
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6,502

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This present study investigated characteristics of distribution and community structure of macrobenthic invertebrates through the survey of commercial Danish seine fisheries from 2011 to 2013. In this study, a total of 28 species were sampled with a mean density of 32,568 ind./km2 and mean biomass of 1,649.5 kg/km2. The dominant species, comprising over 1.0% of the total number of individuals, were Chionoecetes opilio (11,203 ind./km2, 34.4%), Pandalus eous (9,247 ind./km2, 28.4%), Ophiuridae spp. (5,750 ind./km2, 17.7%), Argis lar (2,631 ind./km2, 8.1%), Neocrangon communis (994 ind./km2, 3.1%), Berryteuthis magister (612 ind./km2, 1.9%), Sepiola birostrata (499 ind./km2, 1.5%) and Strongylocentrotidae sp. (424 ind./km2, 1.3%). The dominant species, in terms of biomass, comprising over 1.0% of the total biomass, were C. opilio (1,167.2 kg/km2, 70.8%), B. magister (130.3 kg/km2, 7.9%), P. eous (102.4 kg/km2, 6.2%), Ophiuridae spp. (84.6 kg/km2, 5.1%), Enteroctopus dofleini (45.5 kg/km2, 2.8%), A. lar (35.7 kg/km2, 2.2%), Strongylocentrotidae sp. (25.0 kg/km2, 1.5%) and S. birostrata (22.1 kg/km2, 1.3%). Among them, S. birostrata, E. dofleini, Strongylocentrotidae sp. and Ophiuridae spp. were higher abundance and biomass in the shallow water (<200 meters in depth), whereas C. opilio, P. eous, A. lar, N. communis and B. magister were higher in the deep water (301 ~ 500 meters in depth).As the results of cluster analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis based on the Bray-Curtis similarity of fourth root transformed data for number of species and individuals, the macrobenthic invertebrates community by Danish seine survey was divided into two groups of station in the shallow water (<200 meters in depth, Group A) and the deep water (201 ~ 500 meters in depth, Group B). The major individual-dominant species was S. birostrata, Ophiuridae spp. and immature C. opilio in group A. But Group B was P. eous, A. lar, B. magister and mature C. opilio.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to provide important basic information about effective management of the marine environment at major inflow streams in Lake Andong and Lake Imha. The investigation was conducted 8 times from May, 2015 (AD1, AD2, IH1, IH2) to September, 2016 (AD3, AD4, IH3, IH4), and 8 surveyed sites were selected at Lake Andong (4 sites) and Lake Imha (4 sites). The inquiry identified 114 species, 59,913.7 inds. m-2 in Lake Andong and 112 species, 39,038.4 inds. m-2 in Lake Imha. The results indicate that the number of species and individuals in Lake Andong is more than that in Lake Imha, because Lake Andong has a variety of riparian vegetation and a richness of organic materials. Community analysis at Lake Imha revealed a dominant index of 0.57 (±0.18), a diversity index of 2.87 (±0.31), an evenness index of 0.73 (±0.04), and a richness index of 4.17 (±0.71). The results of functional feeding group analysis showed that a high proportion of species and individuals are gathering collectors. The results of functional habitat group analysis showed that a high proportion of species and individuals are clingers. The result of a physico-chemical water assay and dissolved oxygen and electric conductivity tests revealed that these measures increased when the water temperature decreased. The result of Pearson’s correlation analysis by biological factors and physico-chemical factors showed that species and electric conductivity are highly correlated with one another. Major inflow streams of Lake Andong and Lake Imha were exposed to various point pollution sources and non-point pollution sources. This implies a necessity for continuous monitoring of the aquatic ecosystems in order to effect systematic water quality management of Lake Andong and Lake Imha.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 한방경의 소설 『해상화열전』(1894)과 허우샤오시엔의 영화 『해상화』(1998)의 서 사를 비교하는 것을 그 목적으로 삼았다. 