The issue surrounding the problem of air pollution arising from rapid industrialization is one that is being continuously raised for discussion among the public, and concerns about indoor air quality have emerged both at home and abroad due to the longer periods of time spent indoors in modern times. Various studies are being conducted to solve this problem, and photocatalysts are also being studied as a solution. Accordingly, this research sought to verify the performance of reducing indoor pollutants by applying photocatalysts to building materials. As a result of evaluating the indoor pollutant reduction performance, it was confirmed that acetaldehyde was reduced by about 31%, toluene 29%, and total volatile compounds by 11%, and adhesion strength, an important factor regarding finishing material, was also enhanced 1.3 times or more based on Korean Industrial Standards. From these results, it is believed that indoor air pollution can be lowered to a certain extent through building materials using photocatalysts, and, therefore, research on long-term performance verification and evaluation methods should be continuously conducted and pursued in the future in relation to photocatalysts.
본 연구에서는 국내 빗물정원과 같은 소규모 저류지공원 적합한 식물을 선발하기 위하여 수변 또는 척박지 녹화용으로 활용되고 있는 초화류 7종을 대상으로 일정 수위를 항시 유지하는 저면 침수와 식물 기부가 물에 잠긴 상태로 3일간 간 침수처리를 반복하는 완전 침수 두 가지 수분 상황에서 식물의 생장 특성을 조사하였다. 습지식물인 갈대는 침수처리에 의한 생장과 생리적 차이를 보이지 않았고, 억새와 리아트리스는 침수처리에 의해 광합성량은 저면관수 시 21.4%, 침수처리 시 60.4%로 낮아졌으나 수분이용효율은 차이를 나타내지 않아 침수 내성종임을 알 수 있었다. 벌개미취와 해국은 침수처리에 의해 생장이 저조했고 광합성량은 82.7% 이상 감소하고 수분이용효율도 29.2% 증가하여 수분스트레스 상태였으나 이후 정상적인 관수에 의해 광합성량과 수분이용 효율이 회복되어 빗물정원 식물로 적합한 식물임을 알 수 있었다. 무늬쑥부 쟁이는 저면침수에서는 광합성효율은 낮아졌으나 수분이용효율은 차이가 없어 습지에 적합하나, 완전침수에서는 수분스트레스가 79.8%로 매우 높았고 침수 후 회복율도 낮아 완전침수에는 적합하지 않은 것으로 나타났다.
This study examined the effects of freshwater discharge by artificial dikes from the Kanwol and Bunam lakes on the dynamics in the Chunsu Bay, Yellow Sea, Korea, during the summer season based on three-dimensional numerical modeling experiments. Model performances were evaluated in terms of skill scores for tidal elevation, velocity, temperature, and salinity and these scores mostly exceeded 90 %. The variability in residual currents before and after the freshwater discharge was examined. The large amount of lake water discharge through artificial dikes may result in a dramatically changed density field in the Chunsu Bay, leading to an estuarine circulation system. The density-driven current formed as a result of the freshwater inflow through the artificial dikes (Kanwol/Bunam) caused a partial change in the tidal circulation and a change in the scale and location of paired residual eddies. The stratification formed by strengthened static stability following the freshwater discharge led to a dramatic increase in the Richardson number and lasted for a few weeks. The strong stratification suppressed the vertical flux and inhibited surface aerated water mixing with bottom water. This phenomenon would have direct and indirect impacts on the marine environment such as hypoxia/anoxia formation at the bottom.
