
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 17

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to examine the operations of school food services to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in schools nationwide. The survey data on school food service operations targeting nutrition teachers and nutritionists at 1,023 schools in 2020 and 1,177 schools in 2021 were used. The year 2021 saw an increase compared to 2020 in the following: ‘average days to be served with meals for a year (144.5 vs. 184.7)', 'provided meals to all students (92.3% vs. 96.6%)', 'utilization of additional staff for foodservice assistance (33.4% vs. 38.8%)', 'installation of partitions (61.2% vs. 83.8%)', 'provision of general diet (96.1% vs. 99.1%)', and 'use of kitchen utensils (91.3% vs. 95.1%)', 'use of cafeteria water cup (9.9% vs. 31.0%)' and 'use of drinking water in school (46.8% vs. 52.1%)'. Compared to 2020, in 2021, it was confirmed that the school food service operations stabilized due to the increase in the normal school attendance rate and that systems were in place for operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the future, it will be necessary to develop manuals and special recipes necessary for responding to infectious diseases, and to operate a manpower pool that can quickly find replacement personnel if required.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 친수공간 이용 활성화를 위한 계획연구의 일환으로 수변공간의 복합적이고 다 기능적 이용에 초점을 두었다. 계획대상지인 하단 포구는 역사성과 잠재적 가치를 가졌으나, 현재 낙동강으로부터 시각적으로 단절되었고 도시에서의 잃어버린 공간(Lost space)으로 전락하여 수자원으로서의 가치를 상실하였다. 따라서 연구의 접근은 그린 인프라적 환경 재생을 통하여 수변 공공거점으로 이용가치를 증대하고, 친수공간으로서 코어의 역할 수행을 위한 물리적 환경 개선 계획을 목적으로 하였다. 연구 결과는 수변공간의 자원화 및 거점 마련을 위한 ‘공간에 대한 장소성 창출’, ‘포구 환경정비 및 재생’, ‘접근체계 차별화 및 네트워킹’ 등에 중점을 두어 기본계획을 수립하였으며 결과의 세부내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 공간에 대한 장소성 창출은 즉 ‘하단 포구를 어떻게 명소화할 것인가’로 귀결된다. 따라서 장소성 창출은 외부로부터 경관 랜드마크(유리가벽)를 통하여 공간을 인지하게 하였고, 내부에서의 전달은 낙동강에 대한 인지적 방향성과 그에 대한 가상경관을 시각 자원(미디어 스크린)을 통하여 제시하였다. 둘째, 포구 환경에 대한 정비는 기존 어민의 작업환경을 개선함과 동시에 방문객의 여가활동을 수용하기 위한 중의적 공간 계획을 제시하였다. 신규시설 도입을 지양하며, 2차원적 평면계획(포장패턴)을 통하여 활동영역에 대한 암시성을 제시하였으며 지역축제 프로그램 등에 대비한 탄력적 운영을 유도하였다. 셋째, 하단 포구의 이용 활성화는 보행 접근성 향상을 통한 수자원의 이용과 활용에 중점을 두었다. 이에 따른 주요 계획으로는 녹지 축의 연속성 확보, 진출입부 환경 개선, 시각적 개방성과 연속성 확보 등이 해당한다. 본 연구 결과는 그린 인프라적 환경 재생을 통하여 하단 포구에 대한 수변 공공거점으로서 현실적인 개발 가능성을 제시하였다. 이는 미시적으로 생업을 위한 효율적 환경개선과, 여가 및 탈 일상적 경험에 대한 이용 가치를 제공할 것이다. 아울러 친수공간으로서 도시발전 및 지역 정체성 확립을 위한 기반시설의 환경개선 사례로서 그 역할을 기대 할 수 있을 것이다.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라의 해외 곡류 수입량과 수입국가의 다변화를 고려 해 볼 때, 호밀, 밀, 귀리 등 맥류에서 주로 발생하는 것으로 알려져 있는 맥각알칼로이드의 노출가능성도 배제 할 수 없다. 따라서 본 연구는 곡류 및 곡류가공품 중 맥 각알칼로이드에 대한 선제적 안전관리를 위해 호밀 및 가공품 (크래커, 맥주) 으로 부터 에르고메트린을 포함한 12 종 맥각알칼로이드의 공인 시험법을 개발하고자 하였다. 아세토니트릴이 함유된 2 mM 탄산암모늄용액 추출과 Mycocep catridge를 이용한 정제·농축이 전처리 방법으로 적합함이 확인되었고, 기기분석을 통해 표준물질 첨가 검량선의 직선성이 12개 알칼로이드 모두 R2 >0.99 이상이 었으며, 정량한계는 0.01 ~ 0.05 μg/kg수준이었다. 시험법 검증을 통해 대상 품목간의 차이는 있으나, 12개 맥각 알칼로이드 모두 회수율은 72~113% 수준이었으며, 반복성은 2~10% 수준으로 적합성이 확인되었다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        민주시민교육은 민주시민으로서의 자질과 소양을 함양하는 다양한 학습활동이며 민주주의 공동체를 유지․ 발전시켜나가기 위해서 그 중요성이 부각되고 있다. 주민자치는 주민들이 자신의 지역에서 일어나는 의제 들을 스스로 결정하고 책임진다는 점에서 민주주의 본연의 가치에 가장 부합한다. 따라서 주민자치 교육은 마을과 일상을 근거로 하는 민주시민교육으로 재구성될 수 있다. 민주시민교육의 역량요인인 주민자치에 대한 지식, 기능, 가치를 제고하는 방향으로 보완한다면 주민자치는 보다 참여 지향적이고 정치적 효능감을 향상시키는 학습으로 발전할 수 있을 것이다. 또한, 민주시민교육은 시민교육 영역마다 분절적으로 탄생하 고 발전해옴으로써 통합적, 체계적으로 전달하는데 어려움을 겪고 있다. 이를 극복하기 위해 지역으로부터 의 법제화, 지역과 영역 간의 연결이 이뤄지고 있다. 민주시민교육이 발전하기 앞으로 메워나가야 할 영역, 계층, 공간이 여전히 많이 존재하는데 이는 민주시민교육의 한계이자 가능성으로 볼 수 있다.