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        검색결과 33

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        매년 국내로 비래해 오는 해충인 벼멸구는 그 기원이 중국 또는 중국 남부일 것으로 예상해왔으나, 이에 대한 유전학적 근거는 Mun et al. (1999)에 의해 제시된 세 가지 COI haplotype 비교가 유일하다. Mun et al. (1999)은 국내에 서 확인된 두 가지 haplotype 유형이 인도차이나반도 이남의 균일한 한 가지 haplotype 집단 유형과 중국에서 확인 된 또 다른 haplotype 집단 유형임을 근거로 국내 벼멸구의 기원을 중국으로 특정한 바 있다. 본 연구는 국내 및 동남아시아 5개국(부탄, 미얀마, 캄보디아, 라오스 및 태국)으로부터 직간접적으로 확보한 개체들을 대상으로 GBS (genotyping by sequencing) 및 NGS 기법을 통해 PCA를 포함한 다양한 집단유전학적 분석을 수행하였다. 그 결과 인도차이나반도의 벼멸구 집단은 크게 북부와 남부로 나뉘며, 국내 개체들은 북부에 비해 남부(캄보디 아, 태국)에 더 가깝다는 사실을 확인하였다. 따라서 벼멸구의 국내 비래는 중국으로부터의 기원 이전에 장마전 선이 형성될 무렵부터 인도차이나반도 남쪽의 고온다습한 서풍이 남남서풍으로 바뀌면서 중국 내륙을 거쳐 국내로 비래하는 경로를 따르는 것으로 보인다. 하지만 태안의 개체 중에는 인도차이나반도 집단들의 외군으로 확인되는 개체가 있었고, 이는 인도차이나반도 외의 샘플링되지 않은 다른 지역에서도 벼멸구가 국내로 비래할 수 있다는 가능성을 제시하였다. 따라서 국내로 유입되는 벼멸구의 유전적 기원을 확인하기 위해서는 인도차이 나반도 남쪽 지역에서 시작한 동아시아 여름 몬순의 바람이 한국으로 도착하는 경로에 위치한 다른 지역에서의 추가적인 샘플링 및 지속적인 관심과 추적이 필요할 것이다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        First Mover Advantage is already well known. It is when a company gains a position in a certain market or industry, or when it establishes a strong entry barriers through a distribution channel or a monopoly of resources. It is a concept that has been attracting attention for a long time in marketing and strategy. However, although it is possible for the starter to enjoy these various benefits, it is also true that there is a corresponding price. Therefore, the risks and costs that the starter may bear, and thus the relative benefits enjoyed by the latter, can be significant. Late Mover Advantage and so on. The fact that latecomers can enjoy a variety of benefits as well as the profits of the starters is an important consideration that must be taken into account by many companies considering entry into the market. In general, there is a very high risk of overinvestment in technology and market uncertainty. For example, China has skipped wired networks and went wireless, and many African countries have skipped wired communications and built infrastructure for wireless communications. In other words, companies that hastened to invest in fixed-line facilities in order to preoccupy the African telecom market are in a state of failure rather than expecting the interests of the starters. Another thing is that the starter has to bear more risks and costs than the latter, such as the uncertainty of demand, the risk of changing consumer preferences, and the cost of training new consumers. Also, because imitation is generally less costly than development, a latecomer entering through imitation may be in a better position if patents or other technical defenses are not available. Especially, if latecomers have excellent management ability and financial power such as excellent marketing ability, it is relatively easy to catch up with the first candidate.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        At the Bank of Korea, capital stock statistics were created by the PIM (perpetual inventory method) with fixed capital formation data. Asset classifications also included 2 categories in residential buildings, 4 non-residential buildings, 14 constructions, 9 transportation equipment, 28 machinery, and 2 intangible fixed assets. It is the Korean government accounting system which is developed much with the field of the national accounts including the valuation, but until 2008 it was consistent with single-entry bookkeeping. Many countries, including Korea, were single-entry bookkeeping, not double-entry bookkeeping which can be aggregated by government accounting standard account. There was no distinction in journaling between revenue and capital expenditure when it was consistent with single-entry bookkeeping. For example, we would like to appropriately divide the past budget accounts and the settlement accounts data that have been spent on dredging into capital expenditure and revenue expenditure. It, then, tries to add the capital expenditure calculated to FCF (fixed capital formation), because revenue expenditure is cost for maintenance etc. This could be a new direction, especially, in the estimation of capital stock by the perpetual inventory method for infrastructure (SOC, social overhead capital). It should also be noted that there are differences not only between capital and income expenditure but also by other factors. How long will this difference be covered by the difference between the ‘new series’ and ‘old series’ methodologies? In addition, there is no large difference between two series by the major asset classification level. If this is treated as a round-off error, this is a problem.