
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,319

        2020.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the impact of cumulus parameterization usage in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model on reproducing summer precipitation in South Korea is evaluated. Two sensitivity experiments are set up with using cumulus parameterization (ON experiment) and without using cumulus parameterization, which is called Convection Permitting Model (OFF experiment). For the both ON and OFF experiments, the horizontal grid resolution is 2.5km, and initial and lateral boundary conditions are derived from ERA5 reanalysis data. Overall, both of the two experiments can capture the spatial distribution of 2014 summer mean and extreme precipitation but show dry biases in the southern region of Korean Peninsula. Occurrence percentage analyses for different precipitation intensity reveal that OFF experiments show better performance than ON experiment for extreme precipitation. In the case of heavy rainfall over Gyeongnam region for 25 August 2014, OFF experiment shows similar characteristic of rainfall to the observations, although it simulates earlier precipitation peak. On the other hand, ON experiment underestimates the amount of precipitation. Also, vertical distribution of equivalent potential temperature and strong southerly wind which play an important role in developing heavy rainfall on 25 August 2014 are better simulated in OFF experiment.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed future projections on daily mean values and extremes for temperature and daily precipitation over Seoul metropolitan city using bias-corrected high-resolution multi-regional climate models. The factors of uncertainty for the future projection of climate variables were defined. In the time series analysis of future projections for regional climate models, the average daily temperature and the number of days of the hot day-hot night were predicted to have a stable trend in the RCP2.6 scenario, and showed a tendency to increase continuously in the RCP8.5 scenario. The daily mean precipitation and RX1day (annual daily maximum precipitation) had large annual variabilities in the models. In the estimation of the fraction of total variance, the daily mean temperature was dominated by the internal variability in the early 21st century and the most contributing to the scenario uncertainty in the late 21st century. The daily mean precipitation showed a remarkable contribution from the internal variability over the entire period. The number of days of the hot day-hot night showed a similar contribution pattern to that of the daily mean temperature. For the RX1day, the internal variability dominated over the entire period, and the scenario uncertainty had little contribution. This study will help establish more scientific climate change adaptation policies by providing the uncertainty information for future climate change projection.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문은 해방 이전과 이후로 시기를 나누어 군산지역의 화교 기독교 공동체의 역사에 대해 살펴보았다. 해방 이전에는, 1928년에 조선과 중국 선교사들의 지원으로 3달에 걸쳐 이루어진 중국인 전도대 전국 순회집회 의 결과, 1929년에 호남지역에서는 처음으로 전주와 군산에 화교 기독교 공동체가 조직되었다. 특히 전주의 남장로회 윈 선교사가 화교에 지속적으 로 관심을 쏟으면서 신앙공동체가 유지될 수 있었는데, 다만 중일전쟁, 태 평양전쟁, 한국전쟁을 겪으면서 단절되었다. 해방 이후에는 미북장로회에서 중국인사역 전담 선교사를 다시금 초빙 하였는데, 그때 내한한 매클레인 선교사와 군산화교 2세인 조계지 권사의 노력으로 1959년부터 다시금 군산에 화교 기독교 공동체가 조직되었고, 1963년에 정식으로 교회가 설립되었다. 이후 군산중화교회는 중국인 인구 구성의 변화에 따라, 구 화교 중심의 지역교회에서 점차 신 이민자들의 정착을 돕는 ‘이민자 교회’의 모습으로 역 변이되어 나갔다. 또한 중국어 교실을 운영한다든지 중국선교단체를 돕 는다든지 하는 방법으로 한국인 및 현지 한국교회와도 협력관계를 맺어왔 다. 