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        검색결과 149

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mongolian herders rely significantly on grazing their animals, such as goats, sheep, cattle, horses, yaks, and camels, in broad rangelands throughout the year. The availability of appropriate forage, the amount of hay and forage to be kept, and whether the animals will acquire physical strength from the pasture to make it through the impending cold season are all determined by the meteorological conditions of the year. Herders' principal source of income is animals, therefore preventing mortality is a top priority. In Mongolia, meadows are a major element determining cattle live weight. However, in the summer of 2022, Mongolia faced a drought, which resulted in inadequate pastures and starved cattle. Livestock might lose weight in these situations due to a lack of supplemental feeding.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1976년에 제정된 미국의 외국주권면제법은 외국정부의 주권적, 공법적 행위에 대해서는 미국법원은 원칙적으로 재판관할이 없음을 표명하면서, 예외적으로 그 외 국정부의 행위가 해당 주권면제법에서 규정하는 예외(exception)에 해당할 경우, 미국법원의 외국정부에 대한 재판관할을 인정한다. 특히“테러행위 예외(terrorism exception)”규정은 1996년에 외국주권면제법에 처음으로 추가되었으며, 외국 정부가 테러행위를 지원하여, 미국의 국무부로부터 “테러지원국”으로 지정된 국가의 경우, 해당 테러행위로 인해 신체적, 정신적 손해 를 입은 피해자들은 해당 테러지원국에 대해 민사상 책임을 묻는 민사소송을 미국 법원에서 제기할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 외국주권면제법 상의 테러행위 예외 규정과 1996년 제정 이후 개 정된 내용을 살펴보고, 법원에서 관련 내용을 어떻게 적용했는지를 검토한다. 특히 테러행위 예외규정을 해당 규정이 제정 또는 개정되기 이전의 테러행위에도 소급 적으로 적용할 수 있는지? 피해자들에게 징벌적 손해배상도 부여할 수 있는지? 또 한 미국법원에서 테러지원국의 민사상 손해배상 판결을 획득한 피해자들이 테러지 원국의 재산을 압류 또는 집행할 때의 문제점 등을 거론한 판례도 살펴본다. 추가 적으로 북한에 대해 테러행위 예외를 적용하여, 북한의 재산을 압류, 집행한 오토 웜비어(Otto Warmbier) 관련 판결, 이란의 미국 내 재산압류에 대한 미국 판결 등을 분석한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pasture formation and management are crucial to avoid yield reduction. This experiment aimed to examine the effects of tall fescue-centered mixed-seeding combinations on yield and vegetation changes in perennial pastures in the central region for two years, from September 2020 to October 2022. The treatments were arranged in three replications in a randomized block design: control (C), tall fescue-based mixture-1 (T-1), and tall fescue-based mixture-2 (T-2). The tall fescue (TF), orchard grass (OG), perennial ryegrass (PRG), Kentucky bluegrass (KBG), and white clover (WC) were used. The emergency rate of grasses (70.0 to 73.3%) did not differ among mixed seeding combinations. Overwintering rates (81.7 to 83.3%) were similar among treatments. The plant height of grasses was similar at each harvest date, with the highest height (86.2 cm) recorded in the second harvest of the first year, followed by that (58.4 cm) in the third harvest of the first year; it was least (38.9 cm) in the fourth harvest of the second year. There was no significant difference in the dry matter yield of grasses among the mixed seeding combination treatments in the first, third, or fourth harvests of the first year (p>0.05). For second-year grasses, dry matter yield was not significantly different in harvest date among the treatments (p>0.05). Based on mixed seeding ratio, orchard grass showed the highest yield at 70% in the C treatment, followed by tall fescue at 80% and 60% in the T-1 and T-2 treatments, respectively, in the first harvest after seeding. There was no significant difference in feed value between treatments (p>0.05), but a significant difference was observed between the third and fourth harvest (p<0.05). Therefore, it indicated that it is important to create perennial pastures in the central region through mixed seeding combinations centered on tall fescue.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To address the pressing societal concern in Korea, characterized by the imminent saturation of spent nuclear fuel storage, this study was undertaken to validate the fundamental reprocessing process capable of substantially mitigating the accumulation of spent nuclear fuel. Reprocessing is divided into dry processing (pyro-processing) and wet reprocessing (PUREX). Within this context, the primary focus of this research is to elucidate the foundational principles of PUREX (Plutonium Uranium Redox Extraction). Specifically, the central objective is to elucidate the interaction between uranium (U) and plutonium (Pu) utilizing an organic phase consisting of tributyl phosphate (TBP) and dodecane. The objective was to comprehensively understand the role of HNO3 in the PUREX (Plutonium Uranium Redox Extraction) process by subjecting organic phases mixed with TBPdodecane to various HNO3 concentrations (0.1 M, 1.0 M, 5.0 M). Subsequently, the introduction of Strontium (Sr-85) and Europium (Eu-152) stock solutions was carried out to simulate the presence of fission products typically contented in the spent nuclear fuel. When the operation proceeds, the complex structure takes the following form. 