Changes in land use and increase in urban energy consumption influence urban life. This study analyzed the characteristics and patterns of urban heat and presents management schemes to generate a comfortable and sustainable urban environment. The study aimed to demonstrate the positive effects of artificial ground greening on improving the microclimate through evapotranspiration using perennial herbs. We have designed a chamber that could control constant temperature and humidity, measure temperature reductions in each plant and changes in sensible heat and latent heat. This study identified Sedum kamtschaticum as the most effective plant in controlling temperature. At 22℃, 3.2℃ temperature reduction was observed, whereas four other plants showed a 1.5℃ reduction. At 25℃, 2.0℃ temperature reduction was observed. On the other hand, the use of Sedum sarmentosum resulted in the lowest effect. Zoysia japonica is the most commonly used ground covering plant, although the temperature reduction of Lysimachia nummularia was more effective at high temperature conditions. Sensible heat and latent heat were calculated to evaluate the thermal performance of energy. At a temperature >30℃, L. nummularia and S. sarmentosum emitted high latent heat. In this study, we analyzed the thermal performance of green roof perennial plants; in particular, we analyzed the evapotranspiration and temperature reduction of each plant. Since the substrate depth and types, plant species, and seasonal change may influence temperature reduction and latent heat of green roofs, further studies are necessary.
도심에 녹지공간 확보를 위한 방안으로 저관리 경량형옥상정원이 많이 조성되고 있으나 토심이 낮아 활용할 수 있는 식물종이 매우 제한되어 있다. 따라서 중부지방의 저관리 경량형옥상정원에 활용할 수 있는 다양한 식물자원을 선발하기 위하여 곤달비와 금낭화 등 초본성 자생식물 82종에 대한 생육 및 월동특성, 지피특성, 적용 후 온도 및 토양수분 등의 변화를 조사하였다. 실험결과 생육특성, 생존율, 월동전의 생육상태, 지피특성 등을 고려하여 잔대, 산부추, 두메부추, 벼룩이울타리, 참당귀, 개미취, 참취, 범부채, 섬초롱꽃, 패 랭이, 금낭화, 윤판나물, 용머리, 원추리, 붉은단풍취, 비비추, 흰줄무 늬비비추, 옥잠화, 꽃창포, 붓꽃, 노랑꽃창포, 곤달비, 맥문동, 하늘나 리, 참나리, 꽃무릇, 돌단풍, 강활, 수호초, 작약, 수크령, 도라지, 둥굴레, 무늬둥굴레, 양지꽃 물싸리, 할미꽃, 오이풀, 황금, 기린초, 애기기린초, 섬기린초, 세잎꿩의비름, 산비장이, 섬백리향을 선발하 였다. 또한 식물이 식재된 후의 콘크리트 표면과 토양의 온도편차는 여름철 최고 20 ~ 35οC이였으며, 토양습도는 6월과 9월 비가 많이 내리지 않는 건조기에는 5%미만으로 떨어지는 기간이 1주 이상 지 속되어 자생 초본식물의 도입시 관수를 필요로 하였다.
The appropriate soil depth for each species should be determined by taking into account the visual quality of the plant, including the growth conditions of the trees and total photosynthesis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the growth characteristics -height, root collar diameter, dry weight- and quality index according to soil depth. Therefore this study proposed suitable plants according to container size (soil depth) when creating a container garden. The result are as follows; Pinus densiflora, Pinus parviflora and Nandina domestica have poor growth and low ornamental value at 15 cm depth. Therefore, theu will be available at a minimum depth of 20c m. Thuja occidentalis grew in 15 cm of soil depth and had a normal visual value, but it was desirable to plant 20 cm of soil depth. Ilex serrata grew at least 20 cm above depth but it was not suitable for container garden because of its low value of ornamental value. Syringa vulgaris had little difference in growth depending on soil depth. Considering the visual quality, it will be possible to plant for container gardening at a soil depth of 20 cm or more. Container gardens are an alternative to forming green spaces in places where planting is difficult in the city. Therefore, appropriate containers and plants should be selected.