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        검색결과 50

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        기후 변화로 인한 서식지 감소는 생물다양성에 대한 중대한 위협 요인 중 하나이다. 생물종의 공간 분포를 이해하는 것은 보호지역에서 멸종 위기 종 관리와 생태계 복원과 같은 다양한 분야에서 매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 남한지역에 서식하는 멸종 위기 종 Ⅱ급인 쌍꼬리부전나비의 기후 변화에 대한 서식지 분포 변화를 분석하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 보전 생물학, 동물 생태학 등 다양한 분야에서 널리 사용되는 MaxEnt 모델을 현재와 미래 기후 조건에 적용하여 잠재적 서식지 분포 변화를 평가하였다. 연구 결과, 미래에 쌍꼬리부전나비의 서식지 가 증가할 것으로 예측되며, 기온과 강수량 모두에 영향이 있을 것으로 나타났다. 특히 더운 시기의 평균기온의 영향이 가장 클 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 결과는 국내 생물다양성 보전을 강화하기 위한 중요한 기초 데이터로 활용될 것으로 기대된다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        기후변화에 따른 서식지 감소는 생물다양성의 커다란 위협 요소 중 하나이고 생물종이 서식하는 공간적 분포에 대한 이해는 멸종위기종 관리, 생태계 복원 등 다양한 분야에서 매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 남한지역에서 서식하는 멸종위기종 Ⅰ급으로 지정된 붉은점모시나비를 대상으로 기후변화에 따른 서식분포변화를 분석하고자 한다. 이 를 위해서 최근 보전생물학, 동물생태학 등 다양한 분야에서 널리 활용되는 MaxEnt 모델을 현재시기와 미래시기 의 생물기후변수에 적용하여 잠재적 서식지 분포 변화를 평가하였다. 붉은점모시나비는 미래시기에 서식지가 감소하는 경향으로 예측되었고, 기온보다 강수량에 의한 영향이 크고, 특히 강수량 계절성에 영향이 가장 클 것으 로 분석되었다. 분석결과는 국내 생물다양성 증진에 필요한 기초자료로서 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Technological developments have led to the creation of a mechanical device capable of providing a representative massage as a passive treatment. The use of mechanical massage offers the distinct advantage of being user-friendly and available for use at any given time. Objectives: To investigated present the outcomes of utilizing a massage bed on the range of motion (ROM) and pressure pain threshold (PPT) in patients diagnosed with chronic low back pain. Design: ABA design of a single case study. Methods: To measure the ROM of the subject's trunk flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation, a tape measure and goniometer were utilized. Furthermore, PPT was measured using an electronic pressure pain meter. Baseline A and Baseline A’ periods were conducted for 5 consecutive days without intervention. Following the baseline periods, a massage bed intervention was administered for 1 hour daily for a total of 10 days during the Intervention B period. Daily assessments were performed, and the Intervention B period was conducted after the intervention. Results: The ROM effect was confirmed in trunk lateral flexion and rotation, while the PPT was effective in both L1, right L2, left L4, and left L5. Conclusion: The results of this study confirmed that the use of a massage bed improved the ROM and PPT in patients suffering from chronic back pain. Further randomized controlled trials involving a larger sample size are necessary to validate these findings.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        충청북도농업기술원에서는 분홍색의 향기가 있고, Dendrobium kingianum에 비해 왜성종이며, 2월 하순경 개화하는 덴드로비 움 ‘리틀핑크’(D. kingianum ‘Little Pink’)를 육성하였다. 신품종 ‘리틀핑크’는 2007년 D. kingianum을 모본으로, D. kingianum var. silcockii를 부본으로 교배하였다. 종자 발아, 재배, 선발, 특성검정은 2008년부터 2015년까지 진행되었다. 생육이 좋고 꽃의 색, 모양이 우수한 계통을 선발한 후, 2016년부터 2018년까 지 3년에 걸쳐 국립종자원 신품종 심사기준으로 특성검정 결과, 우수성이 인정되어 2019년 최종 선발하여 ‘리틀핑크’로 명명하 였다. 주요 특성은 다음과 같다. 화색은 분홍색으로 Red-purple Group 72B(RHS color chart)이며, 향기가 있고 꽃잎무늬는 농담 무늬이다. 식물체 크기는 7.3cm로 대조품종 D. kingianum 23.5cm에 비해 작은 왜성종이다. 엽의 폭은 1.2cm이고, 꽃의 넓이는 2.4cm이다. 소화수는 3.7개이고 전반적으로 화분의 볼 륨감이 좋은 편이다. 꽃자루 길이는 7 .2cm로 대조품종 D. kingianum에 비해 짧다. 개화기는 2월 하순이며, 개화기간은 30일 정도이다.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The fumigation toxicity of carbonyl sulfide to T. castaneum as a storage grain pest was evaluated. Carbonyl sulfide (COS) is registered in Australia for microorganism present in soil, root and fertilizer. the fumigation activity of carbonyl sulfide was investigated in 12 L desiccator for 24 h exposure to eggs, larvae, pupae, adults of T. castaneum. Eggs and pupae were showed 87.3% and 95.6% mortality for 25 mg/L of COS, respectively. Larvae and adults were investigated with 80.0% and 100.0% mortality at 15 mg/L treatment, respectively. Therefore, the eggs of T. castaneum showed the highest tolerance to COS.