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        검색결과 179

        2003.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The `Extended Projection Principle` (EPP) has been a pervasive topic of research and a pervasive mystery since it was first formulated by Chomsky (1981). That initial formulation is not precise, but its intention is clear enough: The EPP (here called by Chomsky `principle P`) "is the structural requirement that certain configurations … must have subjects …" [p.27] Over the years since, its existence as an independent constraint has often been called into question, on the grounds that it is redundant with other principles, especially those concerning Case (by Fukui and Speas (1986) for example), or that it is literally unformulable given other theoretical desiderata (Epstein and Seely (1999)). I will review those arguments. I will also survey a range of phenomena involving infinitival constructions that provide strong empriical evidence for the EPP. In particular, I will show that in ECM constructions, while the ECM subject sometimes raises overtly to a canonical Case positon (Spec of AgrO), it also sometimes remains in embedded subject position, a position that it is in solely to satisfy the EPP (Lasnik (2001b)). The next question is just how the EPP is to be formulated. Alexiadou and Anagnostopoulou (1998) argue that there are actually two different kinds of languages with respect to the EPP, those (like Greek) where X˚movement suffices versus those where only an XP can satisfy the EPP. I will examine English, a matter of strong feature checking, as in Chomsky (1995), or the requirement that certain functional heads require a specifier, as in Chomsky`s original version and the more recent one in Chomsky (2000). This question turns out to be surprisingly intricate, with arguments for the strong feature version (Merchant 92001), and against it (Lasnik (2001a)).
        2002.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Sung - Hy uk Park . 2002 . T he Ex tended Projection Principle in the Minimali s t Prog ram . S t ud ie s in M od e rn Gram ma r 27, 1- 35 . The Extended Projection Principle (EPP ), which requires that clauses have subject s, has been playing a central role in Chomsky ' s generative grammar ever since it was proposed in Chomsky (1981, 1982). The EPP, however, shifts from a requirement on clausal structure to a requirement on feature checking in the Minimalist Program, i.e., a feature on the head T of TP. From its inception on to the present , the EPP has had a flavor of oddity in that it is not a principle of its own standing, despite it s name. In Chomsky ' s (1981, 1982) original formulation, the principle is incorporated into the clause- expanding phrase structure rule, whereas in the Minimalist Program, the EPP feature is assumed to be a feature of a feature. All in all, the EPP is largely stipulative and redundant, hence it may be suggested that the principle should be eliminated from the grammar . Proposals have been presented by quite a few syntacticians to derive the EPP effect from some independent principle(s ) and/or module(s) of the grammar . Among these proposals, Bo kovi (2001) seems to be the most promising one. His explanation of the so- called intermediate EPP effect, however, needs some qualification if it is to be true to the basic tenet of the Minimalist Program that every movement is feature- driven.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The word “permaculture” is a contraction of “permanent agriculture” or “permanent culture”. Permaculture principles are designed to support (or ensure) the survival of humanity, the earth and all on it, and, to improve our standard of living. Permaculture can be defined as:a design system for creating sustainable human environments that can be (relatively) easily constructed and maintained. The principles of permaculture designs are:relative location every element (such as house, rice paddy, road, etc) is placed in relation to each other such that each assists the other;each element performs multiple functions;each function is supported by many elements;energy efficient planning;using biological resources rather than fossil fuels;energy cycling on site (both fuel and human energy);Using and accelerating natural plant succession to establish favourable sites and soils;poly󰠏culture and diversity of beneficial species for a productive, interactive system;use of edge and natural patterns for best effect. These principles can be used for any permaculture design, in any climate, and at any scale. There has been very little scientific examination of Permaculture, and as such, it must be viewed as a design philosophy.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Sun-Woong Kim. 2001. A Study on the EPP in the Minimalist Program: the EPP as a PF Requirement. Studies in Modern Grammar 24, 47-66. The general aim of this paper is to explore the nature and role of the EPP within the Minimalist Program of generative grammar. This paper draws the conclusion that the EPP effect is captured by V to I head movement. Specifically, the EPP effect will be shown to be a side effect or epiphenomena of the head movement at PF (Chomsky 1999) plus an effect of configurationally defined θ-theory. This conclusion will be shown to remedy drawbacks of recent proposals of Kim (2000) and Jang (2000). This paper also attempts to reject the morphological feature checking approach to the EPP, whether it is a categorial feature checking or a Case feature checking. Furthermore, if head movement is a PF process, it can be concluded that the EPP effect is eventually a PF requirement that the Spec-T must be filled with some category that contains argumenthood in it. If the conclusions of this paper are on the right track, Lasnik`s (2000) doubt that only the EPP is configurational can be solved in a natural way.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Lee Bok-hee. 1998. Coherence and Relevance Principle in Discourse Interpretation. Studies in Modern Grammar 13, 181-196. Many coherence theorists set themselves two related goals: (a) to provide a theory of comprehension, explaining how discourses are understood; (b) to provide a theory of evaluation or appropriateness. Goal (a) is shared with relevance theory, which aims to provide a theory of comprehension. However, relevance theory has no explicit goal equivalent to (b). Giora`s interest is in goal (b). In particular, she suggests that relevance theory sheds no light on two main types of intuition: (a) local intuitions about when two adjacent discourse segments are related to each other or to a common topic; (b) global intuitions about when a text or discourse hangs together as a unit, rather than constituting a series of isolated remarks. This is the substantive issue in this paper I want to discuss.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1994.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1993.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1992.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1992.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1990.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The characteristcs of children`s motor performance are slow response, low accuracy, greater var iability, inappropriate response, and ignoring KR when they perform at will. Not only physical growth, development, and maturation but also information processing capacity results in children`s motor performance deficits. In the late 1970s, motor development theorists accepted information processing model to explain the motor performance differences between adults and children. they try to clarify that whether the performance differences are due to structure(capacity) or function (control process) . To date, many researches show that the performance differnces result from children`s lack of control process rather than children`s small capacity. Children do not know how to lable the incoming information, how to rehearse to memorize the information in the long-term store, and how to organize the information already existed in their memory effectively, However, if children have enough information about specific task, they spontaneously develop adult-like memory strategy. This facts are due to their great knowledge base. Therefore, even though their sophisticated memory strategy can not compensate all their motor deficits, the role of teachers and coaches is to give children various movement experiences making their knowledge base bigger.Attribution theorists conceptualize causal ascription, the perceived causes of previous performance, as a major sources of achievement motivation. Therefore, they focus their interest on searching for the causes of events. For any given situation, however, their may be an infinite number of potential reasons why a particular event ocurrs. Many attribution theorists nowadays generally clasify these causes along three causal dimensions (internality, stability, and controllability) . They believe that individuals understand the causes and give meaning them on the basis of these dimensions. Attribution theory deals with two main areas : antecedents of attribution and the consequences of attribution. In sport-related areas, win or lose-attribution link has been the most studied of the two. In order to be a firmly established theory and to be utilized in achievement situation, further research in attribution framework is required in attribution. consequence link and in antecedent-attribution link also in addition to win or lose-antecedent link.
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