneous elution of radionuclides when the corrosion oxide film dissolves. In general, a multi-stage chemical decontamination process is applied, taking into account the spinel structure of the corrosion oxide film formed on the surface of the primary cooling system, i.e. an oxidative decontamination step is applied first, followed by a reductive decontamination step, which is repeated several times to reach the desired decontamination goal. Currently, permanganic acid is commonly used in oxidative decontamination processes to remove Cr from corrosion oxide films. In the reductive decontamination step to remove iron and nickel, organic acids such as oxalic acid are commonly used. However, organic acids are not suitable for the final radioactive waste form. A number of multi-stage chemical decontamination technologies for primary cooling systems have been developed and commercialized, including NP-CITROX, AP/NP-CANDECON, CANDERM, AP/NP-LOMI and HP/CORD-UV. Among these, HP/CORDUV is currently the most actively applied primary cooling system chemical desalination process in the world. In this study, KAERI has developed a new chemical decontamination technology that does not contain organic chemical decontamination agents, with a focus on securing an original technology for reducing the amount of decontamination waste while having equivalent or better decontamination performance than overseas commercial technologies, and compared it with the inorganic chemical agent-based HyBRID (Hydrazine Based Reductive Metal Ion Decontamination) chemical decontamination technology.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are analytical methods used for measuring activity when light photons are emitted for scintillating-based analytical application. When this electron returns to the original stable state, it releases its energy in the form of light emission (visible light or ultraviolet light), and this phenomenon is called scintillation. Scintillator is a general term for substances that emit fluorescence when exposed to radiation such as gamma-rays. Radioactivity is all around us and is unavoidable because of the ubiquitous existence of background radiations emitted by different sources. The scintillator contributes to these sensing, and it is expected that the inspection accuracy and limit of detection will be improved and new inspection methods will be developed in the future. Moreover, scintillators are chemical or nanomaterial sensors that can be used to detect the presence of chemical species and elements or monitor physical parameters on the nanoscale. In this study, it includes finding use in scintillating-based analytical sensing applications. A chemical and nanomaterial based sensors are self-contained analytical tools that could provide information about the chemical compositions or elements of their environment, that is, a liquid or even gas condition. Herein, we present an insightful review of previously reported research in the development of high-performance gamma scintillators. The major performance-limiting factors of scintillation are summed up here. Moreover, the 2D material has been discussed in the context of these parameters. It will help in designing a prototype nanomaterial based scintillators for radiation detection of gamma-ray.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chelate resin is a resin that has an exchange group which can form chelates with various metal ions. It shows higher selectivity for metal ions than ion exchange resin and can selectively remove characteristic metal ions. In an aqueous solution containing metal ions, chelate resin can adsorb specific metal ions, and the separated chelate resin can desorb the adsorbed metal ions by changing temperature or pH, so chelate resin has the advantage of being reusable. Chelate resin has been used industrially as an adsorbent to adsorb and separate heavy metal ions in wastewater, and is also used for the purpose of recovering precious or rare metals contained in industrial wastewater or industrial waste. Against this background, there is a need to develop chelate resins with higher adsorption capacity. Acrylic fiber is defined as a man-made fiber made from a linear synthetic polymer with fiberforming ability consisting of more than 85% acrylonitrile. It is a man-made fiber that is often used as a substitute for wool because it has good thermal insulation properties like wool and is warm and soft to the touch. It is a fiber rich in cyano groups due to its high content of acrylonitrile, and has the advantage of being able to be used as a variety of functional fibers through modification of cyano groups. In this study, the amination reaction of acrylic fiber was performed using diethylenetriamine, and the adsorption characteristics for metal ions were evaluated according to the reaction conversion rate. In order to improve the amination efficiency, 400 kGy was irradiated using a 2.5 MeV electron beam accelerator, and through this, the crosslinking rate of acrylic fiber was able to be improved up to 80%. Water and ethanol were used as cosolvents for the amination reaction in a ratio of 60/40 vol/vol, respectively, and a reaction yield of 178% was obtained after 120 minutes of reaction. Using the chelate resin prepared in this way, the adsorption performance for metal ions was evaluated through Atomic Absorption Spectrometry analysis.