
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,104

        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of co-culture for the development rate to morula /blastocyst stages of early porcine embryos, derived from oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro, with porcine endometrial cell monolayers(PEM) in the two different media, respectively. The rates of embryos developed to 2-, 4-, 8~16-cell and morula /blastocyst stage were 49.6, 40.5, 28.2 and 15.3% in Ham's F-10 with PEM, and 55.3, 45.9, 32.7, and 17.6% in TCM-HEPES with PEM, respectively. The above development rates to morula /blastocyst stages were significantly higher than those of the embryos cultured in the Ham's F-10 and TGM-HEPES without PEM(P<0.05). The in vitro development rates to the morula /blastocyst stage of 1-cell embryos cultured in Ham's F-10 and TCM-HEPES without PEM were 0~1.2%. Especially, most of embryos were observed to arrest the development beyond 4-cell stages. As shown in the above results, the co-culture of in vitro produced porcine embryos with PEM in the two different media enhanced the development of fertilized eggs to morula /blastocyst stages in vitro. However, we didn't find out any differences for the in vitro development to morula /blastocyst stages between Ham's F-10 and TcM-HEPES media.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of early mouse embryonic development in vitro by co-culture with bovine and porcine oviductal epithelial cells (BOEC and POEC). The 2-cell embryos were collected from the oviducts of the superovulated and mated cultured in D-PBS /15% FCS at 48 hours after hCG injection. The in vitro developmental rate of blastocyst formation in the embryos were examined under the fllowing treatments; 1) TCM 199 added 15% HCS, 2) Ham's F-10 added 15% HCS, 3) MediCult IVF medium, 4) TCM 199 added 15% HCS + BOEC, 5) TCM 199 added 15% HCS + POEC, 6) Ham's F40 added 15% HCS + BOEC, 7) Ham's F-10 added 15% HCS + POEC,8) MediCult IVF medium + BOEC, 9) MediCult IVF medium + POEC. For a comparative study of in vitro development for 96 hours after hCG injection, were cultured with oviductal epithelial cell and media only. The obtained results were 2-cell embryos developed to the blastocyst stage in TCM 199, Ham's F-10 and MediCult IVF medium at the rates of 84.4,83.2 and 81.6%. respectively. The higher developmental rates(91~97%) of blastocyst formation was appeared when the embryos were co-cultured with a monolayer of bovine or porcine oviductal epithelial cells in TCM 199 or Ham's F-10 and MediCult IVF media. No significant difference in developmental rates was shown between bovine and porcine oviductal epithelial cells but significant difference in co-culture system in comparison between media only system and co-cultures. In conclusions, oviductal epithelial cells, BOEC and POEC, when co-culture with mouse early embryos improved the rates of development, blastocyst and hatching. Therefore, it is suggested that co-culture system using oviductal epithelial cells improve early embryonic developtnent in mouse.
        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of co-culture cells and growth factors on in vitro culture of Korean native cattle(KNC) embryos fertilized in vitro. Two-eight cell embryos were cultured in vitro using 4 types of co-culture cells and 3 growth factors singly or in combination. The results were as follows, In the co-culture of 2~8 cell embryos with bovine oviductal epithelial cell(BOEC), granulosa cell(BGC), uterine epithelial cell(BUEC) and mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) monolayers, the developing rate to blastocysts was significantly(P<0.05) higher with BUEC(32.1%) than with MEF(15.3%), BGC(13.2%) and non co-culture control(11.6%). When the morula co-cultured with BOEC for 5 days following in vitro fertilization were co-cultured with BOEC continuously or with BUEC, respectively, the developing rate to blastocysts was higher with BUEC(73.9%) than with BOEC(56.0%). To examine the effects of growth factors on in vitro development of 2~8 cell embryos, epidermal growth factor(EGF), transforming growth factor-l(TGF-l) and insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1) were added singly or in combination to TCM 199 maturation medium with respective concentration. In a addition of each 10, 30 and SOng /rnl EGF, the developing rate to blastocysts was the highest in lOng /ml EGF(25.3%). In addition of each 1, 2 and Sng /mi TGF-1, the developing rate to blastocysts was the highest in lng /ml TGF-1(28.8%). In addition of each 50, 100ng/ml JGF-l, the developing rate to blastocysts was higher in 100ng/ml IGF-l(16.5%) than in SOng/mi IGF-1(12.9%). When lOng /ml EGF and lng /ml TGF-l was added singly or in combination, the developing rate to blastocysts was similar in groups added singly or in combination with EGF and TGF-l (23.l~24.6%), although higher than in control(16.7%). In the co-culture of 2~8 cell embryos Wth BOEC + each 10, 30 and 5Ong /rnl EGF, the developing rate to blastocysts was significantly(p<0.05) higher in BOEC + long /ml EGF(32.3%) than in BOEC + 3Ong /ml EGF(18.9%) and BOEC + song /ml EGF(9.7%). In the co-culture of 2~8 cell embryos with BOEC + each 1, 2, Sng /ml TGF-l the developing rate to blastocysts was higher in BOEC + Sng/rnl TGF-l(28.2%) than in BOEC + lng /ml TGF-l(21.7%) and BOEC + 2ng/ml TGF-l(21.4%). In summary, higher developing rate to blastocysts were obtained with co-culture of BUEC for co-culture system, with addition of lOng /ml EGF or lng /ml TGF-l for growth factor culture system, and with co-culture of BOEC + lOng /ml EGF or BOEC + Sng /ml TGF-l for co-culture + growth factor culture system.
