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        검색결과 1,425

        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This taxonomic study on the genus Scutellathous is only recognized a species. S. porrecticollis (Lewis, 1894) in Korea. The previous record of Athous (=Medakathous) jactatus (Lewis, 1984) is revealed as the misientification of S. porrecticollis. We also describe and illustrate Subscutellathous koreanicus gen. and sp. nov. from Korea. This new genus si compared to the most closed genus Scutellathous by the basis of diagnostic characters in generic level.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) produced in the subesophageal ganglion is known to stimulate pheromone production in the pheromone gland. A cDNA isolated from female adult heads of Maruca vitrata encodes 197 amino acids including PBAN, designated as Mvi-PBAN, and four other neuropeptides (NPs): diapause hormone (DH) homologue, α-NP, β-NP and γ-NP. All of the peptides are amidated in their C-termini and shared a conserved motif, FXPR(or K)L-NH2 structure. Mvi-PBAN consists of 35 amino acids as previously reported (Chang and Ramasamy, 2014). RT-PCR analysis revealed that Mvi-PBAN cDNA was expressed in all examined body parts. Nucleotide sequence analysis of RT-PCR products indicated the Mvi-PBAN sequence was identical in all examined body parts of both sexes. These results suggest that Mvi-PBAN expression is maintained in examined stages or tissues.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pear psyllids are of major economic concern in Korea. In the literature five nominal species, including two West Palaearctic taxa, are reported from the Peninsula. The Korean pear psyllids, member of the large genus Cacopsylla, are reviewed here to comprise four species. Previous Korean records of C. pyrisuga (Foerster) are misidentification of C. burckhardti Luo et al. whereas those of C. pyricola (Foerster) concern C. maculatili Li and probably C. jukyungi (Kwon) stat. rev., comb. nov. (from Psylla). The latter, that is commonly found in pear orchards, occurs also in Japan where it was misidentified as C. chinensis. The differences between C. jukyungi and C. cinereosignata syn. nov. reflect seasonal dimorphism. For this reason, we synonymise the two. C. maculatili and C. qiuzili Li are shown to represent the winter and the summer form of the same species and are, therefore, synonymised as C. maculatili = C. qiuzili syn. nov. C. jukyungi and C. sandolbaea (Park & Lee) are redescribed, a key to the adult of the four species and short biological notes are provided.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Tetranychus urticae is extremely hard to control by conventional acaricides due to its rapid development of resistance to nearly all arrays of acaricide. As an alternative control measure of acaricide-resistant mites, RNA interference (RNAi)-based method has recently been suggested. A double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) delivery method using multi-unit chambers was established and employed to screen the RNAi toxicity of 42 T. urticae genes. Among them, the dsRNA treatment of coatomer I (COPI) genes, such as coatomer subunit epsilon (COPE) and beta 2 (COPB2), resulted in high mortality [median lethal time (LT50) = 89.7 and 120.3 h, respectively]. The transcript level of the COPE gene was significantly (F3,9 = 16.2, P = 0.001) reduced up to 24% following dsRNA treatment, suggesting that the toxicity was likely mediated by the RNAi of the target gene. To identify the deferentially expressed gene upon dsRNA ingestion, RNA-seq was employed to compare the transcriptional profiles between mites fed dsEGFP and dsCOPB2. Approximately 928 of genes were up- or down-regulated significantly (P < 0.05) compared to control and 182 genes were commonly responded to the treatment of both dsRNAs. Those dsRNA-responsible genes were mainly categorized into metabolic enzymes, transporters and secretory proteins. Further study would be necessary to elucidate the roles of dsRNA-responsible genes in mite’s dsRNA uptake and defense.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Microfluidics based on nanobio sensors technologies can provide convenient and accurate diagnosis tools. In this talk, we present recent developments of nanobio sensors & diagnosis chip using microfluidics, with special emphasis on disposable plastic devices format. In detail, we overview of the common methods used in the fabrication of polymer microfluidic systems, including replica and injection mold-ing. Also we explain the different methods by which on-chip operations—such as the pumping and valving of fluid flow, the mixing of different reagents, and the separation and detection of different biochemical species implemented in a microfluidic format. Finally, a few select biotechnological applications of microfluidics are presented to illustrate both the utility of this technology and its potential applications with insect models in the near future.