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive contamination distribution in nuclear facilities is typically measured and analyzed using radiation sensors. Since generally used detection sensors have relatively high efficiency, it is difficult to apply them to a high radiation field. Therefore, shielding/collimators and small size detectors are typically used. Nevertheless, problems of pulse accumulation and dead time still remain. This can cause measurement errors and distort the energy spectrum. In this study, this problem was confirmed through experiments, and signal pile-up and dead time correction studies were performed. A detection system combining a GAGG sensor and SiPM with a size of 10 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm was used, and GAGG radiation characteristics were evaluated for each radiation dose (0.001~57 mSv/h). As a result, efficiency increased as the dose increased, but the energy spectrum tended to shift to the left. At a radiation dose intensity of 400 Ci (14.8 TBq), a collimator was additionally installed, but efficiency decreased and the spectrum was distorted. It was analyzed that signal loss occurred when more than 1 million particles were incident on the detector. In this high-radioactivity area, quantitative analysis is likely to be difficult due to spectral distortion, and this needs to be supplemented through a correction algorithm. In recent research cases, the development of correction algorithms using MCNP and AI is being actively carried out around the world, and more than 98% of the signals have been corrected and the spectrum has been restored. Nevertheless, the artificial intelligence (AI) results were based on only 2-3 overlapping pulse data and did not consider the effect of noise, so they did not solve realistic problems. Additional research is needed. In the future, we plan to conduct signal correction research using ≈10×10 mm small size detectors (GAGG, CZT etc.). Also, the performance evaluation of the measurement/analysis system is intended to be performed in an environment similar to the high radiation field of an actual nuclear facility.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Decommissioning waste is generated with various types and large quantities within a short period. Concrete, a significant building material for nuclear facilities, is one of the largest decommissioning wastes, which is mixed with aggregate, sand, and cement with water by the relevant mixing ratio. Recently, the proposed treatment method for volume reduction of radioactive concrete waste was proven up to scale-up testing using unit equipment, which involved sequentially thermomechanical and chemical treatment. According to studies, the aggregate as non-radioactive material is separated from cement components with contaminated radionuclides as less than clearance criteria, so the volume of radioactive concrete waste is decreased effectively. However, some supplementation points were presented to commercialize the process. Hence, the process requires efficiency as possible to minimize the interface parts, either by integration or rearranging the equipment. In this study, feasibility testing was performed using integrated heating and grinding equipment, to supplement the possible issue of generated powder and dust during the process. Previously, heat treatment and grinding devices were configured separately for pilot-scale testing. But some problems such as leakage and pipe blockage occurred during the transportation of generated fine powder, which caused difficulties in maintaining the equipment. For that reason, we studied to reduce the interface between the equipment by integrating and rearranging the equipment. To evaluate the thermal grinding performance, the fraction of coarse and concrete fines based on 1mm particle size was measured, and the amount of residual cement in each part was analyzed by wet analysis using 4M hydrochloric acid. The result was compared with previous studies and the thermomechanical equipment could be selected to enhance the process. Therefore, it is expected that the equipment for commercialization could be optimized and composed the process compactly by this study.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Economical radioactive soil treatment technology is essential to safely and efficiently treat of high-concentration radioactive areas and contaminated sites during operation of nuclear power plants at home and abroad. This study is to determine the performance of BERAD (Beautiful Environmental construction’s RAdioactive soil Decontamination system) before applying magnetic nanoparticles and adsorbents developed by the KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) which will be used in the national funded project to a large-capacity radioactive soil decontamination system. BERAD uses Soil Washing Process by US EPA (402-R-007-004 (2007)) and can decontaminate 0.5 tons of radioactive soil per hour through water washing and/or chemical washing with particle size separation. When contaminated soil is input to BERAD, the soil is selected and washed, and after going through a rinse stage and particle size separation stage, it discharges decontaminated soil separated by sludge of less than 0.075 mm. In this experiment, the concentrations of four general isotopes (A, B, C, and D which are important radioisotopes when soil is contaminated by them.) were analyzed by using ICP-MS to compare before and after decontamination by BERAD. Since BERAD is the commercial-scale pilot system that decontaminates relatively large amount of soil, so it is difficult to test using radioactive isotopes. So important general elements such as A, B, C, and D in soil were analyzed. In the study, BERAD decontaminated soil by using water washing. And the particle size of soil was divided into a total of six particle size sections with five sieves: 4 mm, 2 mm, 0.850 mm, 0.212 mm, and 0.075 mm. Concentrations of A, B, C, and D in the soil particles larger than 4 mm are almost the lowest regardless of before and after decontamination by BERAD. For soil particles less than 4 mm, the concentrations of C and D decreased constantly after BERAD decontamination. On the other hand, the decontamination efficiency of A and B decreased as the soil particle became smaller, but the concentrations of A and B increased for the soil particle below 0.075 mm. As a result, decontamination efficiency of one cycle using BERAD for all nuclides in soil particles between 4 mm and 0.075 mm is about 45% to 65 %.