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of container size on growth of Zelkova serrata, Acer palmatum, Crataegus pinnatifida, Pinus densiflora, Chionanthus retusus, Ilex serrata, Viburnum erosum, and Hibiscus syriacus in container. This study used 22 L, 38 L, and 52 L container and measured seedling height, root collar diameter, seeding quality index (SQI), biomass. Acer palmatum, Pinus densiflora and Ilex serrata were high in 22, Crataegus pinnatifida in 38 L, and Zelkova serrata, Chionanthus retusus, Viburnum erosum, and Hibiscus syriacus in 52 L regarding the relative growth of height and root diameter in statistical significance. The H/D ratio was fine for Zelkova serrata, Pinus densiflora, Chionanthus retusus, Ilex serrata at 22 L, Acer palmatum and Crataegus pinnatifida for 38 L, and Viburnum erosum and Hibiscus syriacus for 52 L. Seeding Weight of Acer palmatum, Pinus densiflora was heavy at 22 L. Chionanthus retusus, Ilex serrata, Viburnum erosum, Hibiscus syriacus were heavy at 38 L, Zelkova serrata, and Crataegus pinnatifida were heavy at 52 L. Zelkova serrata, Crataegus pinnatifida, Pinus densiflora, and Ilex serrata were fine at 22 L, Acer palmatum, Chionanthus retusus, Viburnum erosum at 38 L, Hibiscus syriacus at 52 L about T/R ratio. For SQI, Acer palmatum, and Pinus densiflora were high in 22 L, Chionanthus retusus, Ilex serrata, and Viburnum erosum in 38 L, Zelkova serrata, Crataegus pinnatifida, and Hibiscus syriacus in 52 L. Seedling quality was considered to be appropriate when the growth was balanced between the above and below ground. As a result, it is effective to cultivate Acer palmatum and Pinus densiflora at 22 L, Chionanthus retusus, Ilex serrata, and Viburnum erosum at 38 L, and Zelkova serrata, Crataegus pinnatifida, and Hibiscus syriacus at 52 L.
지속가능한 빗물정원 설계를 위해서는 내부 구성요소 (식물, 토양, 여재층 등)의 최적화된 상호작용에 의하여 나타나는데 특히 국내 기후 환경에서는 함수량의 변동이 심하며 적용 가능한 식물의 종이 선정이 중요하다. 지속적 빗물정원으로서의 효율은 빗물의 유입패턴에 따른 적용가능한 식물과 여재의 종류에 의해 결정되고, 식생의 생장 차이에 따른 식재공간 유지 정도에 의해 지속성이 좌우된다. 본 연구는 근부 생장이 활발한 습생식물의 정원용 소재로서의 평가를 위해 식물별 침입수준(invasion level)을 분석하여 최적의 식재조합을 설계하는데 기 초자료로 활용하고자 한다. 대상식물은 속새 외 19종의 습생식물을 관상기준에 따라 직립형, 분지형, 포복형으로 나누고 5월부터 10월까 지 월 2회 각 식물의 피복율을 측정하였다. 20종 중 단위공간 피복율이 100%를 넘어 침입성이 높은 수준의 식물은 부처꽃, 박하, 아스타, 낙지다리, 갯까치수영, 삿갓사초, 고랭이로 나타났고 식재 초기부터 급속한 성장을 보인 식물은 갯까치수영, 박하, 낙지다리, 삿갓사초, 부 처꽃 순으로 식재설계시 고려해야할 수종으로 나타났다.
최근 미세먼지, 지구온난화로 인한 이상기후, 도시열섬 등 환경문제가 크게 대두되면서, 도시환경을 쾌적한 자연환경으로 극복하려는 연 구가 증가하고 있다. 이러한 도시에 적합한 생태환경을 조성하기 위해서는 건물과 교목에 의한 일조환경 제약이 큰 도시 조경공간에 적절 한 초본류의 선택이 정원의 다층구조식재에 특히 중요하다. 따라서 도시 정원공간의 일조환경 예측에 필요한 적합한 소프트웨어의 개발이 시급하고 정성적 평가와 알고리즘 구현이 가능하도록 프로그램화가 선행되어져야 한다. 본 연구는 일조환경에 따른 초본류의 생장특성요 소(초장, 마디수, 엽폭, 엽장)을 종합 지표화하고자 한다. 전주에 위치한 국립원예특작과학원의 야외온실에 차광율이 각각 50%, 80%인 차 광막을 온실 지붕에 설치하여 일조환경을 음지, 반음지, 양지인 3조건에서 19종의 초본류의 생장특성요소를 2주마다 측정한 다음, 다중 척 도 분석(MCDA, Multi-criteria Desision Analysis)을 통하여 생장지수를 산출하였다. 음지조건에서 꽃범의 꼬리의 생장지수가 0.79로 가 장 높게 나타났고 양지에서는 숙근꽃향유, 매발톱은 각각 0.79, 0.77의 지수로 표현되었다.