        1996.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The object of this study was to evaluate the effect of uterine epithelial cells on development of Korean native cattle(KNC) oocytes fertilized in vitro. Qocytes were collected from ovaries of slaughtered Korean Native Cows and matured in TCM199 with granulosa cells supplemented with 10% FBS, 5g/ml FSH, 10 JU/ml hCG, and 1g/ml estradiol-17 for 24 hrs. For co-culture of in vitro development of fertilized ova, oviductal epithelial cells (ll0˚cells /ml) obtained from slaughtered cow and uterine epithelial cells(110˚cells /ml) flushed from the superovulated holstein on Day 7 were incubated in 39, 5% , 95% air. Frozen-thawed KNC sperm was capacitated with BO(Brackett & Oliphant, 1975) medium supplemented with 10mM, 5mM-caffein. Matured oocytes were inseminated for 20 hrs. And then fertilized oocytes were washed with culture medium and transferred to oviductal epithelial cells for in vitro development and three days later a portion of embryos were transferred to uterine epithelial cells. Stastical methods of developmental rates on KNC-IVF oocytes was ANOVA-test. Developmental rates of KNC-IVF oocytes was significant higher(P<0.01) when co-cul-tured with uterine epithelial cells(25.2%) than oviductal epithelial cells. Blatocyst cul-tured for 7 to 9 days were frozen by automatic freezer with 1.4M glycerol-PBS. Survival rates of blastocyst was 40.0%. Fourteen frozen-thawed blastocysts were transferred to five holstein heifers on day 7 after natural estrus. Three recipients were observed twin and one recipient was single by ultra-sound systems on days 45 after embryo transfer.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to study the antitumoral effect of Selaginella tamariscina extracts, the cytotoxicities to human histiocytic leukemia cells (U937) and lymphocyte were measured by MTT method. The water extract of Selaginella tamariscina was partitioned into chloroform (CHCl₃), ethylacetate (EtAc), n-butanol (BuOH) and water (H₂O), successively. CHCl₃, EtAc and BuOH fractions of Selaginella tamariscina showed the cytotoxicity to the U937 cells but they had no effect on the cytotoxicity of lymphocyte under the same conditions. The tumor-specific cytotoxicity of Selaginella tamariscina fractions might have been attributed to their genotoxic effect on actively proliferating cells. The expression of p53 tumor suppressor gene was then evaluated by northern blotting. The increased expression of p53 was induced by Selaginella ramariscina fraction V but no expression of p53 was induced by CHCl₃, EtAc, and BuOH fractions of Selaginella tamariscina. These results suggested that the increased expression of p53 induced by Selaginella tamariscina water extract (fraction V) should be required for the cytotoxicity on U937 and the other fractions of Selaginella tamariscina mediated the U937 disruption.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        식물 탄수화물중에서 식물 세포벽에 광범위하게 분포되어 있는 펙틴물질은 특히 식품산업에서 중요한 역할을 담당하여 과일이나 야채의 연화물질로 작용하며 특히 겔을 형성하는 물질로 알려져 있다. 본 논문은 이러한 펙틱물질을 가수분해하는 펙틴계 효소들에 대하여 그 물리화학적 성질 및 산업적 응용에 관하여 고찰하고자 펙틴효소의 분류 및 각 효소들의 활성측정 방법, 효소의 작용 및 산업적 응용에 대하여 기존에 보고된 결과들을 정리하였다.