가압경수로 원전 농축폐액건조설비(CWDS)에서 생성된 농축폐액건조물에 대한 고화 방안이 국내외적 으로 다양하게 연구되어 왔다. 농축폐액의 고형화는 시멘트, 파라핀 및 폴리머와 같은 고화제를 이용하여 수행되어 왔다. 동시에 농축폐액에 대한 감용비 및 운영상의 효과를 극대화하기 위한 농축폐액건조물 전처 리 방안이 연구되었다. 건조된 분말 형태의 폐기물을 유리화 설비에서 직접 처리할 경우 비산에 의한 배기 체 계통 및 폐기물 투입구 막힘 현상을 초래할 수 있으며, 취급 중 비산에 의한 방사성피폭을 초래할 가능 성이 있다. 본 연구는 분말형태의 폐기물을 유리화설비에서 고화하기 위한 전처리방안을 수립하고 이를 통해 설비운영 및 폐기물 운영관리의 안전성을 확보하는데 목적이 있다.
가압경수로 원전의 농축폐액건조설비에서 발생된 농축폐액 건조물을 유리화 하는 방안이 연구되어 왔다. 중저준위 방사성폐기물을 유리화할 경우 최종 생성물은 내구성이 우수하고 현저한 부피저감 효과의 장점을 가지고 있다. 붕산농축폐액에 대한 유리화 타당성 연구는 분말시료의 전처리 방법 개발, 유리조성 프로그램을 이용한 유리개발 및 실증시험으로 수행되었다. 분말시료에 대한 전처리 방안으로는 유리화설비에 투입하기 전에 고형성을 갖도록 펠렛화하는 것이다. 농축폐액 성분중 Na와 B의 함량 분포는 유리속에 용융되는 정도와 설비로부터의 폐기물 배출·처리에 영향을 주기 때문에 이를 고려하여 유리조성이 개발되어야 한다. 실증시험에서는 폐기물 투입률, 배기체 특성 및 최종 생성물인 유리고화체의 특성이 검토되었다. 본 연구는 붕산농축폐액에 대한 유리고화체의 물리화학적 특성을 검토하고 유리화 타당성을 확인하는데 목적이 있다.
원전 부지에 저장중인 방사성폐기물을 처분장에 인도하기 전에 폐기물의 물리·화학적 특성이 인수기준에 적합한지를 검사해야 한다. 검사하는 방법 중 비파괴 검사방법에 대해 조사하였는데, 조사결과 X-ray를 이용한 비파괴 방법을 적용하면 인수검사 항목 중‘드럼내 내용물 검사’,‘ 유리수 및 채움율 정량검사’를 할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 논문에서는 먼저 X-ray 장비의 원리와 시스템 선정 시 고려해야 할 사항들에 대해 간략하게 살펴 본 후 X-ray 장비를 이용하여 검사해야 할 드럼들의 특성을 분석하였다. 분석한 특성들은 드럼의 종류, 드럼의 규격, 드럼내 내용물의 종류 등이었고 이들 특성자료를 이용하여 검사에 필요한 X-ray 소요에너지를 계산하였다. 계산 결과 드럼 크기가 320 ℓ 이하인 드럼을 검사하기 위한 소요에너지는 3 MeV 이하로 나타났으며 경제성 및 실현가능성 측면에서 450 keV 장비와 3 MeV 장비를 조합하거나 단독으로 사용하는 것이 바람직하고 이 때 450 keV 장비를 이용하여 검사가 가능한 저밀도 드럼수는 2006년 12월 저장기준으로 42,327 드럼, 3 MeV 장비를 이용하여 검사가 가능한 드럼 수는 18,105 드럼으로 나타났다. 검사를 수행하는 주체, 장비 구매 방안 등에 따라 4가지 검사 시나리오를 수립하고 이에 대해 경제성 및 적용 가능성을 분석한 결과 최적의 검사시나리오는 인수기준, 처리 및 처분장 인도에 대한 폐기물 발생자의 정책 등에 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다. 예를들어,‘ 유리수’,‘ 채움율’에 대한 정량분석과‘내용물 확인’을 모두 해야 할 경우에는 밀도가 상대적으로 낮은 폐기물이 담겨있는‘저밀도 드럼’의 검사를 위해 450 keV 이동형 장비 2대를 구입하여 자체 검사하고‘고밀도 드럼’은 외주로 검사하는 것이 바람직할 수 있다. 반면‘내용물 확인’만을 비파괴 검사항목으로 할 경우에는 450 keV 급 이동형 장비 1대면 연간 13,000 드럼을 검사할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.
