This paper is concerned with the vibration control of multi-layer structure for ultra-tall buildings and main tower of large bridge etc. We have modeled the multi-layer structure with the distributed mass system as the lumped mass system of two-degree-of-freedom structure and made experimental equipment. The LQ optimal control theory is applied to the design of the control system. The designed control system is simulated by computer. As a result, the LQ regulator showed good vibration control performance with impact excitation.
This paper gives a controller design method by Linear Matrix Inequality(LMI) for internal combustion engine with Continuously Variable Transmission(CVT) which satisfies the given H∞ control performance and robust stability in the presence of physical parameter perturbations. To the end, the validity and applicability of this approach are illustrated by simulation in the all engine operating regions.
The energy saving is one of the most important factors for profit in marine transportation. In order to reduce the fuel oil consumtion the ship's propulsion efficiency must be increased as possible. The propulsion efficiency depends upon a combination of an engine and a propeller. The propeller has better efficiency as lower rotational speed. This situation led the engine manufacturers to design the engine that has low speed, long stroke and a small number of cylinders. Consequently, the variation of rotational torque became larger than before because of the longer delay-time in fuel oil injection process and an increased output per cylinder. As this new trends the conventional mechanical-hydrualic governors for engine speed control have been replaced by digital speed controllers which adopted the PID control or the optimal control algorithm. But these control algorithms have not enough robustness to suppress the variation of the delay-time and the parameter perturbation. In this paper we consider the delay-time and the perturbation of engine parameters as the modeling uncetainties. Next we design the robust servo controller which has zero offset in steady state engine speed, based on H sub(∞) control theory. The validity of the controller was investigated through the response simulation. We used a personal computer and an analog computer as the digital controller and the engine (plant) part respectively. And, we could certify that the designed controller maintains its robust servo performance even though the engine parameters may vary.
본 논문에서는 전압형제어에 의한 유도전동기의 토크 속응제어법의 메카니즘이 기술되어 졌다. 특히 본 논문에서는 펄스전압 인가에 의한 과도토크 소거원리를 전류레벨에서 해석함과 동시에 직관적 이해를 돕기 위해 벡터표현을 이용하여 제안 방식의 이론적 타당성을 입증하였다. 이상의 검토에서 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. (1) 전압형제어에 있어서는 임펄스를 인가함으로써 스텝응답을 실현할 수 있다. (2) 유한 미소정정시간 δ를 매개로 정식화를 행함으로써, 토크의 스텝응답을 실현할 수 있는 이론적인 전압해 및 현실적으로 실현 가능한 전압해를 동시에 구할 수 있다. (3) 토크 속응제어를 δ이후의 과도전류가 0으로 되는 전압지령에 의해 실현하므로 펄스전압인가에 의한 스파이크 전류는 발생하지 않는다. (4) 전동기 정수가 불변 또는 실시간으로 동정된다면, 제안방식은 제어지령을 결정함에 있어서 전류정보에 직접 의존하지 않고도 피드포워드적으로 전압지령의 연산이 가능하다. 따라서 제어 시스템 구성의 간략화와 동시에 제어정도가 전류정보에 전적으로 의존하지 않는 제어계의 구축이 가능하다
제어전용 마이크로 프로세서와 PC간에, 본 연구에서 제안하는 이중 포트 램을 이용한 병렬처리 방식으로 하드웨어를 설계 제작하고, 제어응답실험을 행한 결과 기존의 범용 A/D & D/AC 카드로 수행하기 어려웠던 2개 이상의 제어 대상을 제어하고 모니터링 하는 작업을 원활히 수행할 수 있음을 확인하였다
병렬형 도립진자를 수학적으로 모델링하고 주파수 응답법에 의해 파라미터를 동정하여, H∞제어이론 중 혼합감도문제에 의거하여 제어계를 설계한 후 응답 시뮬레이션을 한 결과그 응답으로부터 모델링의 불확실성에 대처할 수 있는 강인한 제어계를 구성할 수 있었다. 앞으로 실제 시스템에 대하 s제어들 과제로 남겨두고 있다. 시뮬레이션 응답과는 달리 실제 으답실험에서도 좋은 결과를 얻기 위해서는 여러 가지의 어려움이 있을 것으로 예상된다. 특히 응답 시뮬레이션에서도 나타난 바와 같이 전자가 미소각으로 기울어진 상태에서 제어를 할 경우에도 각 상태의 변동량이 크고, 또한 상당한 제어입력을 요한다. 따라서 센서 잡음에 대한 영향을 충분히 고려할 필요가 있으므로, 노이즈를 많이 발생시키는 PWM방식의 직류모터 구동 드라이버보다는 선형 드라이버를 이용하는 것이 적절할 것으로 예상된다
In 1980 s to 1990 s the marine propulsion diesel engines have been developed into lower speed and longer stroke for the enegy saving (small S.F.O.C). As these new trends the conventional mechanical-hydraulic governors were not adapted to the new requirements and the digital governors have been adopted in the marine use. The digital governors usually use the control algorithms such as the PID control, optimal control, adaptive control and etc. While the engine has delay time and parameter variations these control algorithms have difficulty in considering the stability and the robustness for the model uncertainty. In this study, the H∞ controller design method are applied in order to design the feedback controller K(s) to the speed control of the low speed marine diesel engine, and the two-degree-of-freedom control system is constituted with H∞controller. By comparison of responses of the two-degree-of-freedom control system under the delay time and parameter variations is confirmed.