􀜷􀜱􀬶 􀬶􀬾(􀜽􀝍) + 2􀜰􀜱􀬷 􀬿(􀜽􀝍) + 2􀜶􀜤􀜲(􀝋􀝎􀝃) ↔ 􀜷􀜱􀬶(􀜰􀜱􀬷)􀬶 ∙ 2􀜶􀜤􀜲(􀝋􀝎􀝃) Subsequently, separate samples were gathered from both the organic and aqueous phases for the quantification of gamma-rays and alpha particles. Alpha particle measurements were conducted utilizing the Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) system, while gamma-ray measurements were carried out using the High-Purity Germanium Detector (HPGe). The distribution ratio for U, Eu (Eu-152), and Sr (Sr-84) was ascertained by quantifying their activity through LSC and HPGe. Through the experiments conducted within this program, we have gained a comprehensive understanding of the selective solvent extraction of actinides. Specifically, uranium has been effectively separated from the aqueous phase into the organic phase using a combination of tributyl phosphate (TBP) and dodecane. Subsequently, samples containing U(VI), Eu(III), and Sr(II) underwent thorough analysis utilizing LSC and HPGe detectors. Our radiation measurements have firmly established that the concentration of nitric acid enhances the selective separation of uranium within the process.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        우리나라 식물방역법은 검역병해충으로부터 국내 농업 및 자연환경을 보호하고자 규제병해충(검역병해충, 잠정규제병해충, 규제비검역병해충) 관련 위험평가, 식물검역기술개발계획, 식물검역 절차 및 방법, 검역결과 에 따른 처분, 규제병해충 예찰 및 방제 등에 관한 다양한 법적 절차 등을 규정하고 있다. 하지만, 식물검역병해충 을 어떻게 취급하여야 할 지에 관한 내용은 없다. 따라서 식물방역법이 추구하는 목적을 달성하기 위하여서는 ① 검역병해충을 어떻게 취급하여야 할 지를 규정하여야 하며, ② 검역병해충을 취급하는 시설(검사, 연구, 운송, 보관 등) 기준을 설정하고, ③ 검역병해충 취급 시설을 인증하고, 주기적인 재인증 기준을 설정하여야 한다. 이를 위하여 먼저 식물방역법에 검역병해충 취급시설 등에 관한 규정을 신설하고, 시행령, 시행규칙에 반영한 후에 ① 검역병해충 취급요령 ② 검역병해충 취급시설 기준 ③ 검역병해충 취급시설 인증기준 등의 고시를 제정하여 야 한다. 이를 위하여 식물병해충 관련 학계의 의견 반영이 가장 중요하다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is widely known that forage corn is one of the most important crops in the production of silage and green chops during the summer months. In this study, the characteristics and the productivity of Kwangpyeongok, AGR 41, and Nero IT corn cultivars were evaluated in the regions of Jeju and Cheonan, Korea between 2021 and 2022. In each year, different corn cultivars were sown in different parts of the country on April 7 in Jeju and May 3 in Cheonan. The yield of three cultivars, Kwangpyeongok, AGR 41, and Nero IT were measured at the yellow-ripening stage, including the leaves and stems (Stover) and corn grain. Kwangpyeongok stover and total dry matter (DM) yields were slightly higher in Cheonan than in Jeju over the past two years. The quantity of corn cultivated in all cultivated areas was similar. The average yield of AGR 41, corn quantity and total DM were slightly higher in Jeju than in Cheonan. In terms of stover yield, and total dry matter content of the Nero IT cultivar cultivated in Jeju had a slightly higher yield than the cultivar cultivated in Cheonan. Based on this study, all cultivars can show some variations but not too much in terms of growth productivity and distinct characteristics depending on their location. Overall, AGR 41, and Nero IT cultivars in Jeju exhibit slightly higher levels of productivity than the same cultivars in Cheonan.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Marine macroalgae are important in coastal ecosystems and interact with marine microorganisms. In this study, we isolated fungi from seven types of marine macroalgae including Cladophora sp., Gloiopeltis furcate, Gracilariopsis chorda, Hydroclathrus clathratus, Prionitis crispata, Sargassum micracanthum, and Ulva lactuca collected in Korea. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses identified the isolates as four Aspergillus spp. (A. fumigatus, A. sydowii, A. tamarii, and A. terreus), three Penicillium spp. (P. crustosum, P. jejuense, and P. rubens), and Cladosporium tenuissimum. Among them, A. fumigatus TOPU2, A. tamarii SH-Sw5, and A. terreus GJ-Gf2 strains showed the activities of all enzymes examined (amylase, chitinase, lipase, and protease). Based on the enzymatic index (EI) values in solid media, A. terreus GJ-Gf2 and C. tenuissimum UL-Pr1 exhibited the highest amylase and lipase activities, respectively. Chitinolytic activity was only observed in A. terreus GJ-Gf2, A. tamarii SH-Sw5, and A. fumigatus TOP-U2. Penicillium crustosum ULCl2 and C. tenuissimum UL-Pr1 showed the highest protease activities. