The identification of biomarkers of a living tissues is essentially required to understand specific functions of the cells. In previous study, we reported IGFBP 3 as one of the putative biomarkers, by showing specific expression at porcine spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) of early stage of porcine testis. In this study, we analyzed the expression of seven members of IGFBP family (IGFBPs) in SSCs and histological expression pattern of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), which plays a role on the growth promoting enzyme by cleavage of IGFBPs in testis of 5 days old pig. RT-PCR analysis showed that IGFBP 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 were expressed at high level specifically in porcine SSCs compared with whole testis. We performed immunohisotochemical staining of testis sections with PAPP-A and protein gene product 9.5 (PGP9.5) which are the known biomarkers for SSCs. We were not able to find co-expression of PAPP-A and PGP9.5; PAPP-A was expressed only in Sertoli cells and PGP9.5 expression was confirmed in spermatogonium. Additionally, we were able to confirm the GATA4 expression in Sertoli and Leydig cells as a regulator of Sertoli cell function was not detected PGP9.5 expressing cells, indicating indirect evidence of that cytolocalization of PAPP-A expression is limited in Sertoli cells. These results suggested that the PAPP-A expressed in Sertoli cells may play role on regulation of development and differentiation of testicular cells through the IGF axis in neonatal porcine testis.
Identification of specific marker proteins in cells is useful for isolating cells and determining their cellular characteristics and functions. Based on our previous study showing that matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) can be used as a marker for porcine spermatogonia, the expression pattern of MMP-9 was determined in both pre- (5-month old) and post-pubertal (11–month old) bovine testes. Histological analysis revealed that spermatogonia were located near the basement membrane in both testes, while spermatozoa were not detected in the 5-month old pre-pubertal bovine testes and epididymides. Mature spermatozoa were observed in the 11-month bovine testes and epididymides, and MMP-9 expression in 11-month old bovine testes was lower than 5-month old testes, according to reverse transcription-PCR and real-time-PCR data. To determine the specific expression sites of MMP-9 in the bovine testes, immunohistochemistry was performed. Expression of MMP-9 was observed in cells near the basement membrane of seminiferous tubules in both 5- and 11-month old testes. Furthermore, MMP-9 positive cells expressed protein gene product 9.5 (PGP9.5) and deleted in azoospermia (DAZL) that are already known as bovine spermatogonial stem cells markers. In the present study, MMP-9 expression was identified in both pre- and post-pubertal bovine spermatogonia expressing PGP9.5 and DAZL, and located near the basement membrane of seminiferous tubules. Thus, MMP-9 can be used as a marker for bovine spermatogonia, and may provide useful platforms for understanding the interaction between germ cells and extracellular matrix during spermatogenesis in the seminiferous tubules.
The purpose of this study is to develop transgenic cell line expressing targeted human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (hGCSF) and green fluorescence protein (GFP) genes as well as production of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) embryos derived from co-expressed transgenic donor cells. Constructed pPiggy-mWAP-hGCSF-EF1-GFP vector was chemically transfected into bovine fetus cells and then, only GFP expressed cells were selected as donor cells for SCNT. Cleavage and blastocyst rates of parthenogenetic, SCNT embryos using non-TG cell and hGCSF-GFP dual expressed SCNT embryos were examined (cleavage rate: 78.0±2.8 vs. 73.1±3.2 vs. 70.4±4.3%, developmental rate: 27.2 ±3.2 vs. 21.9±3.1 vs. 17.0±2.9%). Result indicated that cleavage and blastocyst rates of TG embryos were significantly lower (P<0.05) than those of parthenogenetic and non-TG embryos, respectively. In this study, we successfully produced hGCSF-GFP dual expressed SCNT embryos and cryopreserved to produce transgenic cattle for bioreactor system purpose. Further process of our research will transfer of transgenic embryos to recipients and production of hGCSF secreting cattle.
Spermatogenesis is initiated from spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) that has an ability of self-renewal and unipotency to generate differentiating germ cells. The objective of this study is to develop the simple method for derivation of SSCs using non-sorting of both spermatogonia and feeder cells. Simply uncapsulated mouse testes were treated with enzymes followed by surgical mincing, and single cells were cultured in stempro-34TM cell culture media at 37℃. After 5 days of culture, aciniform of SSC colony was observed, and showed a strong alkaline phosphatase activity. Molecular characterization of mouse SSCs showed that most of the mouse SSC markers such as integrin α6 and β1, CD9 and Stra8. In addition, pluripotency embryonic stem cell (ESC) marker Oct4 were expressed, however Sox2 expression was lowered. Interestingly, expression of SSC markers such as Vasa, Dazl and PLZF were stronger than mouse ESC (mESC). This data suggest that generated mouse SSCs (mSSCs) in this study has at least similar biomarkers expression to mESC and mSSCs derived from other study. Immunocytochemistry using whole mSSC colony also confirmed that mSSCs generated from this study expressed SSC specific biomarkers such as c-kit, Thy1, Vasa and Dazl. In conclusion, mSSCs from 5 days old mouse testes were successfully established without sorting of spermatogonia, and this cells expressed both mESC and SSC specific biomarkers. This simple derivation method for mSSCs may facilitate the study of spermatogenesis.
Beauvericin과 enniatin H, I, 그리고 MK1688의 생산에 미치는 온도와 수분함량의 효과를 조사하였다. 쌀을 기질로 할 경우 25℃, 40% 수분함량에서 조사된 모든 독소들이 최대로 생산되었으며, 15℃의 온도에서 접종 2주 후 50 μg/g이하의 생성량을 나타내었다. 수분함량 10%에서도 접종 후 6주차에 모든 독소들의 검출이 확인되었으며, 이는 이 독소들이 0.75정도의 낮은 수분활성도에서도 생성될 수 있음을 나타낸다. 한편, 국내에서 생산된 곡류들(65종)에 대하여 Fusarium 독소인 beauvericin의 오염을 분석하였다. 국내에서 수확된 65종의 곡류시료 중 6종의 시료에서 beauvericin오염이 확인되었다. 쌀과 현미에서는 beauvericin이 검출되지 않았으며, 2004년산 옥수수 3종, 2004년과 2005산 보리 시료 각 1종, 그리고 2005년 재배된 밀 1종에서 beauvericin이 검출되었다. 가장 높은 오염도를 보인 것은 옥수수 시료이며, 이 시료에서 0.23 μg/g의 beauvericin이 검출되었다. 국내에서는 beauvericin에 대한 곡류 오염 조사가 이 연구에서 처음으로 이루어졌으며, 국내산 곡류에서도 beauvercin이 검출됨에 따라 지속적으로 오염도를 조사할 필요가 있다.