
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,324

        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Modular buildings are constructed by assembling modular units which are prefabricated in a factory and delivered to the site. However, due to a problem of noise between floors, concrete slab is usually poured at the top or bottom level of a modular unit in Korea. This greatly increases the weight of buildings, but designing vertical members of modular units to resist overall gravity loads is very inefficient. In this study, considering domestic building construction practices, feasible structural systems for tall modular buildings are proposed in which separate steel frames and reinforced concrete core walls are designed to resist gravity and lateral loads. To verify performance, a three-dimensional structural analysis has been performed with two types of prototype buildings, i.e., a residential building and a hotel. From the results, wind-induced lateral displacements and seismic story drifts are examined and compared with their limit values. Between the two kinds of buildings, the efficiency of the proposed system is also evaluated through a comparison of the weight of structural components. Finally, the effect of a floor diaphragm on the overall behavior is analyzed and discussed.
        2016.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기후변화협약에 따라 전 세계적으로 온실가스 배출을 지구온난화의 주된 원인으로 지목하고 국제적 협력을 통해 저감 방안을 모색하고 있으며 국내에서도 건설 산업분야를 포함한 7개의 각 산업분야에서 온실가스 배출량을 줄이기 위한 방안으로 다양한 제도와 정책을 시행중에 있다. 제21차 유엔기후변화협약 당사국 총회(2015년 파리)에서 한국은 2030년까지 온실가스 감 축 노력을 전혀 하지 않았을 때 예상되는 배출량(BAU) 대비 37%를 줄이겠다는 쉽지 않은 목표를 제시하였다. 이에 건축물 분야에서도 2030년까지 BAU 26.9%의 온실가스를 감축하기 위하여 제도적으 로 녹색건축물 인증제도(G-SEED)를 운영하고 있다. 그러나 녹색건축물 인증제도(G-SEED) 는 정부의 제정 취지와 달리 전생애주기별 평가가 아닌 용도별 평가만 가능하고 또한 건축 물의 생애주기 동안 CO₂의 배출량에 대한 정량적 평가도 할 수 없는 특징을 가지고 있다. 따라서 국내 녹색건축물 인증제도는 세계 기후변화협약에 따른 기후변화에 대응하여 건물 부문에서 저감 목표인 온실가스의 배출량 달성과 상호 연계된 평가 도구라 할 수 없다. 이에 본 연구에서는 현행 녹색건축물 인증제도(G-SEED)가 온실가스의 배출량을 정량적으 로 평가 반영하고 건물의 거주성과 탄소경제성을 동시에 고려하여 실질적으로 기후변화 대 응 법률의 기본적 취지를 달성할 수 있도록 녹색건축물지수 개념의 녹색건축물 인증제도의 개선을 제안하였다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to classify types of the eaves structure of buildings with the Jusimpo-type structure and to analyze the characteristics of each eaves structure. For this objective, forty buildings were selected and investigated. The results of analysis are summarized as follows. First, the main members of framework which handle a load burden on the long-rafter(長椽) are classified as the Jusim-dori(柱心道里) and the Oemok-dori(外目道里). Based on the method of handling a load, the eaves structure is classified into three types; the Jusim-processing-type(柱心中心形), the Oemok-processing-type(外目中 心形), and the Oemok-processing-variant-type(外目中心變異形). The Jusim-processing-type is the set where the internal length of a long-rafter is longer than the length of the eaves on the basis of the center of a column. The Oemok-processing-type is the set where the external length of a long-rafter is longer than the internal length of it. And the Oemok-processing-variant-type is the set where the internal length of a long-rafter is longer than the external length of it, but it is shorter than the length of the eaves which includes the extruded length of a Buyeon(浮椽). Second, the Jusim-processing-type had been generally adopted in the Jusimpo-type structure of the Goryeo Dynasty. But since the 17th century, the Oemok-processing-type had the highest application rate. Third, the change from the Jusimdori-processing-structure to the Oemokdori-processing-structure means that the long-rafter is moved to the direction of outside of the building, and thus the Jung-dori(中道里) is gradually moved to the column center. And, the change of the eaves with the Jusimpo-type structure was not a process for increasing the length of the eaves but a process for adopting the advantages of the Dapo-type structure by changing the arrangement of purlin. Fourth, the change from the Jusimpo-type structure to the Dapo-type structure could be understood as a process for moving the main point for handling a load from the Jusim-dori to the Oemok-dori.
