
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 226

        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis Walker) was one of the most destructive pest of rice for the 1960s and 1970s in Korea. Recently, it is newly recognized as a potential risk factor to the biomass yield of bioenergy crops. The current research was firstly conducted to investigate overwintering larvae population density and pattern of rice stem borer attacking Miscanthus sacchariflorus cv. Geodae 1 which is referred to as an ideal lignocellulosic bioenergy crop in Korea. Population density of larvae per 1 m2 in stems and rhizomes at the Miscanthus experimental plots and rates of damage (wormhole, abscission) of M. sacchariflorus cv. Goedae 1 were investigated from October 2012 to March 2013. The population of larvae per 1 m2 in stems of Miscanthus were 23, 4, 1, and 1 in October, November, December 2012, and January 2013, respectively. Over the same period, the population of larvae in basal stem rots and rhizomes were increased, whereas decreased in stems. Interestingly, the positions of larvae for overwintering in Miscanthus were confirmed to 5~10 cm below the soil surface such as basal stem rot and rhizome, whereas the most common overwintering position known in rice is a part of stem on the ground such as rice straw and rice stubble. It would suggest that the larvae gradually moved to bottom of stems and rhizomes in soil in line with decline in temperature. Moreover, the damage rates of stems per 1 m2 were up to more than 50% in some places. In conclusion, this might be the first report that rice stem borer could affect the productivity of biomass of Miscanthus in case of mass cultivation. Moreover, it should be necessary to make a decision in insect control management for this bioenergy feedstock and other related crops.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        억새(Miscanthus spp.)는 우리나라가 원산지인 대표적인 섬유질계 바이오에너지 원료작물로 다년생 C4 식물이며 배수성이 다른 유전자원이 널리 분포하고 있다. 외국에서는 자연 생태계 교란 방지를 위해 종자번식 억새의 재배 를 규제하고 있어 불임성 억새 품종개발이 시급하다. 본 연구는 국내 수집 1,500여 종의 유전자원 중 재배년수가 비슷한 물억새 518점, 참억새 297점 등 총 815점을 대상으로 불임성 억새품종 육종에 필요한 종별 개화 특성을 조사 하였다. 억새의 자가불화합성은 물억새 3종, 참억새 3종 및 3배체 억새 이삭에 봉지를 씌워 개화 후 이삭의 지경수, 총영수 및 결실 종자수를 조사하였다. 억새 유전자원의 개화기(FS3)까지의 전체 생육일수 210일에서 220일 사이 에 개화하는 물억새는 전체의 80% 이상, 참억새는 56%였다. 또한 억새 유전자원의 자가불화합성을 검토한 결과, 자연수분 조건에서 참억새의 임실률은 45.7%인 반면, 봉지를 씌운 참억새의 임실률은 8.3%로 매우 낮았다. 한편, 2배체 참억새와 4배체 물억새 종간 교잡종으로 알려진 3배체 억새는 자연수분 조건에서도 임실률이 0.9%로 매우 낮아 기존 보고와 동일한 결과를 얻었다.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to cope with resource depletion and global warming, many countries around the world are seeking the technicaland political alternatives and are focusing on production of refuse derived fuel (SRF) as a viable approach. SRF isclassified into pellet SRF and fluff SRF based on the shape. In domestic trend, Pellet RDF has been mainly produceduntil now, but as the quality standard of fluff SRF was set up lately, it is expected to raise supply and demand on FluffSRF after this. Fluff SRF is a solid fuel not to be processed pelletizing step, and has advantages that manufacturing processis simple and economical. In this paper, we selected 3 MBT plants to produce Pellet SRF in Korea and examined reductioneffects of energy and CO2 emission by conversion of pellet SRF to fluff SRF. As a result, the saving energy by theconversion of SRF type is 2,509 Gcal/yr (A), 1,716 Gcal/yr (B) and 1,210 Gcal/yr (C) respectively, and the reductionrate of energy consumption in full process is about 23%~26% by comparison with pellet SRF. Also, the average ofreduction of CO2 emission per unit of MSW is 0.0272 tCO2/ton. After estimating the reduction of CO2 emission of 9MBT plants in Korea, based on the results of a survey of target plants, we concluded that the reduction effect of CO2emission is created 11,374 tCO2/yr.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper examined energy consumption distribution by process and energy production-effect of MBT facilities inKorea. Generally, facilities that use fossil fuels for drying consumed energy about 70~80% in drying and exhaust gasestreatment process and energy distribution was heavily affected a position of drying and a kind of fuel. Energy production-effect by the ratio of input-energy to output-energy ranged from 4.54 to 9.60, however, if generation efficiency is reflected,it was standardized to low levels from 3.10~3.77. So we were able to confirm that the superiority of energy production-effect between facilities is not considerable.