저방사성폐수지, 제올라이트, 가연성잡고체 혼합폐기물을 유리화하기 위해서 AG8W1 후보 유리와 가연성잡고체 단독으로 유리화하기 위하여 DG-2 후보유리가 개발되었다. 두 후보유리의 화학적 내구성을 평가하기 위하여 PCT와 VHT 침출시험이 수행되었다. 7일 PCT 침출시험 수행결과 AG8W1과 DG-2의 주요 원소별 침출률은 기준유리(benchmark glass SRL-EA) 보다 낮게 나타남을 알 수 있었고 미국 Hanford 유리고화체 규제치 보다 낮은 결과를 나타냄을 알 수 있었다. 또한, 120일 동안의 시험에서도 주요 원소인 B, Na, Si, Li가 SRL-EA 보다 낮게 나타남을 볼 수 있었다. VHT 침출시험 수행결과 AG8W1, DG-2의 침출률(leach rate)은 각각 , 로써 미국 Hanford 규제치 보다 낮은 결과를 나타냈다. 결과적으로 유리화 시설 상용운전 시 사용예정인 이들 후보유리들의 침출은 안정화되어 있었으며 화학적 내구성이 우수함을 알 수 있었다.
In order to vitrify the combustible dry active waste (DAW) generated from Korean Nuclear Power Plants, a glass formulation development based on waste composition was performed. A borosilicate glass, DG-2, was formulated to vitrify the DAW in an induction cold crucible melter (CCM). The processability, product performance, and volume reduction effect of the candidate glass were evaluated using a computer code and were measured experimentally in the laboratory and CCM. The glass viscosity and electrical conductivity as the process parameters were in the desired ranges. Start-up and maintaining glass melt of the candidate glass were favorable in the CCM. The product of the glass product such as chemical durability, phase stability, and density was satisfactory. The vitrification process using the candidate glass was also evaluated assuming that it was operated as economically as possible.
원자력발전소에서 발생하는 이온교환수지와 가연성잡고체 혼합폐기물을 유리화하기 위하여 유도 가열식 저온용융로를 이용한 실증시험을 수행하였다. 금속 티타늄 고리(Ti-ring)를 이용한 유리의 초기점화에 필요한 에너지는 약 290 kWh로 평가되었다. 혼합폐기물의 투입 중 고주파발생기의 출력은 160∼190 kW로 임피던스는 0.55∼0.65 범위 내에서 안정적으로 유지되었다. 이온교환수지 단독투입 시 보다 가연성잡고체와 혼합 할 경우 CO 발생농도는 1/40 정도로 낮아졌는데, 이는 1.8배 정도 높은 연소에너지를 갖는 가연성잡고체가 혼합폐기물의 완전연소를 유도한 것으로 평가되었다. 혼합폐기물의 공급량에 적당한 최적 산소 버블링에 의해 유리 용탕 내부로의 미연폐기물의 함침은 발생하지 않았으며 유리 용탕은 지속적으로 공정 건전성을 유지하였다. 유리 용탕의 부피가 증가하는 팽창(swelling) 현상 때와 정상 일 때 발생가스를 측정, 비교한 결과 swelling 현상 때는 NO와 같이 환원성 가스의 농도 보다 산화성 기체인 의 농도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 실증시험에 사용된 이온교환 수지와 가연성잡고체의 각각 투입량은 368kg과 751kg 이었으며, 74 정도의 감용비를 달성하였다.