제2절에서는 소설과 영화의 플롯을 비교하기 위해, 먼저 영화 플롯을 정리한 후, 영화 속 세 인물의 이야기를 중심으로 소설의 플롯을 정리하였 다. 이를 통해 영화는 기본적으로 소설 속의 심소홍, 주쌍주, 황취봉의 이야기를 재현하고 있 으나 동시에 변형과 추가 등의 변용이 이루어졌음을 알 수 있었다. 제3절에서는 제2절의 내 용을 토대로 영화에서의 변용을 변형, 추가, 시간으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 변형은 술자리 장 면에서 집중적으로 나타나고 있으며, 영화 전체 이야기를 연결하는 역할을 하였다. 추가는 영 화의 엔딩장면으로, 감독은 이 장면을 통해서 주제의식을 보여주고 있다. 영화는 페이드 기법 으로 시간의 경과를 나타내지만 시간적 거리가 명확하지 않아 생략된 장면과 재현되는 장면 사이를 유기적으로 연결하지 못하고 있음을 알 수 있었다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 시스템 식별기술과 칼만필터링을 기반으로 계측된 가속도응답을 이용하여 구조물에 작용하는 모달하중을 역으로 추정하는 기법을 제시하는데 있다. 하중추정 과정에서 가속도응답은 모드응답으로 분해되며 각 모드응답에 대한 모달하중을 역으로 추정한다. 역해석과정에서 발생하는 ill-posed문제를 피하기 위하여 가상진동기에 의해 구조물의 고유진동수와 감쇠비를 보다 정밀하게 구하기 위한 시스템 식별법을 사용하였다. 본 연구에서 제안된 기법의 적용성을 위하여 40층의 철골구조물에 태풍이 작용 했을 때 계측된 가속도를 사용하였다. 적용결과에 의하면 본 연구에서 제안된 하중추정법에 의하여 모달하중 추정이 가능함을 알 수 있었다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        OBJECTIVES : Fixed roadside objects are a threat to drivers when their vehicles deviate from the road. Therefore, such roadside objects need to be suitably dealt with to decrease accidents. This study determines the factors affecting the severity of accidents because of fixed roadside objects. METHODS : This study analyzed the crash severity impact of fixed roadside objects by using ordered probit regression as the analysis methodology. In this research, data from 896 traffic accidents reported in the last three years were used. These accidents consisted of sole-car accidents, fixed roadside object accidents, and lane-departure accidents on the national highway of Korea. The accident severity was classified as light injury, severe injury, and death. The factors relating to the road and the driver were collected as independent variables. RESULTS: The result of the analysis showed that the variables of the crash severity impact are the collision location (left side), gender of the driver (female), alcohol use, collision facility (roadside trees, traffic signals, telephone poles), and type of road (rural segments). Additionally, the collision location (left side), gender of the driver (female), alcohol use, collision facility (street trees, traffic signals, telephone poles), and type of road (rural segments), in order of influence, were found to be the factors affecting the crash severity in accidents due to fixed roadside objects. CONCLUSIONS: An alternative solution is urgently required to reduce the crash severity in accidents due to fixed roadside objects. Such a solution can consider the appropriate places to install breakaway devices and energy-absorbing systems.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop a dummy in an environment similar to the human body, to prepare a standard for evaluation and to present the process of the production in order to evaluate the performance of the robot that can detect the persons needing rescue in a confined space, who are difficult for fire-fighting officials to rescue in case of fire and disaster. As a result, a standard for evaluation was developed and standardized into four parts ‘Normal,’ ‘Risk Stage 1,’ ‘Risk Stage 2’ and ‘Risk Stage 3’based on the number of breath cycles, carbon dioxide concentration, core temperature and criteria for hearing to recognize the voice. In addition, in order to produce a dummy, fever, breathing capacity and voice output function were compared and analyzed. This study has significance that it built up basic data of the method of producing the actual dummy, by presenting characteristics and controlling methods using the waterproof insulation heating coil for the function, solenoid valve for the consecutive output of breathing capacity and USB program sound board for voice output.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 특산식물 노랑붓꽃 자생지의 식물상 및 식생조사를 통하여 노랑붓꽃자생지의 보전 및 관리를 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 수행하였다. 노랑붓꽃 자생지 내에서 출현한 관속식물은 63과 97속 121종 3아종 11변종 3품종으로 총 138분류군으로 확인되었다. 특산식물은 노랑붓꽃을 포함한 청괴불나무와 병꽃나무 등 3분류군이 확인되었다. IUCN 평가기준에 따른 희귀식물은 멸종위기(CR)종 노랑붓꽃(Iris koreana)과 약관심(LC)종 말나리(Lilium distichum)가 조사되었다. 