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Living environments in rural area have become deteriorated rapidly. Increase of aging population, decline in agricultural income, polarization of wealth in rural community due to rural returners have caused severe decline and imbalance of living environments in rural area. Responding to this circumstances, governments currently develop projects for improving living environments focusing on individual housing which were excluded from governmental supports because those had been regarded as private property. Nevertheless, there are still some gaps and problems in evaluating the quality of living environment and suggesting effective solutions. It would be because standards and guidelines of the projects have been based on urban housing system. In order to support the implementation of the projects, this research has developed an index for evaluating and monitoring the quality of living environments in rural area. By applying Delphi method, the index has been created in four categories of ‘security’, ‘convenience’, ‘comfortability’, and ‘durability’ ‘Security’ consists of structural safety, crime, disaster, accident prevention. ‘Convenience’ includes three divisions of living, traffic, farm working. ‘Comfortability’ is divided into sanitation, indoor environments, and aesthetic appreciation. Lastly, ‘durability’ has four divisions of energy conservation, environmental friendliness, efficiency, and economics. Each sub-division also has different items from three to twelves. In the case of an index for performance evaluation, items have been derived from energy conservation(6-items), and environmental friendliness(7-items). Items developed as an index for evaluating rural living environments in this research might be good background information for remodeling project in rural housing development.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To study the cause of physiological disorder in leaf of ginseng cultivated at paddy soil, the degree of brown-colored symptom (BCS) and the contents of inorganic matter in leaf were investigated by irrigating the solution of ferric andferrous iron of 0.1~2.0%, and citric acid of 1.0~4.0% on bed soil, respectively. Ratio of BCS by variety was as high as85.0% in Yoenpoong, while it was as low as 5.4%, 7.5% in Chunpoong and Hwangsook, respectively. The contents ofinorganic matter of leaf in Yoenpoong were lower in P₂O5, Ca, and Mg, while it were higher in K, Fe, and Mn than othervariety. Iron solution caused BCS more distinctly when each ferric and ferrous iron were dissolved with 1.0% citric acidthan when each iron was dissolved without citric acid. Ferric iron caused BCS more effectively than ferrous iron. BCSoccurred in 4.0% citric acid was as same as 2.0% ferric iron mixed with 1.0% citric acid. Low P₂O5 and high Fe content inleaf appeared in both of artificial and natural symptoms. We concluded that excessive Fe uptake caused BCS to leaf becausethe solubility of iron was increased in condition of low soil pH.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The development of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and expressed sequence tag-derivedsimple sequence repeats (EST-SSRs) provided a useful tool for investigating Korean ginseng genetic diversity. In this study,18 polymorphic markers (7 RAPD and 11 EST-SSR) selected to assess the genetic diversity in 31 ginseng accessions (11Korean ginseng cultivars and 20 breeding lines). In RAPD analysis, a total of 53 unique polymorphic bands were obtainedfrom ginseng accessions and number of amplicons ranged from 4 to 11 with a mean of 7.5 bands. Pair-wise genetic similaritycoefficient (Nei) among all pairs of ginseng accessions varied from 0.01 to 0.32, with a mean of 0.11. On the basis of theresulting data, the 31 ginseng accessions were grouped into six clusters. As a result of EST-SSR analysis, 11 EST-SSR mark-ers detected polymorphisms among the 31 ginseng accessions and revealed 49 alleles with a mean of 4.45 alleles per primer.The polymorphism information content (PIC) value ranged from 0.06 to 0.31, with an average of 0.198. The 31 ginsengaccessions were classified into five groups by cluster analysis based on Nei’s genetic distances. Consequently, the results ofginseng-specific RAPD and EST-SSR markers may prove useful for the evaluation of genetic diversity and discrimination ofKorean ginseng cultivars and breeding lines.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper examined reasonable operating factor for treatment of carcass burial leachate in High Temperature Thermal Desorption (HTTD) and calculated the amount of fuel used in each device using heat and mass balance under condition of 4 scenarios. As a result, we concluded that rotary kiln for dryness and thermal desorption shoud be separated dual type and mixing ratio of sawdust and soil should be restricted no more than 1 : 14. Also, operating temperature should be kept 260, 550, 850 or higher in dryer kiln, thermal desorption kiln and secondary chamber respectively and residence time should be kept 30min in each kiln. The total amount of fuel used in each device was compared under 4 scenarios on the mixing ratio. According to a study, it showed the highest value under the scenario of 1 : 1, which showed 2.5 times higher than the scenario of 1 : 14 in terms of treatment of leachate per unit of LNG.