쌍별귀뚜라미는 국내에서 식용 및 파충류의 먹이로 사용되는 중요한 산업곤충으로 알려져있다. 2023년 국내 쌍별귀뚜라미 농가에서 쌍별귀뚜라미 덴소바이러스 감염이 확인되었으며 바이러스 억제제가 요구되는 실정 이다. RNA 간섭(RNAi)은 dsRNA를 이용해 목적 유전자의 발현을 억제할 수 있는 작용기작을 가지며, 바이러스 특이적 시퀀스를 이용한다면 효과적으로 타겟 바이러스의 증식을 저해할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 덴소바이러스 에 감염된 귀뚜라미에 덴소바이러스 특이적 dsRNA를 제작하여 주입(injection)하고, 바이러스 발현 저해 효과를 관찰했다. 바이러스 감염 수준은 qPCR로 평가하였으며 dsRNA를 접종한 결과 체내 바이러스양이 감소함을 확인 했다. 이 연구는 향후 RNAi를 이용한 쌍별귀뚜라미 덴소바이러스 억제제 개발에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.
전 세계적으로 RNA 간섭(RNA interference, RNAi)을 활용한 해충방제제 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 대표적 으로 Monsanto의 서부 옥수수 뿌리벌레(Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) 특이적 방제용 dsRNA (DvSNF7)를 발현하 는 옥수수 종자가 상용화 되었고, 2016년 이 종자가 국내 사료 및 식품용으로 수입이 승인 되었다. 본 연구는 국내 에 서식하는 좁은가슴잎벌레(Phaedon brassicae)를 Non-target 곤충으로 사용하여, 옥수수 종자에 사용된 DvSNF7 dsRNA의 잠재적 위해성을 평가했다. P. brassicae의 SNF7 유전자와 DvSNF7 dsRNA 간 Sequence유사성 을 확인했다. 다음으로 P. brassicae가 DvSNF7 dsRNA를 섭식할 수 있는 환경을 조성하여, 치사 효과 실험과 Sequence특이적인 Knockdown효과를 확인하였다. 그 결과, DvSNF7 dsRNA는 P. brassicae생존에 영향을 미치지 않았으며, P. brassicae의 SNF7유전자를 Knockdown시키지 않음을 확인했다. 이번 연구를 통해 D. virgifera virgifera와 같은 과인 P. brassicae 는 SNF7유전자 간 Sequence유사성이 있지만, Sequence특이성이 부족하여 생존과 유전자 발현에 영향을 주지 않음으로써 위해성이 낮음을 확인했다.
In the present study, a novel ELISA method used recombinant nucleocapsid protein (rNP) as the coating agent. Recombinant Newcastle disease virus (NDV) protein was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Though the rNP-ELISA results were consistent with commercial ELISA results for the NDV-negative sera samples, qualitatively and quantitatively variable (often reduced) results were obtained with NDV-positive sera. Although the rNP-ELISA results for NDV detection were inconclusive, further improvement and standardization of the rNP-ELISA approach, such as using multiple recombinant proteins as the ELISA coating agent and performing comprehensive statistical analyses of combined recombinant protein ELISA, should help counter Newcastle disease outbreaks by improving NDV detection.
Developmental characteristics of immature stages of Ostrinia scapulalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), which is a main insect pest against legume crops, were investigated at constant temperatures to prepare fundamental data for integrated pest management. Egg, larva and pupa could survive at temperatures from 16oC to 36oC. Developmental periods of those stages became shorter with increasing temperature between 16 and 31oC, 16 and 36oC, and 16 and 34oC, respectively. The lower developmental thresholds and degree-days(DD) were determined as 13.0oC and 56.9DD, 13.8oC and 277.5DD, and 14.2oC and 90.8DD using a linear regression model between temperature and development rate. Other parameters for explaining development of this species were estimated using a few non-linear models for developmental rate, distribution, and survivorship.
