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        검색결과 132

        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The aim of this study was to examine the effect of acteoside (the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor) on the SCNT efficiency with adult fibroblasts in dog. Canine adult fibroblasts were obtained from muscle and cell cycle of fibroblasts was synchronized by culturing to confluency, serum starvation and treating with 30 μM acteoside for 48 h. Cell cycle stages, cell cytotoxicity (apoptosis) and, prduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were analyzed using flow cytometry. The canine cells, prepared by confluent-cell culture or treating with 30 μM acteoside for 48 h, were injected into enucleated in vivo matured oocytes, the couplets were electrical fused and activated by calcium ionomycin. SCNT embryos using acteoside-treated fibroblasts were surgically transferred into oviducts of estrus cycle synchronized recipient dogs. In cell cycle synchronization (G0/G1), there was no significant difference between serum starvations (83.9%) and acteoside treated groups (81.3%) that were higher than confluent group (78.5%). In production of apoptosis, confluent and acteoside treated groups (4.3 and 4.5%, respectively) were generated less than serum starvation group (21.8%). In case of ROS, serum starvation group was induced a significantly higher than other groups. After synchronization of the donor cell cycle, either confluent or acteoside treated, cells were placed with enucleated in vivo-matured dog oocytes, fused by electric stimulation, activated, and transferred into naturally estrus-synchronized surrogates. Fusion and cleavage rate of acteoside treated group were 64.1 and 41.5%, which were higher than those of confluent group (53.9 and 20.6%, respectively). The reconstructed embryo development rates to 4-cell and 8-cell in acteoside treated group were 29.5 and 14.8%, respectively, while confluent group showed 11.1 and 3.2%, respectively. Total 54 SCNT embryos using acteoside-treated fibroblasts were transferred into oviducts of 2 recipient dogs and one recipient finally delivered one puppy, whereas din`t detected pregnancy on transfer of cloned embryos reconstructed with confluent cells in 6 surrogate dogs. In conclusion, the results of the current study demonstrated that canine fibroblasts could be successfully arrested at the G0/G1 stage with reduced the formation of ROS and apoptosis after acteoside treatment. This results may contribute to improve the effi-ciency of canine SCNT. * This research was supported by iPET (Grants 110056-3), Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Acteoside acts as an anti-oxidative activity and anti-apoptosis in the cells. But, it has been not studied on maturation and development of porcine oocytes. The aims of the present study were to examine the effects of acteoside on the morphological progress of meiosis, developmental competence, and ROS in porcine oocytes. Oocytes were matured in tissue culture medium-199, supplemented with acteoside at various concentrations: 0 (control), 10, 30 and 50 μM. The oocytes maturation rates of groups supplemented with acteoside were no significantly different (81.13, 85.96, 82.95 and 83.68%, respectively). Level of ROS was significantly decreased in acteoside treated group. Furthermore, the parthenogenetic blastocyst rate was significantly improved in 10 μM acteoside treated group compared with control group (44.83 vs. 27.75%). And we investigated effect of acteoside on the oocytes condition represented by cytoplasmic maturation by homogeneous distribution and formation of cytoplasmic organelles and regulation of apoptosis-related genes. In the results. during IVM, 10 μM acteoside treated oocytes showed that the mitochondria and lipid droplet were smaller and homogeneous distribution in cytoplasm compare with control oocytes. And reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) of parthenogenetic blstocysts revealed that acteoside increased the anti-apoptotic genes (Mcl-1, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL), whereas reduced the expression of pro-apoptotic genes (Bax and Bak). In conclusion, based on the results, the effect of acteoside on IVM was not attractive. However, in acteoside treated group, cytoplasmic maturation seemed to be improved with morphologically uniform distribution of cytoplasmic