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The process of carbonization followed by a high-temperature halogenation removal of radionuclides is a promising approach to convert low-radioactivity spent ion-exchange (IE) resins into freereleasable non-radioactive waste. The first step of this process is to convert spent ion-exchange resins into the carbon granules that are stable under high-temperature and corrosive-gas flowing conditions. This study investigated the kinetics of carbonization of cation exchange resin (CER) and the changes in structures during the course of carbonization to 1,273 K. Both of model-free and modelfitted kinetic analysis of mixed reactions occurring during the course of carbonization were first conducted based on the non-isothermal TGAs and TGA-FTIR analysis of CER to 1,272 K. The structural changes during the course of carbonization were investigated using the high-resolution FTIR and C-13 NMR of CER samples pyrolyzed to the peak temperature of each reaction steps established by the kinetic analysis. Four individual reaction steps were identified during the course of carbonization to 1,273 K. The first and the third steps were identified as the dehydration and the dissociation of the functional group of —SO3-H+ into SO2 and H2O, respectively. The second and the fourth steps were identified as the cleavage of styrene divinyl benzene copolymer and carbonization of pyrolysis product after the cleavage, respectively. The temperature and time positions of the peaks in the DTG plot are nearly identical to those of the peaks of the Gram Schmidt intensity of FTIR. The structural changes in carbonization identified by high-resolution FTIR and DTG are in agreement with those by C-13 NMR. The results of a detailed examination of the structural changes according to NMR and FTIR were in agreement with the pyrolysis gas evolution characteristics as examined by TGA-FTIR.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KORAD (Korea Radioactive Waste Agency, http://www.korad.or.kr) has stored slightly contaminated ascon (asphalt coated concrete mixture) that was introduced to Gyeongju repository about a decade ago waiting for a final disposal. It is believed to be mainly contaminated by radioisotope 137Cs due to impurities introduced from the outside during the ascon manufacturing process. We studied characteristics of the radioactive waste to see whether this material would be proper enough to be disposed in Gyeongju LILW repository or be other ways to reduce the disposal volume including self-disposal before its final disposal otherwise. KORAD looked into the properness of characteristics of ascon in terms of WAC (Waste Acceptance Criteria) documented by KORAD that includes general chemical and physical properties of asphalt, density, size of grains, content of organic material and possibility of existence of chelate materials that qualitatively limited to be disposed by the criteria. And other associated characteristics such as gas generation and bio degradation were also investigated. Based on the data obtained from the study, we proposed various plausible solutions in associated with operational and disposal safety and economic view points. This study will be used for KORAD’s decision on how to control and safely dispose the spent ascon within a reasonable time period. And also those experiences may be applied for other LILW issues that require treatment or conditioning of radioactive wastes in the future.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Wet solid wastes including spent ion exchange resins, evaporator concentrates and sludges require solidification to transform wastes into an acceptable solid, monolithic form for final disposal. The development of the process control program for the solidification of radioactive sludges generated at nuclear power plants has been in progress to provide reasonable assurance that the solidified product will meet the established waste acceptance criteria for solidified waste. A mobile solidification system to produce the solidified waste in the size of a 200 L drum was used, which adopts the in-line mixing method where the waste and binder are mixed and then transferred to the disposable container. To simulate radioactive sludges, non-radioactive sludges are synthesized and the specimens are prepared by using them. The qualification tests on the prepared specimens including the compressive strength test, the thermal cycling test, the irradiation test, the leach test, the immersion test, etc. have been performed to qualify recipes for a range of waste compositions. The results of the tests will be analyzed and discussed.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive waste (hereinafter referred to as mixed waste) containing hazardous substances (heavy metals, organic and inorganic waste liquids, asbestos, etc.) has been continuously generated from domestic nuclear power plants, nuclear facilities, and other industrial facilities, and heavy metals were released during the dismantlement of Kori Unit 1 and Wolseong Unit 1. Lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic), asbestos, decontamination waste liquid (organic/inorganic waste liquid), etc. may be generated. Although hazardous waste related to the nuclear industry continues to be generated, only the regulation direction for hazardous substances is presented in the provisions related to hazardous substances in the delivery regulations for low and intermediate-level radioactive waste and the acceptance criteria for low and intermediate-level radioactive waste disposal facilities. In particular, because there is no clear definition of “hazardousness” and specific standards such as concentration and characteristics for classification of hazardous substances, as well as hazard removal procedures when the hazardousness of