Muck (Korean traditional starch jelly) is very unique and the one of the oldest starch processing traditional food. The typical ingredients for making muck such as acorns, mungbean and buckwheat have been eaten since the new stone age or even before that era. This study was for investigation on the history of muck and its processing methods in the ancient and the modern culinary literatures from the 1400’s to 1900’s. The summary of the reviews was as follows. In the ages from the 1400’s to 1700’s, using starch powder, Se-myon and Chang-myon were made and their shape were like noodles instead of cubical shape. It was after the 1700’s that muck making methods were revealed in the literature, like 「Gyeong-do-jabji」 (1730) and「Go-sa-sib-e-jib」 (1737). The naming of muck might be from the time after 1800’s, in「Myoung-mul-kiryak 」 (around 1870) the basis of the names of Choeng-po (white mungbean jelly) and Whang-po (yellow mungbean jelly) could be found. One of the most well-known muck dish, Tang-pyeong-chae, was recorded many old literatures, so it was found that Tang-pyeong-chae was very popular and governmental policy of Tang-pyeong-chak influenced the food of the common people. In 「Shi-eui-jeon-seo」 (late 1800’s) there were records of several types of muck and starch powder making methods in detail which were handed down to the modern ages.
The object of this study is to evaluate the Korean traditional food culture education program which was developed in the prior study. In order to evaluate the effect of the program on the students’ knowledge of traditional food culture and their food habit, the program was practiced for 82 students in 4 elementary schools located in Seoul and Kyungki province during 16 weeks from Mar 1, 2005 to July 23, 2005. The pretest and the post-test were performed using an evaluation tool which is composed of evaluation sections for the perception and knowledge of the Korean traditional food culture, Korean children’s food habit and food preference for the Korean traditional food and fast food. The validity of evaluation was proved through the control group in the pretest and the post-test. Descriptive analysis and paired t-test were performed using SPSS/WIN 12.0 Statistic Package in order to compare the results of the pretest with those of the post-test after the education. The perception of the students who took the class for the Korean traditional food was slightly improved (p<0.05) and their knowledge was also increased (p<0.001) after the education while no difference was found in the control group. Moreover, the subjects’ food habit (p<0.001) and their preference of the Korean traditional food (p<.05) were increased respectively but their preference of the Western fast food was decreased(p<.01). These results indicate that the education program evaluated in this study has the effect of altering the subjects’ food habit or food preference as well as of introducing the knowledge of the Korean traditional food culture.
The purpose of this study was to analyze usage frequency and importance of competencies which are required to restaurant industry professionals. For this purpose, opinions of restaurant industry professionals on the competency were surveyed using questionnaires. To develop a questionnaire, a total of 27 competency variables which are required to restaurant industry professionals were drawn through literature review. Questionnaires were distributed to 300 professionals in restaurant industry with different positions using random sampling. Out of 300 questionnaires, 221 questionnaires were used for analysis. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 10.0, including descriptive analysis, ANOVA and t-test. Reliability test and factor analysis were also conducted to evaluate the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. As a result, 'attitude and personality' factor was recognized as the most frequently used and the most important competency factor of restaurant industry professionals. Therefore, the competency such as 'sincerity', 'responsibility', 'sense of honesty', 'positive attitude', 'tolerance and justice', should be more emphasized in restaurant management education. The level of current usage and importance of each competency were different according to age, education level, working experience, position, number of employees, type of restaurant and type of management.
The purpose of this study was to review the operation systems and estimate the food cost of the dining room(進士食堂) in Sungkyunkwan, the highest national education institute of confucianism in the Chosun dynasty. 「the true records of the Chosun dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄)」, 「Taehak-Ji(太學志)」 and 「Banjungjabyoung(泮中雜詠)」were reviewed. Because the foodservices for the students were related to the Wonjeom(圓點) regulation, the qualification for the national examination(大科), Chosun dynasty government took the much considerations for the operation of the foodservice. Especially, YangHyunGo(養賢庫) was established to support the finances for Sungkyunkwan and took an important role to procure all the supplies including food. The budget of the foodservice was on a large scale. Over 960 suks(石) of rices were needed for the 200 students, and it can be converted as 276,480,000 won for the current price and the food cost per meal can be estimated about 4,000~5,000 won.
The purposes of this study were to a) find out the operational characteristics of the contract-managed highschool foodservice in Seoul, b) investigate the expected level of meal-price and facilities investment cost perceived by contract-managed highschool foodservice managers c) compare the present level and expected level of meal-price and facilities investment cost. From October 12 to November 13 in 2001, the questionnaires were mailed to 249 high schools which was managed by contract foodservice company with respondent rate 40.2%. Data were analyzed using SPSS Win(10.0) for descriptive analysis and one group paired t-test. The results of this study were as follows ; 1. The student enrollment of highschools run by contract-managed foodservice was 1,243 with 72.6% participation rate of school lunch program. The average meal-price was 2,138 won. The average annual period of school foodservice operation was 156.78 days per year. The average contracting period was about 3 years. 2. The average cost concerned in the facilities investment amounts 169,578,180 won at the initial investment and 25,204,092 won at the repairs and maintenance cost in the course of operation. 3. The present level of meal-price and facilities investment cost were respectively 2,136won/meal and 171,157,336.72 won. And expected level of meal-price and amount of facilities investment cost were 2,418.75 won and 121,353,215.19 won. Comparing the present level with the expected level of the meal- price and facilities investment cost, expected level of meal-price was significantly higher than the present level of meal-price(p<.001) and expected level of facilities investment cost was significantly lower than present level of facilities investment cost(p<.001).