최근 공동체 활성화 및 도시경관 향상을 위해 공동체정원을 조성하는 움직임이 활발히 진행되고 있으며 다양한 공모사업이 추진되고 있다. 공동체정원 조성은 지속적으로 증가하고 있으나 조성 방향 및 기능에 관한 연구와 고찰은 미진한 편이다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 공동체정원 조성을 위한 기본방향 설정에 필요한 기초자료를 제시하기 위하여 실시하였다. 연구는 도시민 320명을 대상으로 거주유형에 따라 공동체 정원의 조성방향 및 기대효과, 참여도 등을 조사하였다. 도시민은 공동체정원의 필요성을 높게 인식하고 있으며, 공동주택에 비하여 단독 주택 거주민의 요구도가 높다. 공동체정원의 쾌적성과 심미성 측면의 기능을 중요하게 평가하며 단독주택 거주민은 어린이의 생태체험 제 공의 교육적 효과를 우선하였으나 공동주택 거주민은 녹지공간 확보의 쾌적성과 심리적 안정감을 중요하게 인식한다. 공동체정원의 조성 으로 생활환경개선과 주민의 신체적/정신적 건강 증진을 기대하고 있다. 단독주택에서는 지역 공동체성 향상에 대한 기대도가, 공동주택 에서는 삶의 질 향상에 대한 기대도가 높다. 도시민은 공동체정원 계획, 시공, 유지관리에 참여할 의사가 있으며 특히 공동체정원의 조성 및 유지관리를 위해 연평균 79,000원을 기부할 의사가 있다. 공동체정원의 조성으로 다양한 효과를 기대할 수 있고 필요성 또한 높게 인식 되고 있으나 거주 유형에 따라 조성 방향과 기대효과가 다르기 때문에 입지하는 지역의 특성에 따라 조성 방향과 도입기능이 결정되어야 할 것이다.
최근 대규모 국책사업의 축소와 소규모 공사 및 정원의 수요 증가로 녹지조성용 조경수와 기능성 조경수, 정원수 등으로 용도 및 수종별 맞 춤형 조경수 생산이 요구되고 있다. 정원수로서 꽃과 수형이 아름다운 규격화된 조경수를 생산하기 위해서는 노지재배에 비하여 컨테이너 재배가 매우 효과적인 것으로 알려져 있으며 생산기반을 구축하기 위한 연구가 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구는 정원용으로 활용되는 목본식 물인 소나무(Pinus densiflora), 단풍나무(Acer palmatum), 무궁화(Hibiscus syriacus), 서양수수꽃다리(Syringa vulgaris), 이팝나무 (Chionanthus retusus), 피라칸다(Pyracantha angustifolia) 3년생을 용적 40L의 흑색 플라스틱 용기에 원예용상토(펄라이트 40%+피트모 스 60%)와 황토를 1:1로 혼합하여 정식하였다. 정식 후 뿌리 활착을 위하여 1개월 간 정상관수로 관리한 후 관수개시점 토양수분을 1, 5, 10, 15, 20%로 조절하여 2년간 생육변화를 조사하였다. 소나무의 생육은 수고와 지하부 생체중 15%, 수관폭과 지상부 생체중 10%에서 높 았으며 무궁화는 수고와 지상부생체중 15%, 수관폭 20%에서 높았다. 이팝나무는 수고 15%, 수관폭 20%, 지상부 생체중 5%, 지하부 생체 중 10%에서 높았다. 단풍나무와 피라칸다는 수고, 수관폭, 지상부 생체중 모두 20%에서 높았으며 서양수수꽃다리는 모두 15%에서 높았 다. 최종 생체중을 기준으로 최적 관수개시점을 설정하면 소나무 16.2%, 무궁화 16.9%, 서양수수꽃다리 21.6%, 이팝나무 15.9%가 적정하 였으며, 단풍나무, 피라칸다는 20%이상으로 수종별로 다르게 나타나 용기재배시에 수종별로 적정 관수개시점을 달리하여 재배하는 것이 유리할 것으로 판단된다.