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: This study aimed to develop a proactive anti-icing system for driving zones at risk during winter. METHODS: An electric low power potable anti-icing system, operated with a battery and solar cell, was designed and fabricated. Potassium acetate was used as the anti-icing chemical. The developed anti-icing system was tested in the laboratory in advance to confirm its function. Potassium acetate was also tested both in the laboratory and outdoor (exposed to the sun) conditions. The anti-icing system was set up on the road for field testing. RESULTS: The 195 m spread distance of the anti-icing system was verified in the field test. CONCLUSIONS: The anti-icing system developed for safe driving on the road will be cost-effective and economical during installation and maintenance compared with currently used snow melting systems on vulnerable driving zones.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper describes result of a study on safety against a fire of charging cable for mobile phone for vehicle. Combustion on the USB cable in the car was happened while driving. Gas coming from the burning USB cable could be a reason which can make a secondary car accident since the driver also can be embarrassed while driving. In order to prevent a secondary car accident connected on the road, to research a reason why USB cable can emit gas and be burned in charging. We did simulation test with abnormal fault condition for the electronic component on the board in the USB cable. So we get the result from abnormal fault condition simulation test, for instance, shorted test for output terminal of 8 pin switch, shorted test for chip resistor after thermal aging in the condition 25 ℃ , 93 % RH during 48 hours. To analysis the result of all test, Combustion on the USB cable was not the 8 pin but other electrical component such as a chip resistor. Therefore we guess that the reason for USB cable combustion in charging in a car was not 8 pin and a LED but another defective component.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 한국 복지체제의 제도적 발전 경로에 대해서 모색한다. 이를 위해 서구 복지체제와 한국 복지 체제의 유형별 특징에 대해 논의한다. 한국의 복지체제는 서구보다는 아직 낮은 수준의 공적 지출에 머무르고 있지만 근래 들어 복지에 대한 수요와 공공지출이 급증하고 있다. 최근 한국의 복지체제는 저출산과 고령화, 지방화, 세계화, 민주주의의 진전이라는 환경/도전을 맞이하면서 중대한 기로에 서있다. 이 논문에서는 이 같은 환경/도전에 대한 대응으로 복지에 대한 사회적 공감대 형성, 복지정책의 적극적 확대 및 실행, 그리고 보편주의적 복지 프로그램의 확대 등이 필요하다고 주장한다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Electrical product safety certification is for public safety. Korea electrical safety certification (KC) is being tested and certified on the base of Korean electrical appliance safety act and KC scheme. There are operating system and Electrical safety standards in the KC scheme. KC' operating system was adapted from japan operating system of Japan certification scheme. But KC certification' electrical safety standard was adapted from IEC standards of IECEE CB scheme. So There are many problems such as difference of version between KC standards and IEC standards, discrepancy between operating system and standards. Therefore, This paper analyzed the reason of discrepancy and proposed the improved KC certification operating system in order to reduce cost and to save time in the procedure of issuing KC approval for public safety in using electrical products and also for global competence.