The purpose of this study was to investigate the flavor characteristics of Gondre (Cirsium setidens Nakai) essential oil. The essential oil was isolated from the aerial parts of the plant by the hydrodistillation extraction method and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectroscopy (MS). Seventy-eight (90.28%) volatile flavor components were identified in the essential oil from Gondre harvested in May. The major compounds were hexadecanoic acid (44.84%), phytol (15.57%), 6,10,14-trimethyl-2- pentadecanone (5.62%), and tertadecanoic acid (4.77%). Seventy (90.72%) volatile flavor components were identified in the essential oil from Gondre harvested in September. The major compounds were phytol (24.18%), 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone (15.59%), tetracosane (8.87%), 2-methyl eicosane (3.55%), 6,10,14-trimethyl-5,9,13-pentadecatrien-2-one (3.12%), dibuthyl phthalate (2.35%), and viridiflorol (2.33%). The flavor components of the essential oil from Gondre harvested in May and September were characterized by higher proportions of aliphatic fatty acids and terpene compounds, respectively.
This study investigated the volatile flavor components of the essential oil from Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosum Bailey. The essential oil obtained from the aerial parts of the plant by the hydrodistillation extraction method was analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. One hundred and one (99.11%) volatile flavor components were identified in the essential oil from the Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosum Bailey. The major compounds were hexanedioic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester (12.45%), 6.10.14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone (7.94%), 1-(phenylethynyl)-1-cyclohexanol (6.34%), α-farnesene (5.55%), phytol (4.99%), and α-caryophyllene (4.39%). When the volatile flavor components of Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosum Bailey were classified by functional group, the content was high in the order of hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters, ketones, aldehydes, and phthalides. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons were the most common hydrocarbons, mainly due to α-farnesene and α-caryophyllene. Among the alcohols, the content of aliphatic alcohols was significantly higher, mainly due to 1-(phenylethnyl)-1-cyclohexanol (6.34%) and phytol (4.99%). The analysis of the volatile flavor components of Chrysanthemum coronarium var. spatiosum Bailey in this study will provide useful information to consumers when purchasing food and to industries using fragrance ingredients.
This study investigated the volatile flavor composition of essential oils extracted from Synurus deltoides (Arr.) Nakai. The essential oils extracted from the aerial parts of plants by the hydrodistillation extraction method were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry. Ninety-six (98.76%) volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil extracted from fresh leaves of S. deltoides (Arr.) Nakai. The major compounds were 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone (19.91%) and phytol (12.38%). Ninety-seven (97.81%) volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil extracted from shade-dried leaves of S. deltoides (Arr.) Nakai. The major compounds were phytol (51.71%), di(6-methylhept-2-yl) phthalate (7.66%), and 6,10,14-trimethyl-2- pentadecanone (4.23%). Quantitative variations of 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone, phytol and di(6-methylhept-2-yl) phthalate according to different state of S. deltoides (Arr.) Nakai can serve as a quality index of essential oils used in the food industry.
This study investigated the volatile flavor composition of essential oils from Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica Nakai with different harvesting area. The essential oils obtained by the hydrodistillation extraction method from the aerial parts of the plants were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Ninety-five (91.61%) volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oils from the S. virga-aurea var. asiatica Nakai harvested in Koheung, Jeolanamdo. The major compounds were hexadecanoic acid (29.22%), 7-hexyl eicosane (9.12%), spathulenol (7.701%), 3,8-dimethyl decane (6.48%), caryophyllene oxide (4.52%) and α-copaene (4.23%). Fifty-seven (97.43%) volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oils from the S. virga-aurea var. asiatica Nakai harvested in Seoguipo, Jejudo. The major compounds were 2-carene (40.95%), α-copaene (10.77%), α-muurolene (5.81%), and spathulenol (3.11%). The chemical composition of the essential oils was significantly different in quality and quantity with the different harvesting area. The quantitative variations of hexadecanoic acid, 7-hexyl eicosane, spathulenol, 3,8-dimethyl decane, caryophyllene oxide, 2-carene, and α-copaene according to different harvesting area can serve as a quality index of the S. virga-aurea var. asiatica Nakai essential oils in food industries.