Background : Ginseng is a perennial plant and damaged by various diseases and insect pests. The damage lowers harvest and quality. Accordingly, a chemical control system was made with the aim of effectively control gray mold, anthrax, and spotting disease which occur during growth period. fungicide resistance of gray mold rot was examined to find out whether the chemical control system can be used over the long term. Methods and Results : This experiment was conducted in three areas including Geumsan-gun, Yesan-gun, and Sejong city. The chemical control system was done to the plants of two years old or older. As for the order of the treatment, from the end of April to May Fludioxonil (A) and Pyraclostrobin (B) were used; from the mid-May to the end of July of growth stages Difenoconazole (C), Iminoctadinetris (albesilate) (D), Cyprodinil (E), Metconazole (F), Fluazinam (G) and Pyrimethanil (H); from August to September nonresidualizing polyoxinB + mancozeb (K); in November of hibernating period, Fenhexamid (I) and Carbendazim/diethofencarb (J) were used. As for the interval, from the end of April to the end of July the interval was 10 days, in August and September once a month, and twice in every ten days in November. The isolation of Botrytis cinerea for examination into mycelial growth inhibition rate was conducted to 4-year old ginseng in Geumsan, 5-year old in Yesan, and 3-year old in Sejong. In Geumsan, the mycelial growth inhibition rate to Botrytis cinerea was 75.5% - 100%. Every fungicides showed good rate of mycelial growth inhibition. The lowest rate was seen in fungicide B at 75.5%. K showed the prevention rate at 76.8%, D at 82.7%, and I at 82.2%, and other fungicides at 100%. In Sejong area, the hyphal prevention rate of Botrytis cinerea was 71.0% - 100%, indicating all fungicides show good rate of mycelial growth inhibition. The lowest rate was recorded by fungicide B at 71.1%, D at 81.1%, K at 85.4%, and I at 95.4%. Yesan area also showed similar results to those of Geumsan and Sejong. Conclusion : Botrytis cinerea was isolated from ginseng and mycelial growth inhibition effect was examined in concentration of 11 kinds of fungicides. In all three areas where chemical control system were applied, resistance was not found, suggesting that the chemical control system can be applied to control diseases of ginseng.
Background : Ginseng is a perennial plant and damaged by various diseases and insect pests. The damage lowers harvest and quality. In particular, gray mold rot occurs to plants of every year, growth duration, and hibernating stage, and decays leaves, stems, and roots, lowering the amount of harvest. This experiment was conducted with the aim of effectively preventing gray mold rot, and other major diseases such as anthrax and spotting disease, and establishing chemical control system. Methods and Results : This experiment was conducted in three areas including Geunsan-gun, Yesan-gun, and Sejong city. As for the procedure of medical treatment, from the end of April to early May of germination period, Fludioxonil and Pyraclostrobin were used. From the mid-May to the end of July of growth period, Difenoconazole, Iminoctadine tris (albesilate), Cyprodinil, Metconazole, Fluazinam, and Pyrimethanil were used. From August to September, non residualizing polyoxinB + mancozeb was used. In November of hibernating stage, Fenhexamid and Carbendazim/diethofencarb were used. As for the interval, from the end of April to the end of July the interval was 10 days, in August and September once a month, and twice in every ten days in November. The chemical control system effect was compared with conventional prevention. When chemical control system was used, stem spotting disease occurred at a lower rate of 0.34% than 1.2% of the conventional method. Leaf spotting disease occurred at a lower rate of 1.4% compared with 7.1% of the conventional method, and anthrax occurred at a lower rate by more than 10% than the conventional method. Stem gray mold rot occurred at a rate of 4.1% when the conventional method was used, but the rate stood at 5.3% in Geumsan, 8.9% in Yesan, 2.3% in Sejong when the prevention method was used, which suggest the chemical control system was effective. Conclusion : When chemical control system was applied to prevent major diseases of ginseng, spotting disease, anthrax, and gray mold occurred at lower rates compared with the case where the conventional method was used. The finding is that the chemical control system can be utilized to prevent major diseases of ginseng.
