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        검색결과 384

        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : ‘baek-chul’(White atractylodes rhizome) widely used in traditional herbal remedies in Asia. A. Japonica and A. Macrocephala are used as ‘baek-chul’ in Japanese Pharmacopoeia but only A. Macrocephala is used as ‘baek-chul’ in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Based on morphologic observation A. japonica has small infloresence diameter, white flowers and gynodioecism, whereas A. macrocephala has large inflorescence diameter, red flowers ,monoecism and developed rhizomes. but The distinction of these isn't easy. SSRs are very useful molecular markers for species identification. In this study, genetic diversity and identification between A. Japonica and A. Macrocephala were confirmed by SSR marker. Methods and Results : DNAs were extracted from leaf tissue of A. Japonica, A. Macrocephala and A. Japonica × A. Macrocephala (Breeding varieties, ‘Dachul’) using DNeasy plant Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilen, Germany). these plants cultivated from RDA(Eumseong) and used for PCR amplification. The relative concentration of the extracted DNA was estimated Nano Drop ND-1000 (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, De, USA) And final DNA concentration was adjusted to 5.5ng/μL. In this study 8 primer pairs were tested on 4 A. Japonica, 4 A. Macrocephala, 2 ‘Dachul’. These primers showed high polymorphism among and within four populations of A. macrocephala.(Zheng et al.). We detected interspecific and intraspecific SSR polymorphism by 3 primer pairs. Conclusion : The results showed that these markers were found to be useful for diversity analysis as they distinguished among Atractylodes spp. and also A.Macrocephala. This work is intended to serve as the basis for the breeding of new varieties in white atractylodes rhizome.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Curcuma longa L., in the family Zingiberaceae, is distributed in tropical and/or sub-tropical regions mainly in India and China. This species is commonly called turmeric, powder is used as medicinal herbs and/or flavor enhancer. It has been cultivated in southern region mainly Jindo. However, it might be possible to extend cultivation regions due to rise in average temperature. In order to select superior lines based on agronomic characteristics, we analyzed multivariate and estimated selection effects from C. longa germplasm. Methods and Results : The C. longa germplasm were cultivated in an experimental field located in Eumseong, NIHHS, RDA. The harvested roots were investigated in agronomic characteristics included in yield and then considered its relationship among the 9 germplasm by multivariate analysis method. Results from principal component analysis (PCoA) showed that it represented 70.00% and 80.44% accumulated explanation from four and five principal compounds (PC). PCoA was conducted from 9 agronomic characteristics and then correlation coefficient has been showed by analysis between each main component value and agronomic characteristics. Value of the first PC was 2.25, 24.96% explanation of total dispersion, plant height, number of rootlet and weight of rootlet were correlated with a somewhat higher level as 0.41, 0.43 and 0.52. Value of the fifth PC was 0.94, 10.43% explanation of total dispersion, the number of shoots was correlated with a higher level as 0.87. Selection effects with outstanding candidate lines including higher lines were estimated at 126.13% in yield. Conclusion : These data on multivariate based on agronomic characteristics will be give us invaluable breeding information by selection of superior lines.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        New observations for the times of minimum lights of a well-known apsidal motion star CW Cephei were made using a 0.6 m wide field telescope at Jincheon station of Chungbuk National University Observatory, Korea during the 2015 observational season. We determined new times of minimum lights from these observations and analyzed O-C diagrams together with collected times of minima to study both the apsidal motion and the Light Time Effect (LTE) suggested in the system. The new periods of the apsidal motion and the LTE were calculated as 46.6 and 39.3 years, respectively, which were similar but improved accuracy than earlier ones investigated by Han et al. (2002), Erdem et al. (2004) and Wolf et al. (2006).
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Koji (Aspergillus oryzae) is used to ferment crude cereals of wheat to make a traditional alcoholic drink called Makkolli and industrial materials. It’s quality varies depending on the wheat quality. Four domestic wheat varieties (Kosomil, Jokyungmil, Geumgangmil, Baegjungmil) were characterized. They were found similar in pH (6.02 to 6.08) and total acid (0.105 to 0.120%) contents. However, amino acid content of Gemgangmil was the highest (4.46%) and that of Baegjungmil was the lowest (3.72%). The total bacillus number was highest in Kosomil (333×103CFU/ml) and lowest in Gemgangmil (60×103CFU/ml). On the other hand, the fungus number was 47×105CFU/ml in Gemgangmil and the other varieties had similar quantity. The content of Alpha-amlyase was the highest (500.01unit/g) in Kosomil followed by Jokyungmil and Gemgangmil, and the lowest was in Baegjungmil (353.32unit/g). The content of Glucoamlyase was the highest in Geumgangmil (5105.0unit/g) followed by Jokyungmil and Kosomil, and the lowest was in Baegjungmil (3880.0unit/g). Acid protease was the highest in Kosomil (3515.15unit/g) followed by Geumgangmil and Baegjungmil, and the lowest in Jokyungmil (1280.5unit/g). From the result, Koji made from Kosomil was found to be of superior quality.