This study intend to induce citizen's voluntary preliminary disaster prevention activity to reduce damage of typhoon that occurs every year. For this purpose, a survey was conducted to develop Typhoon information contents. The number of samples used in the survey was set to 500 people, and citizens living in Jeju, Busan, and Jeonlanam-do were surveyed for areas with high typhoon disasters in order to develop practical and efficient information. The survey consisted of perception about natural disaster, how to get and use weather information, satisfaction with typhoon information and requirements. The general public perceived the typhoon as the first natural disaster. As a result of responding to the method of obtaining and utilizing weather information, the frequency of collecting weather information at the time of issuance of typhoon special report is higher than usual. The purpose of using weather information is clear and the response rate is high for the purpose of disaster prevention. The medium mainly collecting weather information is Internet portal site and mobile phone besides television. The current satisfaction with typhoon weather information is 34.8%, in addition to the accuracy of prediction, it is necessary to improve the information (that is content) provided. Specific responses to the content were investigated not only for single meteorological factors, but also for possible damage and potential countermeasures in the event of a disaster such as a typhoon. As can be seen from the above results, people are requested to provide information that can be used to detect and cope with disasters. The development of new content using easy accessible media will contribute to the reduction of damages caused by the typhoon that will occur in the future, and also to the disaster prevention activity.
For this study, WRF numerical modeling was performed, using RDAPS information for input data on typhoons affecting the Korean peninsula to produce wind data of 700hPa. RAM numerical modeling was also used to calculate 3-second gusts as the extreme wind speed. After comparing wind speeds at an altitude of 10 m to evaluate the feasibility of WRF numerical modeling, modeled values were found to be similar with measured ones, reflecting change tendencies well. Therefore, the WRF numerical modeling results were verified. As a result of comparing and analyzing these wind speeds, as calculated through RAM numerical modeling, to evaluate applicability for disaster preparedness, change tendencies were observed to be similar between modeled and measured values. In particular, modeled values were slightly higher than measured ones, indicating applicability for the prevention of possible damage due to gales. Our analysis of 3-second gusts during the study period showed a high distribution of 3-second gusts in the southeast region of the Korean peninsula from 2002-2006. The frequency of 3-second gusts increased in the central north region of Korea as time progressed. Our analysis on the characteristics of 3-second gusts during years characterized by El Niño or La Nina showed greater strength during hurricanes that affected the Korean peninsula in El Niño years.
During the research period, error analysis of the amount of daily precipitation was performed with data obtained from 2DVD, Parsivel, and AWS, and from the results, 79 days were selected as research days. According to the results of a synoptic meteorological analysis, these days were classified into ‘LP type, CF type, HE type, and TY type’. The dates showing the maximum daily precipitation amount and precipitation intensity were ‘HE type and CF type', which were found to be attributed to atmospheric instability causing strong ascending flow, and leading to strong precipitation events. Of the 79 days, most days were found to be of the LP type. On July 27, 2011 the daily precipitation amount in the Korean Peninsula reached over 80 mm (HE type). The leading edge of the Northern Pacific high pressure was located over the Korean Peninsula with unstable atmospheric conditions and inflow of air with high temperature and high humidity caused ascending flow, 120 mm/h with an average precipitation intensity of over 9.57 mm/h. Considering these characteristics, precipitation in these sample dates could be classified into the convective rain type. The results of a precipitation scale distribution analysis showed that most precipitation were between 0.4-5.0 mm, and ‘Rain’ size precipitation was observed in most areas. On July 9, 2011, the daily precipitation amount was recorded to be over 80 mm (CF type) at the rainy season front (Jangma front) spreading across the middle Korean Peninsular. Inflow of air with high temperature and high humidity created unstable atmospheric conditions under which strong ascending air currents formed and led to convective rain type precipitation.
Asthma deaths in Seoul peaked on the third, fifth, and second days after the PM concentration exceeded the daily average concentration standard. We classified the synoptic meteorological conditions, based on the days involving such cases, into three categories. Type 1 included the meteorological condition likely to cause high air pollution concentrations in the leeward region, the dominant wind direction of which is the northwest. Type 2 included the meteorological condition likely to cause high air pollution concentrations due to the weak wind velocity under stable atmospheric conditions. Type 3 was when the passage low atmospheric pressure and the expansion of high atmospheric pressure occurred at the rear, indicating a meteorological condition likely to cause high air pollution, in certain regions. Type 1 occurred 11 times, with high concentrations of over 100㎍/m³ being observed in the southeastern part of Seoul. Type 2 occurred 24 times, often accompanied by a PM concentration of 100~400 ㎍/m³. Type 3 occurred 11 times, and was accompanied by several days of yellow dust that accounted for the highest concentrations.