Background : Tetraploid plants are bigger in the size of fruits, leaves, stems, and roots than diploid plants due to bigger cells attributed to chromosome multiplication. The advantage of tetraploid plants includes breakdown of self-incompatibility and increase of disease resistance. This study was carried out to gain tetraploid resources for breeding of new boxthorn varieties having pest resistance, higher yield, and self-compatibility. Methods and Results : Tetraploid lines and maternal varieties used in this study were C0148-10 and C0412-1 from Cheongyang-jaerae, M0148-94 and M0148-120 from Myongan, B0148-43 and B0148-78 from Bulro, D0148-62 and D0148-72 from Cheongdae, and Y0148-2 and Y0148-24 from Youngha. Betaine content was highest as 0.7 - 1.62% in leaf, followed by 0.55 - 1.17% in fruit and 0.04 - 0.23% in root. Betaine content in plant parts of several tetraploid lines increased compared to martenal varieties, higher in fruit for 5 lines including D0148-72, B0148-78, and C0142-1, higher in leaf for 5 lines including C0148-10, C0412-1, and M0148-94, and higher in root for 7 lines including Y0148-2, M0148-94, and M0148-120. Rutin content in leaf ranged 4.0 – 388.55 ㎎% and was highest as 388.55 ㎎% in Y0148-24. Tannin content in leaf of tetraploid lines was 4.70 - 6.12%, highest as 6.12% in Y0148-2 and M0148-120, similar to the maternal varieties. Youngha of the diploid plants showed the highest tannin content of 7.08%. Total free sugar content in tetraploid lines was higher as 8.53 - 12.53% than maternal varieties. Conclusion : Betaine and rutin contents increased in several tetraploid lines and Total free sugar content in tetraploid lines was higher as 8.53 - 12.53% than maternal varieties. This shows tetraploid boxthorn lines are very useful resources in breeding new varieties.
Background : Dungkunma (Dioscorea bulbifera, commonly known as the air potato, air yam, bitter yam, cheeky yam, potato yam) is a species of true yam in the yam family, and has been used as folk remedy to treat conjunctivitis, diarrhea and dysentery, etc. This study was carried out to investigate shelf-life and quality of fresh-cut Dungkunma (Dioscorea bulbifera) in order to elevate utilization of Dungkunma as fresh food. Methods and Results : Before vacuum-packaging (in polyethylene/polypropylene film (100 ㎛, 15 × 20 ㎝, 75 ± 2 ㎝Hg) and storage at 2℃, Dungkunma were peeled out and cut to dice type (2.0 ± 0.5 ㎤), and then washed and blanched (30 sec at 90 ± 2℃ hot water and 2% NaCl solution) and pre-dried at room temperature, 40℃ and 50℃ for removing surface water. Each peeled dice Dungkunma were packed 50 g in polyethylene/polypropylene film (100 ㎛, 15 × 20 ㎝) with vacuum treatment (75 ± 2 ㎝Hg) and stored at 2℃ for 90 days. Hardness and adhesiveness of Dungkunma blanched by 2% NaCl and pre-dried at 50℃ (SB50) was the highest and increased and decreased, respectively, but changes was the least during storage. Lightness and yellowness of stored Dungkunma in all treatments decreased slightly and redness increased during storage but changes of color was the least at SB50. On vacuum packing, SB50 showed 1.88 log CFU/g of total aerobic bacteria during 90 days, and E. coliwas detected in all treatments during whole storage periods. Dioscin and allantoin content of SB50 was virtually unchanged during the storage. Conclusion : Consequently, the results of this study suggest that vacuum packaged Dungkunma after blanching at 2% NaCl could be effective to prolong the quality of fresh-cut Dungkunma and could be easily used.