        2013.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For the study of population genetic structure with mtDNA, it is essential to measure genetic diversity at each mtDNA regions. Also, to evaluate the variation according to the each region should follow as well as to see if there are differences. In this study, we delved into the variations and dendrogram among samples of seven mtDNA regions (NDⅡ, NDⅤ, NDⅣ, NDⅣL, NDⅥ, NDⅠ, 12SrRNA) from wild Pacific abalone, Haliotis discus hannai collected in Yeosu, Korea. The region with the highest genetic variation was NDⅣ region (Haplotype diversity = 1.0000, Nucleotide diversity = 0.010823) with two to five times higher variation than the others. Furthermore, the study to see if there is a difference between the regions of samples showed that similar aspects of dendrogram in NDⅡ and NDⅠ(divergence of 90% and 87%), which forms a group with hd4, 7, 8 and 10 at bootstrap support, based on 1000 replications. Also, pair-wise FST between clusters within the regions showed high values; 0.4061 (P=0.0000), 0.4805 (P=0.0000) respectively. Therefore we can infer that it is the most efficient and accurate way to analyze the region of NDⅣ with the highest variation in addition to the regions of NDⅡ and NDⅠ, which formed clusters with high bootstrap value, for study of population genetic structure in this species.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The transfer of a biotic resistance gene from indica rice cultivars into japonica cultivars by conventional breeding methods often difficult due to high sterility of the progenies, poor plant type, and linkage drag. Molecular markers provide opportunities to map resistance genes and accelerate the application of marker-assisted backcross(MAB) breeding through the precise transfer of target genomic regions into the recurrent parent. The basis of MAB breeding is to transfer a specific gene/allele of the donor parent into the recurrent parent genome while selecting against donor introgressions across the rest of the genome. The effectiveness of MAB breeding depends on the availability of closely linked DNA markers for the target locus, the size of the population, the number of backcrosses and the position and number of markers for background selection. We have successfully developed Bph18 version of the commercially cultivated japonica elite cultivar by using MAB and incorporating the resistance gene Bph18 that conferred enhanced resistance to BPH. MAB breeding provides a new opportunity for the selective transfer of biotic resistance genes into elite indica rice cultivars devoid of linkage drag. In additon, molecular markers precisely estimate the introgression of chromosome segments from donor parents and can speed up the recipient genome recovery via background selection.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Plant transformation systems have been developed using several different approaches, and the development of reliable and efficient transformation systems is still one of the most important breakthroughs in molecular biology and biotechnology of rice. However, there are many cultivars in rice and transformation efficiency is dependent on the cultivar. The conventional Agrobacterium-mediated rice transformation system using secondary calli requires 14-16 weeks for establishing transgenic plantlets, and it is thought that somaclonal variation through the Tos17 retrotransposon occurs during the tissue culture stage. Here, we modified an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system in rice cultivar Dongjin, adding an endosperm removal step that is critical to transformation frequency and changing the Agrobacterium strain and media composition. This method increased transformation efficiency and stability. These results will provide valuable information for scientists to use a reliable and efficient rice transformation system.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To develop a strong root-specific gene expression system, six gene promoters were investigated by using transgenic Arabidopsis and a GUS:GFP reporter gene. These promoters were initially selected from Arabidopsis genes which are specifically expressed only in roots, based on the TIGR information. The GUS activity of these promoters was measured in several tissues of Arabidopsis by using both histochemical and fluorimetric GUS assays. The results showed that the activity of these promoters was strongly detected only roots. This was also confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Therefore, these six promoters could be used for utilization of a root-specific expression of target genes.