
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,503

        1990.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The electrochemical oxidation behavior of p-cresol on platinum anode had been investigated by cyclic voltammetric method for the variation of concentration, scan rate of potential, temperature and pH of electrolyte. The oxidation potential of p-cresol was dependent on the electrolyte until the pH=11.5, but in basic solution over its, it was held at o.40V(vs. SCE). A diffusion was rate determining step of oxidation as irreversible reaction by the transfer atone electron. The current of peak was proportional to concentration of p-cresol until the 0.1N and optimum concentration was found to be about 0.1N. The activation energy was calculated for 5.8kcal/mol from the plot of log Il vs. 1/T.
        1990.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A Stability to the dispersion solvent, which is acetonitrile, dichloromethane, benzene, chloroform and acetonitrile-benzene(1:1,v/v) of N-docosyl pyridinium)-TCNQ(1:2)complex was investigated by U.V Spectrophotometer and was confirmed stabilized on acetonitrile, the dichloromethane and acetonitrile-benzene (1:1,v/v) for seven hours. Using CdCl2buffer solution as subphase for LB films deposition, it was achived successively to fabricate the Y-type LB films of (N-docosyl pyridinium)-TCNQ(1:2)complex. For the sake of verifying the deposition of LB films, U.V is measured by variation of nominal layer number.
        1990.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Kinetics of the addition of benzalacetophenone derivatives was investigated by ultraviolet spectrophotometery in 5% dioxane H2O at 50℃. A rate equation was obtained in wide range of pH. The substituent effects on benzalacetophenone derivatives were studied, and addition were facilitated by electron attracting groups. The final product was benzalacetophenone-β-thioglycolic acid synthesized by the addition of thioglycolic acid to benzalacetophenone. On the base of the rate equation, substituent effect, general base effect and final product, the plausible addition mechanism was proposed: Below pH 9.0, only neutral thioglycolic acid molecule was added to the carbon-carbon double bond, and in the range of pH 9.0~11.0, neutral thioglycolic acid molecule and thioglycolic acid anion competitively attacted the double bond. By contrast, above pH 11.0, the reaction was dependent upon only the addition of thioglycolic acid anion.
        1990.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lipid levels in the tissues of liver and intestines of O.bartrami amounted to 40.0% and 1.5%. The new compounds was found to be ethyl acylates, from a deduction of their detailed 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) and 13C-NMR as well as infra red spectra (IR). The fatty acid composition of total lipids were mainly composed of C16:0(19.0%), C18:1(16.2%) and C22:6Ω3(15.7%), followed by C20:1(9.4%), C22:1(6.4%) and C18:0(5.4%). New compound A and B were seemed to derived from the cleavage of glycerol moieties of triglycerides by microbial activities during storage in a frozen state. Compound A contained C16:0(38.2%), C18:1(13:4%), C20:1(13.3%) and C22:1(11.7%) as major components, while compound B predominantly comprised polyunsaturated fatty acid such as C20:5Ω3 (41.2%) and C22:6Ω3(36.1%). In both compounds small amounts of odd numbered fatty acids were also detected (3.8~2.2%).