Ostrinia scapulalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) overwinters as a final instar larva. In order to elucidate phenology of the insect, we studied several factors related to its overwintering. Neonate larvae from early August to early October entered overwintering through outdoor rearing. Pupation and adult emergence were observed during the periods from May to June, next year, and from May to July, respectively. Heat addition by 25oC to overwintering larvae induced shorter prepupal periods with progressing season. Supercooling points of overwintering larvae during the period from October to April were below -20oC, and those temperatures were significantly lower than those of a laboratory colony. It was estimated that higher content of glycerol in hemolymph is responsible for cold-hardiness as a cryoprotectant during overwintering.
The Asian corn borer, Ostrinia furnacalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), produces final instar larvae of overwintering stage in response to decreasing day-length and temperature, and then those larvae pupate after about 6-8 month. In this study, we investigated a few properties related to cold hardiness during overwintering of the insect. Overwintering larvae collected in December could survive at least for 16 days at -20oC, while all larvae of a laboratory colony, which was reared at 25oC, 15L/9D, died within 2 hours. Supercooling points of overwintering larvae were below -20oC, and the temperatures were significantly lower than those (ca. -10oC) of the laboratory colony. It was estimated that higher content of hemolymph glycerol is responsible for cold-hardiness as a cryoprotectant during overwintering of O. furnacalis.
Red meats are important animal foods because of their nutritional aspects, but the over-consumption of red meat produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) caused by heme iron and induces colorectal cancer. The effect of orally administered hemin and calcium provided in drinking water for 6 weeks on colon carcinogenesis was observed in male ICR mice. After the mice were acclimated for 1 week, they received three subcutaneous azoxymethane (AOM, 10 mg/kg b.w.) injections weekly and were provided with 2% dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) via drinking water for the next week. The mice were divided into three groups: the control, hemin, and hemin + calcium groups. The orally administered daily dose of hemin was 2 g/kg b.w., and 0.05% calcium was provided daily via drinking water. Colonic mucosa samples were stained with methylene blue, and then, the numbers of aberrant crypt (AC) and aberrant crypt foci (ACF) were counted. Lipid peroxidation in feces was estimated by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) assay. The total numbers of AC and ACF per colon in the hemin group were significantly higher than those in the control group. Calcium treatment significantly decreased the numbers of ACF and AC in the colon of mice. The TBARS value in the feces of the hemin + calcium group was significantly lower than that in the feces of the hemin group. These results showed that hemin enhances the formation of pre-neoplastic lesions in the colon of mice and that calcium decreases the risk of colon carcinogenesis.
This study was performed to compare the healing quality of the allogenic acellular dermal matix (ADM) and xenogenic ADM combined with autologous skin graft. Xenogenic ADM was obtained from two GalT knock-out pigs. Allogenic ADM was obtained from cynomolgus monkeys. ADM was stored with lyophilization. Full-thickness skin wounds were made on the back of two cynomolgus monkeys. In one monkey, wounds were covered by xenogenic ADM combined with autologous skin graft or autologous skin graft only. In another monkey, wounds were covered by allogenic ADM combined with autologous skin graft or autologous skin graft only. Skin healing process was observed during 2 weeks and skin biopsies were performed on 3 months after skin transplantation. We obtained IACUC approval (ORIENT-IACUC-16053)
Skin on the xenogenic ADM was necrotized 1 week after skin transplantation. Possibly due to the thickness of ADM, which block the blood supply from the subcutaneous tissue to the autologous skin graft. Skin biopsy revealed that less fibrotic change of the skin on the ADM compared with the skin without ADM.
Xenogenic ADM can be used in high degree burn patients who can suffered from contracture after healing since it can reduce fibrotic change.
There are a lot of types of wild vegetables such as Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott stem in Korea. However, the consumption of these wild vegetables is restricted because their storage decreased dramatically after harvest. To maintain original quality of vegetables, pre-treatments such as blanching and drying are important. But conditions for these treatments were still not optimized for many vegetables including Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott stem. Thus, the objective of this study was to set up an optimal pre-treatment method for freezing storage. Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott stems were peeled and cut equally (10 cm) for sample preparation. Dried samples (D) were dried at 90℃ for 3 h. Blanched samples (B) were blanched in hot water at 100℃ for 2 min. Blanched and dried samples (BD) were blanched and dried as same protocol. Physicochemical properties were analyzed to evaluate the quality including texture, moisture content, total color difference and viable cell count. Raw sample had 6.85 kg/cm 3 of hardness and 78.75 of chewiness whereas B was 6.83 kg/cm 3 of hardness and 7.8 of chewiness. B had the similar value compared to raw samples. Moisture content of raw sample was 94.4% and that of B was 94.1%, though there were not any significant differences between them. ΔE value of B showed lower value than those of the others. Viable cell counts and total coliforms were not detected after treatment, while raw sample had 5.39 log CFU/g of viable cell count without total coliform. Therefore, pre-treatments are essential for microbial safety of samples. All results considered, it is supposed that blanching is the optimal pre-treatment to sustain its original quality of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott stems before freezing.
