통흑마늘(WB)과 증류수를 가해 분쇄한 흑마늘(CB) 및 흑마늘 추출액(EB)을 14brix로 동일한 농도로 제조하여 7일간의 알코올 발효를 시킨 후 25일간 초산 발효 시키면서 5일 간격으로 시료를 채취하여 품질특성을 분석하였다. 흑마늘의 첨가 형태를 달리하여 제조한 식초의 pH는 발효기간에 증가함에 따 라 유의적으로 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, 발효 25일에 3.85~3.97의 범위였다. 발효 20일까지 흑마늘 식초의 산도는 모든 실험군에서 점차 증가하는 경향을 나타내었고, 환원당은 초산발효 25일 후에 WB, CB 및 EB군에서 각각 9.67%, 10.27% 및 10.11%였다. 총 폴리페놀 화합물의 함량은 발효기간 동안 불 규칙한 증감을 보였으며, WB와 CB군에서 발효 초기에 비해 25일 후 미량 증가하는 경향을 보인 반면 EB군에서는 통계적인 유의차가 없었다. S-allyl-L- cysteine(SAC)의 함량은 EB, CB 및 WB군의 순으 로 높았으며, 발효 25일 후에 7.00~19.64mg/100mL였으나 발효 초기에 비해 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 유기산은 총 6종이 검출되었으며 검출된 유기산 중 acetic acid(5341.17~5857.60mg/100mL)의 함량이 가장 높았고 EB군의 경우 citric acid의 함량은 다른 실험군에 비해 63% 정도로 낮은 함량이었으나 propionic acid는 약 1.8배 이상 높은 함량으로 흑마늘의 첨가 형태에 따른 차이가 컸다. 흑마늘 식초 의 무기물 중 칼륨의 함량이 월등히 높았고, 다음으로 인, 마그네슘의 순이었고, 이들을 제외한 무기물 함량은 100mg/L 미만이었다.
본 연구는 절화 수국 ‘Ruby’의 보존화 가공 시 탈수 및 탈색 시간과 보존및 착색 적정 조건을 구명하고자 실 시하였다. 탈수 및 탈색의 적정 처리 시간은 18 ~ 24시 간으로 판단되었으며, 24시간 후부터 무게가 감소하고 Hunter value a 값이 낮게 조사되었다. 24시간 처리의 Hunter value a 값은 0.94로 0시간 보다 낮게 조사되었으 며, 36시간 처리는 꽃잎의 갈변 현상이 나타났다. 보존 및 착색 처리 결과, 관능평가에서 Solution II와 Black 염료 처리한 보존화가 65%로 가장 높은 선호도를 받았으며, Solution II, Red 6.7mL + Yellow 6.7mL+ Blue 6.7mL + Black 10mL 처리와 Red 5mL + Yellow 5mL + Blue 5mL + Black 15mL 처리가 각각 25%, 10%의 선호도를 받았다. 또한, Solution I은 건조과정 중 형태변형이 나 타나 Solution II의 형태유지성, 유연성, 질감이 Solution I(제작용액)에 비해 다소 높게 조사되었다. 그에 반해, Solution I의 색상재현성은 다른 처리보다 높은 점수를 받 았으며, Hunter value L 값도 15.33으로 가장 낮게 조사 되었다. 따라서, Solution II(시판용액)가 절화 수국의 보존 화 가공 시 적정 처리인 것으로 조사되었으며, 색 재현성 을 위해 검정색 표현을 위해 Black 염료 단독처리가 효과적인 것으로 판단된다.