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the industrial field, various type of fuel have been used for product processing facilities. Recent for 10 years, the usage of natural gas (NG) was gradually increased. Because it has many merits; clean fuel, no transportation, storage facility and so on. There are common safety concept that strict explosion protection approaches are needed for facilities where explosive materials such as flammable liquid, vapor and gases exist. But some has an optimistic point of view that the lighter than air gases such as NG disperse rapidly, hence do not form explosion environment upon release into the atmosphere, many parts has a conventional safety point of view that those gases are also inflammable gases, hence can form explosion environment although the extent is limited and present. In this paper, the heating equipments (Hot Oil Heater) was reviewed and some risk management measures were proposed. These measures include hazardous area classification and explosion-proof provisions of electric apparatus, an early gas leak detection and isolation, ventilation system reliability, emergency response plan and training and so on. This study calculates Hazardous Area Classification using the hypothetical volume in the KS C IEC code.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        복지국가는 국민의 행복과 삶의 질 개선을 추구하는 것을 사명으로 하는 국가이다. 이 논문은 복지국가를 민주(주의)국가의 연장선상인 ‘후기민주국가’로 간주하고 복지국가로서의 한국의 현실을 제도화 진전의 측면에서 점검하고자 하며, 이러한 제도화의 진전은 정치적 과정과 경제 논리의 교차지점에서 살펴보려 한다. 한국의 국가는 지속적인 경제적 성장을 이룩하고 민주주의 제도와 과정을 도입함으로써 대내외적으로 명실상부한 자본주의 민주국가로서 복지체계의 측면에서는 기본적인 틀과 구색은 갖추게 됐다. 그러나 정부의 사회정책은 여전히 미흡하다. 정부는 경제성장에 걸맞게 국민의 욕구를 충족하기에 충분한 재원을 마련할 만큼의 강력한 사회정책을 채택하려 하지 않았으며, 정부의 사회정책의 효과도 크게 미흡했다는 것은 국제적인 비교를 통해서도 확인할 수 있다. 현재의 복지체계는 전반적인 개혁이 필요하지만, 복지 수준 자체가 낮기 때문에 이를 개선하기 위한 복지 재정의 확대 개편이 필요하다. 복지재정 확대는 반드시 사회적 협의가 필요한 사항이며 이를 위한 협의와 논쟁의 비용은 국민의 복지국가에 대한 인식의 확산과 사회 단위 간의 민주적인 절차를 거칠 때 최소로 줄일 수 있을 것이다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 경산시에 위치한 저수지를 대상으로 귀화식물의 현황 특징을 파악하여 적절한 미래관리방안을 모색하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 경산시 일대의 저수지 식물현황 분석결과 62과 126속 148종 13변종 2품종으로 전체 164분류군으로 나타났다. 연구 대상지에 분포하는 귀화식물은 9과 19속 22종 1변종으로 총 23분류군을 확인하였다. 23분류군 중 원산지는 북아메리카가 15분류군, 유럽이 5분류군, 아프리카가 2분류군, 아시아가 1분류군으로 나타났다. 귀화율은 12.2%이며, 도시화지수는 2.1%이다. 이 결과는 Go(1995)이 제시한 우리나라 평균 귀화율 10.3%보다 높은 수치를 보였다. 마지막으로, 연구 대상지에서 나타난 저수지 생태계에 악영향을 줄 수 있는 귀화도가 4등급이상인 14분류군(소리쟁이, 콩다닥냉이, 토끼풀, 달맞이꽃, 서양민들레, 개망초, 돼지풀, 미국쑥부쟁이, 큰비짜루국화, 미국가막사리, 가시상추, 미국개기장)등 을 중점적인 관리대상으로 선정하여 적절한 관리방안과 지속적인 모니터링이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis and autoimmune polyradiculoneuropathy. Campylobacter jejuni is the most commonly identified infectious trigger for GBS. A sialic-acid containing lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Campylobacter is thought to be involved in the triggering of GBS. The galE (UDPgalactoset- epimerase) gene of Campylobacter spp. is involved in the synthesis of LPS. In this study, we detected the galE gene in Campylobacter spp. responsible for triggering the onset of GBS. The PCR assay detected the presence of the gene in 14 of the 25 (56%) Campylobacter isolates from domestic chicken, 20 of the 28 (71.4%) Campylobacter isolates from imported chicken and 50 of the 51 (98%) Campylobacter isolates from human clinical samples. Also, the specific 497-bp region of galE sequence in Campylobacters responsible for triggering the onset of GBS was amplified from GBS patient. These results could provide evidence of the first GBS-related C. jejuni infection in Korea.
        1995.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tlis experiment was to study the effects of application rates of mineral N and cattle slurry on the dry matter yield and botanical compositions of Orchardgrass sward grown in 4 cuttings in a year. Annual rates of mineral N of O(), 120kg((), 240kg(() and 3
