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        검색결과 664

        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The devastating insect pests of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) were surveyed in environmentally friendly (no-pesticide and organic) greenhouses located in the provinces of Gyeonggi, Gyeongsang, Gangwon, Chungcheong and Jeju. Whitefly, leaf miner, aphid and moth were recorded as the major pests in these surveys. Among them, whitefly was the most serious pest of greenhouse cultivated tomato and major species was Trialeurodes vaporariorum. The population densities of T. vaporariorum was 0~36 nymph per leaf. Population of moths Spodoptera litura were the highest in summer season. Population of the whitefly was considered to be influenced by the previous cultural methods. Farmers in organic cultivation, used insect natural enemy, commercial EFAM (Environment Friendly Agricultural Material), yellow sticky trap or home made pesticides. Commercial microbial pesticides were applied to evaluate their insecticidal activities against whitefly. The results revealed that microbial pesticides exhibited 65.3 to 100% whitefly nymph mortality. Further, pesticidal activities of Cooking Oil and Yolk (COY), plant extracts and neem oil were evaluated against other tomato pests as well.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        EBR-II사용후핵연료의 파이로건식처리공정에 의해 발생된 우라늄의 순도에 대한 포괄적인 분석을 수행하였다. 분석결과를 미국 아이다호 국립연구소 및 한국원자력연구원의 협력과제 하에서 한국과 미국의 저준위 폐기물 기준으로 비교하였다. 미국의 저준위 폐기물 기준은 우라늄 동위원소를 포함하지 않으나, 한국의 경우는 포함하는 것으로 조사되었다. 분석결과 EBR-II 우라늄 생성물 내에서 저준위 기준을 초과하는 유일한 알파 핵종은 우라늄 동위원소가 아니라 Pu-239였다. 생성물 내의 Pu 오염은 개량된 염증류공정을 통한 예비실험 결과 획기적으로 줄일 수 있음을 알 수 있었으며, 보다 공정을 개선 시킨다면 제안된 기술을 이용하여 미국의 저준위 기준을 만족시킬 수 있을 것으로 판단된다
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Gyeongbuk Agricultural Technology Administration carried out the nation opinion research to mushroom industry in 115 of the citizen and the provincials from 10/17/2008 to 10/18/2008. Which was for both grasping the citizen’s opinion and habits and understanding farmers’. The result of the research is the following. 37.4 percent people preferred Lentimus edodes among the all respondents and 27.0 percent preferred Flammulina velutipes. As for the purchasing place, 57.4 percent buy them in large retail stores, 40.9 percent buy them in traditional markets. 67 percent of the respondents mainly use them in fall, 31.3 percent use them in winter. 88.7 percent of them mainly eat the mushrooms at home, 11.3 percent is at restaurants. 63.5 percent of them responded that the price of mushrooms was resonable, 26.1 percent answered that was expensive. In appearance, 27 percent of them chose yellow Flammulina velutipes as a goodlooking mushroom, 19.1 percent chose Lentimus edodes .