하지만 중국인 수의 감소 및 목회자의 부재 등의 연유로, 현재는 단 두 명의 교인이 교회를 지키고 있으며, 교회는 이제 새 시대의 역할을 모색하고 있다.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the distributional pattern of meiobenthos associated with future deep-sea mining in the Korea Deep Ocean Study area present in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ) located in the southeastern part of the North Pacific Ocean. Standing stocks of meiobenthos were investigated in benthic impact experiment sites (BIS) and Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology long-term monitoring (KOMO) sites during the 2008-2014 annual field survey. A total of 14 taxa of meiobenthos were identified. Nematodes were the most abundant taxon (60-86%). Harpacticoid copepods (5-26%) and benthic foraminifera (1-12%) were also dominant at all sites. The total meiobenthic densities varied from 4 to 150 ind./10 cm2. The mean value of total meiobenthic abundance was higher at BIS than at KOMO sites, but there was no significant difference between the two sites. The mean values of the number of taxa and biomass at BIS and KOMO sites were similar. The mean abundance of nematodes that were the most dominant taxa was also higher at BIS than at KOMO sites. The standing stocks in our study sites were relatively lower than those previously reported at other CCFZ sites. These results seem to reflect a low organic concentration in the study area.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Shinbulsan wetland, located in Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, South Korea, was designated as a conservation area in 2004. The area was monitored from 2015 to 2019 to investigate the community characteristics and changes of benthic macroinvertebrates. Between 2015 and 2016, several insects of the orders Ephemeroptera, Odonata, and Hemiptera were identified, but their numbers decreased significantly in 2017 and 2018 following the loss and recovery of the moor owing to drought. During this period, there were relatively more insects of the order Diptera. Within this order, three functional feeding groups, gathering-collectors, plant-piercers, and predators were investigated. Predator species were the most abundant (83.3%), whereas gathering-collectors accounted for the largest proportion of individual insects (50.5%). Between 2015 and 2016, when the moors were stable, groups I and III had the highest community stability. After 2017, when the moors had dried up, group III effectively disappeared because of its lower relative resistance and resilience, and only taxa belonging to group I remained. The results of this study indicate that benthic macroinvertebrates that adapt early during moor formation inhabit the Shinbulsan wetland.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 대덕산・금대봉 생태계보전지역 내 분포하는 관속 식물상을 파악하여 식물분포를 밝히고, 향후 대덕산-금대봉 생태계보전지역의 주요 식물에 대한 효율적인 관리와 보전을 위해 수행하였다. 2017년 4월부터 2019년 10월까지 총 14회에 걸쳐 현지조사를 실시하였다. 대덕산-금대봉 생태계보전지역에 자생하는 관속식물상은 83과 245속 372종 4아종 45변종 8품종으로 총 428분류군이 조사되었다(Appendix 1). 이 중 한국특산 식물은 키버들, 참개별꽃, 진범, 갈퀴현호색 등 19분류군이며, 환경부지정 희귀 및 멸종위기 식물은 개병풍, 가시오갈피, 대성 쓴풀, 복주머니란으로 총 4분류군이 조사되었고, 산림청 지정 희귀식물은 19과 34속 34종 2변종 총 36분류군이 나타났다. 침입외래식물은 토끼풀, 달맞이꽃, 지느러미엉겅퀴 등 4과 8속 8종 총 8분류군으로 조사되었으며. 도시화지수(UI)는 2.5%, 귀화율(NI)은 1.9%로 나타났다. 본 조사지역의 양치식물은 7과 9속 7종 2변종으로 총 9분류군이 나타났고, 양치식물계수는 0.52로 나타났다. 대한약전 기준 약용자원식물은 16과 24속 24 종 2변종 1품종 27분류군이 확인되었다. 민속식물은 772과 175 속 216종 28변종 3품종 4아종 251분류군이 확인되었으며, 대덕산‧금대봉에서 출현한 428분류군 중 58.6%가 민속식물로 나타났다. 민속식물을 분류 별로 보면 가장 많은 213분류군이 식용 식물로 분류되었다. 약용식물은 161분류군이었으며, 향신용식물은 11분류군으로 나타났다. 