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        검색결과 79

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 기후변화 등으로 인한 꿀벌의 폐사가 증가하고 있으나 관련 데이터가 부족하여 이에 대한 연구가 어려움 을 겪고 있어 학습용 인공지능 데이터를 구축하여 양봉 산업 발전에 기여하고자 한다. 학습용 데이터로 생애주기 별 5단계(알, 애벌레, 번데기, 숫벌, 여왕벌), 종봉별 4가지(이탈리안, 카니올란, 한봉, 호박벌), 발생질병 1종(백묵 병) 총 10가지 클래스를 데이터 수집장소 6곳(장성, 포천, 칠곡, 완주, 의령, 장흥)에서 학습용 데이터를 274,206장 구축하였다. 수집된 데이터는 원시데이터, 원천데이터 가공, 라벨링 데이터 결합, 가공데이터 검수 등을 통해 만들어졌으며 관측지에서 온습도, CO, CH4, NH3 등 환경데이터를 200,000건 확보하여 데이터 라벨링을 수행하 였다. 데이터는 AI Hub(www.aihub.or.kr)에서 다운받을 수 있다. 확보된 데이터는 꿀벌의 생애 단계별, 종별, 건강 상태별 이미지 데이터로 구성되어 있어 양봉 관리 자동화, 꿀벌 질병 예측, 양봉 기술 개발 및 연구 등 다양한 분야에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        식용곤충은 미래식량 자원으로써 우수한 가치를 지니고 있어 해외에서는 사육자동화, IoT 및 AI 기술적용, 수직재배시스템 구축 등 많은 연구가 진행되고 있지만 국내에서는 대규모 사육농가나 곤충스마트팜 기술개발 이 부족하여 이를 위한 AI/빅데이터 인프라 구축이 시급한 실정이다. 학습용 인공지능 데이터는 식용곤충으로 활용되고 있는 장수풍뎅이, 흰점박이꽃무지, 갈색거저리, 백강잠, 메뚜기, 풀무치의 생애 주기별 총 6종의 RGB 사진데이터와 분광이미지 데이터 408,000장을 구축하였으며 온도, 습도, CO,, 암모니아, 조도, 수분 등 환경 데이 터 200,000세트를 수집하였다. 수집된 데이터는 원시데이터 수집, 원천데이터 가공, 라벨링 데이터 결합, 가공데 이터 검수 등을 통해 만들어졌으며 관련 데이터는 AI Hub(www.aihub.or.kr)에서 다운받을 수 있다. 확보된 식용곤 충 6종의 데이터는 곤충 종별 성장단계, 환경 변수에 따른 최적의 사육환경 조성, 생산시기 예측, 스마트대량사육 시스템 개발, 제품 가공시 추적이력제 도입, 식용곤충 스마트팜 기술 개발 및 연구 등 다양한 분야에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KORAD (Korea Radioactive Waste Agency, http://www.korad.or.kr) has stored slightly contaminated ascon (asphalt coated concrete mixture) that was introduced to Gyeongju repository about a decade ago waiting for a final disposal. It is believed to be mainly contaminated by radioisotope 137Cs due to impurities introduced from the outside during the ascon manufacturing process. We studied characteristics of the radioactive waste to see whether this material would be proper enough to be disposed in Gyeongju LILW repository or be other ways to reduce the disposal volume including self-disposal before its final disposal otherwise. KORAD looked into the properness of characteristics of ascon in terms of WAC (Waste Acceptance Criteria) documented by KORAD that includes general chemical and physical properties of asphalt, density, size of grains, content of organic material and possibility of existence of chelate materials that qualitatively limited to be disposed by the criteria. And other associated characteristics such as gas generation and bio degradation were also investigated. Based on the data obtained from the study, we proposed various plausible solutions in associated with operational and disposal safety and economic view points. This study will be used for KORAD’s decision on how to control and safely dispose the spent ascon within a reasonable time period. And also those experiences may be applied for other LILW issues that require treatment or conditioning of radioactive wastes in the future.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to Article 4 and 5 of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) Notice No. 2020-6, radioactive waste packages should be classified by radioactive levels, and finally permanently shipped to underground or surface disposal facilities. The level of the radioactive waste package is determined based on the concentrations of the radionuclides suggested in Article 8 of NSSC Notice No. 2021-26. Since most of the radionuclides in radioactive wastes are beta nuclides, chemical separation and quantification of the target nuclides are essential. Conventional methods to classify chemically non-volatile radionuclides such as Tc-99, Sr-90, Nb- 94, Fe-55 take a lot of time (about 5 days) and have low efficiency. An automated non-volatile nuclide analysis system based on the continuous chemical separation method of radionuclides has been developed to compensate for this disadvantages of the conventional method in this study. The features of the automated non-volatile nuclide separation system are as follows. First, the amount of secondary waste generated during the chemical separation process is very small. That is, by adopting an open-bed resin column method instead of a closed-bed resin column method, additional fittings and connector are unnecessary during the chemical separation. In addition, because the peristaltic pump is supplied for the sample and solution respectively, it is great effective to prevent cross-contamination between radioactive samples and the acid stock