식물구계학적 특정식물종은 Ⅴ등급 1분류군, Ⅳ등급 2분류군, Ⅲ등급 2분류군, Ⅱ등급 3분류군 및 Ⅰ등급 11분류군 등 19분류군이 발견되었다. 생활형조성은 교목(21.0%), 저목식물(21.0%), 지중식물(18.8%), 아교목(16.7%) 등이 높게 나타났다. 식생구조를 중요치와 종다양지수로 분석한 결과, 관목식물 중에서는 윤노리나무(Pourthiaeavillosa)의 중요치가 14.5%로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 초본식물 중에서는 애기나리가 10.2%로 가장 높은값을 나타내었다. 노랑붓꽃 자생지의 평균 종다양성지수는 1.4로 비교적 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 직경급빈도분포를 분석한 결과, 대부분의 자생지에서 직경 10cm 이상의 성숙목 계급에서는 소나무(Pinusdensiflora), 곰솔(Pinus thunbergii), 갈참나무(Quercus aliena) 및 굴피나무(Platycarya strobilacea)의 출현빈도가 높게 나타났고, 직경 10cm 이하의 어린 식물계급에서는 굴피나무, 때죽나무(Styraxjaponicus), 갈참나무의 출현빈도가 높게 나타났다. 전반적으로 조사지역의 식생은 양호하나 최근 들어 인위적인 간섭 및 자연재해로 인하여 훼손이 증가되고 있어 장기적인 모니터링을 통한 식생변화와 동태 파악이 이루어져야 할 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        OBJECTIVES : In this study, microstructural components of crumb rubber modified asphalt (CRMA) binder were investigated using environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). To clearly understand the elemental composition of the CRMA binder, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) was employed on the ESEM samples. METHODS: CRMA binders were produced using open blade mixers at 177℃ for 30 min. The binders were artificially aged through a series of accelerated aging processes. Sample preparation was done by making a mold shape on the glass slide. Thereafter, the morphology of the CRMA binder was observed using the ESEM coupled with the EDX. RESULTS : The images captured from the ESEM indicate that the unaged CRMA binder appears to have a single-phase continuous nonuniform structure after the addition of crumb rubber particles, whereas the artificially aged CRMA binder was observed to have two different phases. ESEM coupled with EDX shows detailed internal structure of the modified binders compared to other technologies (i.e., optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and conventional scanning electron microscope). CONCLUSIONS: The captured images resemble the internal structures such as the viscous properties of the unaged CRMA binder and the interaction between the rubber particles and the base binder at aged condition. ESEM is a powerful instrument and with the introduction of EDX, it provided more details of the network microstructure of the asphalt binder. ESEM coupled with EDX is recommended for use in future investigation of microstructure of asphalt binders.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 하계 한국 남동해 간절곶 주변해역의 냉수대 구조와 변동을 CTD 관측과 수층별 수온 장기 연속 모니터링 자료를 이용하여 분석하였다. 냉수대의 표층수온은 냉수기 이전과 -12℃의 차이를 보였으며 해저지형 효과로 간절곶에서 냉수대 세력이 가장 컸다. 남북해역 간 등온선의 시계열분포에 간절곶을 경계로 공간변화가 발생해 간절곶 주변 해저지형이 언덕(hill)역할을 하고 있음이 추정되었다. 냉수대는 해안에 평행한 풍속이 양(+)의 값일 때 출현하는 연안용승반응을 나타냈고, 수온의 감소와 상승은 풍향이 바뀐 후 하루 이내에 반응하였다. 간절곶 주변은 얕은 수심 주위에서 발생하는 와류효과가 결합하여 바람에 의한 용승효과가 강화되었다. 수온변화는 2~6일 주기의 바람변동에 민감하였으며, 수온감소는 12~36시간의 위상차를 나타냈다. 냉수대가 출현한 7월은 2~3일 주기, 8월은 3~8일 주기에서 바람-수온변화의 상관성이 컸다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 들어 정렬구조의 나노구조체를 이용한 분리막 응용기술이 큰 관심을 받고 있다. 나노구조체 분리막은 낮은 흐름저항을 통해 높은 투습성을 유지하면서도 매우 균일한 기공크기 특성으로 인해 높은 분리선택비를 가질 수 있다는 장점 을 지닌다. 특히 콜로이드 입자의 자기조립체인 오팔상 및 그 역구조인 역오팔상 구조체를 이용한 분리막 기술이 각광을 받 고 있는데, 기공크기를 자유롭게 제어하면서도 내부에 다양한 기능기의 도입이 가능하여 크기선별 분리 뿐 아니라 반응성 분 리막의 응용에까지 폭넓게 적용이 가능하다. 더불어 다양한 멀티스케일 구조화 기술을 이용하여 기존의 분리막 소재에서는 다룰 수 없었던 다양한 형태의 기공 및 채널구조를 도입할 수 있어, 차세대 고부가가치 분리막 소재기술에 있어 큰 활용이 기대된다. 본 기고에서는 다양한 소재를 활용한 역오팔상 구조체 분리막 기술과 더불어 계층구조화를 통한 기능성 분리막의 개발에 대해 총괄적으로 살펴보고 논의하고자 한다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Coal Ash, a byproduct of coal combustion in power plants, is usually disposed in surface impoundments or wet disposal areas and landfill sites. Toxic substances contained in coal ash which slowly seep into the groundwater and aquifers in nearby impoundments, and which are also dispersed by wind and storm water in landfill sites, lead to serious health and environmental effects. The main focus of this study is to analyze the strength characteristics of the recycled coal ash mixed with dredged soil to test its capabilities from