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        검색결과 217

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study presents the results of mosquito surveillance monitoring in Chungnam Province from 2017 to 2020. A total of 130,750 mosquitoes were collected, and we analyze variations of mosquito populations with emphasis on the most abundant species. We also provide the field survey data based on the different habitats in Chungnam Province.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the study, a variation of Haemaphysalis longicornis, a major vector of fever-causing conditions, was statistically analyzed to identify the spatial and climatic factors affecting the time-dependent variations of its population. The survey occurred in different habitats in South Korea. In addition, we developed a predictive model by using a probability function to find the peak occurrence time annually. As a result, the numbers of adults and nymphs were found to be related to temperature and relative humidity and their population peaked at the end of May in all habitats except deciduous forests. This study is expected to provide information on habitat types, times, and climate patterns that require attention to help control H. longicornis populations.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We analyzed trends of ants intercepted on imported plants and lumber over the past 30 years, using data extracted from the Pest Information System (PIS). There were 1,629 cases of about 112 species (5 subfamilies, 45 genera) from planting plants such as Asparagales, Alismatales, and Saxifragales, and 2,217 cases of about 86 species (7 subfamilies, 42 genera) from lumbers such as square lumber, pellets, and solid wood. For intercepted trends by continent, Asia was the most frequently detected at 91%, followed by Europe at 1% and North America at nearly 1%. Among Asian countries, Malaysia (27%) represented the highest number of interceptions, followed closely by Indonesia at 26%.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 가로수, 공원 등에 수목이 많이 식재되어 우리 생활 주변에 녹지가 조성되고 있었고, 이를 생활권 수목 또는 도시숲으로 불리다. 이러한 생활권 수목의 증가로 따른 현상으로, 대상 수목을 가해하는 해충 또한 증가하였 다. 생활권 해충에 대한 방제 수단으로는 농약 살포, 나무 주사 등의 화학적 방제법이 있으나, 생활권 주변이라는 특성으로 인하여 농약 살포나 나무주사 등은 바람직한 방제 수단으로 여기기 어렵다. 이에, 친환경적인 방제 방법중의 하나인 페로몬을 이용한 교미교란제법이 하나의 대안으로 판단되어 수목 해충 중 나비목 해충에 대한 교미교란제의 적용해 보았다. 대상 수목과 해충으로는 무궁화-큰붉은잎밤나방, 동백나무-차독나방, 왕벚나무- 복숭아유리나방으로, 잎을 가해하는 해충 2종과, 천공성 해충 1종을 선택하였다. 큰붉은잎밤나방은 무궁화의 가장 큰 식엽성 해충이다. 차독나방은 남부지역 동백나무에 발생하는 식엽성 해충으로, 접촉시 피부염을 일으켜 일부 관광지에서 문제가 되고 있다. 복숭아유리나방은 줄기를 가해하는 천공성 해충으로, 화학방제가 어려운 해충이다. 본 발표에서는 큰붉은잎밤나방, 차독나방, 복숭아유리나방의 교미교란제를 이용한 방제 효과와 방제 효과 평가법에 대하여 발표하고자 한다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        An outbreak of stick insects, Ramulus mikado, as forest pests in South Korea has become a topic of concern. While other countries have reported these insects being severely affected by the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium spp., comprehensive research in South Korea remains limited on this topic. In our two-year investigation, we investigated the infection rate and mortality of R. mikado caused by Metarhizium anisopliae. In 2022, specimens were collected from Cheonggyesan, and in 2023 from Geumamsan. Although no infections were confirmed in the specimens collected in June of both years. Beginning in July, mortality and infection rates were greatly increased. In conclusion, the summer monsoon appears to create hot and humid conditions in the forest, contributing to reduced survival rates for these insects due to infection by M. anisopliae.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        대벌레(Ramulus mikado)는 1990년 이후부터 2000년대 초반까지 경북을 중심으로 대발생을 하였던 돌발 해충 으로 2020~2023년에 수도권에서 대발생 사례가 다수 보고 되었다. 대벌레의 대발생 원인으로 기후변화가 지목되 고 있지만, 대벌레 개체군과 생물적·비생물적 환경 조건과의 관계를 이해하기 위한 연구는 매우 부족한 실정이 다. 본 연구에서는 주요 기주식물과 대벌레 발생 양상에 대한 관계를 이해하고자 수행하였다. 2022년부터 2023년 까지 대벌레 대발생 지역 중 하나인 청계산 일대 등산로를 따라 조사구를 선정한 뒤 주요 기주식물이자 우점종인 신갈나무, 아까시나무, 잔털벚나무를 대상으로 대벌레의 발생 밀도를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 조사지점 간의 대벌 레 평균 밀도는 유의한 차이가 발견되지 않았지만, 기주식물에 따른 밀도의 차이는 뚜렷하게 나타났다.