radioactive waste is confirmed, no hazardous substances have been delivered in Korea to date and many mixed wastes are stored at each generation facility or at the NPP. As a plan to improve delivery standards related to mixed waste is being prepared recently, it is believed that if the acceptance standards are revised accordingly, it will be possible to confirm the suitability for disposal of drums produced after the establishment of the acceptance standards in 2015. However, it is believed that securing disposal suitability for waste that was packed in 200L drums and compressed under super high pressure in the absence of specific technical standards and regulatory guidelines for the disposal of radioactive waste containing hazardous substances would still remain a difficult problem. In this report overseas acceptance standards related to hazardous waste were reviewed and a plan to secure the disposal suitability of 200 L drums compressed with of super high pressure was proposed.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To evaluate the inventory of radionuclides for the disposal of waste generated from nuclear power plants, indirect assessment methods such as the scaling factor method or average radioactivity concentration method can be applied. A scaling factor represents the average concentration ratio between key radionuclides and difficult-to-measure (DTM) radionuclides, while the average radioactivity concentration refers to the average concentration of DTM radionuclides, regardless of the concentration of key radionuclides or within specific ranges of key radionuclide concentrations. These indirect assessment methods can be statistically derived through the analysis of representative drums. This study will address how to apply these scaling factors and average radioactivity concentrations. Firstly, the concentration of gamma-emitting radionuclides will be analyzed using a drum radionuclide analyzer, and the concentration of DTM radionuclides will be determined by applying scaling factors specific to each DTM radionuclide. In the case of using the average radioactivity concentration method, the average concentration of DTM radionuclides will be applied independently of the concentration of gamma-emitting radionuclides. It is crucial to perform radioactive decay correction based on the date of generation or disposal when applying scaling factors or average radioactivity concentration. Additionally, for repackaged 320 L drums, determining which drum among the two 200 L drums inside should serve as the reference is of utmost importance
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to apply indirect methods (such as scaling factors) to assess the radionuclide inventory of waste generated by nuclear power plants, it is essential to first evaluate the correlation coefficient between key radionuclides and those that are difficult to measure (DTM). The benchmark for the correlation coefficient (r) applied in indirect assessments is set at 0.6, and its significance can vary based on both its value and the size of the dataset. For instance, deriving a correlation coefficient using three data points versus utilizing a dataset with a hundred data points would yield different implications. This study addresses the variance in correlation coefficients based on data selection and presents a methodology for validating the significance of these coefficients. Additionally, we will discuss how these variances may impact the results of indirect assessments, such as scaling factor evaluations.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To effectively assess the inventory of radionuclides generated from nuclear power plants using a consistent evaluation method across diverse groups, it is imperative to analyze the similarity in radioactive distribution between these groups. Various methodologies exist for evaluating this similarity, and the application of statistical approaches allows us to establish similarity at a specific confidence level while accounting for the dataset size (degrees of freedom). Initially, if the variance characteristics of the two groups are similar, a t-test for equal variances can be employed. However, if the variance characteristics differ, methods for unequal variances should be applied. This study delineates the approach for assessing the similarity in radioactive distribution based on the analytical characteristics of the two groups. Furthermore, it delves into the results obtained through two case studies to offer insights into the assessment process.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear facilities, assessing their radioactivity inventories is essential. As a result, countries with nuclear facilities are implementing assessment schemes tailored to their respective policies and available resources for radioactive waste management. This paper specifically describes the assessment scheme for radioactivity inventory applied to metal waste generated during the dismantling of the Japan Power Demonstration Reactor (JPDR), a 1.25 MW BWR. The distinctive aspect of the Japanese approach lies in the fact that, for a pair of a key nuclide and a difficult-to-measure (DTM) nuclide that lack a significant correlation in their concentrations, the mean activity concentration method was used. In this method, an arithmetic average of all measurements of the DTM nuclide from representative drums, including MDAs (Minimum Detectable Activities), was assigned to the concentration of the DTM nuclide for all drums, regardless of the concentration of its paired key nuclide. Conversely, for a specific pair of a key nuclide and a DTM nuclide with a significant correlation, the scaling factor method was applied, as is common in many other countries. This Japanese case can serve as a valuable reference for Korea, which does not have the option of using the mean activity concentration method in its assessment scheme.