본 연구는 한국 관속식물 적색목록(Korean National Red List)을 기준으로 정보부족(Date Deficient, DD) 종으로 분류되 어 있는 한반도 고유 식물 변산향유(Elsholtzia byeonsanensis M. Kim)의 유전자원 보존과 원예적 활용을 위해 수행되었다. 종자의 발아를 위한 적정 조건을 알아보고자 종자의 기본 특성 을 조사하고 수분 흡수율을 조사하였으며 온도, 광조건, 저온 습윤 처리, GA3 처리에 따른 발아 특성을 조사하였다. 종자의 내・외부 형태를 관찰하였을 때 완전히 성숙한 배를 가지고 있어, 형태적 휴면(morphological dormancy, MD)은 없다고 판단 하였다. 또한 수분 흡수 실험의 결과 3시간 만에 80%를 초과하 였기에 물리적 휴면(physical dormancy, PY)도 없다고 판단 하였다. 4, 15/6, 20/10, 25/15℃의 4가지 온도에서 종자 발아 를 관찰하였을 때 발아율은 각각 23.37, 71.24, 72.16, 70.93% 였다. 광조건을 달리하여 25/15℃에 배양하였을 때, 명조건에 서 암조건 보다 발아율 유의하게 높았다(p<0.001). 4℃에서 0, 4, 8, 12주간 저온 습윤 처리 후 25/15℃에 배양하였을 때, 발아율이 각각 63.75, 76.28, 83.33, 75.01%로 8주간 저온 습윤 처리 한 종자의 발아율이 가장 높았다(p<0.05). 또한 저온 습윤 처리를 한 종자는 저온 습윤 처리 기간 중에도 발아하는 모습이 관찰되며 발아소요일수가 단축되었다. 그러나 GA3를 0, 10, 100, 1000mg·L-1의 농도로 종자에 처리하였을 때, 농도에 따른 발아소요일수와 발아율의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 따라서 변산향유 종자는 대부분 비휴면(non-darmanct, ND) 종자이 나 일부 적정 조건에서도 발아하지 않은 종자의 경우, 개체군 수준에서 휴면이 있을 수 있다. 또한 종자의 발아 특성은 기존의 동일 속이나 종 내의 연구 결과와 다를 수 있음을 고려해야한다.
Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (SFTS) is a newly emerging tick-borne disease caused by the SFTS virus (SFTSV), which belongs to the phlebovirus in the Bunyaviridae family. SFTSV is enveloped with a tripartite ambisense RNA genome. The L segment encodes the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, the M segment encodes the two glycoproteins, Gc and Gn, and the S segment encodes the nucleoprotein (NP) and the nonstructural protein (NSs). NP participates in ribonucleoprotein (RNP) packaging and commonly detected early after infection, suggesting that the N protein is possible to be used as a target antigen for early diagnosis of SFTSV infection. In this study, we analyzed a highly immunogenic multi-epitope using GnGc and NP genes from a consensus sequence of SFTSV strain isolated from infected patients in Korea. The selected genes are constructed to the expression vector plasmid pJHL65 and the recombinant plasmid vector was transformed into the Δasd Δlon ΔcpxR Salmonella Typhimurium attenuated strain JOL912 and the expression of these antigens was verified by immunoblotting assay. We observed the significant levels of systemic IgG and mucosal IgM responses against the JOL912-derived antigen in the immunized BALB/c mice. The level of CD3+CD4+, CD3+CD8+ T lymphocyte subpopulation and TNF-α were also highly regulated in splenic T cells re-stimulated in vitro with NP and Gn/Gc multi-epitope selected antigens. Therefore, immunized mice with NP and Gn/GC multi-epitope recombinant proteins of attenuated Salmonella delivery system elicited T cell-related immune response, inducing an effective immune response. In conclusion, the attenuated Salmonella expressing NP-GnGc multi-epitopes could be a novel vaccine candidate against the SFTS virus.
먹노린재 합성집합페로몬 후보물질 12종에 대한 유인력을 평가하였다. 페로몬 방출기는 4구 후각계 (Olfacomter)를 사용하였고 4개의 진공관에 각각 후보물질을 투입 후 진공 유압 방식으로 방출하여 포집기에 유인되는 먹노린재의 개채수를 측정하는 방법으로 검정하였다. 4구 후각계 페로몬 평가 방법은 기존 Y-관 후각 계의 문제점인 양방향 선택성과 공간 한정성을 개선하여 평가의 정확성을 향상시켰다. 유인력 평가 결과 12종의 유인제 후보물질 중 Trans-2-Decenal이 먹노린재 실험개체에 대하여 100% 유인력을 보였다. 또한, 선별된 Trans-2-Decenal의 먹노린재 유인력에 대한 유효농도 시험을 진행 한 결과, 50%의 농도에서 유인력이 가장 높았 다. 본 연구를 통해서 선별된 Trans-2 Decenal은 기존의 노린재과에 대한 페로몬 트랩에 비해 먹노린재에 대한 유인 효과가 높을 것으로 사료되었다. 이에 따라, Trans-2 Decenal을 기반으로 한 페로몬 트랩이 상용화된다면 추후의 먹노린재 방제 효과가 높아질 것으로 기대된다.