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Although it is known that the composition of high-molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs) and low-molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GSs) are important factor for bread, noodle and cookie, it is still not clear which HMW-GSs and LMW-GSs confer improved processing properties and how those HMW-GSs and LMW-GSs interact each other. In this study, to investigate distinctive glutenin proteins for characteristic processing properties for noodle, glutenins extracted from seeds of several Korean and Chinese wheat cultivars were focused in IPG gel strip and subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Differential protein expression level was analyzed using image master platinum 6. Then to characterize the HMW-GSs of Korean cultivar Uri, extracted glutenin proteins were separated by two dimensional gel electrophoresis. Nine spots digested with trypsin resulting peptide fragmentation were identified by LC ESI-MS/MS and MASCOT database. We also separated HMW-GSs from wheat cultivar Uri by fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) withResource Phe column using gradient buffer condition with 4M Urea and 0.45M ammonium sulfate.Each single band of 1Dx 2.2, 1Bx7 and double bands of 1Dy8 and 1By12 were separated.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Japonica rice cultivars exhibit high susceptibility to bacterial blight(BB) disease due to genetic vulnerability in Korea. Korean japonica resistant rice cultivars mainly possess one of the genes, Xa1 or Xa3 for BB resistance. These resistance genes are becoming susceptible to K3a, resulting in serious rice yield reduction. This study was carried out to confirm the effect of xa13 gene pyramiding for developing of japonica rice cultivars resistant to BB pathogen breaking down Xa1 or Xa3. IRBB4 conferring Xa4 gene was resistant to K1(HB01013), K2(HB01014), K3(HB01015), and moderately resistant to K3a(HB01009). IRBB5 having xa5 gene was resistant to K1, K2, K3, and K3a. The recessive gene xa13 was resistant to K1 race but susceptible to K2, K3, and K3a. But Xa21 gene is susceptible to predominant K1 race but resistant to other races such as K2, K3, and K3a. Two genes Xa3 and xa13 were susceptible and Xa4 gene was moderate resistant to 24 isolates. xa5 and Xa21 genes were resistant to all isolates including K3a. When xa13 gene combined Xa4, xa5 and Xa21 genes, effect of xa13 gene pyramiding showed higher resistant reaction than that having singe gene out of Xa4, xa5, and Xa21. The order of resistance against 24 isolates breaking down Xa3 gene was IRBB55(xa13+Xa21) > IRBB53 (xa5+xa13) > IRBB51 (Xa4+xa13).
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Protein related parameters of pan bread and white salted noodles prepared from 26 Korean wheat cultivars and 6 commercial and imported wheat flours were evaluated to elucidate the relationship between rheological properties and end-use characteristics and to determine the effects of Glu-1 and Glu-3 alleles on those characteristics in Korean wheat cultivars. SDS-sedimentation volume based on protein weight was positively correlated with mixograph parameters and maximum height of dough and also positively correlated with bread loaf volume, crumb firmness and springiness of cooked noodles. Within Glu-1 loci, 1 or 2* subunit and 5 + 10 subunits showed longer mixingtime, higher maximum height of dough, and larger loaf volume than null allele, 2.2 + 12, and 2 + 12 subunits. Cultivars with 13 + 16 subunits at Glu-B1 locus showed higher protein content and optimum water absorption of mixograph than cultivars with 7 + 8 subunits. At Glu-3 loci, Glu-A3d showed longer mixing time than Glu-A3e, and Glu-B3d and Glu-B3h had stronger mixing properties than Glu-B3i. Glu-B3h had higher loaf volume and hardness of cooked noodles than Glu-B3d. Glu-D3a had lower protein content than Glu-D3c, and Glu-D3b showed stronger mixing properties than Glu-D3a. Glu-D3c showed lower hardness of cooked noodles than others.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Allelic variations in glutenin and puroindolines of Korean wheat cultivars evaluated to determine the effects of allelic variations on physico-chemical properties of flour and qualities of white salted noodles. In grain hardness and flour yield, Pinb-D1b had higher hardness index and flour yield than Pinb-D1a alleles. Glu-B1b and Glu-D1f also had lower hardness index than other alleles at the same locus and Glu-A1c, Glu-A3e and Glu-B3i alleles showed lower flour yield than other alleles. In flour compositions, Pina-D1b and Pinb-D1b showed higher particle size, ash and damaged starch content and lower lightness of wheat flour than Pina-D1a and Pinb-D1a. Glu-A1c, Glu-B1b, Glu-D1f, Glu-B3d and Glu-B3i showed lower particle size of flour than other alleles at Glu-1 and Glu-B3 locus. Korean wheats with Glu-B1f, Glu-D1a and Glu-B3b alleles had higher damaged starch content and lower lightness of flour than wheats other alleles at the same locus. Glu-B1b, Glu-D1f, Glu-B3d and Pina-D1a showed lower protein content and Glu-A1c, Glu-B1b, Glu-D1f Glu-B3d, Glu-B3i and Pinb-D1b showed lower SDS-sedimentation volume than other alleles. Hardness of cooked noodles ranked as Glu-A1a > Glu-A1c > Glu-A1c at Glu-A1 locus. Glu-B3h showed higher hardness of cooked noodles (5.10 N) than other alleles at Glu-B3 locus (< 4.66 N).