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A full genomic DNA microarray technique was employed to investigate the effects of Dongchunghacho on aortal and hepatic gene expression in apolipoprotein E knockout mice fed a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet. Male 8- week - old ApoE-/- mice were randomly divided into two groups, control(high cholesterol group; HC) and supplementation of Dongchunghacho (SD). All of the mice were fed a high-fet/high cholesterol diet with or without Dongchunghacho supplemented by 1% for 6 weeks. At first, lipid profile of the Dongchunghacho was measured by biochemical analysis. No differences were observed in serum triglyceride and total cholesterol levels between the two groups. Antigenotoxic effect of the Dongchunghacho was measured by the single cell gel electrophoresis assay (Comet assay) and quantified as % fluorescence in tail. Dongchunghacho supplementation decreased significantly leukocytic DNA damage and also there was a tendency of reduction in hepatic DNA damage in Dongchunghacho group compared with the control group. In up regulated genes in liver and aorta of the mice, genes with 0 to 2- fold difference in expression level between the two group (HD and SD) was very much more in liver than in aorta, on the contrary, those with 2-fold to 16-flod difference increased greatly rather in aorta than in liver. Also, almost the same results were observed in down regulated genes in liver and aorta between the two groups. These results suggested that supplementation of Dongchunghacho might be helpful in preventing leukocytic DNA damage induced by high fat diet, and has a more crucial roles in aortal gene expression.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We assessed the environmental risk of herbicide resistant transgenic rice (Protox) on non-target herbivore, grasshoppers (Oxya japonica japonica Thunberg). We conducted life-history experiments of grasshoppers with measuring their body weight, body length, eating amount, and feces amount between non-transgenic rice (nTR; Dongjin rice) and transgenic rice (TR; Protox rice) under laboratory conditions (Temp. 25Ð, R.H. 50-70%, Photoperiod L16:D8) in 2007. The growth of grasshoppers appeared to increase at each measuring date. We also compared the growth rate of grasshoppers between nTR and TR to examine the transgenic impact on the herbivore and we found there was no statistically signifi cant difference between the two plant types (P>0.05). We found that body weight and body length for grasshoppers were highly correlated at each of the two types of plants, nTR (0.962) and TR (0.960). The correlation of eating amount and feces amount of grasshoppers were higher nTR (0.830) than TR (0.782). The energy effi ciency of the grasshopper was not a signifi cant between nTR and TR (P> 0.05). But the molt timing of the grasshoppers for TR difference was faster than for nTR. Conclusively life-history of the grasshoppers but molt timing was not a signifi cant difference between nTR and TR. Therefore, we could conclude there was not any environment risk on herbivore from our result.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The techniques of IVM, IVF and IVC of canine oocytes may provide useful information for gamete salvage programs and the conservation of endangered canidae. This investigation has been made to determine the efficiency of in vitro maturation (IVM) as a basic experiment to study the development of canine oocytes after in vitro fertilization (IVF). The rate of oocytes developing to the MII stage was higher in the hormone treated group (10 IU/ml hCG+eCG, 14.7%, p<0.05) than in the control group (0 IU/ml hCG+eCG, 10.0%). The monospermy and pronuclear rates of canine oocytes were investigated after caffeine treatment on IVF. Canine oocytes were fertilized in the Fert‐TALP medium supplemented with 0, 10, 20 or 30 mM caffeine (Fert I, Fert II, Fert III or Fert IV, respectively). The highest pronuclear formation rate was obtained in the Fert I for 24 h IVF (6.7%, 6/89). Therefore, it is believed that unlike in other mammals, caffeine in canine IVF does not increase the efficiency of fertilization rate, and is not an important factor.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to establish a year round indoor-rearing system for Copper butterflies; large copper butterfly, Lycaena dispar, the effect of temperature on larval development and diapause was investigated. Temperature has been suggested as an important factor regulating the developmental rate, length of life, and survival rate from insect. As temperature increased, the developmental period was gradually shorten. The developmental periods of large copper larvae had a range of 11.0 days to 28.5 days at 30℃ and 17.5℃ respectively. The highest emergence rate was 94.2% recorded at 20℃. And the low emergence rate was 72.7% under 17.5℃. We investgated the sensitive stages to diapause induction in the larger copper effect of temperature and photoperiod. The experiment involves transfer of individuals from diapause averting (LD 16:8h, 25℃) to diapause inducing condition (LD 8:16h, 20℃) at various stages. Diapause was induced in 95.2% insect transferred at hatching larvae, in 15.6% of insects transferred at 2nd stadium molt, in 0% of insects transferred at after 3rd stadium molt. Percentage diapause induction increase with the length of short days and low temperature experienced. The main stage sensitive to photoperiod and temperature induction of diapause determination is the early first larval instar. The diapause induction began 14 days and ended 20 days after hatching larvae (LD 8:16h, 20℃).