        1990.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        N-alkyl carboxy pyridinium chlorides such as N-lauryl carboxy-pyridinium chloride, N-myristyl carboxy pyridinium chloride, N-cetyl carboxy pyridinium chloride and N-stearyl carboxy pyridinium chloride were synthesized by the reaction of nicotinic acid and isonicotinic acid with long chain alkyl chlorides, and N-alkyl pyrinium carboxylates such as N-lauryl pyridinium carboxylate, N-myristyl pyridinium carboxylate. N-cetyl pyridinium carboxylate and N-stearyl pyridinium carboxylate were prepared from N-alkyl carboxy pyridinium chlorides. These reaction products could be separated by both column chromatogrphy, and paper chromatography, and there dissociation constants of N-alkyl pyridinium carboxylates were found to pKa 1.0×1013~6,31×1014
        1990.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was attempted to report the effect of Does for Job's tear on steroid hormone changes in rats. Experimental object was one male rat and four female rats in one group. The experimental diet keeped pace with basal diet and Does of Job's tear. A group was basal diet and basal diet & Does for Job's tea was B group(1/day), C group(2/day). D group(3/day), F group(1 day among 3 day, 3/day), G group (1day among 5 day. 3/day) and E group was made diet & Job's tear(3/day). The reduce of weight was appeared to higher in D group and revealed to higher was F, C, B, G and A group. The changes of steroid hormone were showed to significant difference in A group and indicated to significant difference were G, F, B, C, D and E group.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Optical resolution of aminoalcohols had been achived efficiently by use of (R)-2,2'-dihydroxy-l,1'-binaphtholphosphoric acid as the resolving agent in various organic solvents. Racemic aminoalcohols were resolved very easily and high enantiomer yield (about 70% e,e) in THF. On the other hand, absolute configuration of resolved aminoalcohol was (R)-configuration but one of the Valinnol and Phhenylglycinol was anti-type because of sterichindrance.Optical resolution of aminoalcohols had been achived efficiently by use of (R)-2,2'-dihydroxy-1,1'-binaphtholphosphoric acid as the resolving agent in various organic solvents. Racemic aminoalcohols were resolved very easily and high enantiomer yield (about 70% e,e) in THF. On the other hand, absolute configuration of resolved aminoalcohol was (R)-configuration but one of the Valinnol and Phhenylglycinol was anti-type because of sterichindrance.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Semicarbazone formation of nine monosubstituted benzaldehydes was studied kinetically in 20% methanol buffer solution at 15, 25, 35, and 45circC. The rate of p-nitrobenzaldehyde semicarbazone formation is 2.7 times as fast as that of benzaldehyde, while p-hvdroxybenzaldehyde is 3.6 times as slow as that of benzaldehyde. Activation energies for p-chlorobenzaldehyde, benzaldehyde, p-methylbenzaldehyde, p-methoxybenzaldshyde, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, and p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde semicarbazone formation are calculated as 5.80, 6.19, 6.57, 7.06, 8.03, and 6.46 kcal/mol respectively. It is concluded from the effect of ionic strength that the reaction is affected by not ions but neutral molecules involving hydrogen bonding between oxygen atom of carbonyl group and hydrogen atom of acid-catalyst, and concerted attack of the necleophilic reagent, free base on carbonyl compound. Also, the effect of solvent composition is small in 20% and 50% methanol (and ethanol) aqueous solutions. The σ-Σ plots for the rates of semicarbazone formation at pH 7.1 show a linear σ-Σ relationship (σ=0.14l, in contrast to that at pH 2.75 and pH 5.4 corresponding to σ-Σ correlations reparted by Jencks. The rate of semicarbazone formation at pH 5.4 show a relationship which is convex upward, resulting in a break in the curve but at pH 2.75, slight difference from a linear relationship. As a result of studying citric acid catalysis, second-order rate constants increase linearly with citric acid concentration and show a 2 times increase as the catalyst concentration is varied from 0.025 to 0.1 mol/1 at pH 2,9, but slight increase at pH 5.3. The rate-determining step is addition below pH 5 but is dehydration between pH 5 and 7. Conclusively, the rate-determining step of the reaction changes from dehydration to addition in respect to hydrogen ion activity near pH 5. The ortho: para rate ratio of the hydroxybenzaldehydes for semicarbazone formation is about 17 at 15℃. It is concluded that the results constitute strong evidence in favor of greater stabilization of p- than o-hydroxybenzaldehyde by substituent which donate electrons by resonance and is due to hydrogen bonding between the carbon-bound hydrogen of the-CHO group and the oxygen atom of the substituent.