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of lipolytic and proteolytic activities in a marine-derived C. tenuissimum strain. Overall, the fungal strains isolated from the marine macroalgae in this study actively produced industrially important enzymes.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Livestock production costs are heavily influenced by the cost of feed, The use of domestically grown forages is more desirable for livestock feed production. As part of this study, triticale, which is an extremely palatable and easily cultivable crop in Korea, was used to produce low moisture silage bales with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and then stored for different periods. We examined the nutrient content of silage, such as crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF), as well as their organic acids, including lactic acid, acetic acid, butyric acid, at different storage periods. The nutrient content of silages, such as crude protein, ADF, and NDF, did not change significantly throughout storage periods. Organic acid data indicated that lactic acid concentrations increased with increasing moisture contents and storage periods up to nine months. However, further extending storage to 12 months resulted in a reduction in the lactic acid content of all silages as well as an increase in their pH. Based on the present results, it suggested that the production of low moisture silage with the LAB may be able to preserve and maintain its quality without altering its nutritional composition. Also, the lactate content of the silage remained significant for at least nine months.
        2022.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        L-asparaginase (ASNase) is a therapeutic enzyme used to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Currently, the most widely used ASNases are originated from bacteria. However, owing to the adverse effects of bacterial ASNases, new resources for ASNase production should be explored. Fungal enzymes are considered efficient and compatible resources of natural products for diverse applications. In particular, fungal species belonging to the genus Trichoderma are well-known producers of several commercial enzymes including cellulase, chitinase, and xylanase. However, enzyme production by marine-derived Trichoderma spp. remains to be elucidated. While screening for extracellular ASNase-producing fungi from marine environments, we found four strains showing extracellular ASNase activity. Based on the morphological and phylogenetic analyses using sequences of translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1α), the Trichoderma isolates were identified as T. afroharzianum, T. asperellem, T. citrinoviride, and Trichoderma sp. 1. All four strains showed different ASNase activities depending on the carbon sources. T. asperellem MABIK FU00000795 showed the highest ASNase value with lactose as a carbon source. Based on our findings, we propose that marine-derived Trichoderma spp. are potential candidates for novel ASNase production.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of drip irrigation volume on tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) grown in a greenhouse using perlite medium. Plants were treated by three different irrigation treatment I0, I25, and I50 (where irrigation volume of I25 and I50 was 25% and 50% higher than I0, having limited or no leaching). Growth characteristics of plants, yield and water use efficiency were measured. The result showed that plant height, leaf length and leaf width were lowest in the I0 treated plants. However, these parameters were not statistically significant differences between the plants that were grown in the I25 and I50 treatment. Soluble solids content, acidity and dry matter of 111th, 132nd, and 143rd days harvested tomato were higher in the plants irrigated with lowest volume (I0) than the higher volume (I25 or I50). In addition, water content was lower in the 111th and 132nd days of harvested tomatoes from the I0 treatment. The number of big-size tomatoes (>180 g) was significantly higher in the I25 irrigated plants. There was no significant difference in the total number of harvested fruits among the treatments. The average fruit weight and total yield of harvested tomatoes were lowest in the I0 treated plants. The water consumption of tomato was not significantly different amongst the treatments but water use efficiency was lowest in the I0 treatment. Principal component analysis revealed that total soluble solid and acidity of tomato showed a positive correlation between each other. These results suggest that I25 was the optimum irrigation treatment for tomato based on its measured growth characteristics, yield and water use efficiency.