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Lycorma delicatula, once mistakenly reported its occurrence in Korea, is now suddenly common in western Korea, due to its recent arrival from China and their subsequent settlement. A history of name changes in two fulgorid species, Lycorma delicatula and Limois emelianovi is reviewed. We propose to use 꽃매미 instead of its temporary name, 주홍날개꽃매미 for Lycorma delicatula, and, based on the ICZN code 32.5.1, to use Limois emelianovi instead of Limois emeljanovi for 희조꽃매미.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The completely sequenced mitochondrial genome of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, is a circular molecule of 16,518 bp with a total A+T content of 76.4%. Nucleotide composition and codon usage of this genome are near the means observed in other 12 hemipteran mitochondrial genomes; however, the initiation codon for CO1 gene appears to be TTG, dissimilar to what has been seen in the 12 mitochondrial genomes. In this genome, the A+T rich region between srRNA and tRNAIle gene includes two extensive repeat regions, in which each region includes 4 and 12 tandem repeats of a 73 bp sequence, respectively. The gene content, order, and structure of the H. halys mitochondrial genome are consistent with that of Triatoma dimidiata, belong to the same suborder Heteroptera, but different from two suborders, Auchenorrhynca and Sternorrhyncha, including various gene rearrangements. Analyzing phylogenetic relationship and comparing gene order and content of the 13 hemipteran mitochondrial genomes of three suborders, Heteroptera, Auchenorrhynca, and Sternorrhyncha, supported the morphology-based current hypothesis that both Auchenorrhynca and Sternorrhyncha are a monophyletic group.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), which is a potential biological control agent of spider mites, has been produced by some Korean natural enemy companies. Now, our project related to the biological control of spider mites by releasing N. californicus in apple orchards is going on. The field occurrence of this species in Korea was first reported in Jeju citrus orchards (Jung et al. 2006). However, the natural occurrence of the mite has not been recorded in Korean mainland so far. Therefore, it is questioned whether the released N. californicus population originated in Jeju can successfully overwinter in Korean mainland. First, to clarify the natural overwintering sites in field, we conducted field samplings in Jeju citrus orchards in Feb. 2008. Samples were collected from the various possible overwintering habitats, such as citrus leaves and twigs, ground covers and windbreaks. Most of the mites were collected from ground cover samples. Next, to estimate of the winter mortality, the mite was individually put in small tubes which have some different food conditions, and the tubes were kept under the different ground surface conditions in the university experimental orchard in Dec. 2007. Most of the mites had died by late Jan. and all by early Mar. 2008. And also, to evaluate the field survival of the mite, in the spring 2008, sampling would be conducted in apple orchards in Cheongsong where we released the mites in 2007. From these data, we would discuss possible overwintering of N. californicus in Korea.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Developmental periods of sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci(Gennaius) Q-biotype, were investigated on three host plants- sweet bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), eggplant(Solanum melongena L.) and oriental melon(Cucumis melo L. var. makuwa MAKINO). Egg and nymph development of B. tabaci were studied within temperature ranging of 15℃-35℃ by 2.5℃ under photoperiod 16:8(L:D). Egg period of B. tabaci was the shortest at 32.5℃ and nymphal period was shortest at 27.5℃ on sweet bell pepper. Nymphal period of B. tabaci on eggplant was the shortest at 27.5℃ as well. On the other hand, nymphal period of B. tabaci was shortest at 30℃ and 32.5℃. Lower temperature threshold and effective degree-day for completing egg development on sweet bell pepper were estimated as 13.11, 91.95, respectively. Lower threshold temperature of nymphal stage on sweet bell pepper, eggplant, oriental melon were estimated as 13.01, 13.39, 12.31,respectively. Degree-days required to complete nymphal stage on sweet bell pepper, eggplant, oriental melon were estimated as 191.22, 164.41, 190.34, respectively. The relationships between development rates of egg and nymph were well described by poikilothermal rate function and weibull function. The fitted curves will be used as input for a simulation model of the population dynamics of B. tabaci.
        2008.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper introduces the basic classification of Ondol, the number and form of main entrance, distribution as a basis for classification. And it introduces the various practices and structural characteristics of Ondol. Details are introduced in various forms Ondol of the working principle. In the paper, it also did a more detailed exposition for some of the concepts right.