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        검색결과 210

        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that affect the body weight of chickens. Analysis of body weight showed that the Cornish breed had the highest body weight, and the Korean native chicken (Gray Brown) had the lowest body weight. TSH is composed of an α-subunit and a β-subunit, and the TSH-β gene encoding the β-subunit has been reported to be associated with obesity. In chickens, it is located on chromosome 26 and is reported to be associated with growth. The calcium-sensing receptor gene (CaSR) plays a role in the regulation of extracellular calcium homeostasis and is responsible for calcium absorption in the urinary tract, which affects the eggshell quality in poultry. It was shown that TSH-β was strongly correlated with weight in Cornish and Korean native (Gray Brown) chickens, particularly in those with the CC trait. However, CaSR showed no association with body weight in poultry; it was associated with calcium and the eggshell. Thus, selection for TSH-β can be used to produce individuals with more favorable traits in terms of body weight.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국 땅나리와 섬말나리의 수요는 최근까지도 늘어났지만 종자 상태에서 개화에 이르기까지 확률은 낮은 편으로 자생지에서의 개체수는 해마다 감소하였다. 본 연구는 땅나리(Lilium callosum Siebold & Zucc.)와 섬말나리(L. hansonii Leichtlin ex D.D.T. Moore)의 대량증식을 도모하기 위하여 종자 발아에 유리한 주·야간 온도 조건과 적합한 GA3 농도를 알아보는 것을 목적으로 수행되었다. 땅나리 종자는 2017년 10월 24일 강원도 춘천히 둔산면 원창리(37°47’10.00”N, 127°44’31.00”E), 섬말나리 종자는 2017년 10월 2일 울릉도 울릉군 북면 나리 (37°31’27.06”N, 130°52’25.08”E)에서 채종하였다. 땅나리와 섬 말나리 종자들을 주·야간 15/5, 20/10, 25/15, 20/20°C의 환경 조절상에서 처리구 당 30립씩 3반복으로 치상하여 온도 처리 실험을 진행한 후, 발아율 결과가 가장 우세했던 온도 조건의 환경조절상에서 섬말나리 GA3 처리 실험을 추가로 진행하였다. 온도 처리 실험결과 땅나리는 20/20°C의 온도 조건에서 발아율이 95.0%로 가장 높았으며 평균발아소요일수 또한 10.1일로 가장 낮았다. 섬말나리는 20/20°C의 온도 조건에서 발아율이 78.8%로 가장 높았으며 평균발아소요일수 또한 40.1일로 가장 낮았다. 이를 토대로 20/20°C에서 실시한 섬말나리 GA3 처리 실험은 증류수를 대조구로하여 200, 400, 800mg・L-1의 농도로 상온에서 24시간 침지한 후 처리구 당 20립씩 3반복으로 치상하였다. 그 결과 대조구에서 81.6%로 가장 높은 발아율을 나타냈으며 평균발아소요일수는 200mg・L-1처리구에서 37.1일로 가장 낮았다. 이러한 실험 결과를 바탕으로 땅나리와 섬말나리의 주·야간 발아 최적 온도는 20/20°C이며 GA3 24 시간 처리는 섬말나리 종자 발아에 효과가 없는 것으로 판단 되었다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 이 설문 연구는 의료민영화와 안경원의 법인화 문제에 대한 일반 소비자의 인식도를 조사하고 그 결과를 안경사 집단에 대한 선행연구와 비교·분석하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 방법 : 2018년 5월부터 6월까지 서울·경기 지역에서 150명의 일반 소비자를 대상으로 의료민영화와 안경원의 법인화 문제에 대하여 대면설문조사를 실시하고 응답 결과를 통계분석 하였다. 결과 : 일반 소비자 집단은 의료민영화 문제에 대하여 일관되게 부정적인 인식을 나타내었으나, 안경원의 법인화 문제에 대해서는 부정적인 인식이 많지 않고 중립적인 응답의 비율이 매우 높았다. 안경사 집단에 대한 유사한 설문 조사 결과와 비교했을 때, 의료민영화에 대한 인식은 두 집단이 비슷했으나 안경원 법인화에 대한 인식은 큰 차이를 보였다. 결론 : 반 소비자 집단의 안경원 법인화 문제에 대한 부정적인 인식도가 높지 않으므로, 안경사 집단은 일반 소비자 집단을 대상으로 안경원 법인화 문제에 대한 적극적인 홍보를 강화할 필요가 있다.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        루비깍지벌레 Ceroplastes rubens는 감귤에 피해를 주는 주요 깍지벌레 중 하나로 연 1회 발생하며 수액을 흡즙하는 직접적인 피해와 분비된 감로로 인한 그을음병 유발의 간접적인 피해가 발생하고 있다. 제주지역에서 루비깍지벌레 천적으로는 루비붉은깡충좀벌 Anicetus beneficus와 애홍점박이무당벌레 Chilocorus kuwanae 2종이 확인되었다. 1975년 일본에서 도입 방사한 천적인 루비붉은깡충좀벌이 현재까지 지속적으로 발생하고 있었으며, 루비깍지벌레 발생 억제에 영향을 미치고 있었다. 2018년 4월부터 12월까지 도내 유기재배 감귤원 (2개소)에서 황색끈끈이트랩을 이용 루비붉은깡충좀벌 성충의 시기별 발생양상을 조사한 결과 월동세대 성충은 5월 중순, 제1세대와 제2세대 성충은 각각 7월 중순과 8월 하순에 발생 정점을 나타내었다. 조사 포장에서 루비깍지벌레의 기생률은 9월 중순에 9.6%와 19.6%이었다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study applies asymmetric analysis and models complex antecedent conditions to identify shoppers with high purchase intentions to sustainable fashion products’ (SFPs) and high eWOM intention. The fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) method was used to assess the cause-and effect process. The examination was based on information process, and decision making of consumers in two countries (China and Korea) was found to vary by nationality. Specifically, consumers in the two countries provided different responses on sustainable fashion change configuration, suggesting differences in the characteristics of sustainable and non-sustainable fashion consumers and