This study surveyed and compared the temperatures established in display stands and food surfaces for cold and frozen foods in large discount stores in Korea. The temperatures established in display stands for cold food ranged with 3.5 ± 1.8 ℃ as mean, minimum and maximum were 0 ℃ and 7 ℃ . However, the surface temperatures of cold food on sale ranged with 10.7 ± 2.9 ℃ as a mean, minimum 4.6 ℃ and maximum 18.4 ℃ . Totally, the surface temperature of cold food on sale was 7.2 ℃ , as a mean, higher than established in display stands for cold food in large discount stores in Korea. 53% of the surveyed cold foods were more than 10 ℃ in surface temperature and only 47% was less than 10 ℃ . The differences between temperatures were lowest in fruits, salads and vegetables, but highest in milk products. On the other hand, the temperatures established in display stands for frozen food showed a range with −20.7 ± 1 ℃ as a mean. However, the surface temperatures of frozen food on sale showed a range with −15.4 ±5 ℃ as a mean, minimum −28 ℃ and maximum −4.6 ℃ (included defrosting). The surface temperatures of frozen food,frozen meats, frozen processed foods and ice creams were −13.8 ℃ , −15.9 ℃ , and −16.8 ℃ , respectively. Only 32.3%of surveyed frozen foods showed less than −18 ℃ in surface temperature. In conclusion, the temperatures established on cold and frozen food display stands were less than those of cold and frozen food surfaces on sale. There was also much variation in food surface temperatures during cold and frozen food storage and sales. Therefore, a temperature management system technology use at the distribution level for cold and frozen foods will be developed.
탈지미강으로부터 피틴산을 추출 및 정제하기 위한 최적조건을 설정하였다. 탈지미강을 10배수의 0.5% HCl 용액으로 1시간 처리하였을 때 피틴산의 추출효율이 가장 좋았으며 중화제로는 0.5% NaOH 용액이 적합하였다. 피틴산의 정제를 위하여 Diaion HP20 흡착 컬럼을 이용하여 불순물을 제거한 후 여러 가지 이온교환수지를 이용하여 피틴산을 정제하였을 때 Amberlite IRA-416 이온교환수지의 회수율이 가장 높았다. Amberlite IRA-416 이온교환수지를 이용하여 피틴산을 수지에 흡착시킨 다음 0.5% NaOH 용액으로 용출시켰을 경우 89%의 회수율을 나타내었다. 정제된 피틴산의 총단백질 함량은 0.14%(w/w)로 대부분의 단백질이 제거됨을 확인하였다.