organelles. Furthermore, embryonic development in acteoside treated group was significantly highly increased than that of non-treated group. Our results represents that addition of acteoside to the IVM medium has a beneficial effect in physiology of porcine oocytes, providing a improved method for porcine oocytes in vitro. * This work was supported by a grant (Code# PJ008148) from BioGreen21 Program, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The objective of the current study was to describe in vitro embryo production in Hanwoo, analyzing oocytes yield and embryo production. The effects of oocytes production and the number of OPU procedures per animal on embryo production were also evaluated. OPU was done every 3~4 days during experimental period and collected oocytes were fertilized in vitro in both OPU and needle puncture groups. First, we compared the recovery rate of oocytes based on OPU session (Experiment 1). The average of collected oocytes was calculated from every 10 session. The average number of total oocytes recovered per animalonsessionwas 5.16 (mean). Second, we compared the recovery rate base on collection period of OPU (Experiment 2). The following results show the difference of the number of recovered oocytes in every month during the procedure between the months of session. Every animal shows the constant number of recovered oocytes for the first 5 months. However, the recovery rate of oocytes was decreased from month 6 to 8. Third, we compared the developmental rate to blastocyst in two groups (Experiment 3). Oocytes by needle puncture were fertilized with frozen-thawing semen; the cleavage rate 24~48 h after in vitro fertilization (IVF) was 75.8% and blastocyst development rate was 18.8% in needle puncture group. Even though there is lower cleavage rate after IVF in OPU group (61.1%), blastocyst development rate was higher compared with needle puncture group (28.4%). In conclusion, Blastocyst developmental rate could be increased by OPU than classical method of needle puncture. Improvement of bio- technique in collecting oocytes could be applied to understand the reproductive physiology in cattle, expecially Hanwoo. Therefore, further investigation should be done to clarify the efficiency and advantage of OPU involved in reproduction in animals and human being.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro production of bovine embryos in Hanwoo. Oocytes were collected by ovum pick up (OPU) from ovaries of genetically high-value Hanwoo or by needle puncture from ovaries of slaughtered cattle. OPU was done every 3 4 days duing experimental period and collected oocytes were fertilized in vitro in both OPU and needle puncture groups. First, We compared the in vitro maturation rate in two groups (Experiment 1). 545 oocytes were recoverd from 4 females by 32 trials of OPU and then 433 oocytes were shown MⅡ stage after in vitro maturation (79.4%). In case of needle puncture group, 1905 oocytes were collected and then 1420 oocytes were matured to MⅡ stage during in vitro culture(74.5%). Second, we compared the developmental rate to blastocyst in two groups (Experiment 2). 1420 oocyte by needle puncture were fertilized with frozen-thawing semen; the cleavage rate 24 48 h after in vitro fertilization (IVF) was 88.6% and blastocyst development rate was 20.5% in needle puncture group. Even though there is lower cleavage rate after IVF in OPU group (84.8%), blastocyst development rate was higher compared with needle puncture group (26.4%). In conclusion, Blastocyst developmental rate could be increased by OPU than classical method of needle puncture. Improvement of bio-technique in collecting oocytes could be applied to understand the reproductive physiology in cattle, expecially Hanwoo. Therefore, further investigation should be done to clarify the efficiency and advantage of OPU involved in reproduction in animals and human being. This research was suppoted by Imsil-gun agricultural technology service center.