Molten Salt Reactor, which employs molten salt mixture as fuel, has many advantages in reactor size and operation compared to conventional nuclear reactor. In developing Molten Salt Reactor, the behavior of fission product in operation should be preliminary evaluated for the correct design of reactor and its associated system including off-gas treatment. In this study, for 100 Mw 46 KCl- 54 UCl3 based Molten Salt Reactor with operating life time of 20 year, the fission product behavior was estimated by thermodynamic modeling employing FactSage 8.2. Total inventory of all fission product were firstly calculated using OpenMC code allowing depletion during neutronic calculation. Then, among all inventory, 46 element species from Uranium to Holmium were chosen and given to the input for equilibrium module of Factsage with its mass. In phase equilibrium calculation, for the correct description of solution phase, KCl-UCl3 solution database based on modified quasichemical model in the quadruplet approximation (ANL/CFCT-21/04) was employed and the coexisting solid phase was assumed to pure state. With the assumption of no oxygen and moisture ingress into reactor system, equilibrium calculation showed that 1% of solid phase and of gas phase were newly formed and, in gas phase, major species were identified : ZrCl4 (47%), Xe (33%), UCl4 (14%), Kr (5%), Ar (1%) and others. This result reveals that off-gas treatment of system should account for the appropriate treatment of ZrCl4 and UCl4 besides treatment of noble gas such as Xe and Kr.
Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) is one of the 4th generation nuclear power systems which is its verified technology in physically and chemically. Among the various salts used for MSR system, the eutectic composition of NaCl-MgCl2 system maintains the liquid state at around 450°C, in the same time, it has high solubility for nuclear fuel chlorides. This characteristic has high advantage for lowering the operating temperature for the MSR, which could reduce the problem of hightemperature corrosion by salt for structural materials significantly. In particular, since MgCl2 has the similar standard reduction potential with nuclear fuel, is used as a surrogate for, many basic researches have been conducted for verifying characteristic of MgCl2. It is well-known that main short-advantage of MgCl2 is hygroscopic properties. MgCl2 changes to MgCl2-xH2O state easily by absorbing moisture in air condition. The hydrated MgCl2 is producing MgOHCl by thermally decomposing at high temperature, the formed MgOHCl corrodes structural materials, even small amount of MgOHCl gives significant damage. Therefore, the purification of MgCl2 has been required for long-term operation of MSR using MgCl2 as a base salt. In this study, the purification of eutectic composition salt for NaCl-MgCl2 has been mainly performed by considering its thermodynamic properties and electrochemical characteristic, and the experimental results have been discussed.
The presence of organic components in spent scintillation liquid should be considered during all steps of radioactive waste processing for final disposal. Scintillation liquids often referred to as cocktails are generated form radiochemical analyses of radionuclides, which mainly consists of mixtures of liquid organic materials such as toluene and xylene. Typical features of these liquid organic materials are volatility, combustibility and toxicity. These are the reason why special attention must be paid to the management of liquid organic radioactive wastes. To select an appropriate waste management strategy and to design the treatment process of spent scintillation cocktails, it is required to investigate the nature of the waste such as specific radioactivity and moisture content. The analysis results of spent scintillation liquid generated at Wolsong nuclear power plants will be discussed. An overview of the technical approaches available for the treatment of organic radioactive waste will be additionally provided.
In KAERI, the nuclide management technology is currently being developed for the reduction of disposal area required for spent fuel management. Among the all fission products of interest, Cs, I, Kr, Tc are considered to be significantly removed by following mid-temperature and hightemperature treatment, however, a difficulty of real spent-fuel thermal treatment experiment limits the development of such thermal treatment. The test employing SimFuel (Simulated Spent Fuel) can be an alternative for such condition, however, the fabrication of SimFuel containing semivolatile species such as Cs, I and Re (substitute for Tc) was not achieved for conventional sintering method since such species are easily removed during hot temperature treatment. In this study, for the prevention of volatilization of such species and the inclusion of semi-volatile species in fabrication of SimFuel, argon-based high pressurizing up to Max 100 bar was considered to be applied in high temperature treatment. For this, lab-scale hot-isostatic press applicable up to 1,500°C was fabricated and is being waiting for the approval for high-pressure test. After approval of license, UO2 baesd SimFuel containing CsI will be fabricated and its micro-structure and composition will be evaluated through SEM-EDX and XRD