This study investigated the volatile flavor composition of essential oils from Ligularia fischeri and Ligularia fischeri var. spiciformis. The essential oils obtained from the plants were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). 99.63% volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil from the L. fischeri. The major compounds were (E)-3-hexenol (30.73%), longiverbenone (13.23%), viridiflorol (12.39%), γ-muurolene (7.32%), limonene (6.12%), and caryophyllene (β-4.24%). 99.76% volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil from the L. fischeri var. spiciformis. The major compounds were ledol (42.81%), (E)-15-heptadecenoic acid (33.91%), β-bisabolol (3.23%), viridiflorol (3.08%), and cis-α-farnesene (2.60%). Although the two plants are very similar, the chemical composition of the essential oils was significantly different in quality and quantity. In the case of L. fischeri., it has high contents of monoterpene and sesquiterpene. (E)-3-hexenol, longiverbenone, α-phellandrene, and α-myrcene were regarded as the characteristic odorants of L. fischeri, but they were not identified in L. fischeri var. spiciformis. Ledo, (E)-15-heptadecenoic acid, and β-bisabolol were regarded as the characteristic odorants of L. fischeri var. spiciformis, but they were not identified in L. fischeri. The ratio of limonene, γ-muurolene and viridiflorol can be used as an indicator to distinguish between these two plants.
This study investigated the volatile flavor composition of essential oils from Chrysanthemum zawadskii var. latilobum Kitamura and Aster yomena Makino. The essential oils obtained by the hydrodistillation extraction method from the aerial parts of the plants were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). One hundred (95.04%) volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil from the C. zawadskii var. latilobum Kitamura. The major compounds were valencene (10.82%), δ-cadinol (9.77%), hexadecanoic acid (8.70%), 2-methyl-4-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-1-enyl) but-2-en-1-ol (3.67%), and 2-(2,4-hexadiynylidene)-1,6-dioxaspiro[4,4]non-3-ene (3.57%). Ninety-eight (93.83%) volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil from the Aster yomena Makino. The major compounds were and 3-eicosyne (13.61%), 9,10,12-octadecatrienoic acid (7.8%), α-caryophyllene alcohol (6.83%), 9-octadecynoic acid (6.03%), and α-caryophyllene (5.74%). Although the two plants are apparently very similar, the chemical composition of the essential oils was significantly different in quality and quantity. In the case of C. zawadskii var. latilobum Kitamura, the sesquiterpene, valencene was found to be 10.82%, but it was not identified in A. yomena Makino. δ-Cadinol appeared higher in C. zawadskii var. latilobum Kitamura than in A. yomena Makino. A clear characteristic of A. yomena Makino essential oil is that it has a high content of caryophyllene derivatives. The α-caryophyllene alcohol contained in A. yomena Makino was relatively high at 6.83%, although the compound was not identified in C. zawadskii var. latilobum Kitamura. Also α-caryophyllene was shown to be higher in A. yomena Makino than in C. zawadskii var. latilobum Kitamura.
This study investigated the chemical composition of burdock (Arctium lappa L.) leaves essential oil, and the quantitative changes of the major terpene compounds according to the specific harvesting season. The essential oils obtained by the hydrodistillation extraction (HDE) method from the aerial parts of the burdock leaves were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The essential oil composition of this plant was characterized by the higher content of phytol and 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone. Seventy seven (98.28%) volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil from the burdock leaves harvested during the spring season of 2012, and phytol (33.47%) and 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone (32.47%) were the most abundant compounds. Eighty eight (99.08%) compounds were identified in the essential oil from the leaves harvested during the autumn season of 2012, and in this case, phytol (37.35%) and 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone (34.67%) were also the most abundant compounds. These two volatile components were confirmed as the major oil components of the burdock leaves during the time of any harvest. The ratio between the two components contained in the burdock essential oils did not differ significantly by harvesting season. But overall, the essential oil harvested during the spring season contained 65.94% of the two major components, while for the essential oil harvested during the autumn season, the total amount of these two major components was 72.02%. While the main ingredients of the essential oils were found to be unchanged from one harvest time to the next, it was found to differ in content. For the burdock leaves, the quality index of the volatile constituents according to the harvest time would be more useful for utilizing the total quantity other than the proportion between phytol and 6,10,4-trimethyl-2-pentadecone.
This study investigated the chemical composition of headspace gas from white-flowered lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertner). Volatile flavor compositions of headspace from white-flowered lotus (floral leaf, stamen, flower stalk, stem) were investigated through the solid-phase microextraction method using polydimethylsiloxane-divinylbenzene fiber. The headspace was directly transferred to a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sixty-three volatile flavor constituents were detected in the headspace of lotus floral leaves, and undecanoic acid (7.81%) was the most abundant component. Fifty-three volatile flavor constituents were detected in the headspace of lotus stamina, and isobutylidene phthalide (7.94%) was the most abundant component. Forty-four volatile flavor constituents were detected in the headspace of lotus flower stalks, and 3-butyl dihydrophthalide (11.23%) was the most abundant component. Fifty-nine volatile flavor constituents were detected in the headspace of lotus stems, and ligustilide (16.15%) was the most abundant component. The content of phthalides was higher in the headspace of flower stalks and stems, while alcohols and acids were the predominant compounds in lotus floral leaves.
