In recent automated manufacturing systems, compressed air-based pneumatic cylinders have been widely used for basic perpetration including picking up and moving a target object. They are relatively categorized as small machines, but many linear or rotary cylinders play an important role in discrete manufacturing systems. Therefore, sudden operation stop or interruption due to a fault occurrence in pneumatic cylinders leads to a decrease in repair costs and production and even threatens the safety of workers. In this regard, this study proposed a fault detection technique by developing a time-variant deep learning model from multivariate sensor data analysis for estimating a current health state as four levels. In addition, it aims to establish a real-time fault detection system that allows workers to immediately identify and manage the cylinder’s status in either an actual shop floor or a remote management situation. To validate and verify the performance of the proposed system, we collected multivariate sensor signals from a rotary cylinder and it was successful in detecting the health state of the pneumatic cylinder with four severity levels. Furthermore, the optimal sensor location and signal type were analyzed through statistical inferences.
본 연구결과 glucose, NH3, AST, ALT는 4℃일 때 가장 높게 나타났으며, glucose와AST는 4℃일 때 다른 염분구보다 26 psu에서 유의하게 높았다. 참전복에는 총 18가지 FAA가 존재하였으며, taurine, arginine, glutamic acid, alanine, glycine, lysine이 전체의 90% 가량을 차지하는 우점 FAA 로 나타났다. Taurine은 30 psu 이상에서는 수온 간 유의한 차이가 없었으나, 26 psu에서는 6, 8℃일 때 유의하게 증가하였다. Glycine은 수온이 낮아질수록 유의하게 감소하여 6℃일 때 가 장 높게 나타났다. 따라서 참전복은 30~34 psu, 8~10℃에서의 조건으로 수송 시 스트레스를 최소화할 수 있을 것으로 여겨진다.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of acute hypoxia on the physiological stress responses (plasma cortisol as the primary response, and hematocrit, hemoglobin, plasma glucose, sodium, chloride, osmolality, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) as the secondary responses) of Korean rockfish. The mortality in Korean rockfish started at 0.7 mg L-1 and 0.8 mg L-1 levels at 12℃ and 20℃, respectively. And the time required for the mortality in experimental fish was 274 and 148 minutes at 12℃ and 20℃, respectively. Levels of hematocrit, hemoglobin, AST, ALT, ion concentration, osmolality, glucose and cortisol had significantly increased with decreasing dissolved oxygen at 12℃ and 20℃.
수온조절 (6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27C)에 의해 유도된 멍게의 물렁증 진행에 따른 생리학적 특성을 연구하였 다. 수온조절에 의한 물렁증 유도율은 수온 15C에서 가 장 높았으며, 24C에서 가장 낮았다. 물렁증은 피낭 색깔 및 탄성을 기준으로 S0, S1, S2, S3의 4단계로 구분하였 다. 정상개체와 물렁증을 가진 개체들 사이에서 산소소비 율과 여수율은 유의한 차이를 보였다. S0에 비해 S3단계 에서 혈구 구성비의 가장 뚜렷한 변화는 multi-vacuole cell은 약 1/2 감소하였으며, morula cell은 약 10배 증가 하였다. 기관계 구조의 변화는 피낭, 수관, 새낭, 육질부, 소화선에서 상피세포의 변성, 미세섬유의 변성, 혈구의 증가 및 근섬유의 변형이 확인 되었다. 이러한 모든 특 징들은 멍게의 정상적인 생리학적 기능에 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
미더덕의 집단폐사가 주로 발생하는 여름철 고수온 및 빈산소에 의한 생물학적 지표를 찾아 대량폐사 원인 구명을 위한 기초자료로 활용하기 위하여 수온상승 및 용존산소농도 감소에 따른 미더덕의 생존율, 생리적 반 응 및 조직학적 변화 등을 조사하였다. 수온상승에 따른 생존율은 수온 23C에서 63.3%, 26C 에서 56.6%였으며, 수온 29C에서 노출 6일째 모두 사 망하여 노출 6일 동안의 반수치사 수온은(6day-LT50)은 24.58C (19.48~35.48C)였다. 용존산소 농도 감소에 따 른 생존율은 노출 11일째 용존산소농도 4.0 mg L-1에서 20%였으며, 2.0 mg L-1에서는 모두 사망하였고, 반수치사 용존산소 농도 (11day-LC50)는 3.88 mg L-1 (3.29~4.57 mg L-1)였다. 산소소비율과 암모니아질소 배설률은 임계 수온 및 임계용존산소 농도이하에서 감소하였다. 수온 상승 및 용존산소 농도 감소에 따른 미더덕의 새낭, 소화관 및 피낭의 병리조직학적 결과는 각 기관을 구성하고 있는 상피세포층의 증식, 응축 및 괴사, 식세포 및 혈구침윤, 섬모탈락, 근섬유 변성 등의 변성이 공통적 으로 관찰되었다. 미더덕은 수온 24C 이상, 용존산소 3.8 mg L-1 이하에서 조직학적 병변, 대사율 감소 등으로 환 경변화에 매우 민감한 생물이므로 여름철에 양성되고 있는 미더덕의 양식장관리에 세심한 관리가 요구된다.