solution for analysis. Second, the factors that may affect results, such as solution amount, operating time and flow rate, are almost constant. By mechanically controlling the flow rate precisely, the operating time and additional factors required during the separation process can be adjusted and predicted in advance, and the uncertainty of the chemical separation process can be significantly reduced. Finally, it is highly usable not only in the continuous separation process but also in the individual separation process. It can be applied to the individual separation process because the user can set the individual sequence using the program. As a result of the performance evaluation of the automation system, recovery rates of about 80–90% and reproducibility within 5% were secured for all of the radionuclides. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the actual work time was reduced by more than 50% compared to the previous manual method. (It was confirmed that the operation time required during the separation process was reduced from 6 days to 3 days.) Based on these results, the automation system is expected to improve the safety of workers in radiation exposure, reduce human error, and improve data reliability.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Long-term non-surgical contraceptive methods for cats, especially community cats, are of global interest for cost-effective and humane reasons. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-based vaccine for immunocontraception and to confirm its safety in intact female cats. Recombinant Salmonella typhimurium flagellin fljB (STF2)-GnRH protein was expressed in Escherichia coli. We divided female cats into vehicle control group (n = 4) and two experimental groups (100 μg injection group [n = 7] and 1000 μg injection group [n=7]), and immunized them twice intramuscularly (0.2 mL/cat at zero week and 4 weeks later into the other leg). Breeding trials started on day 120. All control cats (n = 4/4), 71% of the 100 μg injection group (n = 5/7), and 57% of the 1000 μg injection group (n = 4/7) became pregnant within 203 days after the introduction of male cats. The 1000 μg injection group had significantly a longer median time to conception following treatment (166 days) than the control (17 days, p < 0.05). Average litter size was significantly lower in the 1000 μg GnRH-vaccinated cats (2.8 ± 0.7) than in the control cats (4.5 ± 0.5, p < 0.05). Injection site reactions were not observed in any cat. The E. coli-expressed STF2-GnRH vaccine did not provide contraception in a sufficient proportion of the cats. However, it might be effective to suppress fertility through infertility vaccines before inducing permanent infertility through the trap-neuter-return.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        공공정원이 현대도시의 새로운 영역으로 등장하며 시민가드너 양성교육이 확대되는 현상에 주목하여, 시민가드너 교육 참가자, 참여의향자, 일반시민으로 집단을 구분하여 도시정원에 대한 이미지와 효과 및 공동체성을 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였으며, 교육 의의 및 활성화 방안을 함께 고찰하였다. 24개 형용사 어의구별척도를 이용한 도시정원 이미지 평가 결과, 자연과의 관계를 나타내는 “친숙한, 정서적인” 등의 어의변수와 정원활동에 대한 태도를 나타내는 “상호교류적인, 적극적인”, 그리고 공간적 평가와 관련된 “확장적인, 자율 적인” 이미지에서 상대적으로 높은 평가치를 보였다. 교육참 가자는 “자율적인, 지속적인” 등의 어의변수를 높게 평가하여, 도시정원의 형태나 디자인보다는 유지관리와 지속성을 중시함을 알 수 있었다. 주성분분석에 의한 요인분석 결과로부터 교육참가자 집단의 요인적재값을 중심으로 요인별 특성을 파악하면, 잠재적(Potential) 차원의 1 요인은 “도시정원의 공공적 역할과 공동체성”, 평가적(Evaluative) 차원의 2 요인은 “공공조경으로서의 차별성”, 활동적(Active) 차원의 3 요인은 “미적 체험성”으로 명명할 수 있었다. 도시정원 효과에 대해 교육 참가자일수록 사회적, 환경적 측면을 중요하게 인식하고 있었고, 공동체의식지표 평균값(3.4)은 잠재참가 집단(3.31)과 일반시민 집단(2.69)에 비해 높게 나타났다는 점에서 공공성 인식 상의 차이를 볼 수 있었다. 시민가드너 교육이 정원식물 지식 습득의 의미를 넘어 평생교육이나 공동체 활동으로 인식 된다는 점에서 지속가능성을 위한 교육의 체계화 필요성을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The ride quality (i.e. smoothness) is a key factor for evaluating the construction quality of expressway asphalt pavement. Conventionally, three paving devices are widely used to control the surface layer thickness: leveling sensor (i.e. LS), short-range-surfacing-contact-ski (i.e. SSCS) and long-range-surfacing-contact-ski (i.e. LSCS). However, each of these levelling tools presents one major drawback. In the case of LS, if the original sub-layer evenness is poor, the final asphalt pavement surface and its smoothness will be negatively affected. The SSCS cannot assure satisfactory smoothness when relatively long paving section (in the order