external forces such as in the stacking of geotextile tubes. The SEM and XRF analysis were carried out in order to grasp the grain size and composition of the coal ash and the dredged soil. To find the optimum mixing ratio of the coal ash and dredge soil, the type of deformation and the strength of the different mixtures were obtained by performing a uniaxial compression test. The relationship between the compressive stress and deformation of the uniaxial compression test and the tubular structure formed by injecting the coal ash into geotextile tube was confirmed and the applicability of the geotextile tube reinforced with the recycled and improved fill material is very high.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, refined finite element (FE) analyses intended to evaluate the capacity of the existing water purification plant structures against seismic force are conducted with an aim to predict possibility generating tension crack and compression crushing. The FE models for three types of main plant structures were constructed to take ground condition, boundary condition, and water interaction into consideration for advanced simulation. The nonlinear dynamic analyses were performed by using ground motion data which have been used for seismic design. Both compression crushing and tention crack, which are distributed over concrete plant structures during peak ground acceleration (PGA), are investigated by analyzing failure possibility controlled with the strain limits. After observing FE analysis results, it is possible to predict tenstion cracking which can be found at some parts of the main structure.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars have advantages as a construction material, including corrosion resistance, lightweight and high tensile strength. However, FRP rebars have shortcomings, such as low elastic modulus comparing to the steel rebar. With these reasons, FRP bars have not been widely used to reinforced-concrete (RC) structures. To overcome these shortcomings, the steel-hybrid GFRP rebars were developed by the authors at Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT). Mechanical properties of the developed steel-hybrid GFRP rebars were experimentally evaluated through this study. Both tensile and bonding tests were conducted and the mechanical performance was investigated as well as corrosion resistance. As a result of all tests, elastic modulus, tensile strength and boding strength of the steel-hybrid GFRP rebars were all improved in comparison with fully GFRP rebars.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is a study on the nonlinear behavior of polyhedron curved space roof as building structures of quasicrystal system. The quasicrystal is made up of two kinds of parallel hexahedrons, and all the line elements of the parallelepiped have the same length. The quasicrystal design grid dome has a pentagonal symmetry and all members have the same length. This paper described form of design gird dome, and showed the analysis conditions. Also, The displacement-load curve is shown through the analysis and we grasped the flow of the load and forces through analysis of design grid dome applied quasicrystal system.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lifting plan in the large spacial structure is an important factor influencing the efficiency and economy of the construction process. The purpose of this study was deriving the requirements for lifting techniques as the basic research in the double spoke wheel roof structure construction. In the lift up erection method, management plan of the interference error in the column and outer-ring was needed that occur during lifting roof structure. In the bent erection method, material usage reduction plan was required by the structural design of the temporary bent. In the hybrid erection method, lifting plan was needed that minimizes weather condition and crane usage. All lifting techniques were required Value Engineering model for reduction of cost and construction period.