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The black-veined white, Aporia crataegi (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea), is nearly extinct in South Korea, although substantial numbers of dried specimens are available. One of the common practices for such species is to launch re-introduction program after proper amount of genetic information are analyzed from donor and donee populations. In this study, we sequenced complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of A. crataegi to design species-specific primers for subsequent population works and to further understand the mitogenome evolution in lepodiopteran Papilionoidea. The 15,140-bp long A. crataegi mitogenome that has typical sets of 37 genes is smallest among true butterfly species with overall slightly smaller size in genes and regions throughout the genome. Arrangement of the genome is identical to those of other lepidopteran mitogenomes, in which tRNA cluster located between the A+T-rich region and ND2 gene is translocated into tRNAMet, tRNAIle, and tRNAGln from ancestral arrangement, tRNAIle, and tRNAGln, tRNAMet. The A/T content of the genome at 81.3% is the highest in Pieridae, but lower than that of lycaenid species (81.7% ~ 82.7%) The high A/T content in the genome is also reflected in codon usage, accounting for 41.69% of A/T-composed codons (TTA, ATT, TTT, and ATA). Unlikely the diversified or modified usage of anticodon for tRNASer(AGN) the species of Pieridae including A. crataegi all unanimously have GCT that has been hypothesized as ancestral for Lepidoptera. A total of 111 bp of non-coding sequences are dispersed in 13 regions, ranging in size from 1–49 bp. Among them relatively longer ones (≥ 16 bp) all have relatively higher sequence identity to other regions of the genome, suggesting partial duplication of the sequences during A. crataegi evolution. As has been reported in some species of Lepidoptera, the A. crataegi A+T-region also has typically found conserved sequences (e.g., poly-T stretch, ATAGA motif, ATTTA element, microsatellite-like A/T sequence, and poly-A stretch) and one tRNA-like sequence, and this feature was commonly found in true butterfly species.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The phylogenetic relationships among the Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) have been controversial in several perspective. The present study sequenced a total of ~ 3,500 bp from cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA), and elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1α) in 80 nymphalid species belonging to seven subfamilies (Linmenitidinae, Heliconiinae, Nymphalinae, Apaturinae, Libytheinae, Satyrinae, and Danainae), along with those of six lycaenid species as outgroups. Phylogenetic analyses via Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) algorithms concordantly supported the subfamilial relationships of (((((Linmenitidinae + Heliconiinae) + (Nymphalinae + Apaturinae)) + Libytheinae) + Satyrinae) + Danainae), with high nodal support for monophyletic subfamilies and tribes. This result is largely consistent with a previous study performed with a substantially large sequence information and morphological characters, except for the position of Libytheinae that has previously been placed as the sister to all reminder of Nymphalidae.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Samia cynthia ricini (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) is a commercial silk-producing insect belonging to an insect family Saturniidae in Bombycoidea. The species that has presumably been originated in India, is distributed in India, China, and Japan. Unlikely domestic silkworm the prime host plant for the species is a castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis in Euphorbiaceae). Recently, the eri-silkworm also is reared in Korea and is expected to be utilized for a diverse purpose. In this report, we present the complete mitochondrial genome of the species with the emphasis of a few major characteristics. The 15,384-bp long S. cynthia ricini (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) mitochondrial genome was amplified into three long overlapping fragments (from COI ~ ND4, ND5 ~ lrRNA, and lrRNA ~ COI) and subsequent several short fragments using the long fragments as temperate. The primers for both long and short fragments were designed solely for lepidopteran genomes, without any species-specific primers. As a usual the genome is composed of 37 genes: 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two rRNA genes, and 22 tRNA genes, and one large non-coding region termed the A+T-rich region. Arrangement of the genome is identical to those of other lepidopteran mitochondrial genome, but this differs from the common arrangement found in a diverse insect order, by the movement of tRNAMet to a position 5’- up stream of tRNAIle. Unlikely previous report on the start codon for COI gene in Lepidoptera S. cynthia ricini COI gene starts with typical ATT codon located between tRNATyr and the beginning region of COI gene. The 22 tRNAs that are interspersed throughout the mitogenome ranged in length from 62 to 71 bp. All tRNAs but tRNASer(AGN) were shown to be folded into the expected cloverleaf secondary structures. More detailed structural and phylogenetic analyses among Bombycidae and Saturniidae in connection with other families in the Bombycoidea will be performed soon