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although the 1997 Raw Data of the National Wealth Statistical Survey (South Korea) is timely 20-year-old data, it is meaningful as a benchmarking in the capital stock estimations of Korea, which is estimated by PIM (permanent inventory method). In the case of machinery/equipment, it is the data that can analyze in depth the changes in the industrial structure of Korea. In the case of ASL (average service life) which has economic concept, since the change of ASL is not so large, ASL yielded by the Raw Data of the 1997 National Wealth Statistical Survey is meaningful as reference value for the ASL estimated by the Bank of Korea and the National Statistical Office. As you know Japan has changed its service life due to changes in its industrial structure. However, many of its assets are still used for the years indicated in Showa (before 1989). The same trend with other countries such as Japan. However, the United States is constantly devoted to assessing the useful ASL and value of assets by distinguishing between the Hulten-Wykoff models and those not. Korea has also benchmarked the useful ASL of the United States and Japan when it conducted its own survey every 10 years by due diligence until 1997. In this study, the ‘constraint’ Iowa curve estimation by the Raw Data of the 1997 National Wealth Statistical Survey is based on the age records of the assets and the maximum age of the assets appropriately derived. And then we made modified Iowa curve by smoothing. From this modified one, we suggested ASL by asset. After 1997, the vintage disposal data directly were collected by the National Statistical Office with Oh Hyun Seung, Cho Jin Hyung, in order to estimate the useful ASL. Since then, the B/S team of the Economic and Statistics Bureau of the Bank of Korea has been working on a new concept of content training.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a correlation between execution of quality management activities and their results was verified by applying the Malcolm Baldrige model (hereafter referred to as the MB model) as a quality management performance measurement indicator for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Korea. To achieve this goal, we need to determine whether the categorical requirements in the MB model are recognized consistently in SMEs, as a prerequisite. To this end, factor analysis was conducted for measurement variables in each category, which revealed that the process indicator was made up of six factors and the outcome indicator was made up of five factors, like those configured in the MB model. This result can be interpreted to mean that the requirements in each category of the MB model were well produced and recognized consistently throughout SMEs in South Korea. In addition, the analysis of causality between the process indicator (quality management activities) and the outcome indicator (management results) showed high causality between them. Although the quality management levels of SMEs in South Korea are inferior to those of conglomerates or other national quality award-winning companies, this study is significant in that the causality between quality management activities and results was verified, since this study targeted SMEs in South Korea as the target of investigation. Thus, it is empirically proven that the MB model can contribute to improved management results for SMEs in Korea.