환경부에서 멸종위기 식물로 지정된 대성쓴풀과 복주머니란 등의 희귀식물은 시급히 보호 및 보전에 필요한 대책을 마련해야 할 것으로 판단되며, 나도범의 귀는 북방계식물로 남한 내 자생지가 검룡소 1곳이 보고되고 있어 자생지보호의 필요성이 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the oviposition characteristics of Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis after emergence as adults from the larva collected from three regions in Gangwon-do, Chungcheongnam-do, and Jeju-do. The laying egg method was identified with zone breeding, and the average and cumulative number of eggs laid were measured once a week for seven weeks. The average number of eggs laid peaked until 4 weeks, and subsequently decreased. The source areas with respect to average number and cumulative number of eggs laid were in the order of Jeju > Chungnam > Gangwon. In conclusion, this result suggests a method for continuously improving management and economic feasibility of insect farming by securing genetic diversity, and raising the most productive breeds to select individuals form regions associated with high numbers of laid eggs.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to conduct a forest healing program for victims affected by the large forest fires of 2017 in Gangneung and to investigate its effects on the stress and physical health promotion of the victims. From January to March 2019, three forest therapy programs were conducted on 49 residents of four villages that suffered forest fires in the National Center for Forest Therapy, Daegwallyeong. The results showed that the degree of stress of forest fire victims decreased significantly by means of these programs. Furthermore, autonomic nerve activity, stress resistance, stress index, and fatigue decreased significantly and average heart rate and heart stability also improved.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        지각내부에서의 지진파 전파 특성은 지각의 주요 구성광물들의 격자선호방향에 크게 영향을 받는다. 따라서 지진파 전파속도자료를 이용해 지구내부구조를 해석하기 위해서는 해당 지역의 주요 구성 광물들의 격자선호방향과 이를 이용해 계산된 암석별 지진파 전파속도 특성 자료가 필요하다. 하지만 국내의 암석과 광물의 격자선호방향에 대한 연구는 거의 없는 상황이다. 이번 연구에서는 경기육괴 북부에 위치한 가평 위곡리 일대의 두 각섬암체에서 각섬암을 채취하여, 각섬암 내부의 주요 광물들, 특히 각섬석과 사장석의 격자선 호방향을 전자현미경/후방산란전자회절 기기를 통해 분석하고, 이를 이용해 가평지역 각섬암에서 나타나는 지진파 전파속도 특성을 계산하였다. 분석결과 가평 위곡리 일대 두 개의 각섬암체에서 각각 type I과 type IV 로 정의된 두 가지 타입의 각섬석 격자선호방향이 관찰되었다. 사장석은 비교적 약한 격자선호방향을 보여주었다. Type I 각섬석 격자선호방향이 관찰된 각섬암에서는 큰 지진파 비등방성이 관찰되었으나, type IV 각 섬석 격자선호방향이 관찰된 각섬암에서는 작은 지진파 비등방성이 관찰되었다. 이것은 이전의 실험결과와 일치하는 결과이다. 빠른 S파의 편파방향은 각섬석의 격자선호방향에 관계없이 선구조방향에 평행하게 나타났다. 가평지역의 각섬암에서 관찰된 이러한 지진파 전파 특성은 경기육괴 지각 내부의 구조와 지진파 자료를 해석하는데 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        나노물질에 대한 연구와 산업화가 급격히 진행되면서 수환경으로 유출되는 나노물질의 양도 점차 많아지고 있다. 특히 은나노물질의 경우 은의 항균성으로 인하여 다양한 분야에서 사용되고 있으며 환경으로 유출되어 입자상태와 용해된 상태로 존재할 수 있다. 은나노물질과 은이온은 생태환경에 악영향을 줄 수 있으며 미국에서는 2차 먹는물 규제 항목(secondary drinking water standards)으로 정하고 있으며 규제농도는 0.1 mg/L로 정하여 관리하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 경북지역의 지하수와 소규모 먹는 물 공급시설을 대상으로 은의 농도를 측정하였으며 오염 정도를 미국 EPA 기준과 비교하고 시료를 채취한 지역의 특성, 물의 사용 목적 등을 고려하여 분석하였다. 총 293개의 시료 중 EPA의 secondary drinking water standards를 초과한 시료는 2개이며 비율로 0 .6 7%이다. 검출률은 마을 상수도와 소규모 급수시설에서 상대적으로 높으며 농도 기준으로는 지하수에서 상대적으로 높은 농도를 보여 인위적 오염원과 지질적 기원이 동시에 작용한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 곰취 신품종 ‘쌈마니’ 의 고랭지와 평난지 수확기 및 가공 상태에 따른 항산화 활성 차이를 구명하고자 수행 하였다. 4월 18일부터 7월 15일까지 수확하여 생것과 데친 것을 냉동 건조한 후 메탄올에 추출하여 총 페놀 함량, 총 플라보노이드 함량, DPPH free radical 소거능과 환원력을 분석하였다. 재배지역 및 수확기별 총 페놀함량, 총 플라보노이드 함량, DPPH free radical 소거능과 환원력은 평난지에서는 4월 18일 조기 수확보다는 5월 수확이 더 효과적이었으며, 고랭지에서는 5월보다는 6월에 더 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 재배지역, 수확기 및 가공상태별 총 페놀 함량, 총 플라보노이드 함량, DPPH free radical 소거능과 환원력은 평난지에서는 4월 조기 수확보다는 5월부터 더 효과적이었으며, 고랭지에서는 6월부터 항산화 활성이 높게 나타났다. 