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The leaf beetle, Chrysolina aurichalcea (Coleoptera: Chysomelidae), is a pest damaging plants of Compositae. In order to understand the genetic diversity and geographic variation of the species we sequenced a portion of mitochondrial COI gene (658 bp) and complete nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) collected from seven Korean localities. A total of 18 haplotypes (BARCA01 ~ BARCA18), with the maximum sequence divergence of 3.04% (20 bp) were obtained from COI gene sequence, whereas 17 sequence types (ITS2CA01 ~ ITS2CA17), with the maximum sequence divergence of 2.013% (9 bp) were obtained from ITS2, indicating substantially larger sequence divergence in mitochondrial gene sequence. Phylogenetically, the mitochondrial DNA has shown several haplotypes formed independent groups with substantially high node support (≥ 90%), whereas no such grouping was evidenced for ITS2, indicating different behaviors of the two molecules. Such difference may reflect a diverse dynamics of the species such as biogeographic history, mating behaviors, and also possibly different mode of inheritance of the two molecules, but requires further scrutinized examination of the dataset. In terms of population genetic perspective, overall no population subdivision was detected from both molecules, except for locality 7 (Eocheong islet) from mitochondrial DNA. As more scrutinized analysis is performed, further fruitful inference on the geographic contour of the species might be available.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The principal objective of this study was to assess the antioxidative activities of Petasites japonicus against oxidative stress in bovine brain tissue . Petasites japonicus is found with a relatively widespread distribution, and is cultivated as a culinary vegetable in Korea. Petasites japonicus samples were dried either by freeze-drying or by hot air-convection drying (80℃), then evaluated for their antioxidative activity by measuring 1-dipheny-1,2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, and by measuring thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in brain homogenates subjected to Fe2+ -mediated lipids with or without the addition of botanical extract. Hot air convection-drying resulted in a slight increase in the extraction yie1d as compared with freeze-drying. However, total phenol and flavonoid contents in freeze-dried Petasites japonicas were significantly higher than those of hot air convection-drying. Freeze-drying increased the free radical scavenging activity of Petasites japonicas, leaves, and stems by 52.6, 28.6, and 248.0%, as compared with hot air convection-drying. Additionally, the IC50 values measured by TBARS in hot air convection-dried Petasites japonicas, leaves, and stems were increased by 36.0, 31.6, and 15.9%, as compared to those of freeze-drying. Although antioxidative activity was reduced slightly by heat processing in Petasites japonicas, freeze-drying for each portion of Petasites japonicus was the most appropriate for use as a functional food and pharmaceutical material.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Al t hough substance P(SP) , a potent pro- inflammatory peptide, is involved in inflammation and immune responses‘ t he eff'ect of SP on t he expression of macrophage inflammatory protein 3a (MIP- 3α CCL20) in periodontal liga ment(PDL) cell s a re unknown, Equally as enigmatic is the link between SP, t he stress protein heme oxygenase- l(HO-l) ‘ and CCL20 procluction, We investigated whether SP induces the release of chemokine CCL20 from immortal ized PDL(IPDL) ceJJ s‘ and fur ther c l a꺼 SP mediated pathways, We also examined the relationship between HO-l a ncl CCL20 by t reating PDL cells with SP, Incubating IPDL cells with SP increased expression of CCL20 mRNA a