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1,3-Di(2-octadecanoyl)-2,7-dioxy-l,3,6,8-tetra aza cyclodecane [DDTC] was synthesized by reacting octadecanoic acid, 2,2'-di-aminodiethyl amine with urea. O/W type softner (STA) was prepared by blending DDTC and pentaerithritol monostearate with polyoxysthylene (20) oleyl ether, polyoxyethylene (10) castor oil, and PEG #1000-lauric acid ester. Treating STA to all cotton fabrics, the physical properties, such as tear strength, crease recovery, flexing abrasion resistance, and so on were measured. Resulting the measurements, STA was found to be durable softner with softness.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Saccharomyces Cerevisiae was cultured in the malt wort added 0%, 0.001%, 0.01%, 0.1% Chloroform - Methanol and Hexane extract of Ganoderma Lucidum. The more the quantity of Ganoderma Lucidum extract were added the more total alcohol quantity were produced during the culture. Especially higher alcohol contents were more increased about 2.2 times 0.1% added group than on control group 120 hr cultured. Ethanol product was more increased on Hexane extract added group than on Chloroform - Methanol extract added group.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using CdCl2 buffer solution as subphase for LB films deposition, it was achieved successively to fabricate the Y-type mixed LB films of (N-eicosyl pyridinium)-TCNQ(1:2) complex and arachidic acid. By measure of U.V spectra and capacitance, deposition status was confirmed. Electrical conductivity was measured on a perpendicular direction of the LB films and in consequence of calculated was average 2.5 × 10-13 - 2 × 10-14 S/cm.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Transesterification reactions (methyl methacrylate with monoethanolamine, methyl methacrylate with n-butyl alcohol, dimethylphthalate with ethylene glycol, dimethyl phthalate with monoethanolamine) were kinetically investigated in the presense of various metal acetate catalysts at 110℃. The amount of reactants was measured by gas and liquid chromatography, and the reaction rates also measured from the amount of reaction products and reactants upon each catalyst. The transesterification reactions were carried out under the first order conditions respect to the concentration of reactants, respectively. The overall reaction order was 2nd, Maximum reaction rates were appeared at the range of 1.4 to 1.6 in electronegativity of metal ions and maximum catalytic activities were obserbed at the range of 1.5 to 1,8 in instability constant of metal acetates.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Influence of mixing ratio of blending oil (rice bran oil : RBD palm olein = 1 : 1, 1 : 4 mixture: w/w) and natural tocopherol, citric acid, and sodium polyphosphate on enhancement of oxidation stability of blending oil under the condition of tap water infulx(1 ml/min/200g oil) were compared by AOM test after heating these system at l80℃. In addition, the effects of tocopherol, and synergist on oxidition stability were also tested with potato chips fried with blending oil(1 : 4 mixture). The result obtained were as followes; 1. The test of RBD palm olein addition of 50% and 80% against rice bran oil on oxidation stability showed that the higher the palm olein contents in blending oil, the higher the oxidation stability. 2. The test of oxidation stability, adding l00ppm, 200ppm and 400ppm of natural tocopherol in two different types of blending oils, A(1 : 1 mixture) and B(1 : 4 mixture), disclosed that blending oil B was more positively effective, and this trend was superior at 200ppm level particularly, Furthermore, oxidation stability was enhanced remarkably upon addition of 100ppm of natural tocopherol, and 50ppm of citric acid together with 50ppm, 100ppm and 200ppm of sodium polyphosphate in general. Especially, 200ppm of sodium polyphosphate addition induced the most synergetic effect on oxidation stability showing as much as 3 times compare to control. 3. The results of oxidation stability obtained by peroxide value on potato chips fried with blending oil (1:4 mixture added tocopherol, citric acid and sodium polyphosphate and preserved at 60℃ revealed that addition of tocopherol and 50ppm of citric acid together with 200ppm of sodium polyphosphate treatment was the most synergistic coinciding with AOM test results.