
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study were to investigate opinions on the contents and method of the educational public information of food sanitation, to enrich education of food sanitation for consumer. Data of questionnaires were collected from 78 consumer protection association and 66 food industrial company. The results of the study were summarized as follows; The educational public contents of food sanitation appropriated is remarked as a basic knowledge in a safety of food (an additive, an agricultural medicines) and in nutrition and sanitation. The effective method of public information is suggested as a TV, Radio, utilization of periodicals and pamphlet. The crucial problem of the imported food surveyed in the consumer protection association is an agricultural medicines and a heavy metal. In the food industrial company, it is remarked that the problem occurs in deposit and storage of food from the standpoint of sanitation. Finally, improvement of sanitary condition in food selling place is suggested.
        1989.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        김치의 숙성과정 중의 물리적 특성을 측정하기 위하여 원료배추의 엽두께, 절임시의 두께 및 pH, total acidity, 염도 등의 변화를 연구하였다. 원료배추의 엽두께는 최외엽보다 내엽의 두께가 50% 감소되었고 절임의 경우에서는 외엽이 내엽보다 감소율이 낮았다. 배추조직의 절단력 측정에서는 절임으로 인하여 상대적인 절단력이 높았고 김치숙성이 되면서 증가하며 7일을 기준으로 감소하였다. Stress에서도 상대적 절단력과 같은 경향이나 숙성 후의 감소되는 점이 잘 나타나지 않았다. pH의 변화에 대한 상관식은 Y=0.23X+6.13이었고 젖산함량의 관계식은 Y=0.09X-0.01로서 매우 완만한 기울기이었으며 김치로서의 적정수준은 pH4.2, 젖산함량은 0.63의 수준이었고 기간은 7일이었다.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A consumer survey(2, 251 residents) on marketed kimchi products in Seoul and near Seoul Area were investigated for marketablity and quality improvement of kimchi. The results obtained as follow. 1. The proportion of subjects who has bought the marketed kimchi products was 24%, some factors(ages, type of housing, family system, income) were investigated. 2. The major motivation season and favorite kinds of kimchi for purchasing the products were investigated. And Subjects bought the needed amount for 1 day at hygienic store. 3. Subjects prefered the taste of kimchi which is medium level in sour, sweet, salty and hot. The most urgent improvement for the marketed kimchi is the sanitation. If marketed kimchi were improved over the aspects, the proportion of subjects who would buy the products was 54%.
        1988.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        34 packaged meal (Dosirak) manufacturing establishments were assessed in terms of working environment, production and transportation practices. Questionnaires and facility check-lists were developed. Most establishments were small in business, and production personnel as well as production facilities were insufficient compared with production capacity of establishments. Mean production capacity for packaged meals in terms of optimum and maximum levels were 6,500 and 15,166 meals in large sized establishments; 2,662 and 8,301 in medium; and 2,112, and 4,733 in small respectively. Those figures indicate potentially hazardous practices in production especially in small and medium sized establishments. Most meals were produced to order. Transportation facility and kitchen space were assessed as insufficient.
        1988.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate preferences of foreign athletes staying in the Athletic Village for '86 Asian Olympic Games for Korean traditional foods as served in the restaurant. A survey was conducted to 762 foreign athletes that selected Korean traditional foods in Athletic Village restaurants, from September 16 to 24, 1986. Most people preferred Korean traditional foods for its taste. Yachae Bokkum (Sauted Vegetable), Jonbok Juk (Rice Porridge of Abalone), Kimchi, Usol Chim (Tongue Stew), Dak Juk (Rice Porridge of Chicken) were preferred by most foreign athletes. Chongpo Muk (Mung Bean Starch Jelly), Toran Guk (Taro Soup) were not preferred. They proposed improvement of salty, hot and strong spicy taste in Korean traditional foods.
        1987.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the utilization of Korean traditional cookies by housewives, a survey was conducted to 1,037 housewives residing in Seoul, from October 16 to 23, 1986. Results are summarized as follows; The frequency of intake of Korean traditional cookies was very low depending on the age and total income. Housewives didn't prepare Korean traditional cookies at home, but mainly purchased commercial products in the market. Older people preferred Korean traditional cookies than younger people. The Korean traditional cookies which preferred by the housewives were generally Yackwa, Sesame-Gangjung, Soybean-Gangjung, Sanja, Perilla-Yutgangjung, Maejagkwa, Seban-Gangjung, Soybean-Yutgangjung and Black sesame-Gangjung. Improvement of taste in Korean traditional cookies was desired by 44.7% out of respondents. Additionally the respondents agreed that quality of Korean traditional cookies which is on the market have superior quality than western cookies, that the price of Korean traditional cookies is expensive and that Korean traditional cookies have various and abundent kind. The respondents preferred bamboo basket packing as packing materials of Korean traditional cookies. The main reason why Korean traditional cookies isn't wide spread use is the mass production of Korean traditional cookies does not accomplished.