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Human body and head lice are obligatory human ectoparasites. Although both body and head lice belong to a single species, Pediculus humanus, only body lice are known to be a vector of several bacterial diseases. The higher vector competence of body lice is assumed to be due to their weaker immune response than that of head lice. To test this hypothesis, immune reactions were compared between body and head lice following infections by two model bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, and a human pathogen, Bartonella quintana. Following dermal or oral challenge, the number of these bacteria increased both in hemocoel and alimentary tract of body lice but not in head lice and the viability of the B. quintana was significantly higher in body louse feces, the major route of infection to human. In addition, body lice showed the lower basal/induced transcription level of major immune genes, cytotoxic reactive oxygen species and phagocytosis activity compared with head lice. These findings suggest that a reduced immune response may be responsible, in part, for the increased proliferation and excretion of viable bacteria which are associated with the high level of human infectivity seen in body versus head lice.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For reviewing Korean species of Denticollinae and reconstructing phylogenetic relationships between subfamilies in Elateridae, three kinds of studies were conducted: 1) taxonomic review based on morphology; 2) DNA barcode for Denticollinae; 3) molecular phylogenetic study of Elateridae using 12 genetic markers. In taxonomic study, a total of 54 species were reviewed including 13 new species and then unrecorded species. In DNA barcoding, six cryptic and/or pseudocryptic species were confirmed by their sympatric or allopatric distribution. We propose a conservative threshold of 3.6% for convenient molecular operational taxonomic unit identification in Denticollinae. From this study, we confirmed that COI sequence is useful for reassessing species diversity for polymorphic and polytypic species occurring in sympatric and allopatric distributions. In molecular phylogenetic study, the phylogenetic inference constructed robust phylogeny with almost very strongly supported nodal values(>90%) and showed that Hypnoidinae, Oxynopterinae and Denticollinae are monophyletic; Elaterinae, Hemiopinae and Melanotinae are a monophyletic group; and two tribes in Denticollinae are paraphyletic, it is needed to reclassify their systematic accounts.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An 81-years-old woman presented multiple mucosa ulcers with a chief complaint of pain during wearing the lower denture. She had been wearing upper and lower complete dentures for five months, and received multiple drugs for the treatment of angina pectoris, constipation, neurosis, hypertension and arthritis (calcium channel blockers, furosemide, captopril, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and penicillamine, respectively), but no history of immune-diseases and viral infection symptom. The present lesion was primarily diagnosed as traumatic ulcer, candidiasis and lichen planus in the clinical observation, thereby conservatively treated with denture relining, antifungal agent, and steroidal agent. However, the ulcer lesion was not healed for two months and rather increased in size. With the diagnosis of viral infection the immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of IL28 and E6, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 primer sets was done but entirely showed negative reaction. Therefore, with the patient’s medical history and IHC findings exhibiting strong positive reaction of CD3 and CD28, but rare/weak reaction of NFkB, CD20, IgK and p38, the ulcer lesion was finally diagnosed as drug-induced pemphigoid ulceration which was not an inflammatory granulomatous lesion but related to the retrogressive acantholytic degeneration of epithelial cells caused by multiple drug abuse.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        태백산 분지에 분포하는 탄산염 및 규질쇄설성 혼합 퇴적물로 구성된 세송층(late Middle Cambrian to Furongian)은 δ 13 C값이 1.14에서 2.81‰을 갖는 SPICE (Steptoean positive carbon excursion)를 15 m 두께의 층서구간 에서 보여준다. SPICE는 Fenghuangella laevis대, Prochuangia mansuyi대 그리고 Chuangia대로 구성된 삼엽충 생물대 에서 산출되며 이는 Paibian Stage의 하부에 해당된다. 세송층은 엽층리 이암, 단괴상 셰일, 엽층리 사암, 균질사암, 석 회역암, 석회암-셰일 쌍을 포함한 6개의 암상으로 구성된다. 세송층은 폭풍파도기저면 아래의 외대륙붕에서 퇴적된 것 으로 알려져 있다. 시기적으로 Paibian Stage에 속하는 SPICE는 세송층에서 고수위 퇴적계 다발, 대비 정합면과 해침 퇴적계 다발에서 발견된다. SPICE의 최대 안정 탄소 동위원소 값은 상대적인 해수면 하강에 의해 형성된 대비 정합면 과 일치한다. 