
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 987

        1991.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study of personality has intrigue psychologists for most of twentieth century. Sport psychologist have been no exception, almost six hundered orignal studies of the relationship of personality to sport performance had been conducted by the mid-1970s alone. The present review deals with investigations which have been directed toward an understanding of the personality characteristics of various athletic sub-groups and between athletes and non-athletes. The purpose of this study was to determine possibility to change through sport activities through review of literature. It was found that athletes more emotional stability, aggressiveness, self-control and outgoing activities, and lower anxiety than those of non-athletes, and sport sub-groups were differently formed in personality characters because they were differently placed situation and experience.
        1990.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In recent years, propellers with various blade configurations such as highly skewed propellers are often fitted to ships from the viewpoint of reduction of vibration and noise. In the design of such propellers, design charts based on methodical series tests are to be complemented by theoretical calculations for accurate estimation of propeller open-water characteristics. The author intended to develop a method to estimate propeller open-water characteristics based on Quasi -Vortex - Lattice Method originally developed by Lan for solving planar thin wings, The Quasi - Vortex - Lattice Method has the simplicity and flexibility of Vortex - Lattice Method. Its accuracy is comparable to that of the Vortex - Lattice Method. Converged solution can be obtained with a small number of control points and further, leading edge suction force can be calculated directly. In the present paper, a numerical method to estimate propeller open-water characteristics based on the Quasi - Vortex - Lattice Method is reviewed and its application to marine propellers is described in detail. Comparison of propeller open-water characteristics obtained by the present method with experimental data showed good agreement for a wide variety of propellers including highly skewed propellers.
        1990.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A theoretical model for the over-all ship's magnetism was developed, on the assumption that the magnetism of a three-island type vessel can be regarded as that of the prolate spheroidal magnetic body. Modelled values were determined by the simulation on the base of the theoretical analysis of the magnetic field around the above-mentioned magnetic body. The real values were made of the data observed from four different three-islands type vessels alongside the piers. The agreement between the modelled and real values was found to be accurate.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        우리 교사들에게 교육공학이 무엇인지를 잘 몰라도 교사들은 이를 활용하고 있음은 사실이다. 그들에게는 교육공학이라는 말보다는 오히려 시청각 교육이라는 말에 익숙해 있으며 때로는 시청각 교육이 교육공학이라 응답하는 교사들도 더러 있다. 교육공학이라는 용어의 의미는 비단 교사에게만 혼돈을 일으키는 것은 아니다. 교육공학을 전공하는 학자들 사이에서도 통일된 정의를 내리지 못하고 있는 실정이다.
        1987.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The disasters of wet bound vessels have been more frequent than those of east bound ones on the sea routes of the North Pacific Ocean in winter season. M/V Hanjin-Inchon was also west bound in her missing voyage. The container vessel of 17, 676 gross tons, M/V Hanjin-Inchon owned by Hanjin Shipping Co.Ltd in Seoul Korea left seattle in west coast of U.S.A for Pusan , Korea on the 5th Feb., 1987 and sailed along the exact courses recommended by Ocean Routes until she reported her position and speed as 49-30N, 158-00E and 8 knots to her head office in Seoul by this ship's time 2200 hours on the 13th Feb., 1987. The above message turned out to be last message from her because she had been missing since then leaving no message but only two life boats of her name, three containers cases, large scale of oil slicks and the corpse of her 3rd mate drifting on the sea near the position reported by her last message.
        1980.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this paper is to analyze the mechanics of price formation in the tramp shipping. For the purpose of this study, the main characteristics of tramp freight rates and the market is examined, and a brief examination of the nature ofthe costs of operation is given which are essential for the understanding of the functioning of shipping firms as well as for the understanding of developments in the tramp freight market. The demand and supply relationships in the market is also analysed in detail. Tramp shipping is an industry that has a market which functions under conditions that are not dissimilar to the theoretical model of perfect competition. However, it does notmean that tramp shipping market is a perfectly competitive market. It is apparent that this realworld competitive system has its imperfections, which means that the market for tramp shipping is near to being a perfectly competitive market on an internaitonal scale and it is freight are therefore subjext to the laws of supply and demand. In theory, the minimum freight rate in the short term is that at which the lowest cost vessels will lay-up in preference to operating, and is equal to the variable costs minus lay-up costs; and this would imply that in all times except those of full employment for ships there is a tendency for newer low-cost, and, probably, faster vessels to be driving the older high-cost vessels in the breaker's yards. In this case, shipowners may be reluctant to lay-up their ships becasue of obligations to crews, or because they would lose credibility with shippers or financiers, or simply because of lost prestige. Mainly, however, the decision is made on strictly economic grounds. When, for example, the total operating costs minus the likely freight earnings are greater than the cost of taking the ship out of service, maintaining it, and recommissioning it, then a ship may be considered for laying-up; shipowners will, in other words, run the ships at freight earnings below operating costs by as much as the cost of laying them up. As described above, the freight rates fixed on the tramp shipping market are subject to the laws of supply and demand. In other words, the basic properties of supply and demand are of significance so far as price or rate fluctuations in the tramp freight market are concerned. In connection with the same of the demand for tramp shipping services, the following points should be brone in mind: (a) That the magnitude of demand for sea transport of dry cargoes in general and for tramp shipping services in particular is increasing in the long run. (b) That owning to external factors, the demand for tramp shipping services is capable of varying sharphy at a given going of time. (c) The demad for the industry's services tends to be price inelastic in the short run. On the other hand the demand for the services offered by the individual shipping firm tends as a rule to be infinitely price elastic. In the meantime, the properties of the supply of the tramp shipping facilities are that it cannot expand or contract in the short run. Also, that in the long run there is a time-lag between entrepreneurs' decision to expand their fleets and the actual time of delivery of the new vessels. Thus, supply is inelastic and not capable of responding to demand and price changes at a given period of time. In conclusion, it can be safely stated that short-run changes in freight rates are a direct result of variations in the magnitude of demand for tramp shipping facilities, whilest the average level of freight rates is brought down to relatively low levels over prolonged periods of time.