The purposes of this study were to: a) investigate the percentage distribution and the time spent of dietetic activities and b) estimate dietitian's staffing needs in employee foodservices. In 6 employee foodservices, the dietetic activities were analyzed by work sampling methodology. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The percentage distributions of dietetic activities, delay and non-dietetic activities were 79.06, 20.39, and 1.55%, respectively; 2. The major activities of dietitians in employee foodservice were production management 21.00%, purchasing management 16.73%, record keepig 14.40%, and menu management 6.30%, 3. The total labor time per week was 3,310 min (55.16 hr) and specially the time spent on 13 dietetic activities was 2,626 min (43.77 hr). 4. The time spent per week on major activities of dietitians such as production management, purchasing management record keeping, and menu management were 693.93, 554.83, 483.99, and 205.22 min, respectively.
The purpose of this study was to compare high-school students importance and performance toward restaurant service attributes for the marketing strategy development. Specific objectives were to: a) investigate restaurant patronage characteristics of high school students; b) identify the difference of patronage behavior among three types of restaurants; and c) analyze the importance and performance among three types of restaurants. A questionnaire was developed and hand-delivered to 400 students enrolled 9th grade in 4 different high schools in Seoul. A total of 320 students (80%) was responded to this study. The questionnaire was composed of two parts with 47 restaurant service attribute statements. Results of this study were as follows: 1. A total of 57% was female and 61% of respondents spent less than ₩5,000 per week on eating out. 2. The frequency of visiting the low-priced restaurant was 8.9 times per week. 3. Reasons for being a patronage to low- (≥₩2,000) and mid-priced ( 〈₩2,000 and ≥₩5,000) restaurants were hunger, appointment, and seeking favorites with freinds but the reason for high-priced (〈₩5,000) restaurants was celebrating special days with parents. 4. The main source of information for selecting restaurants was family and friends, T.V. advertising, and bulletin board. 5. For the low-priced restaurants, food, hygiene, price, and location were rated as important; location, price, menu, and food were rated as satisfied. 6. For the mid-priced restaurants, hygiene, food, price, and menu were rated as important; food, hygiene, service, and menu were rated as satisfied. 7. For the high-priced restaurants, hygiene, food, and atmosphere were rated as important; food, hygiene, atmosphere, and menu were as satisfied. 8. According to paired t-test, the score gap between importance and performance was the highest in the hygiene attribute; differences were high with the low-priced and low with high-priced restaurants.
These studies were conducted to: a) investigate work patterns and productivity indices, b) rate performance levels of employees and c) determine the suggested levels of personnel and labor hours for the effective labor control in school foodservice. Eighteen elementary school foodservices in Seoul were selected in order to analyze work patterns by the work sampling methodology. Allowance time and performance rating by VTR observation was done to determine the standardized labor hours. The results were as follows. The average percentage of each work function of the total work functions such as direct work function, indirect work function and delay were 65.57%, 8.12%, 26.31% respectively. The productivity index is 0.92 min/meal. The average working and delay hours per week of the foodservice director, foodservice employees and supply person were 33.64 hours, 23.25 hours, 38.52 hours respectively. The percentage of delay hours of total labor hours for foodservice employees and supply person were 42.27% and 24.0%. The standardized work hours and the appropriate levels of foodservice employees of 17 elementary school foodservices were examined: The average rating of the foodservice employees work was 1.19 and British Insulated Calendarer Cables (BICC) allowance rate was 19.40% on the average. The total work hours of foodservice employees were 172.64 hours per week and levels of personnel were 4.53 persons. BICC allowance rate was applied: The standardized work hours per week was 180.95 hours and appropriate levels of personnel were 4.11 persons based on legal 44 working hours.
The purposes of this study were to: (a) identify the changes in food patterns for last 20 years; (b) analyze the factors affecting on the changes in food patterns; (c) investigate the impact of changes in food patterns on nutritional composition of the diet and diet-related health problems. A questionnaire was developed and mailed to 30 country members of the International Federation for Home Economics(IFHE) regional representatives. The response rate was 60%; simple descriptive and content analyses indicated that the significant differences of food consumption pattern were existed between western and eastern countries. Traditional food consumption patterns were maintained even though each countries' food consumption patterns have been dramatically changed due to the development of food technology and industrialization. The factors most frequently affecting on the changes in food patterns were nutrition and heallth-related educations. The food pattern changes have considerable effect on the nutritional composition of the diet among countries. The major diet-related health problems with nutrient deficiency were reported by underdeveloped countries such as India. In contrast to the above, in the developed countries, the adult disease related to the nutrition have been increased, while the developing countries such as Korea have the problems with nutrient deficiency and adult diseases simultaneously.