생체와 데친 것을 비교하였을 때, 생체가 모든 항목에서 더 높은 항산화 활성을 나타내었다. 또한 평난지 재배보다 고랭지 재배가 더 높은 항산화 활성을 나타냈다. 이상의 결과를 종합해볼 때, ‘쌈마니’ 품종은 평난지에서는 5월, 고랭지에서는 6월에 수확하여 생으로 먹는 것이 데쳐서 먹는 것보다 항산화 활성이 더 높은 것으로 나타났다.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to protect the lives and property of citizens, the central and local governments are responding by enacting municipal ordinances and regulations as the frequency of extreme weather conditions due to climate change increases and intensity increases gradually. Accordingly, the basic contents and strategies of domestic and foreign policies to cope with cold and heat waves were reviewed, referring to measures suitable for application to the Daegu metropolitan area. In addition, it is intended to provide a policy alternative to Daegu metropolitan area to minimize damage from extreme weather by identifying the current status, characteristics, and future prospects of extreme weather in Daegu metropolitan area. Since the damage caused by the cold wave in Daegu area is not as great as that of other regions, it is urgent to come up with cold wave measures for the health and transportation sectors, and to come up with measures against the heat wave as the damage caused by the heat wave is the most serious in the country. Also we will identify spatial characteristics so that the districts and counties with high vulnerability to extreme weather can be identified and implemented first, and present civic life-oriented facilities and civic action guidelines to overcome cold and heat waves.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research investigated the meteorologically relevant characteristics of high PM2.5 episodes in Busan. The number of days when daily mean PM10 concentration exceeded 100 ㎍/m3 and the PM2.5 concentration exceeded 50 ㎍/m3 over the last four years in Busan were 24 and 58, respectively. Haze occurrence frequency was 37.6% in winter, 27.4% in spring, 18.6% in fall, and 16.4% in summer. Asian dust occurrence frequency was 81.8% in spring, 9.1% in fall and winter, and 0% in summer. During summer in Busan, high PM2.5 episode occurred under the following meteorological conditions. 1) Daytime sea breeze. 2) Mist and haze present throuout the day. 3) Anti-cyclone located around the Korean peninsula. 4) Stable layer formed in the lower atmosphere. 5) Air parcel reached Busan by local transport rather than by long-range transport. These results indicate that understanding the meteorological relevance of high PM2.5 episodes could provide insight for establishing a strategy to control urban air quality.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates the characteristics of diurnal, seasonal, and weekly roadside and residential concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 in Busan, as well as relationship with meteorological phenomenon. Annual mean PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in Busan were 44.2 ㎍/m3 and 25.3 ㎍/m3, respectively. The PM2.5/PM10 concentration ratio was 0.58. Diurnal variations of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in Busan were categorized into three types, depending on the number of peaks and times at which the peaks occurred. Roadside PM10 concentration was highest on Saturday and lowest on Friday. Residential PM10 concentration was highest on Monday and lowest on Friday. Residential PM2.5 concentration was highest on Monday and Tuesday and lowest on Friday. PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were highest on Asian dust and haze, respectively. The results indicate that understanding the spaciotemporal variation of fine particles could provide insights into establishing a strategy to control urban air quality.