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Wasteform is the first barrier to prevent radionuclide release from repositories into the biosphere. Since leaching rates of nuclides in wasteform significantly impact on safety assessment of the repository, clarifying the leaching behavior is critical for accurate safety assessment. However, the current waste acceptance criteria (WAC) of the Gyeongju repository only evaluates leachability indexes for Cs, Sr, and Co, which are tracers for nuclear power plant waste streams. Furthermore, ANS 16.1, the current leaching test method used in WAC, applies deionized water (DI) as leachant. However, the interactions between wasteform and groundwater environment in the repository may not be reflected. Therefore, it is necessary to review the current leaching test method and nuclides that may require the extra evaluation of leachability beyond the Cs, Sr, and Co. Tc and I are key nuclides contributing to high radioactive dose in safety assessment due to their high mobility and low retardation factor. The groundwater conditions within the repository, such as pH and Eh significantly affect the chemical form of Tc and I. For example, Tc in H2O system tends to form hydroxide precipitates in neutral pH condition and TcO4 - in strong alkaline environments according to the Pourbaix diagram. In case of I, it generally exists in the form of I-, while it exists as IO3 - as Eh increases. Although the current leaching test at the Gyeongju repository applies DI as a leachant, the actual repository is expected to have a highly alkaline environment with a substantial amount of various ions in the groundwater. Consequently, the leaching behavior in the ANS 16.1 test and the actual disposal condition is different. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the leaching behavior of Tc and I with reflecting the actual disposal environment. In this study, the leaching behavior of Tc and I is investigated by following ANS 16.1 leaching test method. The solidified waste specimens containing 10 mmol of Re and I were manufactured with cement, which is widely used as a solidification material. Re was applied instead of Tc, which has similar chemical behavior to Tc, and NH4ReO4 and NaI were used as surrogates for Re and I. As a leachant, deionized water and cement-saturated groundwater were prepared and the concentration of nuclides in the leachant is analyzed by ICP-OES. As the result of this study, experimental data can be applied to improve the WAC and disposal concentration standards in the future.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In general, radioactive waste with high radioactivity is made into a solid form with performance such as leaching restriction, shape retention, and structural stability so that radioactive waste does not affect humans and the environment as much as possible. This should be applied equally to radioactive waste, whether homogeneous or heterogeneous. The requirements are stipulated in the “Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Delivery Regulations” notice of the Korea Nuclear Safety and Security Commission. On the other hand, the waste acceptance criteria for domestic disposal facilities require immobilization of heterogeneous waste when the activity concentration is above a certain level, but do not provide specific immobilization performance requirements. In this study, the immobilization requirements applied to heterogeneous radioactive waste in various overseas countries operating low and intermediate-level radioactive waste disposal facilities were studied. First, the IAEA’s safety standards for radioactive waste immobilization, domestic regulations, and disposal facility waste acceptance criteria were reviewed. Countries operating surface disposal facilities such as the United States, France, Spain, and Japan and countries operating underground disposal facilities such as Sweden and Finland were divided to review the current status of immobilization application to heterogeneous waste in overseas countries. When reviewing overseas cases, each country’s disposal methods, types of disposal waste, and waste treatment criteria were also reviewed. It was found that the immobilization requirements for heterogeneous radioactive waste vary depending on the disposal method and the type of barrier used to ensure disposal safety in each country. The common point is to surround heterogeneous radioactive waste within a concrete lining of a certain thickness, and to apply the thickness, compressive strength, and diffusion coefficient of the concrete lining as immobilization performance requirements. Through this study, the immobilization performance requirements for heterogeneous radioactive waste in various overseas countries that stably operate low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste were confirmed, which is expected to contribute to specifying the performance requirements for immobilization of heterogeneous radioactive waste in domestic disposal facilities.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Spent ion exchange resins have been generated during the operation of nuclear facilities. These resins include radioactive nuclides. It is needed to fabricate them into a stable form for final disposal. Cement solidification process is a useful method for the fabrication of them into a waste form for final disposal. In this study, proper conditions for the fabrication of them into a stable waste form were determined using the cement solidification process. In-drum waste forms were then produced at the conditions, where the stability of representative samples was evaluated for final disposal. The samples were satisfied to the Waste Acceptance Criteria for low and intermediate level radioactive waste disposal sites. This result can be utilized to derive optimal conditions for the fabrication of spent ion exchange resins into a final disposal form.