        2019.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to analyze examples of green infrastructure presented by the American Society of Landscape Architects as a part of basic research to assess hub green spaces in cities. With the specific goal of green infrasturcture in mind, the study samples were classified according to their purpose: ‘humanities’, ‘hydrology’, ‘ecology’, and ‘environment’. Based on this we assessed the elements of planning for the target sites and obtained the following results. With regard to the aspect of humanities, planning urban hub green spaces was related to the satisfaction in leisure activities and the ‘quality of life’ that people expect to enjoy at parks or other green areas in general. Rather than focusing on direct and visible benefits, which might come from green infrastructure’s technological elements, people hoped that parks and green areas have macroscopic values. For hydrological characteristics, the ‘ecologically manages stormwater’ was applied the most in planning hub green spaces in cities, and it mainly took the form of technological elements or factors. Third, the planning elements pertaining to ecological characteristics were identified as a combination of strategies and technological elements that ‘reintroduces native plants’ and ‘habitat for wildlife’. As for the plans to instill eco-friendly aspects, the study found that the research on air, climate, weather, heat reaction, soil, energy efficiency, and use and application of resources is important. However, it was difficult to measure the potential quantitative benefits of ‘reusing or recycling materials’, ‘reducing urban heat’, and ‘cooling air temperature’. The result of this study is meaningful in that it can be used for the assessment of urban hub green spaces in the future.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Saemaeul Movement, which is the representative national campaign of Korea aimed at the development of local communities, has drawn a great deal of attention from home and abroad and formed an element of Korea's national brand since 2000. Accordingly, this research was conducted for the purpose of constructing a memorial park in Shindo Village, Cheongdo County, North Kyoungsang Province, which is a home to the Saemaeul Movement. As the Saemaeul Movement is benchmarked by many countries around the world today, this research aims to communicate the spirit and social value of the movement and disseminate its effects of local community development in rural areas through the construction of a memorial park. In this study, the design motive of the memorial park was conceived through the historical review and case studies of the Saemaeul Movement. In parallel, theoretical study was also conducted on design techniques as the basis of this research. In consideration of the characteristics of a technical article, this research was conducted in several phases. In the first phase, the conditions of the site where the park construction was planned were analyzed and the direction of its development was set. In the second phase, the main theme and the basic principles of planning were established, and the contents of the park construction project were devised in detail. In the last phase, a comprehensive plan was established, including a space layout to accommodate activities, facilities and programs to be introduced to the park. The park construction site (106,000m2) was divided into four zones (memorial zone, historical theme park, education zone and experience zone) based on circulation planning aimed at creating memorial space, and was linked to eco-friendly ecological space in consideration of environmental features. At a time when the Saemaeul Movement is being propagated across the world, the result of this study will help create a place for its memorial and play a pivotal role to boost international movements aimed at promoting co-prosperity across the global village. It will also bear significance as an example of theme-based park construction in a rural area and the invigoration of a local community.