of 10 km) are paved. While the LSCS would reduce the drawback of the SSCS, its weight on the one hand and its length on the other discourage its use in the paving site especially for curved sections. In this paper, a next generation pavement smoothness leveling equipment, known as non-contact-digital-ski (i.e. NCDS) was implemented, evaluated and compared to the conventional equipment leveling device. The international Roughness Index (IRI m/km) was measured on sections paved with and without NCDS and the results visually and statistically compared. In addition, for the same sections, the modulus of the pavement layers was computed and compared by means of Falling Weight Deflectometer (i.e. FWD). It was observed that when NCDS is used for asphalt pavement overlay of existing concrete pavement, significant improvement in IRI (i.e. IRI<1.0m/km) and consistently uniform elastic modulus could be achieved compared to the conventional levelling and paving method.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to identify key nations and bird species of conservation concern we described multinational collaborations as defined using network analysis linked by birds that are found in all nations in the network. We used network analysis to assess the patterns in bird occurrence for 10,422 bird inventories from 244 countries and territories. Nations that are important in multinational collaborations for bird conservation were assessed using the centrality measures, closeness and betweenness centrality. Countries important for the multinational collaboration of bird conservation were examined based on their centrality measures, which included closeness and betweenness centralities. Comparatively, the co-occurrence network was divided into four groups that reveal different biogeographical structures. A group with higher closeness centrality included countries in southern Africa and had the potential to affect species in many other countries. Birds in countries in Asia, Australia and the South Pacific that are important to the cohesiveness of the global network had a higher score of betweenness centrality. Countries that had higher numbers of bird species and more extensively distributed bird species had higher centrality scores; in these countries, birds may act as excellent indicators of trends in the co-occurrence bird network. For effective bird conservation in the world, much stronger coordination among countries is required. Bird co-occurrence patterns can provide a suitable and powerful framework for understanding the complexity of co-occurrence patterns and consequences for multinational collaborations on bird conservation.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        에너지 음료는 카페인을 주성분으로 타우린, 비타민 같은 다른 energy-enhancing 성분을 함유하고 있다. 미국과 유럽에서는 글루쿠로노락톤이 에너지 음료에 첨가될수 있으나, 국내에서 의약품으로는 허가되어 있다. 따라서 식품 첨가물로는 그 사용이 금지 되어 있어, 지속적으로 수입 및 유통 음료에서 시험검사를 하여 규제하고 있다. 현재 분석법으로 사용하는 LC-PDA 법은 복잡한 유도체화 과 정을 거치고, 음료 중에 당류들이 위양성 결과를 나타내 기도 한다. 이런 기존 방법의 단점을 개선하기 위해 HILICESI- MS/MS (hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry) 를 이용한 분석법을 개발하고, 선택성, 직선성, 검출한계, 정량한계, 정밀도, 정확성, 재현성에 대하여 분석법 유효성 검증을 수행했고, AOAC, EURACHEM 가이드라인에 부합되는 결과를 얻었다.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We determined the effects of different water temperatures (15, 20, and 25℃) and photoperiod cycles (24L:0D, 12L:12D, and 0L:24D) on the oxygen consumption of the offspring of a cultured Japanese strain (JJ), a selected Korean strain (KK), and intraspecific hybrid strains (JK and KJ) of red seabream, Pagrus major, under starvation conditions. The different fish strains, water temperatures, and photoperiod cycles had effects on the mean oxygen consumption of fish. Oxygen consumption increased with increasing water temperatures for all photoperiod treatments (p <0.001). Fish held in continuous darkness (0L:24D) used consistently less oxygen than fish exposed to continuous light (p <0.05). The oxygen consumption of fish exposed to the light phase in a 12L:12D photoperiod was higher than that of fish in the dark phase of the 12L:12D cycle, and differences were significant in three of the strains: JJ (15℃), KK (15 and 20℃), and KJ (25℃). The oxygen consumption of the inbred (JJ and KK) and intraspecific hybrid (JK and KJ) strains varied with differing water temperatures and photoperiod cycles. The JK strain displayed significantly