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive waste containing cellulosic materials such as cotton, paper and wood are being disposed in Low-and intermediate-level radioactive waste disposal site in Gyeongju. Cellulose has recently emerged great issue in terms of disposal site safety as it can be decomposed into an organic complex compound, ISA (isosaccharinic acid), under strong alkali conditions (pH 12.5 or higher) formed by the hydrated cement, to accelerate the mobility of the radionuclides in the disposal facility. However, in Korea, there are insufficient criteria for confirming the suitability for disposal of low-and intermediatelevel radioactive wastes including cellulose, and there is no specific method for evaluating the total amount of waste to confirm the suitability of disposal. Therefore, the method of SKB (Swedish Nuclear and Fuel Management Company), which has established acceptance criteria related to the physicalchemistry safety of cellulose, is analyzed to suggest a method for deriving the amount of cellulosecontaining waste disposal. Cellulose, an organic complexing agent, is an important consideration for safety case at the Swedish low-and intermediate-level radioactive waste disposal site SFR. SKB calculated the amount of cellulose generated by separately labeling cellulose-containing wastes of 1-2BMA, Silo and 1BTF (SKB 2013). BLA, a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility, is not considered due to its low radionuclide inventory (~0.2% of SFR’s total radionuclide inventory, SKB 2013). To calculate the amount of cellulose that can be disposed of, information on the mass and volume of hydrated cement (concrete waste, cement solidification waste, disposal container, grouting, disposal shed), the concentration of ISA absorbed in the hydrated cement, and the concentration of ISA dissolved in the groundwater which were used. In addition, the total disposable amount was calculated using the cellulose degradation rate, composition ratio, and the cellulose containing waste volume.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Alfalfa is one of the most useful forage crops worldwide, containing a high level of amino acids that are essential to both human and animal health. However, amino acids and their concentrations may differ between plant parts. Hence, detecting amino acids in different plant parts would be useful in the development of diet supplements. The purpose of this study was to determine the amino acid content in alfalfa leaves, stems, and inflorescences using an amino acid analyzer. Asparagine and glutamic acid were the most abundant amino acids found in stems, leaves, and inflorescences than other amino acids. All parts of alfalfa had low concentrations of cysteine and methionine. All amino acids except asparagine were present in the highest concentration in leaves followed by inflorescences. Leaf had a rich amino acid content, namely asparagine, glutamic acid, leucine, proline, and lysine. However, the stem had a lower amino acid composition than the leaf or inflorescence. Overall, the data showed determining the amino acid content of forages provides a good approach to making animal feed with essential and specific amino acids and preventing excessive inclusion of amino acids.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the current study, lactic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus were used as a mixed additive for the production of Orchardgrass silage by ensiled method and nutritional change fermentation ability and microbial content of experimental silages. The addition of LAB to Orchardgrass during ensiling process rapidly reduced the pH of the silages than the non-inoculated silages. In addition, the lactic and acetic acid content of silage was increased by LAB strains than the non-inoculated silages whereas butyric acid content was reduced in silage treated with LAB. A microbiological study revealed that higher LAB but lower yeast counts were observed in inoculated silages compared to non-inoculated silage. Overall data suggested that the addition of LAB stains could have ability to induce the fermentation process and improve the silage quality via increasing lactic acid and decreasing undesirable microbes.
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