nd CCL20 protein in a dose-time dependent manner Highly selective p38 and ERKl/2 inhibitors abrogated SP-induced expression of CCL20 in IPDL cell s, SP is a lso responsible for ini t iating phosphorylation of I/C B, degradation of Iκ B‘ ancl activat ion of NF'-/C B, SP induced expression of HO-l in both a concentration- and time-dependent man nel ‘ and CCL20 refl ected s imilar patterns, The inductive effects o[ SP on HO- l and CCL20 wer e enhanced by HO- j inducer hemin and the membrane-permeable cGMP analog 8-bromo-cGMP, Conversely, this pathway was inJübited by t he 1-10난 inhi bitor zinc protoporphyrin IX(ZnPP IX) and the selective inl뼈itor of guanylate cyc1ase‘ lH-[l , 2, 4Joxad iazole[4‘ 3-aJquinoxal in-l-one (ODQ) , We report herein the pathway that connects SP along with other modulators 。f neuroimmunoregulationto the induction of HO-l and t he inflammatory mediator MIP-3a /CCL20 in IPDL cell s‘ which play an important role in the development 01' periodontitis or inflamrnation during orthodontic tooth movem
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        베트남 북부 산악지형에 거주하는 소수 부족민들의 생계개선이 베트남 정부의 정책적인 지원 사업에도 불구하고 현 재까지 뚜렷한 성과를 내지 못하는 것으로 알려져 왔다. 특히 지속가능한 개발 및 인적자원개발을 목표로 하고 있는 베트남 경제사회개발정책(2011~2020)의 하위전략인 신농촌 개발정책(New Rural Development)에 의한 사업들이 적절히 수행되고 있는지 의문이 대두되었다. 한편, 베트남 라오까이성 행복프로그램은 한국 코이카 재원으로 새마을운동 경험과 정신을 바탕으로 설계되었으며 심각한 빈곤상태에 있는 성내 8개 소수부족민 마을에 마을특성과 주민 의견이 반영된 개발계획을 수립하고 계획실행의 주체인 마을주민들과 현장 공무원에게 다양한 훈련 사업들을 제공하였다. 본 연구는 생계개선에 대한 이론 고찰 과 함께 한국 및 베트남의 농촌개발 경험사례 분석을 바탕으로 프로그램의 다양한 역량강화 사업들이 8개 소수부족 주민들 의 의식변화와 생계자산 향상에 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는지 알아보았다. 본 연구결과는 프로그램에서 제공한 다양한 역량강화 훈 련들이 주민의식의 긍정적인 변화와 소수 부족민들의 생계자산에 대하여 상당한 만족도를 가져왔는바, 신농촌 개발정책은 직접자재 위주의 지원을 줄이는 대신 주민들의 자신감 고취를 위한 주민의식 교육과 주민들의 생계활동 능력향상을 위한 다양한 훈련 사업을 확대해야 함을 보여준다.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In Brassica as matter of seedling manner, they have the bilocular ovary and 20~28 seeds per silique after fertilization. Rarely some of B. juncea and yellow sarson (Brassica rapa ssp, tricolaris) have multilocular ovary. In this stdudy, the LP8 (YS-033, CGN06835) is shown tetralocular ovary as well as high seed yields. As microscope study for the different size of immature bud sections and we have known the floral meristem with already four locules in immature buds less size than 1mm of LP8. To identify of determining of tetralocular ovary formation, RNA-seq was carried out on the isolated RNA from less than 1mm and from 1mm of bud size respectively. By contrast tetralocular ovay and bilocular ovary, Chiifu is used. A total of 994 differentially expressed genes(DEGs) are detected in only LP8. Among the DEGs, we identify 18 DEGs in only immature buds of less size than 1mm. The expression patterns of 18 DEGs are validated by real time quantitative PCR and these genes are cloned and the sequence analyzed. At present, 12 candidated gene are analyzed by sequencing and there are detected by large fragment insertion as well as SNPs in sequence comparison to Chiifu. We will perform the genetic transformation of these DEG genes in Arabidopsis for relation between genes and tetralocular ovary. Our results will be helpful in understanding for mechanisms of tetraovular ovary in Brassica rapa.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Brassica rapa subspecies show morphological variability, containing vegetable types and oilseed types. The yellow sarson types(Brassica rapa ssp, tricolaris) have distinct morphology, yellow seeded and contain some lines with very unique character of tetralocular ovary. For genetic studies on tetralocular ovary related to high seed yields, we produced genetic segregation population with F2 and double haploid(DH) population. The yellow sarson LP8 (YS-033, CGN06835) with character of tetralocular ovary used as a maternal plant and crossed by LP21 of turnip rape type with bilocular ovary as paternal plant. We took on the microspore cultures on immature bud which is collected on sizing from 2mm to 3.2mm for DH population. The regenerations DH plants are analyzed by ploidy determination using flow cytrometer and selected on diploid plants. These regenerated DH and F2 plants are doing bud pollination and measuring the phenotype traits. Also, these populations will be used for identify of genetic locus relate to tetralocular ovary using genotyping by sequencing.
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