
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purposes : The effect on corneal swelling and curvature changes in the region of center and peripheral under wearing of therapeutic lenses on a daily and extended wear basis is analyzed. Methods : Thirty three college students(22.4±1.92 years old. 12 males and 21 femaJes) who consent to this clinical triaJ and have no ocuJar surgicaJ history and contact Jens complications were participated in clinical trial. Six therapeutic Jenses which are being prescribed most commonly in the clinic were fitted on the r ight eye(wear group) and no Jens fitted on the Jeft eye(control group). Each eye was examined after 8hours and 24 hours to compare cornea thickness and curvature changes. ln order to fit another Jens in turn. 48 hours interval at the !east was required and no other lenses were not allowed during trial Jens wear. Results : Comeal swelling induced by therapeutic soft contact Jens wear was significantly different in 8 hours(F=33.00. p=O.OO) and in 24 hours(F=38.83. p=O.OO). The degree of swelling in 8 hours of Jens wear was : A Jens(HENIA+ NV. WC : 38%. Dk/t : 7.86) 3.57±2.22%. D Jens(HEMA, WC : 55%. Dkft: 15.68) 3.18±2.05%. F Jens(HEMA+NVP, WC: 55%, Dk/t: 15.92) 2.79±1.61%. C Jens(Vifilcon A. WC: 55%, Dk/t : 23.88) 1.54±1.66%. B Jens(Ocufilcon D. WC: 55%. Dk/t : 26.85) -0.59±2.13%, E Jens(Lotrafilcon A. WC : 24%, Dk/t : 160.92) -0.70±1.53% in that order. The degree of swelling in 24 hours was : A Jens 8.50±3.71. D Jens 8.16±3.58%. F Jens 6.68±3.66%, C Jens 4.31±2.11%. B Jens 2.86±2.84%. E lens -0.03±1.97% respectiveJy. The order in 8 hours was ass that in 24 hours. Conclusions : Therefore. B Jens, C lens, E Jens are found to be more suitabJe for therapeutic Jens in this study. In case of A Jens, D Jens, F Jens which caused significant swelling, in order to confirm if those lenses are suitable for therapeutic Jens, further study on deswelling during day time after extended Jens wear is needed.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose : To compare the visual function at near and to obtain the useful clinical data for diagnosis and prescription of relieving prism. Methods :The 88 subjects, 64 males and 24 females, mean age of 25.1±4.8. were recruited. Subjective refraction, amplitude of accommodation. relative accommodation, near point of convergence(N.P.C). fusional vergence, stereopsis, AC/A ratio, fixation disparity parameters, dissociated phoria and associated phoria were measured by using various charts, and prism prescription by criteria was compared. Results : 9.05±1.660 of amplitude of accommodation by minus Jens addition, 7.39±4.40 cm of NPC. 2.29±0.310 of NRA and -3.04±0.90 of PRA were measured respectively. Break point and recovery point of negative fusional vergence were 21.63±5.856 and 12.81±4.656 respectively, and those of positive fusional vergence were 22.41±6.97 6 and 12.21±4.926. In cases of stereopsis measured with Borish vectographic nearpoint card II. 61.21±60.65" with real contour ring chart and B6.74±175.5b" with l<andom dot E chart were measured and there were significant differences between the values(t = -4.815. p = 0.000). ln the dissociated phoria test using 3 types of card, mean dissociated phoria were -3.04±4.666 (8orish card). -2.71±4.886(Howell card) and -3.04±4. 796(Modified Thorington). The highest phoria was measw·ed with Borish card adopting prism add method. There was significance between Borish card and Howell card(t = -2.437. p = 0.017), but no significance between Borish card and Modified Thorington card or among three cards found. In the associated phoria test. mean associated phoria was -0.66±1.87 6(Borish card). -0.76±1.956 (8ernell slide). -0.69±1.796 (Saladin card) and -2.05±3.55 (Wesson card) the highest exo-phoria. Statistical significance was found. only when Wesson card is included(F = 6.645. p = 0.000). Oissociated phoria( -0.67±1.856) and associated phoria(-3.40±4.666 ) by Borish card(t = -6.858. p = 0.000) were showed significant difference. Gradient AC/A ratio using S±l.OOD is below ; 3.20±1.62.6 "'~th Borish card. ~.05±1.456 wilh Howell card, 2.76±1.19/\ with Modified Thorington. There was no significant difference. Fixation disparity parameters were X -intercept -2.05±3.556 . Y-intercept -3.09±4.59' and slope -0.83±0.81 '. according