A provision crane is installed on the stern deck of the ship to load or unload ship supplies. In this study, a ventilation hole capable of circulating internal flow was installed to reduce dew condensation by reducing the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the cylindrical column supporting the provision crane installed at the stern of the training ship. In order to reduce the temperature difference between the inside and the outside, an anti-sweat covering work was carried out by adding insulation material. By reducing dew condensation, we aim to improve the insulation of the electric motor installed inside the cylindrical column and improve the usability of the provision crane
In this study, two ventilation holes were considered to prevent condensation in the circular column supporting the provision crane on a training ship(Saenuri) for Mokpo National Maritime University. The ventilation holes could be understood as the most simple and inexpensive way to prevent condensation because it was formed only by drilling. If sufficient ventilation is provided, the insulation and corrosion of an electric motor can be improved, and a comfortable state can be ensured in the circular column. The circular column had an electric motor for driving the provision crane so that the basic principle was to utilize the kinetic energy for the flow field from a cooling fan in the circular column. The ventilation holes attenuated the low-velocity area in the circular column and contributed to internal flow circulation with updrafts. The results were discussed through numerical analysis based on computational fluid dynamics.
In this study, the power consumption and illuminance were analyzed by replacing the fluorescent and incandescent lamps used as light sources for the engine room lighting of the training ship with LED light sources. By replacing 40W and 20W fluorescent lamps with 17W and 11W LED lamps, 40W fluorescent lamps reduced power consumption by 57.5% and 20W fluorescent lamps reduced power consumption by 45% and improved illumination by 56.8%. In particular, as a result of replacing 60W incandescent lamps with LEDs, power consumption was reduced by 85%. By installing an auxiliary cooling seawater pump that supplies cooling seawater to the engine control room air conditioner and boiler drain cooler in parallel, there is an energy saving effect of 88.1%. was confirmed.
The Calorifier is a device that supplies hot water to the crew for showering and cooking. In particular, problems such as hot water not coming out when a trainee and a crew member take a shower at the same time may occur due to a malfunction of the temperature control valve that controls the temperature. In particular, when the hot water usage time is almost constant, such as a training ship, a high calorific value is required. When there is no dissatisfaction with the use of hot water, satisfaction with the educational environment is improved. Therefore, in this study, a solenoid temperature control valve is applied to increase satisfaction with hot water use, and a mechanical time switch is applied to the hot water circulating water pump to save energy.
This paper compares the marine engineering courses of two maritime institutions: Mokpo National Maritime University of Korea in the East Asia region and Philippine Merchant Marine Academy in the Southeast Asia region. It shows examines educational marine engineering programs, along with the different divisions and courses at each college. It demonstrates a divergence in methodologies and course offerings to cultivate competitive graduates. The comparative assessment completed is intended to offer broader knowledge on how each institution tackles the requirements of the STCW, and to meet the present and future demands of the maritime industry. Different course offerings are compared along with the units and hours allocated to each subject, and the differences in marine engineering academic and training requirements to graduate. Students must satisfactorily earn 150 units to complete their choice of major. Statistical procedures were used in this assessment and analysis from Excel programs.
선박용 입형 편흡입 원심 해수펌프의 회전체와 파이프 시스템 내부에 발생한 과도한 손상의 원인을 분석하고자 실제 모 델을 역설계 하였다. 이를 위해 전산유체역학(CFD)을 이용하여 해수냉각펌프의 내부유동 분석을 실시하였다. 결과적으로 역설계를 통 한 대상펌프의 형상 및 경계조건을 설정하여 설계 운전점인 125 /h에서의 펌프 효율은 85.3 %, 양정 32.0미터로 계산되었다. 대상 펌 프의 최고 효율점은 150 /h에서 약 86.2 %로 예측되었으나 실제 운전점과는 차이가 있었다. 최저 유량점인 112.5 /h에서는 저 유량 점 특성상 유동이 불안정하여 해석의 수렴이 좋지 않았다. 선박에서 운전 중인 해수펌프 및 파이프 시스템 전반에 걸쳐 진행 중인 공 동현상의 원인 규명을 통해 개선방안을 도출하고자 하였으나, 입·출구 전체 파이프 시스템의 계산, 각 지관들에 대한 유량 및 유속 측정 등을 통해 보다 명확한 원인분석을 위한 후속연구가 필요하다.
Compressed air has many uses on board ship, ranging from diesel engine starting to the cleaning of machinery during maintenance. In an effort to enhance the performance of the marine compressed air system, this work studied a way to reduce condensation from the air compressor via experiments. Especially more condensation is produced when the temperature at compressor outlets and the humidity of the air are higher. so in the research, drain production change has been observed by additionally installing the cooling fan on the suction portion of the air to air compressor and this is the method for reducing the compressed air drain that has passed through the compressor. For the result, it was verified that when the cooling fan was used, less drain was made where per hour it was 500.9ml of drain and the measured result after installing the cooling fan was that less drain was made. Other additional and various researches are needed including experiments like silica gel passing through the suction portion afterwards.
In this study, We have taken LED lamps which are widely used recently, applied it to training ship's cabin and lounge, cafeteria, engine control room and analyzed the power consumption and illumination with existing fluorescent. Replacing 40W, 20W of fluorescents with 22W, 11W of same number of LED lamps, It showed 45% of power consumption savings and resulted to more than 20% of illumination improvement. If applied to all areas of the ship, It would surely contribute to great amount of energy savings and illumination improvement.
The educational process and result of onboard training should be evaluated according to the 1995 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for seafarers(STCW), 1978. In particular, the revised Convention requires that a trainee's seagoing service must be recorded in each cadet's Training Record Book approved by the maritime administration responsible for the issuance of certificates of competency. Trainees for certification under regulation III/1 of the STCW Convention are required to complete an approved on-board training programme. The purpose of this paper is to understand the compliance of the education for an approved on-board training programme. The questionnaire was distributed among 110 cadets being trained on board the training ship of the maritime college of the Mokpo National Maritime University. In this study, we conducted the questionnaire survey which is related to the on-board training programme such as marine engineering; controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board; electrical, electronic and control engineering; etc. The survey revealed that onboard training program was normally satisfactory, however, lack of practical training tools and time have accounted for most of the reasons for dissatisfaction. Therefore, it is our goal to enhance the satisfactory value of onboard training education by analyzing the reason of the dissatisfaction.