higher oxygen consumption than the other strains under all experimental conditions except 15℃ with a 0L:24D photoperiod. The JK and KJ strains usually showed the highest and lowest oxygen consumption values, respectively, whereas the inbred strains exhibited intermediate values. Oxygen consumption in the JJ and JK strains was usually higher than that of the KK and KJ strains. We propose that differences in the thermal sensitivity and photosensitization properties of the strains contribute to differences in their ability to adapt to changes in water temperature and photoperiod, thus resulting in differences in the amplitude of their metabolic rates.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In mature oocytes, maturation promoting factor (MPF) activity is playing important roles in arrest at M-phase and its continuous phenomenon, oocyte aging. In most mammals, metaphase II oocytes show high MPF activity and have been used as ooplasts in somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Caffeine has been found to regulate MPF activity in mammalian oocytes. Caffeine inhibits p34cdc2 phosphorylation and increases MPF activity. The present study investigated the effects of caffeine treatment during last 4 hours of in vitro maturation (IVM) on oocyte maturation and embryonic development after parthenogenesis (PA) and SCNT. The IVM medium was medium-199, 10% (v/v) PFF, cysteine, pyruvate, epidermal growth factor, kanamycin, insulin, and hormones. Immature oocytes were matured in IVM medium without or with 2.5 mM caffeine during the last 4 hours of IVM. The in vitro culture medium for embryonic development was porcine zygote medium-3 containing 0.3% (w/v) bovine serum albumin. Nuclear maturation (83.6–87.2%) and intraoocyte glutathione contents (0.9–1.0 pixels/oocyte) of oocytes were not influenced by the caffeine treatment. The membrane fusion of cell-cytoplast couplets (75.5–76.5%) and cleavage (85.4–86.2%) were also not altered by the caffeine treatment. However, caffeine-treated oocytes showed higher (P<0.05) blastocyst formation after SCNT (47.5 vs. 34.3%) than untreated oocytes. Our results demonstrate that caffeine treatment during last 4 hour of IVM improves the developmental competence of SCNT embryos probably by influencing MPF activity.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of vibration on Golgi tendon organ(GTO) and Hold-Relax of PNF in muscular activity and gait factors on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness(DOMS). This study was conducted on 20 subjects. they were divided into two groups; Hold-Relax of PNF(n=10), Vibration on GTO(n=10). Both of the group was performed interventions 1 times a day for 3 days. The data was analyzed by the repeated-ANOVA for comparing before, after 24h and after 48h changes of factors in each group and the Independent t-test for comparing the between groups. The results are as follows. There was statistically significant difference of before, after 24h and after 48h vibration on GTO group and Hold-Relax of PNF group in muscular activity and gait factors on DOMS.(p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference of between vibration on GTO group, but there was statistically significant difference Hold-Relax of PNF group in EMG, step width, step length, stride length(p>0.05). As a results of this study, Hold-Relax of PNF group are effective in improving muscular activity and gait factors
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In photobiophysics, biophoton means a kind of biological energy which enhances most metabolisms of the body. To investigate the immuno-enhancing effects of biophoton energy projector (BEP) producing light energy, pigs were irradiated with BEP for 8 weeks. Swine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (sPBMCs) were isolated from the blood of irradiated pigs. In this study, the antigen uptake and mitochondrial membrane potential of sPBMCs were measured by flow cytometric analysis. The irradiation of BEP increased the antigen uptake of sPBMCs. For functional analysis, the production of Bordetella bronchiseptica-specific IgG, measured using antigen-specific ELISA, was increased during the period of BEP irradiation. Taken together, the results suggest that the irradiation of BEP has immune-enhancing effects on sPBMCs.
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