Background : Platycodon grandiflorum root (PGR) was one of the primary herbs used in a phlegm-relieving herb from the past. Platycoside compounds on PGR may exhibit neuroprotective, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-allergy, improved insulin resistance, and cholesterol-lowering properties. In order to developing a concentrate product that improved the functionality and preference of PGR, it was fermented using lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum N76-10 and 56-12). Methods and Results : The concentrate products were created by PGR-concentrate (PGRC, 60 ºBrix) mixed with fermented PGR-extract (FPGRE, 2 ºBrix) at the level of 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200%. Sweetness and preference were supplemented by other added materials including honey, oligosaccharide, concentrate of jujube (60 ºBrix) and pear (60 ºBrix), and cactus Chounnyouncho extract (2 ºBrix). The products were put into investigation for their preference of taste, antimicrobial activity in accordance with amount of FPGRE. When it comes to preference of taste, the most favor is adding 100% of FPGRE on PGRC. The product added 150% FPGRE exhibited a strong microbial anti-proliferation in all four kinds (Corynrbacterium diphtheriae, Klebsiella pnneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes) of bacteria inducing bronchus diseases and was higher antimicrobial activity than concentrate without FPGRE. In terms of the sensory evaluation (taste, texture and visco-elasticity), concentrate mixed with FPGRE (10), jujube concentrate (2), pear concentrate (10), cactus Chounnyouncho extract (10), oligosaccharide (2), honey (1) and xanthan gum (0.02) showed the highest scores. Conclusion : Thus, A PGR concentrate was made by adding FPGRE (100%) and it was increased organoleptic quality, antimicrobial activity. These studies may provide new product development for effective utilization on Platycodon grandiflorum root.
Background : For cultivation of varieties of ginseng, the pure line selection method, which is to select the best among those cultivated in farms for pedigree breeding, replicated yield trials and regional adaptation trials before registering as a new variety, is widely used. Although there are 25 registered varieties of ginseng in Korea, the quality of ginseng is declining together with the amount of harvest being decreased by 15 - 20% due to the heat injuries and diseases from the warming & abnormal climate. Thus, the needs for development of disaster-resistant varieties with better chances of surviving through high temperature, salts and disease are increasing. Therefore, this study is to cultivate disaster-resistant varieties among those selected for their disaster tolerance and salt tolerance through regional adaptation trials. Methods and Results : As a result of examining the growth characteristics of the selected 2 - 5 year old varieties used in the study, among the 5-year old crops, Goryeo 4 and Eumseong 5 showed superior growth in both above and below aerial parts, and among the 4-year old crops, Eumseong 11 and Cheonryang showed superior growth while the growth in the below aerial parts were satisfactory in the order of Cheonryang > Eumseong 10 > Eumseong 11 > Eumseong 9. Among the 3-year old crops, the most superior growth in both above and below aerial parts was observed in Eumseong 14 with the weight of the below aerial part, root diameter and taproot length at 13.8 g, 11.8 ㎝ and 6.2 ㎝ respectively. Among the 2-year old crops, Eumseong 10 showed the most superior growth in both above and below aerial parts. Conclusion : Based on the above results, Goryeo 4 and Eumseong 5 among the 5-year old crops, Eumseong 11 among the 4-year old crops, Eumseong 14 among the 3-year old crops and Eumseon 10 among the 2-year old crops showed the most superior growth among the selected varieties. The growth characteristics of both above and below aerial parts in each year will continuously be monitored.