        2023.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Crab nebula is widely used as a polarization angle calibrator for single-dish radio observations because of its brightness, high degree of linear polarization, and well-known polarization angle over a wide frequency range. However, the Crab nebula cannot be directly used as a polarization angle calibrator for single-dish observations with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN), because the beam size of the telescopes is smaller than the size of the nebula. To determine the polarization angle of the Crab nebula as seen by KVN, we use 3C 286, a compact polarized extragalactic radio source whose polarization angle is well-known, as a reference target. We observed both the Crab nebula and 3C 286 with the KVN from 2017 to 2021 and find that the polarization angles at the total intensity peak of the Crab nebula (equatorial coordinates (J2000) R.A. = 05h34m32.3804s and Dec = 22◦00′44.0982′′) are 154.2◦ ±0.3◦, 151.0◦ ±0.2◦, 150.0◦ ±1.0◦, and 151.3◦ ±1.1◦ at 22, 43, 86, and 94 GHz, respectively. We also find that the polarization angles at the pulsar position (RA = 05h34m31.971s and Dec = 22◦00′52.06′′) are 154.4◦ ±0.4◦, 150.7◦ ±0.4◦, and 149.0◦ ± 1.0◦ for the KVN at 22, 43, and 86 GHz. At 129 GHz, we suggest to use the values 149.0◦ ± 1.6◦ at the total intensity peak and 150.2◦ ± 2.0◦ at the pulsar position obtained with the Institute for Radio Astronomy in the Millimeter Range (IRAM) 30-meter Telescope. Based on our study, both positions within the Crab nebula can be used as polarization angle calibrators for the KVN single-dish observations.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) is one of the most frequently consumed leafy vegetables globally, as it contains numerous nutrients; essential amino acids, phenolics, vitamins, and minerals, and is particularly rich in glucosinolates. However, the differences in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates and related gene expression among kale cultivars has been poorly reported. In this study, we investigated glucosinolates profile and content in three different kale cultivars, including green (‘Man-Choo’ and ‘Mat-Jjang’) and red kale (‘Red-Curled’) cultivars grown in a vertical farm, using transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses. The growth and development of the green kale cultivars were higher than those of the red kale cultivar at 6 weeks after cultivation. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis revealed five glucosinolates in the ‘Man-Choo’ cultivar, and four glucosinolates in the ‘Mat-Jjang’ and ‘Red-Curled’ cultivars. Glucobrassicin was the most predominant glucosinolate followed by gluconastrutiin in all the cultivars. In contrast, other glucosinolates were highly dependent to the genotypes. The highest total glucosinolates was found in the ‘Red-Curled’ cultivar, which followed by ‘Man-Choo’ and ‘Mat-Jjang’. Based on transcriptome analysis, eight genes were involved in glucosinolate biosynthesis. The overall results suggest that the glucosinolate content and accumulation patterns differ according to the kale cultivar and differential expression of glucosinolate biosynthetic genes.
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