        2016.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 ‘주택재건축사업에서 부패가 왜 발생하는가? 에 대한 근본적이고 원론적인 문제 의식에서 출발하였다, 최근 일부 지방자치단체에서 도입된 공공관리제도를 포함하여 주택 재건축사업제도의 일반론을 이론적으로 고찰하고, 사업추진과정에서 발생하는 관계자의 역할과 책임을 통하여 재건축사업 추진과정에서 각 사업참여자들 사이에 발생하는 부패의 문제를 공공의 참여와 감독을 통하여 개선 가능성을 조망하고자 한다. 주택재건축사업과정 에서 발생하는 부패의 근본원인을 찾고 이를 유형화해보고 그 통제방안을 공공관리제도 제 도의 틀 안에서 제도적 개선사항과 함께 제시하고자 한다.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Small-size buildings are not designed by professional structural engineers in Korea. Therefore, their seismic performance can not be exactly estimated because their member sizes and reinforcement may be over- or under-designed. A prescriptive design criteria for the small-size buildings exists, but it also provides over-designed structural members since structural analysis is not incorporated, so it is necessary to revise the prescriptive criteria. The goal of this study was to provide an information for the revision, which is seismic performance and capability of small-size reinforced concrete moment frame buildings. For the study, the state of existing small-size reinforce-concrete buildings such as member size and reinforcement was identified by investigating their structural drawings. Then, over-strength, ductility and response modification factor of the small-size reinforced concrete moment frame buildings were estimated by analytical approach along with seismic performance check. The result showed that they possess moderate over-strength and ductility, and may use slightly increased response modification factor.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Imcheong-gak[臨淸閣] was a familial residence constructed in the early half of the Joseon dynasty period. It was partially destroyed by a fire during the 1590s war[壬辰倭亂] with the Japanese, and another fire that was caused between 1631 and 1634. The inner chamber[An-chae] and the Sarang section[Sarang-chae] today is the result of a partial reconstruction that took place back in 1626 and again around 1634. The residence also went through some changes because the new Ondol[溫突] heating system had to be applied to the structure. Based upon sections that remain in their original forms, we can presume that the Imcheong-gak residence originally had an inner chamber which was composed of the following elements: A main structure which was built upon a foundation featuring a Matbae[맞배] roof, two “Ik’rang[翼廊, flank]” sections on the East and West sides of the inner chamber, and a “Haeng’rang[行廊, passage]” structure on the opposite side of the main structure. Unlike the main structure, other portions of the inner chamber were all built directly upon the ground, and showed multiple stories, with Matbae roofs of their own. We can also assume that the Sarang section in the south would have been a pre-Ondol[溫突] bedroom, with a Board platform[板房] and a Gomi-ceiling[Gomi-banza] fashion.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are only 10 projects of the domestic greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions trading scheme in building sector (i.e., 1.5% of 652 registered projects) because the certified methodologies to reduce GHG emissions can not be applied to building sector. This study presents remodeling techniques to reduce GHG emissions in existing buildings. First of all, preconditions and related regulations were reviewed. And then, a pool of factors for GHG reduction are selected and evaluated with respect to factors for reducing energy consumption. This study also investigates the criteria and the decision making process for remodeling techniques to reduce GHG emissions. Finally, the remodeling techniques using the decision making process were grouped based on redundancy of each effect. If reducing methodologies for GHG offset program can be developed using the analyzed remodeling techniques in this study, registered projects in building sector would be increase.