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        정보통신의 눈부신 발전으로 국가, 사회 그리고 개인의 소통의 다양한 방법으로 다양한 각국의 문화상품들을 손쉽게 접하거나 공유하여 왔다. 오늘날 새롭게 부상하고 있는 21세기 트렌드는 문화와 감성이며 이것을 알리기 위한 유형적 결과물이 문화상품이다. 그 중 캐릭터를 이용한 범위는 넓고 다양하기 때문에 성장 잠재력이 무궁무진하여, 애니메이션, 게임, 카툰, 모바일, 영화 등의 다양한 콘텐츠 문화산업을 발전시키는 요소로 고부가치 만들어내고 있다. 이러한 변화와 추세에 맞춰 도시와 지자체가 국제화 시대에 부응하기 위해 아이덴티티를 정립하고 지역 정서를 이끌어내기 위해 캐릭터를 도입하였고, 지역의 특징이 묻어나는 캐릭터는 농산물, 문화상품 등으로 이미지를 통합하고 지역 경제 활성화를 위한 수단으로 활용되 고 있다. 이러한 효과를 기대하면서 많은 지자체에서 캐릭터를 도입하지만 지역적 특징에 대한 준비와 이해부족으로 홍보 및 수입사업으로 연결되지 못하여 단발성으로 방치되거나 재원만 소요되는 경우가 발생되고 있다. 이러한 내용을 기반으로 본 연구자는 경상북도 신라시대 인물들을 분석하고 재해석하여 디자인 및 문화적 요소를 제품군에 응용하여 대중적으로 호응을 얻을 수 있는 캐릭터 문화상품을 개발하는데 그 목적이 있다. 상품으로는 문화상품류로 이것에 대한 제한적 상품개발이 아닌 다양한 제안과 실질적이고 대중적인 상품들을 제시하여 그 범위들을 확대하였다. 본 연구를 통해 보다 대중적인 캐릭터 개발과 함께 다양한 상품군에 대한 개발 연구를 하였다. 이 연구를 바탕으로 정체성이 깊은 캐릭터는 아이덴티티가 확실하여 대중들로 하여금 기억에 오래남아 문화상품의 다양성과 디자인 향상을 도모하여 지역경제 활성화에 도움이 되는 향상방안을 제시하였다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the relationship analysis between wheat cultivated area and the climate data in Sindh province of Pakistan. The extraction of wheat cultivation area is detected using the remote sensing technique. The analysis of the study area reveals the annual mean maximum and the mean minimum temperature tends to risen with a large range of changes. The trend of average annual precipitation showed a large change, thus it was confirmed that the increase and decrease yield of wheat were depend on the various growth periods of wheat crop. The most influential factors are the annual mean precipitation and the annual mean minimum temperature at the seedling stage of wheat crop. The annual precipitation, annual mean maximum, and the annual mean minimum temperature are significant at the growth period. The annual mean maximum and the annual mean minimum temperatures are significant during the ripening stage of wheat crop in the study area. The results of the study showed that wheat production varies with climate change in the Sindh province. In addition, this study will be used as an important basis for solving crop cultivation areas and production problems caused by climate change in the region.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to uncover the climatological characteristics of Yangganjipung, a strong local wind blowing in Yeongdong region, Korea, which has recently attracted attention as an exacerbation factor of wildland fire spread. Analyses of 20-year (2000-2019) surface climate data observed by the Korea Meteorological Administration demonstrate that strong westerly winds exceeding 20 m/s (25m/s in mountainous areas) more frequently occur in the northeastern coastal region (between Yangyang and Goseong) of Gangwon province rather than the southeastern coastal region, evidencing the existence of Yangganjipung. The intensification of Yangganjipung may be associated with the convergence of strong westerly winds along a southwest-northeast directional tectolinement connected to the western flank of the Taebaek Mountain Range. It is also notable that Yangganjipung tends to occur seasonally between late fall and late spring and diurnally between afternoon and nighttime hours. Examinations of the composited maps of NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data for multiple cases reveal that the formation of a low pressure anomaly core around northern East Sea provides the favorable condition for long-lasting, intense Yangganjipung occurrences. These results are expected to be used as the basic data for establishing a gusty wind warning system to prevent regional-scale climate disasters associated with Yangganjipung such as large-scale forest fires in the eastern coast of the Korean Peninsula.