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Emissions of hazardous substances in automobiles are caused by combustion of internal combustion engines, friction of brake pads and tire wear. In this study, we propose a method to reduce the harmful substances emitted in internal combustion engine by using HHO gas. In order to reduce the exhaust gas of the internal combustion engine, HHO gas having excellent combustion characteristics was added to the combustion chamber. The HHO gas generator was installed in the intake line and the HHO gas was introduced into the combustion chamber with the mixed gas through the intake line. At this time, we compared and analyzed the performance of the engine performance on the presence and absence of HHO gas.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, the mineral resource protection policies and regulations in production countries of natural resources including rare metals are becoming more stringent. Such environment makes which market has malfunction. In other word, those are not perfect or pure market. Therefore because each market of natural resources have special or unique characters, it is difficult to forecast their market prices. In this study, we constructed several models to estimate prices of natural resources using ARIMA and their business indices. And for examples, Indium and Coal were introduced.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When the number of items of same type of industrial property is quite large, calculating depreciation for a group of such items may be more efficient than depreciating each item separately. Several different depreciation systems may be used for group depr
        2007.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        처분장에서 지하수로 쉽게 유출될 수 있는 방사성 핵종들의 양을 예측하기 위하여 국내 PWR 사용후핵연료 팰렛들의 갭(gap) 및 입계에 있는 용해성 원소들의 재고량을 측정하였다. 연소도가 GWD/MTU를 갖는 연료봉에서 얻은 펠렛들에서 세슘의 갭 재고량이 로 나타났으며, 이는 핵분열 생성기체 유출률의 에 해당하였다. 그러나 핵분열 생성기체 유출 률이 1%이하인 연료봉에서 취한 40 GWD/MTU이하의 연소도를 갖는 펠렛들의 경우, 세슘의 갭 재고량들을 핵분열 생성기체 유출률과 연관시키기는 곤란하였다. 갭 및 입계내 스트론튬의 재고량은 동일 연료봉내 펠렛에서는 크게 다르지 않았으며, 요오드의 갭 재고량은 핵분열 생성기체 유출률보다 작거나 유사한 값을 갖는 것으로 평가되었다.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Co-Fe-Ni-B-Si-Cr based amorphous strips containing nitrogen were manufactured via melt spinning, and then devitrified by crystallization treatment at the various annealing temperatures of for up to 30 minutes in an inert gas atmosphere. The microstructures were examined by using XRD and TEM and the magnetic properties were measured by using VSM and B-H meter. Among the alloys, the amorphous ribbons of containing 121 ppm of nitrogen showed relatively high saturation magnetization. The alloy ribbons crystallized at showed that the grain size of alloy containing 121 ppm of nitrogen was about f nm, which exhibited paramagnetic behavior. The formation of nano-grain structure was attributed to the finely dispersed Fe4N particles and the solid-solutionized nitrogen atoms in the matrix. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the nano-grain structure of 5nm in size could reduce the core loss within the normally applied magnetic field of 300A/m at 10kHz.
        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        복숭아혹진딧물(Myzus persicae Sulzer)은 두가지 서로 다른 기주선호성을 가지는데 이 기주선호성과 형태적 특징에 기초하여 담배진닷물(Myzus nicotinae Blackman)과 담배 이외의 다른 채소류에 서식하는 복숭아 혹진딧물(M. persicae)로 분류하였지만(Blachmean, 1987) 이 분류 방법에 동의하지 않는 학자들도 많다. 이런 이유로 RAPD-PCR 기법을 이용하여 한국에 서식하는 복숭아혹진딧물에 대하여 그들의 2차 숙주선호성에 따른 DNA의 변이 정도를 살펴보았다. 실험곤충으로는 담배와 배추에서 채집하여 사육한 진딧물 각 4 clones 씩을 사용하였다. 각 clone은 한 개체를 사육하여 얻은 자손들과 그들의 후손으로 이루어졌으며, 사육한 진딧물에서 핵 DNA를 추출하고, 10개 nucleotide 길이의 random primer 100가지를 사용하여 PCR한 후 1 % agarose gel 전기영동법으로 분석하였다. 사용한 100종류의 random primer 중 83가지에서 DNA 단편이 합성되었다. 증폭된 1개의 primer당 단편의 수는 1개에서 22개였고 평균 단편 수는 약 13개였으며, 각 각 단편의 길이는 500에서 20,000 base pair사이에 분포하였다. 82가지 primer의 경우에 일부 단편의 짙기에는 차이가 있었으나 단편종류의 분포는 동일하게 나타났다. 한가지 primer경우에만 담배섭식형 1개 c clone에서 다른 7가지 clones에 없는 band가 1개 나타났다. 이때 나머지 7 clones의 단편 분포 형태는 모두 동일하였다. 따라서 이 band는 숙주 선호성과는 무관한 것으로 보인다. 결국 이 실험에 사용한 100종류의 primer에 기초하여 RAPD-PCR기법으로 DNA를 증폭한 결과 복숭아혹진딧물의 숙주선호성이 개체군간의 유전적인 차이점에 기인한다는 가설을 뒷받침할 만한 증거를 찾지 못하였다.
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