Investigation of the plant growth affected by plug cell volume/pot size and plant age in herbaceous native plants belonging to 11 family and 24 species showed that growth of aerial part was different according to both plant age and plug cell volume/pot size. Among them, especially Iris dichotoma, Iris ensata var. spontanea, Iris pseudoacorus Lysimachia vulgaris var. davurica, Campanula glomerata var. dahurica and Solidago virgaurea subsp. asiatica showed more prominent difference depending on plug cell volume compared to other species. Regarding growth of subterranean part, as decrease plug cell volume/pot size root quality index became high while root weight became low, indicating that growth restriction was happened by exceed increase of root density due to limited root zone area. As increase cell volume/pot size, root development became active in bigger than 150 ㎖ of cell volume. Plant quality got better as increase cell volume/pot size, and 60 days old plants (DOP) revealed higher quality than 90 DOP revealed, indicating that marketing is possible from 60 DOP. Considering both plant age and cell volume (pot size), plant quality was better in smaller cell volume when cultivate plants in short time, while better in bigger cell volume when cultivate plants long time. Accordingly, when extend cultivation periods in small volume of plug cell, plant quality became bad. Therefore, this study showed that in order to produce high quality of plants, plants should be grown in proper plug cell volume depending on cultivation periods. Among plants tested Hosta longipes, Aquilegia buergeriana var. oxysepala, Aquilegia japonica, Veronica linariifolia, Hemerocallis fulva, Iris ensata var. spontanea, Iris pseudoacorus, Allium senescens, Hypericum ascyron, Caltha palustris var. palustris, Gentiana scabra, Campanula glomerata var. dahurica, Dendranthema boreale, Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum, Aster spathulifolius, Aster maackii, Aster koraiensis and Solidago virgaurea subsp. asiatica were determined to be able to produce standard size nursery plants using plug tray, and proper plug cell volume was bigger than 150 ㎖ (32 cell tray).
Due to problems concerned with environment pollution in urban areas, the city dwellers’ social demand for urban green space is ever more increasing. The purpose of this investigation is to define the relationship between the Ornamental Linum usitatissimum L. seed germination and temperature for effective use of the seed. The petri-dish (90 mm in diameter) was covered with two sheets of filter papers and 50 Ornamental Linum usitatissimum L. was layered for four times. After then, 10ml of distilled water was supplied. Then, the sprouting test was conducted in chamber where the temperature was controlled at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C. The light was adjusted to 12 hours. The source of light was 1341㎛ol・m -2 s -1 by using fluorescent light and halogen. The germination growth was investigated on two day term after the radicle projected by 3 mm. The investigation stopped when there was no further germination growth for seven days. The finding was that the final sprout growth rate was 80% at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C, while it was 70% at 35°C. In the optimal temperature investigation that leveraged normal distribution function standardized at the reciprocal of T50, the temperature was found to be 12~13°C, and the sprout growth rate was 80% within the range of 5~30°C.
This study conducted to investigate the role of the horticultural activities to create and manage the outdoor space of the school, are as follows: Most of the students have had experiences of horticultural activities cultivating vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, etc., and took part in activities such as planting plants, growing plants, and harvesting plants. These activities were done through the house veranda, garden, or school classes. We found that much of the horticultural activities are done at school, home, and communities, as the students have quite a few experiences in external experiential events or allotment farms. Students had more than average amount of interest in horticultural activities. In particular, the more gardening activity the student experienced, the higher interest they had. About half of the students observe the plants at least once a month and know the names of 3.42 plants among the plants at school. The students in the school that had done the school forest project are aware of relatively many plants and show high observation frequency. Although the schools done horticultural activities in accordance with the curriculum, they usually consist of one-off activities such as planting and seeding in schools without gardens as the activities are done with pots inside the classrooms. The satisfaction with the external school environment was relatively high at schools that done the school forest project, and this was affected by flowers, trees, and resting area. In other words, students must have plenty of flowers and trees to be satisfied with the external school environment and should also have an appropriate outdoor resting area. It is important to provide opportunities to allow students to continue experiencing gardening activities at school and home, because they have a high abundance of experience and interest in horticultural activities. Therefore, the space for horticultural activities considering the school curriculum and preferences of students should be secured and a variety of flowers and trees should be planted in order to create the external environment of school.