sustainable fashion intentions. The results show that various casual recipes on sustainable fashion change the configuration and sustainable fashion intention on corners 1 and 4. Both Chinese and Korean consumers do not have several unique demographic and fashion expenditure configurations that characterize consumers with high intention to buy and eWOM intention favorable toward sustainable fashion. In the Chinese consumers’ data, computing with words (CWW) showed that young•married•low-income•low-education•low-fashionexpenditure cases (consumers) were lower on negation purchase and eWOM intentions (i.e., an accurate screening configuration identifying consumers high io non-sustainable fashion intentions). The results also help identify consumer characteristics of sustainable fashion consumers and non-sustainable fashion consumers. Specifically, the results of the fsQCA suggest dissimilar confirmation to achieve purchase intention and eWOM intention of sustainable fashion and provide meaningful academic and managerial implications. The results of the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis also support and clarify the role of the theory of information process and the theory of reasoned action towards sustainable fashion.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction The fashion business is known as one of the major industries that is suffering from rising concerns about the consumption of its product, which led to a reorganization of the fashion supply chain to become more sustainable three decades ago. The interest in the concept of sustainability and demand for sustainable marketing activities is gradually growing in the fashion industry due to the negative image and press it receives. Within the luxury fashion segment, the three main themes that are recognized to contribute to sustainability are exclusivity, craftmanship and limited production. However, luxury brands are increasingly shifting their attention and commitment towards environmental and social issues to be incorporated in the concept of sustainability. Yet, the majority of consumers has little understanding or misunderstands the concept of sustainable fashion and marketing, which leads to a gap between attitudes towards sustainability and actual behavior. As a result, fashion brands are trying to leverage their brand by making sustainability a key marketing strategy to raise awareness about social, environmental, economic and cultural issues. Extant research has not explored this recent trend to understand how consumers evaluate fashion brands with a sustainable marketing communication, especially in the context of luxury brands. This study investigates how luxury and mass fashion brands can utilize sustainable marketing contents in social media communication to reach their target group and enhance their equity with sustainability associations. Theoretical Development Associative network models of memory have served as a fundamental framework for a wide range of studies related to the formation and transfer of associations. According to associative network theory, brand knowledge is represented in form of an associative network of memory nodes connected to each other. Nodes are activated when cues, such as advertising, are presented. Mere exposure to cues was shown to be sufficient to active associations and facilitate association transfer. While brands are continuously attempting to make use of associative power to leverage brand equity, extant research has provided compelling reasons to accept that association transfer can also result in brand dilution when a retrieval of conflicting or negative associations occurs. Especially in the context of luxury brands consisting of very unique associations and being different from mass brands in many regards, managing the brand’s associative network is a crucial task in order to send the right signals to consumers and maintain exclusivity. This study investigates how social media communication of different sustainability dimensions