This study investigated the chemical composition of Petasites japonicus (S. et Z.) Maxim essential oil. During the period 2011~2013, P. japonicus (S. et Z.) Maxim plant was investigated for composition of the essential oil. Chemical composition and characteristic compounds of the essential oils from the aerial parts of the plant according to the crop year studied. The essential oils consisted of sesquiterpene compounds, which were the most abundant components. Samples collected in 2011 were found to be richer in oxygenated sesquiterpenes, while samples collected in 2012 and 2013 were richer in diterpene alcohols and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, respectively. Ninety-two compounds were identified in the P. japonicus (S. et Z.) Maxim essential oil of 2011, and caryophyllene oxide (20.49%), β-caryophyllene (10.28%), β-bisabolene (6.80%), and alloaromadendrene (6.50%) were the major compounds. Seventy-four compounds were identified in the plant essential oil of 2012, and phytol (17.22%), α-farnesene (15.31%), α-caryophyllene (9.93%), and β-caryophyllene (6.12%) were the major compounds. Ninety-two compounds were identified in the plant essential oil of 2013, and α-farnesene (22.42%), α- caryophyllene (21.49%), pentadecane (15.35%), and germacrene (5.70%) were the major compounds. The content of most of the chemical constituents varied significantly with different harvesting time. The content of α-caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide was increased significantly from 2011 to 2013. The content of α-caryophyllene and isocaryophyllene was decreased significantly from 2011 to 2013.
This study investigated the chemical composition of Cirsium japonicum var. ussurience Kitamura essential oil and the quantitative changes of major volatile flavor compounds according to the harvesting season. The essential oils obtained by the method of hydrodistillation extraction from aerial parts of C. japonicum var. ussurience Kitamura were analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Sixty-four volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil from C. japonicum var. ussurience Kitamura harvested in May 2012; hexadecanoic acid (49.31%) was the most abundant compound, followed by 6,10,14- trimethyl-2-pentadecanone (13.72%), phytol (13.40%) and 9-hexadecenoic acid (4.16%). Eighty-three compounds were identified in the essential oil from the plant harvested in October 2012; phytol (40.56%), hexadecanoic acid (17.69%), 6,10,14- trimethyl-2-pentadecanone (13.71%), and caryophyllene oxide (4.15%) were the most abundant compounds. Types and levels of volatile compounds from different harvesting seasons varied. The essential oil composition of C. japonicum var. ussurience Kitamura harvested in the spring and autumn was characterized by higher contents of aliphatic fatty acid, diterpene and sesquiterpene, respectively.
This study investigated the chemical composition of Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica Nakai essential oils collected using different extraction methods. The essential oils obtained by simultaneous steam distillation extraction (SDE) and hydrodistillation extraction (HDE) methods from the aerial parts of Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica Nakai were analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Ninety-nine volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil produced from Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica Nakai using the SDE method. These compounds were classified into eight categories in terms of chemical functionality: 26 hydrocarbons, 8 aldehydes, 36 alcohols, 7 ketones, 12 esters, 5 oxides and epixides, 4 acids, and a miscellaneous one. Spathulenol (15.66%) was the most abundant compound. Ninety-eight compounds including of 35 hydrocarbons, 6 aldehydes, 29 alcohols, 6 ketones, 10 esters, 4 oxides and epixides, 7 acids, and a miscellaneous one were identified in the essential oil from the plant using the HDE method. Hexadecanoic acid (24.74%) was the most abundant compound. The chemical composition of Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica Nakai essential oils extracted by SDE and HDE methods are characterized by high content of sesquiterpene alcohols and acids, respectively. The extraction methods may be influenced in the chemical composition of natural plant essential oils.
This study investigated the chemical composition of Artemisia princeps var. orientalis (Pampan) Hara (ssuk in Korea) essential oil and the quantitative changes of major terpene compounds according to the time of harvest. The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation extraction from the aerial parts of ssuk were analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The essential oil composition of ssuk was characterized by higher contents of mono- and sesqui- terpene compounds. Ninety-nine volatile flavor compounds were identified in the essential oil from ssuk harvested in 2010, with camphor (11.9%), β-caryophyllene (9.11%), dehydrocarveol (8.51%), and borneol (7.72%) being the most abundant compounds. Eighty-three compounds were identified in the essential oil from the plant harvested in 2011, with borneol (12.36%), caryophyllene oxide (12.29%), β -caryophyllene (10.24%), camphor (9.13%), and thujone (8.4%) being the most abundant compounds. Eighty-four compounds were identified in the essential oil from the plant harvested in 2012, with β-caryophyllene (20.25%), caryophyllene oxide (14.63%), and thujone (11.55%) being the major compounds. Eighty-nine compounds were identified in the essential oil from the plant harvested in 2013, with thujone (23.11%), alloaromadendrene oxide (12.3%), and β-caryophyllene (11.48%) being the most abundant compounds. Thujone and aromadendrene oxide contents increased significantly from 2010 to 2013, while camphor and dehydrocarveol contents decreased significantly during those 4 years. The quantitative changes in these 4 compounds according to the time of harvest can served as a quality index for ssuk essential oil. The ecological responses to recent climate changes may be reflected in the chemical components of natural plant essential oils.
