Information about time spent in microenvironments plays a critical role in exposure assessment of the person concerned, considering that personal exposure relies on the characterization of time-activity patterns of the population at risk as human activities impact the timing, location, and level of personal pollutant exposure. The purpose of this paper was to present the time-activity patterns of Korean adults from a population-based study, and to determine the time spent each day in microenvironments. The population-based study collected time-activity data of about 46,000 adults for two consecutive days on weekdays (n=28,152) and weekends (n=18,800). The mean times spent at one’s own house, workplace or school, other’s house house, restaurant or bar, other places, and transportation related to the whole sample of 28,152 people were 14.90 hrs (62.08%), 4.28 hrs (17.81%), 0.24 hrs (1.01%), 0.51 hrs (2.14%), 2.45 hrs (10.21%), and 1.62 hrs (6.74%) on weekdays, respectively. Looking at the total time spent indoors by adults in different countries, the following four countries were ranked as follows, from lowest to highest: USA > Canada > Korea > Hong Kong. Due to cultural, socioeconomic and climatic differences, it may not be appropriate to directly apply statistical data of other countries to the Korean situation. This paper provides information on how the proportion of persons in different locations changes by time of day, on weekdays and weekends. Here, we can see that over 90% of respondents were in a residence from about 11 PM to 5 AM, and the largest proportion of respondents in workplaces or schools and other places is found between 8 AM and 5 PM.
As concerns have been raised about health effects of children's products containing hazardous chemicals on children, the Korea Ministry of Environment announced 135 environmental hazardous substances in children’s products (EHSCP) which were subject to risk assessment. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the current status of EHSCP for management due to their various exposure routes and types. In this study, we investigated the exposure assessment of EHSCP as well as relevant policies implemented in domestic and foreign countries. Domestic and foreign cases of detection of EHSCP were reviewed in the literature and websites of related agencies. Due to the lack of reference values for child-specific toxicity of EHSCP, those for adults and regulatory status of EHSCP were also investigated and reviewed with literature. The related agencies of foreign countries provided 13 child-specific reference doses (RfDs), 76 RfDs, and 42 reference concentrations as toxicity reference values of the EHSCP. Among substances investigated in the studies to assess exposure of hazardous substances in children’s products by the Korea Ministry of Environment, 23 substances were included in 135 EHSCP. The same studies identified 9 substances which were excluded from the 135 EHSCP. For regulatory status for hazardous substances in children’s products, 44 substances (32.6 %) and 84 substances (62.2 %) of 135 EHSCP were under regulation in Korea and foreign countries, respectively. In the present study, we found that a list of 135 EHSCP should be revised to ensure children’s safety.
연안해역의 산재해 있는 해안송림이나 삼림성 식생은 평상시에는 자연 경관과 인근 연안 환경에 편익을 제공하고 있으며, 지진해일이나 폭풍해일 등의 장주기파랑 내습시에는 입사파 에너지를 감쇠하여 배후지의 연안재해를 억제하여 연안 환경 및 방재의 측면에서 주목을 받고 있다. 특히 2004년 동남아시아에서 발생한 지진해일의 재해가 삼림성 식생인 맹그로브 군락지(Mangrove forest)에서 최소화 되었다는 조사․보고에 따라 연안방재의 측면에서 해안림의 가치가 재조명되고 있다. 해안림과 같은 삼림성 식물이 폭풍 및 지진해일 등과 같은 파랑의 에너지 감쇠와 이에 따른 연안방재능력을 보이는 것은 해안림의 수목 형상 등에 의한 것으로 알려져 있으나, 해안림을 구성하고 있는 삼림성 식물군락을 구성하고 있는 잎, 가지, 줄기로 복잡한 수목형상이 어떻게 내습하는 파동을 전파 변형, 감쇠해 가는가에 대해서는 아직은 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 본 연구에서는 삼림성 해안림으로 전파하는 입사파 및 폭풍해일에 대한 유체 저항을 본 수치 해석에 모델화하여 적용하는 것을 목적으로 해안림의 형상 특성을 현지 조사하였다. 그리고, 해안림을 상층부와 하층부로 2개층으로 구성된 투과성 구조물로 모형화 하여, 해안림을 통과하는 파랑의 감쇠 특성을 CADMUS-SURF 수치모형을 통해 검토하였다.
The aggregate risk assessment on xylene and ethylbenzene was carried out according to the guidance established newly in 2010 with the purpose of providing information for risk management. In human exposure assessment, the results indicated that lower ages were exposed more and that, in the interior space at home, the highest level of human exposure occurred via inhalation. At outdoor spaces, exposures via inhalation and drinking were less than 1%. In human health risk characterization, xylene showed HI(Hazard Index) < 1 in all ages. When reasonable maximum exposure(RME) was applied, HI for young children was 0.64. The HI of ethylbenzene was also below 1(0.02~0.04) in all ages, indicating no potential risk. From this study, it is considered that xylene need to be continous monitoring with interest because this substance may be more sensitive on young age group. In additon, to reduce the uncertainty of the risk assessment, the korean exposure factors on young age group such as infant, children had to be established as soon as possible.
유류유출사고는 치명적인 해양 생태계파괴를 가져올 뿐만 아니라, 막대한 방제 및 피해보상비용이 발생하므로 일종의 재난으로 받아들여지고 있으며, 초기 방제대책으로써 유출유의 확산범위를 정확히 예측하는 것은 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 허베이 스피리트호 유출사고에 대하여 외력요소를 고려하여 유출유 확산모형을 구축한 후, 확산분포에 대한 수치계산을 수행하여 만리포 및 신두리 일대 해안에 유류가 유입되었던 유출사고 13시간 후인 2007년 12월 7일 오후 8시와 인공위성 사진이 존재하는 2007년 12월 11일 오전 11시의 확산분포를 관측상황과 비교하여 검증하였다.
땅콩의 착협비대기인 '98. 8. 5 - 8. 6 사이 2일간 207 mm에 달하는 집중호우에 의거 침수피해가 발생된 지역에서 약 1개월 후 시료를 채취하여 땅콩의 생육, 수량 및 품질변화에 대하여 조사한 결과, 주경장, 분지장, 생체중 등 지상부 생육과 종실수량은 침수일수가 길수록 현저히 감소되었고, 침수기간이 1일 정도 짧아도 침수기간 3일과 큰 차이없이 피해가 컸으며 땅콩종실의 저장기간중 지질의 산패율은 침수일수가 길수록 산패가 빨랐고, 불
부추저장 중 포장재별 중량감소는 LDPE, PP 및 HDPE film처리가 포장재간 큰차이 없이 1% 미만의 매우 작은 감소를 보였으나, 무포장은 저장기간이 경과할수록 감소율이 현저히 증가하였다. 부추즙액의 당도는 입고시 6.0 Brix에서 무포장 2주째에 4.6 Brix로 크게 감소되었으며, LDPE film등 포장재처리는 밀봉처리에서 4.9-5.9 Brix로 감소폭이 적었고, 탈기처리시에는 4.5-4.7 Brix로 감소폭이 다소 큰 경향이었다