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        검색결과 523

        1999.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        지구 온난화는 산업혁명이후 이미 시작되었으며 최근에 와서 그 정도가 심해지고 있다. CO2와 같은 온실기체의 증가를 가장 큰 원인으로 하는 지구 온난화의 영향이 아직 정량적으로 밝혀지고 있지만 대기순환모형(General Circulation Model: GCM)을 이용한 연구에서 이러한 온실기체의 증가가 지구의 평균온도를 상승시킨다고 밝히고 있다. 지구 온난화는 전지구적 물의 순환에도 영향을 미쳐 지구 곳곳의 강수패턴에 변화를 가져오는데 근래에 자주 발
        1998.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Three numerical experiments are done using IAP(Institute of Atmospheric Physics) global spectral model(T42L9) to investigate the influence of the surface temperatures on the 7-day simulation. Particularly, the response of the subtropical High in summer to the variation of soil temperature and sea surface temperature(SST) was emphasized through a series of experiments. Experiment 1 uses the June climate data as the earth surface conditions. Experiment 2 is similar to Experiment 1 except for the soil surface temperature. Experiment 3 is the same as Experiment 1 except for the modified SST, which is much warmer than the June climate SST on the sea around the Korean peninsula. The main finding in 7-day simulation is that the response of the subtropical high in summer to the variation of the soil surface temperature was much more than that to the variation of the SST. It is implied that the proper treatment of soil surface temperature is more important than that of the SST for the better 7-day simulation of the subtropical high in summer.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For the improvement of the cultural rural village(new rural village project), it is very important to find the various planning alternatives. The purpose of this study is to suggest the ideas which are able to be applied to the rural site planning. The YoungMoon project site located in Kyunggi province was selected case study, The followings are suggestions developed in the process of preparing an alternative plan for the case study. 1) The preparing of the rural site plan is the organizing process of the planning ideas responsive to the condition of both a project site and the project directions. 2) In developing the schematic plan, it is very useful to introduce the cluster madang (small public open space) including 25 houses as a basic planning unit. 3) In comparison with the project plan, the alternative plan presented by this study has advantages of amenity and public space of the residential environment of the new rural village. It is properly said that we have to more and more discuss the best solution to take in planning the rural site, and this efforts contribute the improvement of the quality of the new village project.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The influence of polluted water discharged from the Saemankeum Lake is predicted by using two-dimensional finite element model. The simulation results show that influence of the Polluted water to the northern part of the Kckunsan Islands is small during f
        1996.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A global carbon cycle model (GCCM), that incorporates interaction among the terrestrial biosphere, ocean, and atmosphere, was developed to study the carbon cycling and global carbon budget, especially due to anthropogenic CO2 emission. The model that is based on C, ^13C and ^14C mass balance, was calibrated with the observed CO2 concentration, δ^13C and Δ^14C in the atmosphere, Δ^14C in the soil, and Δ^14C in the ocean. Also, GCCM was constrained by the literature values of oceanic carbon uptake and CO2 emissions from deforestation. Inputs (forcing functions in the model) were the C, ^13C and ^14C as CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use, and ^14C infection into the stratosphere by bomb-tests. The simulated annual carbon budget of 1980s due to anthropogenic CO2 shows that the global sources were 5.43 Gt-C/yr from fossil fuel use and 0.91 Gt-C/yr from deforestation, and the sinks were 3.29 Gt-C/yr in the atmosphere, 0.90 Gt-C/yr in the terrestrial biosphere and 2.15 Gt-C/yr in the ocean. The terrestrial biosphere is currently at zero net exchange with the atmosphere, but carbon is lost via organic carbon runoff to the ocean. The model could be utilized for a variety of studies in CO_2 policy and management, climate modeling, CO2 impacts, and crop models.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        양남 지역의 제 3 기층인 하서리 응회암층의 중.상부에 부존되는 벤토나이트들은 원암의 암상과 화학조성에 의존되는 광호 양상과 광물상을 나타낸다. 벤톤나이트들은 대부분 안산암질 원암의 기원을 시사하는 희유 및 희토류 원소들의 함유 양상을 보이고, 현무암질 원암의 벤토나이트는 최상부의 일부 층준에만 그 산출이 국한된다. 이 지역의 벤토나이트는 주로 유리질 내지 라필리 응회암이 속성 변질된 것으로 이 과정에서 SiO2와 알칼리 (Na, K) 성분들이 고갈되는 화학 성분상의 유동 양상이 인지된다. 벤토나이트는 주된 광물 성분인 스멕타이트 이외에 흔히 단백석 및 석영같은 규산 광물과 휼란다이트, 모데나이트 및 클리높틸로라이트간은 불석광물들을 수반한다. 스멕타이트는 대부분 몰노릴로나이트 유형이지만 최상부 층준의 현무암질원 벤토나이트와 비교하여 논트로나이트의 광물 화학, X-선회절 양상, 층간 화학 및 염화학적 특성 등이 논의되었다. 이 지역 벤토나이트의 형성과정은 (1) 화산쇄설물의 급속한 퇴적, (2) 비이상적으로 높은 매몰 온도(〈80℃) 조건, (3) 규산 광물의침전에 의한 공극수 내외 H4SiO4의 제거, (4) 원암의 낮은 Si/al 함유비와 높은 Fe 함유도 등에 의해서 조장된 것으로 해석된다.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This present study investigated the effects of goal setting methods on sit up performance in elementary school children. Subjects Were 80 pupils from the five grade in elementary school. they were randomly assigned to four conditions : specific goal setting(individual), specific goal-setting(group), nonspecific goal setting(individual), nonspecific goal-setting(group), they practiceed sit-up in class three time a week for weeks according to the experimental treatments. Two way ANOVA indicated that goal setting methods were appeared sigbigicant differences (p <0.05). In the camparison between these two groups, specific goal-stting group was higher than nonspecific goal-setting group in sit-up performance. A review of both laboratory and field studies of the effects of goals setting when performing a task that 90% of th studies specific and challenging goals lead to higer performance than non-specific goals. Goal setting is likely to improve Endurance performance when the goals are specific and sufficiently challenging.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        과학의 본질에서 과학적 지식 뿐 아니라 과학하는 방법이 중요한 것 처럼 지구 과학은 자연계를 이해하고 설명하기 위한 과정과 이 과정의 산물인 지식을 탐구하기 위한 자연 과학이다. 지구 과학의 학문적 성격이 우주 대자연에 대한 규칙성을 찾아내고 그것을 논리적 체계에 맞추어 설명하려고 노력하는 것이라면 지구 과학은 논리적 체계를 이루는 과학적 지식과 그것을 얻어낸 탐구 과정이라는 두가지 면을 가지고 있다. 이러한 탐구 과정이나 활동을 통하여 탐구 능력이 길러지고 이러한 능력은 사물을 올바로 판단하는 태도, 개관적으로 관찰하려는 태도, 실험관찰을 정량화하려는 태도, 타인과 협력하며 기대되는 과학적 태도 등이 함양되는 것이다.
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