This study was investigated the chemical composition from Syneilesis palmata essential oil and the tendency of variation of the sesquiterpene compounds according to the harvesting time. The essential oils obtained by hydro distillation from the aerial parts of Syneilesis palmata were analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Ninety-eight compounds consisting of 9 aliphatic hydrocarbons, 17 sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, 11 aliphatic aldehydes, 1 terpene aldehyde, 8 aliphatic alcohols, 4 monoterpene alcohols, 16 sesquiterpene alcohols, 3 diterpene alcohols, 6 ketones, 11 esters, 8 oxides and epoxides, 3 acids and 1 miscellaneous one were identified from the oil. Spathulenol (22.33%) was the most abundant compound, followed by β- caryophyllene (6.23%), germacrene D (5.57%), longipinane (4.10%), and epiglobulol (3.65%). The volatile composition of Syneilesis palmata was characterized by higher contents of sesquiterpene compounds, especially sesquiterpene alcohols. The total content of 13 sesquiterpene compounds was decreased significantly from 2010 to 2012. α-Caryophyllene, β-bisabolene, elemol, germacrene D, β-zingiberene, longipinane, and β-caryophyllene alcohol contents decreased, while β-bisabolol content increased during 3 years. The ecological responses to recent climate change may be influenced in the chemical components of natural plant terpenoids.
A comparison of essential oils composition of Aster tataricus L. (gaemichwi), Ligularia fischeri (gomchwi), Solidago virga-aurea var. asiatica Nakai (miyeokchwi), and Aster scaber (chamchwi) was performed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry for the identification of volatile flavor characteristics in chwi-namuls. The essential oils were extracted by the hydro distillation extraction method. One hundred volatile flavor components were identified from gaemichwi essential oil. α-Pinene (11.5%) was the most abundant compound, followed by myrcene (8.9%) and β pinene (7.5%). Ninety-one volatile flavor components were identified from the essential oil of gomchwi. Aromadendrene (14.8%) was the most abundant component, followed by β-caryophyllene (7.6%) and 1-methyl-4-(1-methylethylidene) cyclohexene (7.3%). Ninety-five volatile flavor constituents were detected in the essential oil of miyeokchwi, moreover, spathulenol (15.7%) was the most abundant component. Ninety-six volatile flavor constituents were detected in the essential oil of chamchwi. Epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene (21.9%) was the most abundant component, followed by β-caryophyllene (9.5%) and δ terpinene (8.9%). The essential oil composition of gaemichwi was characterized by a higher contents of pinenes. The essential oil composition of gomchwi can be easily distinguished by the percentage of aromadendrene. Spathulenol and epi bicyclosesquiphellandrene were regarded as the characteristic odorants of miyeokchwi and chamchwi, respectively.
The volatile flavor compounds of the essential oils from Ixeris dentate (Thunb.) Nakai and I. stolonifera A. Gray were investigated. The essential oils were extracted by hydro distillation extraction method. Ninety-three volatile flavor components were identified from I. dentate (Thunb.) Nakai essential oil. Hexadecanoic acid(33.73%) was the most abundant compound, followed by (Z, Z, Z, )-9, 12, 15-octadecatrienoic acid(18.59%), 6, 10, 14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanonel(10.39%) and phytol(5.21%). Ninety-seven volatile flavor components were identified from the essential oil of I. stolonifera A. Gray. Hexadecanoic acid was the most abundant component(39.7%), followed by (Z, Z, Z)-9, 12, 15-octadecatrienoic acid(12.63%), 9, 12-octadecadienoic acid, ethyl ester(12.36%), pentacosane(5.2%) and 6, 10, 14-trimethyl- 2-pentadecanone(3.18%). The volatile composition of I. dentate (Thunb.) Nakai was characterized by higher contents of phytol and phthalides than those of I. stolonifera A. Gray. The volatile flavor composition of I. stolonifera A. Gray can easily be distinguished by the percentage of sesquiterpene compounds against I. dentate (Thunb.) Nakai essential oil.