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The fumigation activity of phosphine (PH3) to T. castaneum as a storage grain pest was evaluated. The lethal concentration time (LCT) value of each developmental stage (egg, early larva, late larva, pupa and adult) of T. castaneum was analyzed in 12 L desiccator. At the T. castaneum larva stages, exposure for 4 h showed low LCT value, especially in early stage larvae (LCT99 = 0.32 mg·h/L) which is very high susceptibility to PH3. However, T. castaneum eggs were observed very high tolerance to PH3 at LCT99 77.47 mg·h/L. Therefore, the fumigant activity of PH3 against T. castaneum can be found to be significantly different depending on developmental stage.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Distillers dried grain (DDG) and makgeolli spent grain (MSG) are agricultural by-product to produce alcoholic beverage. However, they are known to contain enough nutrients. Mealworm is a promising insect resource for an animal feed ingredient as well as alternative human food. With low cost, DDG and MSG were investigated as a feed ingredient for rearing high quality mealworms. DDG and MSG were mixed with wheat bran and compared to control feed (only wheat bran) for its effects on larval survivorship, larval weight, duration for larval development, pupation rate, and pupal weight. Adding DDG on wheat bran showed positive results for larval weight, duration for larval developmental period, and pupation rate. However, adding MSG made longer duration for larval development, but it also improved larval weight, pupal weight with more than 90% pupation rate. We confirmed that adding 30~50% of DDG or MSG to conventional wheat bran have a strong potential to replace the conventional wheat bran insect feed for quality insect production.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Riptortus pedestris is a major agricultural pest in Korea. To manage this pest, it is necessary to understand the complete life history of R. pedestris. However, most studies have focused on the summer period when the pest attacks crops. Therefore, we conducted laboratory and field experiment to identify overwintering behavior of adult R. pedestris. First, we conducted two laboratory experiments to examine overwintering habitat preferences and spatial distribution of R. pedestris in the habitat. Second, we conducted field survey to characterize overwintering sites of R. pedestris in diverse landscapes. In the laboratory conditions, R. pedestris almost exclusively showed overwintering behavior in the leaf litter arena (63%) among the structures tested (rocks: 3%; rotten wood: 0%). And spatial distribution of R. pedestris showed solitary behavior in leaf litters. In the field, we located 12 individuals of overwintering adults from the urban areas, whereas no individuals were found from the high-elevation mountains and agricultural landscapes. Our results suggest that R. pedestris mainly use leaf litter as an overwintering structure, with solitary behavior, and low-elevation forested areas near urban landscapes seem to be more preferred overwintering sites.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect is an important player in the ecosystem as a prey for animals. Moreover, they are a valuable candidate food source for rearing animal. Tenebrio molitor (Coeloptera: Tenebrionidae) larvae are known as a good food source with high protein, unsaturated fatty acid, minerals. Therefore, it has strong potential to substitute the conventional meat consumption. To utilize T. molitor as a feed, the standard mass-rearing protocol is required. To make standard mass-rearing protocol, we tested different temperature(17.5, 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5 and 30°C) conditions for egg, larvae, pupae and adult T. molitor to identify the optimal rearing condition. Hatching was occurred within 15~32.5°C range. However, 17.5~27.5°C was required to get more than 70 % hatching rete. When the eggs were treated in 22.5~27.5°C, all eggs were hatched within 10 days. As larval development, shorter developmental period, higher pupation and eclosion rates were observed within 25~27.5°C temperature range. In addition, we compared the number of egg, oviposition duration and time required to start egg-laying. The minimum egg-laying(258.40±10.86) was observed at 17.5°C, but the maximum(749.10±7.45) was at 27.5°C. The maximum oviposition duration (137.00±12.73 day (mean±S.D.)) was achieved at 27.5°C, but the minimum (87.50±3.54 day (mean±S.D.)) was at 30°C. The time required to start egg-laying was less than 10 days at 17.5, 27.5, and 30°C. To consider all the factors, we concluded that the optimal temperature is 27.5 °C.