In this study, we tried to screen the Bacillus strain having safety probability by isolation of strains from traditional fermented food, measurement of probiotic properties, and the fermentative characteristics of Cheonggukjang. We isolated 400 Bacillus-like isolates from traditional fermented foods. Selected strains examined on the prevalent characteristic such as extracellular enzyme and antibacterial activities, and their safety probability was confirmed by biogenic amine productivity, hemolytic, and harmful substances and enzyme productivity. We selected the 5 strains by analysis of biogenic amine, antibacterial and B. cereus toxic associated gene. Five selected strains were examined on cell surface hydrophobicity, and bile and acid tolerance, and we selected the SRCM100730 as the final strain. SRCM100730 was confirmed B. amyloliquefaciens by 16S rRNA sequencing, and named the B. amyloloquefaciens SRCM100730 (KCCM11966P). Finally, we manufactured Cheonggukjang using SRCM100730 for confirmation of fermentation properties. Manufactured Cheonggukjang did not contain B. cereus, and showed that γ-PGA and extracellular enzyme activities were superior to commercial Chunggukjang. Amino nitrogen content was 544.02 mg% and 26 free amino acid were detected, and the bitterness-related amino acid content was lower than commercial Cheonggukjang. Especially, the amount of GABA was 3 fold higher than commercial Cheonggukjang. These results suggest that SRCM100730 have high availability in commercial probiotics market and fermented food industry.
Background : The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the ridge and mulching cultivation and adapted sowing(planting)time in stable medicinal herbs production of Lithospermum erythrorhizon Siebold et Zuc. And it accomplished one’s purpose to GAP guide manual established standard method of cultivation technology, contribute to the enlargement of farm’s income. Methods and Results : Method of cultivation type with the ridge and covering material were conducted under two condition compose to open cultivation (level row : 120㎝ ridging, black polyethylene mulching) and plastic greenhouse cultivation (high row : 90㎝ ridging, non-woven fabric mulching). Sowing with Daehong varieties in April 17, transplanting July 25 by growing pot seedling for 40 days in 2015. Planting density were spaced 30㎝ apart in inter-rows 10 ㎝ apart intra-row. Fertilizing level of N-P-K-Compost (fermented mixed oil cake fertilizer) applied at 6-4-6-300 ㎏․10 a−1, 60% of basal fertilizer in March 14, 40% of top dressing were four times application in April 14 ~July 15. Plot design randomized block 3 repetition. Conclusions : Compared to level ridging on black polyethylene mulching open cultivation for growing plastic greenhouse with the high ridging non woven mulching cultivation, seed yields havesting 1.4 times, the dried roots yields increased in 0.7 times. Also, Growth characteristics by sowing time in April 16. compared to planting time in July 25. Length of stem and main root of above-ground, subterranean part growth increment rising highest. Seed and dried roots yields with increased by 71%, 30%. respectively.