Average concentration of PM in Seoul metropolitan area satisfied the Korean air quality standard in 2010. Furthermore, concentration of PM in all boroughs across Seoul met the air environment standard in 2012. PM10 concentration was relatively higher in center of Seoul in comparison to the rest, while PM2.5 concentration showed exactly the contrary result. We analyzed the effect that PM emissions from vehicles would have on PM concentrations across Seoul. The results showed that average annual PM concentration recently decreased in Seoul although the number of vehicles registered annually continued its upward trend. By contrast, average fine dust concentrations in Seoul showed a decline which suggested that correlation between annual average PM concentrations and number of registered vehicles remained low. However, year-on-year vehicle registration rate recently showed a declining tendency in the same way as the trend of changes in average PM concentrations. Particularly, the upward trend in annual average PM concentrations in 2002 and 2007 was consistent with the increase in vehicle registration rate, suggesting that vehicle registration rate was closely associated with changes in PM concentrations.
As a result of broadcasters' websites, there were more reports during the typhoon Bolaven/Tembin in 2012 than in 2002 and 2003. Checking related press releases of each broadcaster on NAVER, YTN reports are 3 times more than KBS. Considering great technology progress in the Internet and smart phone user environment compared to the past, it is thought to be rather regretful in that KBS has been the supervising broadcaster over Korean disaster. As a result of daily reports, the year 2002 typhoon Rusa was reported from the date of its arrival on Korean Peninsular to 3 days, but the information required to be provided for disaster prevention before its arrival was too scarce. 2003 typhoon Maemi was reported as many times as the 2002 typhoon, but its information was provided before its arrival. This is meaningful because the information provision was intended for disaster prevention unlike the past. In 2012, the number of weather forecast broadcast on the typhoon Bolaven/Tembin increased greatly compared to 2002 and 2003. This was also determined to be due to abundant information provided by broadcasters and the Internet portal sites as a result of great progress in Korea internet industry.
As a result of dividing typhoon that affected Korean Peninsular between 1999 and 2012 into 7 types of path and entering forecast field and analysis field of RDAPS, until 36 hours from the time of forecast, it is reliable to use the forecast field of RDAPS to predict typhoon and for each typhoon path, the difference between the forecast and the analysis shows normal distribution, which is usable for weather forecast until the 36th hour. In the 48th hour from the time of forecast, the difference of result depending on each typhoon path increased, which was analyzed to be due to errors in the forecast. It was expected that relatively reasonable results should be shown if the 36th hour forecast is used to predict the strength and distribution of strong wind. As a result of using Korean RAM and observing the difference of the maximum damage, reliability was secured up to 36 hours and after 48hours, it was expected that the fluctuation of results may become more severe.
This study analyze the synoptic meteorological cause of rainfall, rainfall intensity, drop size distribution(DSD), fall velocity and oblateness measured by the 2D-Video distrometer(2DVD) by comparing two cases which are heavy rainfall event case and a case that is not classified as heavy rainfall but having more than 30 mm h-1 rainrate in July, 2014 at Gimhae region. As a results; Over the high pressure edge area where strong upward motion exists, the convective rain type occurred and near the changma front, convective and frontal rainfall combined rain type occurred. Therefore, rainrate varies based on the synoptic meteorological condition. The most rain drop distribution appeared in the raindrops with diameters between 0.4 mm and 0.6 mm and large particles appeared for the convective rain type since strong upward motion provide favorable conditions for the drops to grow by colliding and merging so the drop size distribution varies based on the location or rainfall types. The rainfall phases is mainly rain and as the diameter of the raindrop increase the fall velocity increase and oblateness decrease. The equation proposed based on the 2DVD tends to underestimated both fall velocity and oblateness compared with observation. Since these varies based on the rainfall characteristics of the observation location, standard equation for fall velocity and oblateness fit for Gimhae area can be developed by continuous observation and data collection hereafter.
The production of highly concentrated PM10 is in the spotlight as a social issue, and it increases the attack rate of Asthma. This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of concentration and distribution for PM10 from 2000 to 2011, and investigate its correlation with the death from Asthma. Furthermore, this study was designed to analyze it by dividing into two cases like including Asian dust and excluding Asian dust because it presented the high concentration when Asian dust was occurred in the spring. This study has found that the annual average concentration distribution of PM10 in Seoul was higher in the central area than the peripheral area. The annual average concentration of PM10 and death from asthma displayed the tendency to gradually decrease. The correlation coefficient for all period was 0.92(p=0.000), and the correlation was 0.84(p=0.001) in case of remove Asian dust. The monthly average concentration of PM10 has increased in the winter and decreased in the summer. The death from Asthma and correlation coefficient for all period was 0.588(p=0.044) and 0.640(p=0.025) in case of removing Asian dust. Although the causes of Asthma had a great diversity, the similar tendency by a factor of PM10 meant that the correlation was high.