affects brand attitude and how it ultimately impacts behavioral outcomes in an attempt to build brand equity for mass and luxury fashion brands. Method and Data The hypotheses are tested with 273 respondents who participated in an online experiment. They were first asked to state their involvement with the category fashion. Subsequently, subjects were presented with a brand post either for the mass or luxury brand including claims related to one of the four sustainability dimensions or no claims for the control group respectively. The experiment consisted of a 2 (brand: mass or luxury) x 5 (sustainability dimensions: none, cultural, economic, environmental, social) factorial design. The measures that followed included attitudinal as well as behavioral constructs related to the brand, sustainability as well as social media use. Analysis of covariance is applied to test for main effects and interaction effects. Summary of Findings This study provides evidence that social media communication of a sustainable brand affects the purchase intention of consumers. The findings indicate a significant difference between the mass and the luxury brand used for this study. The mass brand exhibits the potential to leverage associations with cultural, economic, and environmental sustainability. However, the results only reveal a marginally significant higher purchase intention when cultural sustainability is communicated compared to when the brand does not provide any sustainable associations. In contrast, the luxury brand suffers from significant brand dilution across all four sustainability dimensions resulting in a decline in purchase intention. Key Contributions The findings reveal that sustainability communication exerts a diverging influence depending on the type of brand that is involved. This study suggests that mass brands are able to benefit from sustainability communication in an attempt to leverage brand equity. However, for a luxury brand this type of associations rather presents a liability that might dilute the brand. The findings of this study provide important insights for brand managers. Since mass brands are currently increasing efforts into sustainable communication in the fashion industry, the results suggest that this might be a promising investment. However, luxury brands are advised to carefully manage the communication of salient content related to sustainability as it might harm the invaluable and unique associations inherent in a luxury brand.
        2017.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder is a common cause of pain that occurs during shoulder movement, thereby restricting shoulder rotation in clinical practice. Although most patients respond to pain relief treatment (NSAID or corticosteroids) by improving their range of motion, it remains poorly understood without any definitive treatment algorithm. In addition to immune cells, synoviocytes, chondrocytes and osteoblasts in the joint are known to produce pro-inflammatory mediators such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), inflammatory cytokines and lipid mediators, presumably contributing to the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA) and adhesive capsulitis. Although inflammation and also fibrosis are proposed to be the basic pathological changes of a frozen shoulder, there is a lack of information regarding the downstream targets of the pro-inflammatory ROS signaling pathway in the synoviocytes and also how these ROS targets are modulated at the transcription level by a corticosteroid - dexamethasone. In this study, we used human fibroblast like synoviocytes (HFLS) to characterize the signaling targets of ROS by employing a human DNA microarray tool and studied the role of dexamethasone in this process. Our data suggest that several genes such as FOS, FOSB and NFkBIZ, which are known to be involved in pro- or anti- inflammation response, are modulated at the transcription level by ROS and dexamethasone.
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