This study aims to give a brief summary of the development in the series of studies that have been made regarding the lateral-torsional buckling (LTB) capacity of beam spans with increased cross section at one end, also known as singly stepped beam (SSB), and at both ends, also known as doubly stepped beam (DSB). A three-dimensional program ABAQUS was used to analyze buckling through finite element method, while a statistical regression program MINITAB was used in developing and proposing simple design equations. The following topics discussed in this study include: (1) proposed design equation that account for change in cross section of stepped beams under uniform moment; (2) proposed design equation, with a corresponding moment gradient factor equation, of stepped beams under general loading conditions; (3) proposed design equation for stepped beam with continuous top flange lateral bracing; (4) proposed design equation for monosymmetric stepped beam subjected to uniform moment and to general loading conditions; (5) effect of inelastic buckling of stepped beams subjected to pure bending and general loading conditions considering combined effects of residual stress and geometrical imperfection; and (6) determination of LTB strength of monosymmetric stepped beam by conducting destructive test of subjecting a beam to concentrated load. The summary presented provides researchers information in understanding the subject matter; moreover, this provides a meaningful contribution to futures researches.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of the emulsion stability according to the quantity of emusifiers and the pressure of homogenizer in coffee whitener preparation. The results of this study are as follow : 1. To obtain a standard emulsifier, the ratio of mono and diglycerides (Atoms 150), sorbitan monostearate (Span 60) and polyoxylene(20) sorbitan monostearate (Tween 60) was 60 : 20 : 20 and the optimum quantity was about 0.9% for stable emulsion. 2. Characteristics as coffee whitner were markedly improved when the pressure of homogenizer was 200∼250㎏/㎠ and homogenizing times are over 4. 3. The good whitening capacity was showed when fat glouble`s average diameter was under 0.5㎛.
This study was conducted a comprehensive sarvey of 39 elementary schools operating school lunch program in Seoul area. The purpose of this study was to investigate the realities of school lunch program. This method of this research was based on the interview survey with dietitian working at each school with prepared questionaire. The survey was conducted for 16 days from Dec. 5 to Dec. 20., 1990. The results of this study were as follows ; (1) The average numbers of children supplied with food were 1, 244 for each school. It was about 44.3% of the students enrolled in the school. The average feeding cost was 738 won per a child for a day. (2) Only one school was operating nutritional education as a regular educational program, and others were operating nutritional education off and on. (3) All nutrient intake except energy were higher than the RDA for school lunch program. (4) The ratio of animal food was 46.2%, and that of vegetable food was 53.8%. (5) The ratio of schools without sterilizer cabinet came to 56.4%, and that of schools without warmer was 97.4%. (6) The facilities for drainage, lighting, ventilation, anti-rat of a cookery were comparatively good.
This study was carried out to investigate the quality characteristics of vinegars containing jaceosidin and eupatilin using Artemisia argyi H. ethanol extract (AEE). 10% malt extract (ME) and water extract of Artemisia argyi H. (AWE) were also prepared for vinegar production. Three kinds of materials were mixed in the same amount to prepare vinegar as follows; CO (ME, water, 18% edible ethanol), SE (ME, water, and AEE), SW (ME, AWE, and 18% edible ethanol) and SM (ME, AWE, AEE). All samples were fermented by Acetobacter pasteurianus A8 at 30℃ for 25 days and analyzed at 10, 15, 20 and 25 days. The pH decreased significantly during the fermentation. pH was lower in SE and SM than CO and SW. The acidity increased significantly during the fermentation, and was highest in SM (4.44%) at 25 days of fermentation. The concentration of acetic acid was higher than other organic acids for all vinegars. Jaceosidin and eupatilin were not detected in both CO and SW, but both were detected in the SE and SM. At 25 days of fermentation, jaceosidin and eupatilin concentrations in SE and SM were 6.49-6.88 mg/kg and 2.23-2.24 mg/kg, respectively. From these results, we confirmed that production of vinegar containing jaceosidin, eupatilin and phenolic compounds can be prepared by using Artemisia argyi H. edible ethanol extract.