We observed the osteological development of larval and juvenile red spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara) in order to generate data for the assessment of skeletal deformities and to inform phylogenetic systematics research. Larvae and juveniles were obtained from a aquafarm in Muan-gun, Jeolla-namdo Province, Korea. The average water temperature at the time of breeding was 23.0°C and average water salinity was 33.0 psu. Freshly hatched fish larvae had not undergone any ossification, but ossification of the parasphenoid bone, which forms the base of the cranium, occurred as the juveniles reached an average body length (BL) of 2.49 mm. At the same time, ossification of the preopercle and opercle occurred in the operculum, and ossification of the maxilla, which forms the upper jaw, and the dentary bones, which form the lower jaw, began. In addition, ossification of the vertebra occurred by formation of 7 vertebral centra and the neural spine in the abdominal vertebra. When the juveniles reached an average (BL) of 5.22 mm, ossification of the nasal, lateral ethmoid, and alisphenoid bones occurred in the cranium; ossification of the endopterygoid and metapterygoid bones began in the palatine region; and ossification of the hypohyal and interhyal bones occurred in the hyoid arch. At an average (BL) of 20.9 mm, ossification of the basisphenoid bone in the cranium and the suborbital bone in the orbital region occurred. Ossification of the vertebra then occurred by the formation of long pairs of ribs from the third to the ninth abdominal vertebrae, completing osteological development.
Background : The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods to high quality medicinal vegetables, thereby increasing farm income. This study investigated the effects of different covering material and weed eliminating on stable foliage production in Peucedanum japonicum Thunberg. Methods and Results : method of weed elimination with covering material were conducted under four condition compose to Non covering(4~6 times by manual weed control), Barley straw cutting covered with 700㎏․10 a−1, Rice straw cutting covered with 500㎏․10 a−1, Rice husks covered with 1,000㎏․10 a−1. Fermented mixed oil cake compost applied at 380㎏․10 a−1, 60% of basal fertilizer in March 14, 40% of top dressing were four times application in April 14 ~July 15. Sowing dates were March 25, 2015. Plants were spaced 15 ㎝ apart in rows 15 ㎝ apart with open cultivation. Conclusions : Rice husks covering < Barley straw covering < Barley straw covering cultivation this order, aerial part as a result were plenty amount of growth. Weed the rates was 12 to 29% lower incidence. Green leaf yields is uncovering control plot (915 kg․10 a−1) compared to 2% from covering rice husks, barley straw and rice straw covering increased to 18%, 20%, respectively.
Background : The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods to high quality medicinal vegetables, thereby increasing farm income. This study investigated the effects of different organic fertilizer and applicated cultivation on stable foliage production in Peucedanum japonicum Thunberg. Methods and Results : method of application with organic fertilizer were conducted under nine condition compose to control(non application), N-P2O5-K2O (20-12-10)㎏․10 a−1, Hyphal incubation compost(HIC) applied at 851㎏․10 a−1, Hangawi organic compost(HOC) applied at 547㎏․10 a−1, Fermented mixed oil cake compost(FMOC) applied at 380㎏․10 a−1, 60% and 40% of basal fertilizer in March 12, top dressing were four application in April 12, May 12, June 13 and July 12, respectively. Sowing dates were March 23, 2015. Plants were spaced 15 ㎝ apart in rows 15 ㎝ apart with open cultivation. Conclusions : chemical fertilizers < hyphal incubation compost < hangawi organic compost < fermented mixed oil cake compost application, top dressing than 60% in order of 40% additional fertilizer, aerial part as a result were so many such amount of growth as number of leaf per plant, etc., Green leaf yields is untreated control plot (875 kg․10 a−1) compared to 12% from using chemical fertilizers, HIC application 18% higher, HOC application 20% higher, and FMOC application increased to 28% of the most.