The inverted pendulum is one of the control mechanism that has been frequently used to verify the control theory in the laboratory. In this paper, the author made an inverted pendulum driven by DC servomotor with a simple DC motor drive circuit, and constituted a control system. The control mechanism is modeled, and identified parameters of inverted pendulum system by experimental method. The author used the LQ regulator as control algorithm and the minimum order observer algorithm to observe states that can not be measured. And the validity of parameter identification and the excellent performance of the control system designed by LQR are confirmed
The DC Servo Motor has been used as an actuator in automatic control fields because of the good response and the control easiness nevertheless it has some disadvantage such as spark at the brush. Recently, along with the fast development of semiconductor industries, the digital control scheme is increasing in comparison with analog control because of the strength against noise and the accuracy. In this paper, authors proposed a combined control algorithm, which is mixed Modified Minimum Time Position Control(MMTPC) and PI control algorithm. for minimum time position control of DC Servo Motor by the one-chip microcontroller. The proposed control algorithm showed the fast response and offset-free. The validity of the proposed method comparing with the VSS control is proved by the response experiments.
In this study, we selected a DC servo motor as an actuator of the marine diesel engine governor and constructed the position control system of the DC servo motor using the algorithm proposed by authors. Next, we proposed an another method to construct an adaptive control system for marine diesel engine by regarding the controlled system including the DC servo motor as a second order controlled system and verified the validity of this method through the real time control responses. Finally, the results have shown a good response characteristic
Analog PID controllers have been designed to make good use of position control in industries. Recently, the importance of digital position control is emphasized for the requirements of controller which are not only to control the objects but to include various aspects such as easiness of design and implementation, simple exchange of control program and convenient communications of data between various controllers and a host computer. This study proposes a combined control method which is mixed the vaiable structure control (VSC) with the PI control for minimum time position control of DC servo motor by microcomputer. The results of test by this method show offset-free and minimum time optimal position control which is not affected by the disturbance and the system parameter variations. The validity of the proposed method comparing with the conventional PID control is proved by the response experiments.
The Variable Structure System(VSS) will be of much intrest to educators and design engineers who wish to demonstrate and investigate sophisticated position control methods and their applications. This paper describes DC motor position control by means of VSS concept. The control scheme is derived, implemented and tested in the laboratory where IBM AT computer has been used as a digital controller to control a representative servo system. The control system schematic is given and sample results are shown for illustration. This experiment may serve as a basis for further application of VSS.
이상과 같이 엑튜에이터의 동특성 해석을 행하고 PID 제어기 및 최적 제어기를 설계하여 응답시뮬레이션을 한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1) 엑튜에이터 부의 시정수는 엔진 부의 시정수에 비해 아주 작아 생략하여 제어계를 구성할 수 있다. 2) 한계 감도법에 의해 PID 제어기를 시뮬레이션 한 결과 PID 제어 가버너는 전반적으로 오버슈트가 크고 중속 및 고속 상태에서는 정정시간이 비교적 짧지만 저속에서는 정상 상태에 도달하는데 상당한 시간이 걸린다. 3) 중량 matrix를 적당히 선택하여 최적 피이드 백 게인을 구한 후 마이크로 프로세서에 저장하여 제어기를 구성하면 PID 제어기 보다 양호한 응답 특성을 갖는 제어기를 설계 할 수 있다.
이상과 같은 제어계의 구성방법으로 제어계를 설계할 경우에는 오차신호에 대한 PI제어기와 플란트의 상태피이드백을 아울러 행하는 제어계로 됨을 알 수 있으며, 또한 응답 시뮬레이션 결과로부터 알 수 있듯이 본 연구에서 제안하는 방법으로 제어기를 구성할 경우 양호한 제어가 가능하다. Fig.3의 플로우챠트의 그림에서 점선으로 표시된 실시간제어실험의 프로그램은 구성은 되어 있으나 실제로 실험을 행하지 못한 아쉬움이 있으며, 다음 기회에 이 부분의 실험도 행하고자 한다.