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to draw up a basic plan to construct an agricultural theme park in a farming city as a way of establishing its regional identity represented by “Three Whites.” Sangju, Kyongsangbuk-do which is the subject area of the study has been well-known for "Three Whites (rice, silkworm cocoon and dried persimmon)." The purpose of the study is to take a closer look at the folk life and culture of Sangju and develop tourism resources to promote regional development and competitiveness of the city. This study was conducted in several phases in consideration of the characteristics of plan and design, on the basis of the theoretical review of agricultural tourism. In the first phase, planning conditions were analyzed as per development objectives. In the second phase, strategies and concepts were established for the theme park, based on which development methods were decided by phase and facility. Then, a preliminary review was conducted on functions and facilities to introduce to the theme park. In the third phase, a comprehensive plan was drawn up, which includes basic plans for respective parts. In consideration of the characteristics of the study, construction was not looked at in detail. The total size of land subject to the study is approx. 97,960㎡, which was divided into four separate zones--Sambaek Cultural Experience Zone, Natural Observation & Experience Zone, Agricultural Life Experience Zone and other facilities zone--in order to connect facilities, functions and experience with the physical characteristics of the city, and separate space planning was conducted for each zone. The outcome of the study carries significance as an example of alternative tourism which considers regional characteristics, develops local resources and makes use of obsolete rural facilities, in what is called the eco-friendly development where nature and eco-system, landscape and culture, and recreation and leisure come together as one.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to plan a distinctive apple theme park, thereby specializing the nationwide brand of Cheongsong apple. Detailed objectives included: to establish the best possible environments in Korea to taste and appreciate apple and enjoy the Cheongsong Apple Festival; to identify and foster natural, cultural and social resources in the clean environment of Cheongsong; to clusterize research and production infrastructures for strengthening local competitiveness; and to develop a hub for the vitalization of the region where visitors and locals can mutually prosper. The study was multi-phased. The first stage included basic surveys such as local status and environment analysis and similar case studies, and the second stage was to review the appropriateness of theme selection, develop basic principles and strategies for development goals and review and incorporate project details. And the third stage aimed to develop a comprehensive plan from spatial plans and program plans and suggest plans to vitalize the operation of the park. The dimension of the subject site was 180,150m2, which was divided into four areas, in consideration of the land use and the environmental characteristics of the resources, for developing a land use scheme. The four areas were named: the apple-theme cultual area; the agricultural culture experience area; the plaza for exchange and harmony; and the plaza for natural observation. This study has significance in that it can serve as a case to develop farm theme parks, and as a case of appropriate development of programs to identify amenity resources with a focus on the existing resources and in consideration of local characteristics.