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to increase the ability to adapt to the ecosystem and promote a sustainable use of the natural environment, by classifying the types of damaged lands according to various factors, such as the characteristics of the target area and form, cause, and impact of damage. Moreover, the study suggests the development of evaluation categories and criteria by each type. The results obtained are as follows: first, for the assessment of damaged lands, the changed areas were identified utilizing land cover maps. Video analysis was performed to increase the accuracy, and 88 sites were obtained. Second, the types of damage were classified into ecological infrastructure and ecological environment, and the sub-factors of the cause of damage were classified into 12 factors. Third, each evaluation system for the types of damage was composed of four steps, considering each type of damage and the level of evaluators being higher than paraprofessionals. To supplement this study, it will be necessary to utilize the database of damaged lands other than the Seoul Metropolitan Area and conduct an on-site survey for verification in the future.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, standard precipitation index- based analysis associated with run theory was performed using 53 years’ (1967– 2019) precipitation data to investigate the meteorological drought in Chuncheon. The duration of the meteorological drought in Chuncheon was 8.06 months, magnitude of the drought was -8.21, and average drought depth was -1.08. The drought in May 2014 lasted 21 months until January 2016; the drought scale and average depth was -34.06 and -1.62, respectively. This was the most severe drought in Chuncheon. As a result of drought frequency analysis, the drought scale of May to December in 2014 was estimated to be -16.16, and the return period was estimated to be 300 years. These results are expected to further increase the magnitude and frequency of weather droughts caused by climate change. Therefore, it is critical to prepare appropriate structural measures.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the nitrate formation process, and mass closure of Particulate Matter (PM) were calculated over the urbanized area of Jeju Island. The data for eight water-soluble inorganic ions and nineteen elements in PM2.5 and PM10 were used. The results show that the nitrate concentration increased as excess ammonium increased in ammonium-rich samples. Furthermore, nitrate formation was not as important in ammonium-poor samples as it was in previous studies. According to the sum of the measured species, approximately 45~53% of gravimetric mass of PM remained unidentified. To calculate the mass closure for both PM2.5 and PM10, PM chemical components were categorized into secondary inorganic aerosol, crustal matter, sea salt, trace matter and unidentified matter. The results by the mass reconstruction of PM components show that the portion of unidentified matter was decreased from 52.7% to 44.0% in PM2.5 and from 45.1% to 29.1% in PM10, despite the exclusion of organic matter and elemental carbon.