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Brucellosis is an important bacterial zoonotic infection worldwide responsible for economic losses in livestock industries which represents a considerable and increasing public health burden. The disease is caused by Brucella which possess the ability to invade and replicate within phagocytes and may result to chronic infection, leading to difficulty in medical therapy of the disease. The treatment for brucellosis employs conventional principles that have been applied for a long time and a combination of antibiotics is currently used due to low efficacy of monotherapies. However, vital effects with respect to health and safety are neglected. Nevertheless, the preventive methods and treatments for brucellosis using traditional medicine have not yet been thoroughly studied, hence, alternative therapies such as the use of natural plant extracts as traditional medicine that are safe, efficient and economical should be explored in order to identify candidates that eliminate complications due to brucellosis. Coptis chinensis Franch (Huanglian) is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb and its extract has been known to possess strong antibacterial activity. In this study, the antibacterial effects of C. chinensis Franch extracts, and the major components of the herb namely berberine and palmatine, were investigated on B. abortus. The C. chinensis Franch ethanol extracts (CCFE) showed bactericidal effects at 1,000 μg/ml concentration and berberine at 100 μg/ml concentration. However, C. chinensis Franch and its components did not affect invasion and intracellular growth of B. abortus in RAW 264.7 cells. In conclusion, C. chinensis Franch ethanol extracts, water extract and its major components such as berberine and palmatine would be a beneficial antimicrobial agent without affecting phagocytic pathway within macrophages, and further study for the precise mechanisms of antibacterial effect would be necessary.
        2012.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The previous studies of p16INK4a, pRb, p53, and Ki-67 expression suggested that these markers may be preferentially expressed in cervical neoplasms. The purpose of this study was to assess the expression and the clinical significance of p16INK4a, pRb, p53, and Ki-67 proteins in cervical lesions. We obtained 106 cases with various categories of cervical squamous mucosa, including squamous cell carcinoma (n=35), cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) II/III (n=26), CIN I (n=10), squamous metaplasia (n=15), and normal squamous mucosa (n=20). Immunohistochemical staining was performed for p16INK4a, pRb, p53, and Ki-67 proteins in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections of the uterine cervix. Evaluation of immunohistochemical staining was based on the frequencies of expression and the mean immunoreactivity scores (IS) in each diagnostic category. p16INK4a positive sotaining was observed in 26 of 35 cases (74.3%) of squamous cell carcinoma, in 16 of 26 cases (61.5%) of CIN II/III, in six of 10 cases (60%) of CIN I, in nine of 15 cases (60%) of squamous metaplasia, and negative in normal squamous mucosa. pRb expression was detected in all diagnostic categories; however, the proportion of pRb positive cells was relatively decreased in CIN II/III (38.5%) and squamous cell carcinomas (51.4%), compared to normal squamous epithelium (90%) and squamous metaplasia (73.3%). No significant differences in expression of p53 were observed in any diagnostic categories. Ki-67 expression was increased in squamous cell carcinoma (37.1%), CIN II/ III (42.3%), and CIN I (40%), but negative in squamous metaplasia and normal mucosa. In 35 cases of squamous cell carcinomas, multivariate analysis revealed no differences in pINK4a, pRb, p53, and Ki-67 expression according to the age of the patient, lymph node metastasis and clinical stage. In conclusion, the combined use of p16INK4a and Ki-67 immunoreactivity could improve the diagnostic specificity of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix.
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