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to synthesize N,N-di-(polyoxyethylene) perfluoroacyl amines and the surface active monoperfluoroacyl aza crown ethers, it is performed as follow. Six of N,N-di(polyoxyethylene) perfluoro acyl amines were synthesized from perfluoroalkanoic acids with ethanol followed by oxyethylation with triethylene glycol mono chloride or tetra ethylene glycol mono chloride and six of N-perfluor acyl monoaza crown ethers by cyclization of corresponding N,N-di(polyoxy ethylene} perfluoro acyl amines with p-toluene suflonic chloride-NaOH/dioxane, p-toluene sulfonyl chloride KOH/dioxane and benzene sulfonic chloride-KOH/dioxane systems.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper was performed to investigate the effect of dietary fiber and Chlorella added diets on serum composition of blood and histopathological change of liver and kidney in male rats. As the result, pectin added diets have an effect of decrease a serum, cholesterol and lipid of the tissue.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Synthesizing octylphosphate(OTP) from phosphorus pentoxide with n-octyl alcohol, octylphosphatethiourea(OTPU) was prepared from OTP with thiourea. After flame retardant finishing OTPU to acrylic fabrics, nylon taffeta and tetron taffeta, the physical properties, such as tear strength and flame retardancy were measured. As the results of the measurement, OTPU was found to be a good flame retardant having softness using to synthetic fibers.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The seeds of 16 domestic plants were studied for their moisture, total lipids and fatty acid composition. Of the 16 seeds, chestnut, corn, mungbean and ginko nut yielded less than 9% by weight of total lipids compared to others that gave 20-73%. The identified fatty acids from the seed lipids ranged from lauric acid (12:0) to lignoceric acid(24:0). It was intended in this study to classify the seed lipids according to their major fatty acids: Group t-Oleic acid; Group 2-0leic acid and linoleic acid; Group 3-linoleic acid; Group 4-linolenic acid ; Group 5-erucic acid ; Group 6-ricinoleic acid. The saturated fatty acid content of mungbean (33%) was the highest among the seed lipids studied. The highest value for the P/S fatty acid ratio(10) was in perilla.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2-N,N,N-trimethyl ammonia decanoate, 2-N,N,N-trimethyl ammonio dodecanoate, 2-N,N,N-trimethyl ammonia tetradecanoate and 2-N,N,N-hexadecanoate with in straight long chain alkyl carboxybetaines, and N-decyl N,N-dimethyl ammonio ethanoate, N-dodecyl N,N-dimethyl ammonia ethanoate, N-tetradecyl N,N-dimethyl ammonia ethanoate and N-hexadecyl N,N-dimethyl ammonia ethanoate with in nitrogen-straight long chain alkyl carboxy betaines measured respectively surface tensions by the stalagmometer method at various temperature, also their critical micelle concentration were evaluated. In micellization, the contribution of standard free energy change(δG˚m), standard enthalpy change(δH˚m) and standard entropy change (δS˚m), have been calculated, with increasing temperature. δH˚m changes from negative, and a similar change in the sign of δH˚m is observed with increasing chain length at 25℃, while the entropy of micellization, δS˚m is positive over the temperature range studied, it becomes less so at higher temperatures. Estimates of the enthalpy and entropy contribution attributable to the ion head group and alkyl chain have been made. The enthalpy and entropy change, per methylene group increase respectively with increasing chain length the result are discussed in terms of current theories of micellization.
        1989.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the study was to find an effect of phospholipid-free vegetable oils on the serum lipids and proteins of Sprague-Dawley rats. All experimental rats were fed ad libitum for 60days with the mixture of starch: casein: salt mixture: vitamin mixture (60:18:4:1) and at the same time fed administratively with 1 ml of soybean oil, corn oil and sesame oil bought in market as source of phospholipid-free vegetable oils(PFVO) and those extracted directly by and oil press as source of phospholipid-containing vegetable oils(PCVO) respectively. At the last day of experimental period, the rats were fasted for 12 hours and decaptitated to collect blood for analysis of serum lipid and protein. The results of this study were summerized as follows. 1. The supplementation of dietary phospholipid decrease food efficiency ratio and the growth rate of experimental rats. 2. The supplementation of dietary phospholipid improve correlation coefficient of body weight and organ weights. 3. The supplementation of dietary phospholipid increase the level of serum phosphatidylethanolamine. Therefore, I think that we must eat dietary phospholipid unpurified from vegetable oil to prevent development of atherosclerosis and fat liver.