
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,121

        1987.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1987.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1986.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1985.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1983.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This is a study on a landscape planning along the street 1~4, which are gateways to Taegu city and an important scenery. Therefore, emphasis was given to provide a bright, clean and beautiful first impression to visitors and citizens. The area is being developed for education and athletic park. Plans to construct a fountain, pergolas and a pond were set up to complement the active and passive facilities to the existing a athletic facilities in the area. Since D part in the area have alkali soil (pH 8.1), soil amendment is necessary for successful growth of trees and ground covers. When the area is filled or added with new soil for soil amendment, it will be important to use fresh soil which can support plant growth. It will be ideal to use ground covers and shrubs on the existing retaining walls along the street for keeping natural vegetation and slope stability instead of further cutting and reconstruction. It is not reasonable in technical and economic sense to remove rocks of the slope for planting trees. In order to harmonize plant color distribute, tall needle and broad leaf trees in the background as a screen, flowering trees were arranged in groups at front, and annuals were mass-planted along the footway. Natural-form-trees will be planted because they not only serve as a greenbelt but also are more economics in maintenance than formative trees.
        1980.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1970.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2021.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to establish the measures required for strengthening the internal stability of and executing the systematic plan for Gangwon-do in relation to the “urban regeneration preliminary project” launched by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport. The results of this study are as follows. The unit project carried out via the Gangwon-do urban regeneration preliminary project presented the tendency for the standardization of the H/W and S/W projects such as the establishment of the community anchor space and the resident competency reinforcement project. Further, rather than focusing on the contents that could objectively measure the effects of the project, it concentrated more on the performance indicators that are required for verifying the execution of unit projects like the establishment of buildings and operating programs. It was found to be insufficient with regard to the practicality of the project, the correlation with the New Deal Project, and the validity of the project contents. To improve these aspects, Gangwon-do would be required to highlight its distinguishability from the other regions and increase its practicality by operating the field-centered urban regeneration educational program, inducing the participation of experts in each of the areas in case there is a need to execute a project plan and discover a project with placeness. It also needs to focus on strengthening its connection with the urban regeneration new deal project by discovering the resident leaders and professional manpower, and establishing the performance indicators needed for systematically monitoring the regional changes in accordance to the urban regeneration preliminary project.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to changes such as those stemming from the onset of the fourth industrial revolution, it is expected that industrial complexes will transform from being spacious structures into smaller, integrated complexes. Green parks, which are also a type of infrastructure within industrial complexes, also require planned direction suited to the changing environment. The planned directions of green parks in new industrial complexes were examined and surveys were conducted on industrial complex workers. Preferred functional arrangement, importance, and satisfaction levels of green ratios, preference of compound facilities linked to parks, appropriate dimensional greening methods were all surveyed across 1,035 businesses. Results of the survey exhibited that there was high awareness on the importance of building green areas, but it was found that current greenery levels were insufficient. There was a high rate of responses indicated that dimensional greening is required in building-type industrial spaces, and preferences for rooftop greenery, stair-type greenery, and atrium greenery were also high. There were many opinions that it is necessary to integrate cultural facilities, exhibition and educational facilities, commercial facilities, parking lots in parks. Furthermore, it was found that it is necessary to provide pathways for bikes and pedestrians, rather than those for vehicles, and to connect them with the green parks. This study stopped short of exploring the directions for which green parks should aim in new industrial complexes with changes in the industrial environment. In the future, more concrete plans on green park planning techniques according to the spatial characteristics and structures of new industrial complexes will be necessary.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The conventional development of multi-component electrodes is based on the researcher's experience and is based on trial and error. Therefore, there is a need for a scientific method to reduce the time and economic losses thereof and systematize the mixing of electrode components. In this study, we use design of mixture experiments (DOME)- in particular a simplex lattice design with Design Expert◯R program- to attempt to find an optimum mixing ratio for a three-component electrode for the high RNO degradation; RNO is an indictor of OH radical formation. The experiment included 12 experimental points with 2 center replicates for 3 different independent variables (with the molar ratio of Ru, Ti, Ir). As the Prob > F value of the ‘Quadratic’ model is 0.0026, the secondary model was found to be suitable. Applying the molar ratio of the electrode components to the corrected response model results is an RNO removal efficiency (%) = 59.89 × [Ru] + 9.78 × [Ti] + 67.03 × [Ir] + 66.38 × [Ru] × [Ir] + 132.86 × [Ti] × [Ir]. The R2 value of the equation is 0.9374 after the error term is excluded. The optimized formulation of the ternary electrode for an high RNO degradation was acquired when the molar ratio of Ru 0.100, Ti 0.200, Ir 0.700 (desirability d value, 1).