This study was conducted to investigate the correlation between the distribution chart and input data of the predicted 3-second gust and damage cost, by using the forecast field and analysis field of Regional Data Assimilation Prediction System (RDAPS) as initial input data of Korea risk assessment model (RAM) developed in the preceding study. In this study the cases of typhoon Rusa which caused occurred great damage to the Korean peninsula was analyzed to assess the suitability of initial input data. As a result, this study has found out that the distribution chart from the forecast field and analysis field predicted from the point where the effect due to the typhoon began had similarity in both 3-second gust and damage cost with the course of time. As a result of examining the correlation, the 3-second gust had over 0.8, and it means that the forecast field and analysis field show similar results. This study has shown that utilizing the forecast field as initial input data of Korea RAM could suit the purpose of pre-disaster prevention.
Recent climate change has led to fluctuations in agricultural production, and as a result national food supply has become an important strategic factor in economic policy. As such, in this study, panel data was collected to analyze the effects of seven meteorological elements on the production of five types of grain with error component panel data regression method following the test results of LM tests, Hausman test.
The key factors affecting the production of rice were average temperature, average relative humidity and average ground surface temperature. The fluctuations in the other four grains types are not well explained by meterological elements. For other grains and beans, only average temperature and time (year) affect the production of other grains while average temperature, ground surface temperature, and time (year) influence the production of beans. For barley and millet, only average temperature positively affects the production of barley while ground surface temperature and time (year) negatively influence the production of millet.
The implications of this study are as follow. First, it was confirmed that the meteorological elements have profound effects on the rice production. Second, when compared to existing studies, this study was not limited to rice but encompassed all five types of grains and went beyond other studies that were limited to temperature and rainfall to include various meteorological elements.
The regional rainfall intensity formula for Gimhae in Gyeongsangnam-do province is developed in this study. The nine points of rainfall observations were selected. In order to demonstrate the accuracy and the versatility of the proposed rainfall intensity formula, three regions under the jurisdiction of the Meteorological Agency near Gimhae, namely Busan, Changwon, Miryang observatories were selected. The present formula can be effectively employed for various design of hydraulic structures in Gimhae area since it is divided into several refined regions.
Although most natural disaster related studies conducted in Korea recently have been related to typhoons or severe rainstorms, the occurrence frequency of disasters due to windstorms or rainstorms is also high. To reduce the strong wind damage caused by strong windstorms due to climate change, basic studies of strong winds are necessary. Therefore, in this study, the types and representative cases of windstorms that were observed to have been higher than 14 m/s, which is the criterion for strong-wind warnings from the Korea Meteorological Administration, were selected from among those windstorm cases that occurred on the Korean Peninsula for 10 years to conduct a statistical analysis of them and determine their synoptic meteorological characteristics. The cases of windstorms occurring on the Korean Peninsula were divided into six weather patterns according to the locations of the anticyclones/cyclones. Among these types, the SH type, which occurs when Siberian Highs expand into the Korean Peninsula, showed the highest occurrence frequency, accounting for at least the majority of the entire occurrence frequency of windstorms together with that of the EC type, which occurs when cyclones develop on the East Sea, and there was no clear yearly trend of the occurrence frequencies of windstorms. The monthly occurrence frequencies of windstorms were formed mainly by typhoons in the summer and the Siberian Highs in the winter, and the months with the highest windstorm occurrence frequencies were December and January, in which mainly the SH and EC type windstorms occurred. March showed the next highest occurrence frequency with10 times, and SH windstorms occurred the most frequently in March, followed by the CC, SC, and EC types of windstorms, in order of precedence. Therefore, attention to these types of windstorms is required. Countermeasures against storm and flood damage in Korea targeting the summer should be re-reviewed together with pre-disaster prevention plans, because cases of storm and flood damage due to windstorms occur more frequently than those due to typhoons, and they occur throughout the year.