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) and traditional herb has several functional properties and strong biological activities, making it useful as a functional food material. We investigated the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of mixed compounds from red garlic and supplementary materials, including ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), doraji (Platycodon grandiflorum), quince (Chaenomeles sinensis), citrus peel (Citri Pericarpium), and mint (Mentha arvensis). The extracts were prepared with water (W) and ethanol (E) at 70℃ (W-70, E-70) and 95℃ (W-95, E-95) for 3 h. The total content of phenolic compounds was the highest in E-70 (608.60 mg/100 g). Alliin, one of the active ingredients in red garlic, was contained at 1.18-1.29 mg/g and 0.81-0.85 mg/g in water and ethanol extract, respectively. Another active ingredient of red garlic, S-allyl-cysteine (SAC) had higher content in the water extract than in the ethanol extracts. DPPH radical scavenging activity was higher in E-70 (15.96-73.65%) at 313-5,000 μg/mL. ABTS radical scavenging activity was also higher in E-70 (5.71-77.19%) than in the others. The ROS production rate showed the same tendency as the NO production, with more efficacy in E-95. The expression level of iNOS and IL-1β was decreased in the E-95 significantly at the concentration of 1,000 μg/mL compared to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treated group. Based on the above results, the antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities of the extracts of red garlic and supplementary materials were expressed by different useful substances. The contents of these useful substances were different according to the extraction solvent and temperature.
The quality characteristics of black garlic vinegar produced by acetic acid fermentation were analyzed over a 25 day period. Black garlic vinegar was produced using black garlic 3, 6, 9 and 12 folds with water, and initial alcohol concentrations of 6~12%. The pH values of the vinegar samples were in range of 3.85~4.46 after 25 days fermentation, and the sugar contents were highest after 9 days of fermentation (12.00~13.50 °Brix). The total polyphenol concents of vinegars were in the range of 20.65~52.04 mg/100 mL 25 days fermentation. Pyrogallol and vanillic acid were detected in the completely fermented vinegars, and their contents increased with black garlic content. Five organic acids (lactic acid, acetic acid, citric acid, succinic acid and propionic acid) were detected after 25 days of fermentation, with the total amount of organic acids being 5,327.34~6,307.64 mg/100 mL, and the total abetic acid contents beging the highest of the organic acids at 4208.90~5,570.29 mg/100 mL. After 25 days of fermentation, the total minerals contents were higher, and depending on the quantity of black garlic added. Of the minerals, the of potassium content was the highest (366.23~1,619.67 mg/L).
경남 남해군에 자생하는 고유품종으로 품종보호 등록된 섬애약쑥의 채취시기와 건조방법에 따른 이화학적 특성과 항산화활성을 평가하였다. 섬애약쑥은 5, 6, 7월에 동일한 재배지에서 수확한 후 각각을 12일 동안 음건(SD) 및 60℃에서 7일간 숙성한 다음 90℃에서 220분간 저장하여(AD) 건조하였다. 전처리방법을 달리하여 건조한 섬애약쑥의 유리당을 분석한 결과 glucose만이 검출되었으며 함량은 0.42±0.02~0.43±0.01 g/100 g과 0.41±0.02~0.47±0.04 g/100 g이었다. 총 페놀화합물의 함량은 AD(1.29±0.08~2.90±0.08 g/100 g)와 비교하여 SD(1.85±0.09~3.45±0.14 g/100 g)에서 더 높았다. 물 추출물을 31.5, 62.5, 125, 250, 500 μg/mL의 농도로 제조하여 항산화활성을 평가한 결과 DPPH와 ABTS 라디칼 소거활성은 SD 5월 시료와 AD 7월 섬애약쑥 추출물의 활성이 가장 높았으며, FRAP도 이들 시료에서 여타 시료에 비해 유의적으로 활성이 높았다. β-Carotene에 대한 탈색 저해활성도 SD의 5월과 AD의 7월 시료에서 각각 25.53±2.85~81.43±2.56%, 35.98±2.22~79.00±1.42%로 가장 활성이 높았다. 이상의 결과 섬애약쑥은 5월 채취하여 음건하였을 때와 7월에 채취하여 숙성 가공하였을 때 유용성분의 섭취가 더 용이하며, 높은 항산화활성을 나타내어 기능성 식품 소재로 활용도가 높을 것으로 생각된다.