세송층에서 SPICE의 산출은 SPICE가 화석의 산출이 결여된 지층의 전세계적 대비를 위해 사용될 수 있 는 도구임을 암시한다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dynamical analysis of compact groups provides important tests of models of compact group formation and evolution. By compiling 2066 redshifts from FLWO/FAST, from the literature, and from SDSS DR12 in the fields of compact groups in McConnachie et al. (2009), we construct the largest sample of compact groups with complete spectroscopic redshifts in the redshift range 0.01 < z < 0.22. This large redshift sample shows that the interloper fraction in the McConnachie et al. (2009) compact group candidates is  42%. A secure sample of 332 compact groups includes 192 groups with four or more member galaxies and 140 groups with three members. The fraction of early-type galaxies in these compact groups is 62%, higher than for the original Hickson compact groups. The velocity dispersions of early- and late-type galaxies in compact groups change little with groupcentric radius; the radii sampled are less than 100 h−1 kpc, smaller than the radii typically sampled by members of massive clusters of galaxies. The physical properties of our sample compact groups include size, number density, velocity dispersion, and local environment; these properties slightly differ from those derived for the original Hickson compact groups and for the DPOSS II compact groups. Differences result from subtle differences in the way the group candidates were originally selected. The abundance of the compact groups changes little with redshift over the range covered by this sample. The approximate constancy of the abundance for this sample is a potential constraint on the evolution of compact groups on a few Gigayear timescale.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of the present study was to investigate sex- and age-associated clinico-metabolic characteristics of urinary stone patients. A retrospective review was performed on data from 2,009 consecutive patients presenting with their first urinary stone episode between 2005 and 2013. Of the 2,009 patients, 1,426 (71.0%) satisfied the inclusion criteria and were enrolled in the study. Patients were grouped by age (<60, ≥60 years old) and sex. The medical history and 24 hr urinary chemistry results of each patient were obtained. The mean age of the 165 (11.6%) patients aged 60 or over was 65.5 ± 4.2 years. Body mass index was greater in elderly females than in younger females (p=0.031). After stratification by sex and age, lower urinary excretion of calcium and uric acid was a protective factor for both sexes among the elderly (p<0.05, each, respectively). Low urine pH was a common risk factor for both sexes among the elderly (p=0.013 in males, p=0.047 in females, respectively), whereas lower citrate excretion was a risk factor for only the elderly female group (p=0.004). With regard to urinary metabolic abnormalities, elderly females showed higher incidence of hypocitraturia compared to younger females (p=0.049). In conclusion, this study demonstrated the sex- and age-associated clinico-metabolic characteristics of urinary stone patients. Thus, it is important to tailor metabolic evaluation and medical prevention therapies for patient according to sex and gender characteristics.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are known for irregular variability on all time scales, down to intra-day variability with relative variations of a few percent within minutes to hours. On such short timescales, unexplored territory, such as the possible existence of a shortest characteristic time scale of activity and the shape of the high frequency end of AGN power spectra, still exists. We present the results of AGN single-dish fast photometry performed with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN). Observations were done in a “anti-correlated” mode using two antennas, with always at least one antenna pointing at the target. This results in an effective time resolution of less than three minutes. We used all four KVN frequencies, 22, 43, 86, and 129 GHz, in order to trace spectral variability, if any. We were able to derive high-quality light curves for 3C 111, 3C 454.3, and BL Lacertae at 22 and 43 GHz, and for 3C 279 at 86 GHz, between May 2012 and April 2013. We performed a detailed statistical analysis in order to assess the levels of variability and the corresponding upper limits. We found upper limits on flux variability ranging from ∼1.6% to ∼7.6%. The upper limits on the derived brightness temperatures exceed the inverse Compton limit by three to six orders of magnitude. From our results, plus comparison with data obtained by the University of Michigan Radio Astronomy Observatory, we conclude that we have not detected source-intrinsic variability which would have to occur at sub-per cent levels.