to Ogle's four types fixation disparity curve type, the order of type was I type, ffitype, Ntype, II type and so for1h.In the comparison of prescriptions by Sheard's criterion, Percival's criterion and associated phoria, exo-phoria and eso-phoria needed prism prescription only in associated Phoria. Conclusions : Stereopsis, dissociated phoria and associated phoria varied with cards. In that reason. examination, diagnosis, prism prescription of subjective symptoms on phoria have to consider the card used and criteria adopted, and the card to be used is need to be adopted in compliance with criteria after understanding character of each card.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose : To investigate correlations between ocular components and corneal aberration according to comeal topographic pattems. Methods : 100 subjects (127 eyes) whose corrected visual acuity is 20/20 or better participated in this study. Ocular components. comeal topography and comeal aberration were measured. Results : Round type was 25%. oval type was 17%. symmetric bow tie type was 15%. asymmetric bow tie type was 26%, irregular type was 17% in classified by corneal topographic patterns. There were significant correlations between 1st coma aberration and refraclive error. between corneal power and total astigmatism. spherical aberration(total. 1st. 2nd and 3rd). There was significant correlations between comeal eccentricity and 2nd astigmatism. There were significant correlations between corneal astigmatism and astigrnatism(total. 1st and 3rd). Refractive error. comeal astigmatism and comeal aberration were the highest value in round type among the 5 different comeal topographic patterns. Corneal power was the highest value in oval type. but corneal eccentricity was the highest value in symmetric bow tie type. Conclusions : lt is considered that this data can be used as basic information for further studies regarding effecls of comeal pattern and aberration on the qualily of vision.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적 : 시각 구연 능력과 양안시 기능이 학업 성취도와 어떠한 상관성이 있는지 알아보 았다. 방 법 : 대전 지역 초등학교 4학년 학생 122명을 대상으로 한글 읽기 속도(Korean Reading Rate) 검사와 DEM 검사를 통한 시각-구연 능력(Visual-verbal Skills)과 굴절이 상도, 사위도, 조절 용이성, 융합 능력(Fusional Vergence) 및 조절근점 등의 양안시 기능을 측정하였다. 연간 총 평가 성적을 석차 순으로 상 ․ 중 ․ 하(각 38명씩) 3개 그룹으로 분류하여 각종 측정 결과와 비교 분석하였다. 결 과 : 학업 성취도 각 그룹별로 시각-구연 능력과 비교했을 때 한글 읽기 속도는 상위 그룹이 하위 그룹보다 평균 10초 정도 짧았으며(p = 0.000) 유의한 상관성을 보였다(r = -0.359, p = 0.000). DEM 검사는 상위 그룹이 하위 그룹보다 9초 정도 짧았고(p = 0.000) 유의한 상관성을 보였다(r = -0.427, p = 0.000). 양안시 기능과 비교한 결과 굴절이상도는 중간 그룹이 하위 그룹보다 0.50D 정도 더 높았다(p = 0.016). 사위도 및 단안 조절기능(단 안 조절용이성 및 단안 조절 근점)은 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었고, 융합 능력 가운데 원 거리에서 NFV와 PFV 모두 중간 그룹이 가장 낮았다(p = 0.011 및 p = 0.007). 근거리에서 NFV는 유의한 차이가 없었으나, PFV는 상위 그룹이 가장 높았다(p = 0.000). 특히 학업 성 취도와 근거리 PFV는 유의한 상관성을 보였다(r = 0.571, p = 0.000). 조절과 폭주의 결합 요소(양안 조절 용이성 및 양안 조절 근점)를 비교했을 때 양안 조절 용이성은 중간 그룹이 가장 높았으며(p = 0.000) 양안 조절 근점은 상위 그룹이 가장 낮았고(p = 0.037), 한글 읽 기 속도와 DEM은 유의한 상관성을 보였다(r = 0.618, p = 0.000). 결 론 : 학업 성취도와 시각-구연 능력(한글 읽기 속도와 DEM 검사)은 모두 상관성이 있 었으며, 양안시 기능은 근거리 PFV만 상관성이 있었고 근거리 PFV가 높을수록 학업 성취도 가 높은 것으로 나타났다.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        여러 가지 원거리 사위 측정법의 신뢰도를 분석하고 각각의 방법으로 측정한 사위도의 차이를 정량적으로 비교 분석하였다. 대학생 48명을 대상으로 Von Graefe와 Maddox Rod 측정법은 순방향 및 역방향 측정법으로, Modified Thorington 및 Howell card 측정법은 연속 출현법 및 순간 출현법으로 Test와 Retest를 실시하였다. 본 연구에서 사용한 8가지 사위 측정법에 의한 Test와 Retest의 신뢰도를 분석한 결과 Von Graefe측정법이 다른 측정법보다 반복 능력이 낮고, Howell 측정법이 상대적으로 신뢰도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. Von Graefe법과 Maddox Rod법 모두 순방향 측정값과 역방향 측정값은 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었으나 Modified Thorington법과 Howell법 모두 순간 출현법보다 연속 출현법에서 외사위가 높게 측정되는 경향을 보였다(p=0.000 및 p=0.009). 각각의 사위 측정법에서 두 가지 다른 조건으로 측정한 사위도의 편차 범위를 분석한 결과 프리즘을 사용하여 사위를 측정하는 Von Graefe와 Maddox Rod 측정법은 Von Graefe법(0.87△)이 Maddox Rod법(0.54△)보다 약간 크게 검출되었고(p=0.004) 눈금을 이용하여 사위를 측정하는 방법은 Modified Thorington법(0.86△)보다 Howell법(0.92△)의 편차범위가 더 컸으나 유의성은 없었다(p=0.485). 5m에서 측정한 사위도는 Von Graefe법이 Maddox Rod법보다 외사위가 0.40△ 더 높게 측정되었으나 유의성이 없었고(p=0.191), 3m에서 측정한 사위도는 Modified Thorington법이 Howell법보다 외사위가 0.41△ 더 높게 측정되었다(p=0.003). 이상으로부터 본 연구결과는 여러 가지 사위 측정법의 신뢰도를 분석하거나, 임상에서 검출한 사위량의 신뢰도와 정확도를 판단하는데 참고할 만한 자료로 활용되리라 생각된다.