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        컨테이너 터미널 운영자들은 적하작업과 반출작업의 시간을 줄이기 위하여 재배치작업 계획을 고려하고 있다. 재배치작업 계획은 자동화 야드 크레인의 유휴시간을 이용하여 야드에 장치되어 있는 컨테이너를 추후에 발생하는 적하작업 및 반출작업의 시간이 적게 소요되는 위치로 장치위치를 이동 배치하는것을 말한다. 본 연구는 수직배치형 자동화 컨테이너 터미널의 장치블럭 내에서 베이간 재배치작업 계획을 다룬다. 베이간 재배치작업 계획은 주말이나 야간 등 유휴시간에 자동화 야드 크레인을 이용하여 재배치할 컨테이너, 재배치할 장치위치, 재배치 컨테이너들의 작업순서를 함께 결정하는 작업계획을 수립하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 재배치작업중 베이내 여유공간에 대한 제약을 만족시키는 작업순서 및 장치위치를 동시에 결정하는 재배치작업 계획에 대한 혼합정수계획모형을 제시하였다. 또한, 빔 탐색기법을 이용하여 다양한 수치 실험을 수행하여 재배치작업 계획에 대한 여러 가지 특성을 분석하여 제시하였다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the agricultural field, interests in research using robots for fruit harvesting are continuously increasing. Dual arm manipulators are promising because of its abilities like task-distribution and role-sharing. To operate it efficiently, the task sequence must be planned adequately. In our previous study, a collision-free path planning method based on a genetic algorithm is proposed for dual arm manipulators doing tasks cooperatively. However, in order to simplify the complicated collision-check problem, the movement between tasks of two robots should be synchronized, and thus there is a problem that the robots must wait and resume their movement. In this paper, we propose a heuristic algorithm that can reduce the total time of the optimal solution obtained by using the previously proposed genetic algorithm. It iteratively desynchronizes the task sequence of two robots and reduces the waiting time. For evaluation, the proposed algorithm is applied to the same work as the previous study. As a result, we can obtain a faster solution having 22.57 s than that of the previous study having 24.081 s. It will be further studied to apply the proposed algorithm to the fruit harvesting.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 해양치유시설의 계획기준을 마련하는 연구로서 해양치유시설의 주요 계획항목인 입지선정, 환경계획, 공간계획을 대상으로 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 해양치유시설 특성을 살펴보고 해양치유시설계획의 기초가 되는 치유자원과 치유요법을 조사하며 해양치유시설 관련 해외기준을 분석한다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 해양치유시설의 입지선정, 환경계획, 공간계획을 위한 기준을 제시한다. 연구결과 입지선정기준으로는 해안선에서 1km 이내 거리에 위치하고 오염물질 배출시설이 없으며 더위체감지수와 체감온도가 연중 80%이상 ‘주의’ 이하로 유지되는 곳으로 한다. 환경계획기준에서 수질은 국내기준 혹은 ISO 17680 기준 가운데 가장 엄격한 기준으로 하고 공기의 질은 「환경정책기본법」의 대기환경기준치의 60% 수준으로 하며 공기 중 SO2, NO2, O3, PM10 농도는 연간기준초과횟수를 EU기준에 맞도록 하고 소음은 주간 50dB 이하, 야간 40dB 이하로 한다. 공간계획기준은 공간의 특성에 따라 「건축법」의 기준, 건축계획실무기준, 국제기준을 따르도록 한다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to analyze examples of green infrastructure presented by the American Society of Landscape Architects as a part of basic research to assess hub green spaces in cities. With the specific goal of green infrasturcture in mind, the study samples were classified according to their purpose: ‘humanities’, ‘hydrology’, ‘ecology’, and ‘environment’. Based on this we assessed the elements of planning for the target sites and obtained the following results. With regard to the aspect of humanities, planning urban hub green spaces was related to the satisfaction in leisure activities and the ‘quality of life’ that people expect to enjoy at parks or other green areas in general. Rather than focusing on direct and visible benefits, which might come from green infrastructure’s technological elements, people hoped that parks and green areas have macroscopic values. For hydrological characteristics, the ‘ecologically manages stormwater’ was applied the most in planning hub green spaces in cities, and it mainly took the form of technological elements or factors. Third, the planning elements pertaining to ecological characteristics were identified as a combination of strategies and technological elements that ‘reintroduces native plants’ and ‘habitat for wildlife’. As for the plans to instill eco-friendly aspects, the study found that the research on air, climate, weather, heat reaction, soil, energy efficiency, and use and application of resources is important. However, it was difficult to measure the potential quantitative benefits of ‘reusing or recycling materials’, ‘reducing urban heat’, and ‘cooling air temperature’. The result of this study is meaningful in that it can be used for the assessment of urban hub green spaces in the future.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Path planning is an important problem to solve in robotics and there has been many related studies so far. In the previous research, we proposed the Heterogeneous-Ants-Based Path Planner (HAB-PP) for the global path planning of mobile robots. The conventional path planners using grid map had discrete state transitions that constrain the only movement of an agent to multiples of 45 degrees. The HAB-PP provided the smoother path using the heterogeneous ants unlike the conventional path planners based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. The planner, however, has the problem that the optimization of the path once found is fast but it takes a lot of time to find the first path to the goal point. Also, the HAB-PP often falls into a local optimum solution. To solve these problems, this paper proposes an improved ant-inspired path planner using the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree-star (RRT*). The key ideas are to use RRT* as the characteristic of another heterogeneous ant and to share the information for the found path through the pheromone field. The comparative simulations with several scenarios verify the performance of the improved HAB-PP.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to analyze the prioritized area for the functional change of agricultural reservoir according to the rapid urbanization and social changes through the mapping method. Changwon-si, Gimhae-si,(콤마삽입) and Jinju-si in Gyeongnam province were selected as the study area, considering the results of land-use and cluster analysis. As the planning unit of management area, watershed was used and land coverage map from 1975 to 2015 were analyzed for changes of land use. The reduction ratio (%) of farmland was calculated for identifying the changes in 2013 compared to 1975. As a result, the reduction ratio was 11.9% for Changwon-si, 12.2% for Gimhae-si and 9.3% for Jinju-si, and the number of watershed having functionally reduced potential-area was relatively high in the proportion to the city size.