본 연구는 벼 품종에 따른 미음 가공특성을 구명하기 위하여 국립식량과학원에서 육성한 9개 벼 품종의 호화점도 특성과 미음의 색도, pH, 점도 및 퍼짐성을 측정하고, 초미세구조를 관찰하였다. 신속점도계를 이용한 호화 점도(페이스팅) 분석에서, 치반점도는 한아름4호, 화선찰이 각각 -45.84 및 -27.50 RVU, 최종점도는 화선찰, 한아름4호가 각각 109.00, 213.42 RVU로 미음죽의 노화가 다른 품종들에 비해 느릴 것으로 판단된다. 쌀 낟알과 미음의 미세구조를 주사현미경(SEM)으로 관찰하였는데, 쌀알은 다각형의 전분립으로 구성된 구 형태의 전분체와 이러한 전분체로 구성된 전분세포로 구성되어 있었다. 도담쌀은 구 모양의 전분체가 관찰되었고 다른 품종들에 비해 빈 공간이 더 많았으며, 한아름4호는 일반 멥쌀의 형태와 같은 다각형의 전분립을 확인하였고, 화선찰벼는 전분체를 구성하는 전분립들의 부서짐이 많은 것을 관찰하였다. 그리고 이 품종들로 만든 미음죽 호화양상은 품종별로 달랐는데 이는 주로 아밀로오스 함량 차이에 기인하는 것으로 판단되나, 같은 고아밀로오스 품종이라 하더라도 도담쌀에 비해 고아미4호는 잘 풀어지고 호화가 잘 되는 것으로 나타나는 바(data not shown), 이에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요하다 하겠다. 품종별 미음 제조 후, 관능검사에서 통일형(초다수성) 벼품종과 자포니카 벼 품종들의 차이가 뚜렷하게 나타나지 않아 초다수성 벼 품종으로 자포니카 벼 품종을 대체할 수 있을 것으로 판단하였다(data not shown). 또한 아밀로오스 함량 차이에 따른 벼 품종들 간의 점도 차이가 확연하게 나타났는데 아밀로오스가 없는 찰벼 품종은 미음죽의 점도를 낮추고, 고아밀로오스 품종들은 미음죽의 점도를 높였다. 통일형(초다수성 벼)을 포함한 일반메벼 품종들의 점도는 찹쌀과 고아밀로오스 품종들로 만든 미음의 중간정도를 보였으며 품종간의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 요컨대, 통일형 품종은 일반쌀 품종에 비해 밥용으로 식미가 나쁜 것으로 알려져 있으나, 미음에 대한 가공적성 평가 결과, 통일형쌀 품종과 일반쌀 품종 간에 품질 차이가 없었다. 쌀미음의 점도와 퍼짐성은 쌀미음의 품질을 결정하는 중요한 요소이며 9개 품종(통일형 4개 품종, 일반형 5개)의 쌀미음 가공적성을 평가한 결과, 고아밀로오스(31.8%-42.8%) 쌀 품종들은 점도가 높아(낮은 퍼짐성) 걸쭉하였고, 저아밀로오스(5.0%)인 찹쌀 품종은 낮은 점도(높은 퍼짐성)로 유동적이었다. 중간정도의 특성을 가진 멥쌀(18.2%-19.9%) 품종들이 쌀미음에 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 멥쌀 품종들 중에서 생태형(통일형/일반형)에 따른 쌀미음의 점도와 퍼짐성에서 차이가 없었다.