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        검색결과 20

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라의 수산 양식의 대부분이 이루어지는 연안과 내만에 최근 빈번한 고수온 현상으로 매년 막대한 양식 피해가 발생하고 있다. 2018년~2021년의 최근 4년간의 7월은 이례적인 고수온, 장마, 태풍 등에 의해 1990년 이후 수온의 연별 변동성이 1994년~1997년에 이 어 두 번째로 크게 나타났다. 동·서·남해의 대표적인 고수온 양식피해 우심해역(천수만, 가막만, 구룡포)에 대한 열속과 열수지 분석을 통 해 여름철 천수만과 가막만의 고수온 발생은 주로 대기로부터 해수면을 통한 열유입에 의한 것임을 확인하였다. 벌크식으로 계산한 순열 속과 수온변화로부터 계산한 해양 열 저장률로부터 4년간(2018년~2021년)의 7월 평균 해양 열 수송률을 추산한 결과, 서산 창리는 순열속 의 13.5 %, 여수 신월은 순열속의 62.3 %가 외부로 유출되는 것으로 계산되었다, 구룡포 하정은 순열속의 22.2 %가 평균적으로 외부로 유출 되는 것으로 평가되었으나, 냉수대 발생 유무에 따라 연도별로 해양 열 수송률이 순열속의 -174.5 %에서 132.5 %까지 큰 차이를 보였다.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 강한 한파가 발생했던 2018년과 온난 한파가 발생했던 2019년의 기온에 따른 수온의 반응 및 지연시간과 북풍계 열 바람 빈도와의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 사용된 시간 자료는 국립수산과학원에서 제공하는 7개 지점 해역별 수온자료와 수온관측소 인 근 7개 지점 AWS 기온자료를 이용하였다. 관측되지 못한 자료는 내삽법으로 근사값을 계산하였고, FIR Filter를 이용하여 자료의 주기성을 파악하였다. 그 결과, 강한 한파가 발생했던 2018년은 북풍계열 바람을 통해 차가운 공기가 남하하면서 기온을 하강시켜 전 해역에 저수온을 유발한 반면 온난 한파가 발생했던 2019년은 평년 수준의 기온으로 하강하였지만 수온은 크게 변화하지 않았다. 강한 한파가 발생했 던 2018년 기온 하강에 따른 수온의 지연시간은 평균 14시간으로 0.7 이상의 높은 상관성을 나타냈고 온난 한파가 발생했던 2019년은 평균 지연시간이 20시간으로 0.44-0.67 사이의 상관성을 보였다. 본 연구를 통해 해역별로 기온 하강에 따른 표층수온의 반응을 해석하였고 지연시간을 파악함으로써 양식생물의 피해를 최소화하고 한파 피해의 신속한 대응에 기여할 수 것으로 기대한다.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연구의 목적은 홈스쿨링 제도화에 관한 쟁점을 분석하여 향후 한국 홈스쿨링 제도화 추진 과정에 기초 자료를 제공하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 교육민영화 관점에서 분석틀을 마련하여 한국 홈스쿨링의 제도 화에 대한 주요 쟁점을 고찰하였다. 본 연구의 주요 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 법적 측면에서 보면, 우선 홈스쿨링 설립에 관하여서는 의무교육 및 의무취학에 대한 현행 법 체계상의 문제점에 대한 논의가 진행되고 있고, 다음으로 홈스쿨링 관리에 관하여서는 홈스쿨링의 규제 정도에 대한 논쟁이 진행되고 있 다. 둘째, 교육적 측면에서 보면, 홈스쿨링 교육과정과 관련하여서는 학부모의 교육 전문성 및 교육 자원, 학력인정을 포함한 홈스쿨링의 평가에 대한 논의가 진행되고 있다. 셋째, 경제적 측면에서 보면, 우선 홈 스쿨링 비용에 관하여서는 홈스쿨링에 대한 정부의 교육비 지원 필요성에 대하여 논의되고 있고, 다음으 로 홈스쿨링 수익에 관하여서는 홈스쿨링 학생의 사회성에 대한 토론이 진행되고 있다. 이상의 분석 결과 를 토대로 결론 및 논의를 하였다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국립수산과학원은 과거 해양관측자료 복원사업을 통해 1961년 이전의 정선해양관측 및 연안정지관측 자료를 복원하여 디지털화 하였다. 먼저 한국근해 해양관측(정선해양관측) 자료 중 과거부터 현재까지 정점이 일치하는 21개 정점에 대한 지난 80년-92년간 표층 수온의 연변동을 분석한 결과 다소 차이는 있으나 상승 경향을 나타내었으며, 서해와 남해는 기존 연구와 동일하게 연안역보다 근해역에 위치한 정점에서 수온상승 경향이 높게 나타났다. 그러나 동해는 기존 연구와 달리 연안역보다 근해역에 위치한 정점에서 낮은 수온상승 경향을 나타내었다. 다음으로 복원된 연안정지관측 자료 중 각 동·서·남해를 대표할 수 있는 3개 정점에 대한 지난 89년-98년간 표층수온의 연변동을 살펴보면 동해(주문진, 1.63℃), 남해(거문도, 1.16℃). 서해(부도, 0.79℃)로 동해의 상승경향이 가장 뚜렷하였으며, 뚜렷한 주기 성은 파악하기 어려우나 대체로 3~6년을 주기로 상승과 하강을 반복함을 알 수 있었다. 특히 1980년대 이후 대부분 정점에서 양의 편차를 나타내었다. 마지막으로 해양-대기 상호작용을 이해하기 위해 연안정지관측정점의 표층수온변화에 따른 기온의 상관성을 분석한 결과 상관계수 값이 남해(거문도)는 0.76, 서해(부도)는 0.34, 동해(주문진)는 0.32로 남해가 가장 높게 나타났다.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 여름철 동해안 냉수대 해역의 바람의 세기 및 방향과 수온의 장기 변동성을 살펴보았다. 바람분석 결과, 과거 22년(1997년~2011년)과 최근 7년(2012년~2018년)을 비교해 보면 여름철 동안 과거에 비해 최근에 남풍계열 바람의 빈도가 줄었고, 풍속도 약해지는 경향을 보였다. 그러나 6월의 바람은 남풍계열 바람의 빈도와 풍속이 과거에 비해 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 이는 7월과 8월에 주로 나타난 냉수대 시기가 빨라졌다고 분석되었다. 최근 7년 사이 강릉(EN) 해역에서 0.5℃~ 1.8℃의 수온 상승을 보였으며, 영덕(EC)과 기장(ES)은 0.1℃~ 0.3℃의 수온 상승을 보였다. 평년(1990년~2011년, NOAA/AVHRR 위성수온자료) 대비 최근 7년의 냉수대 출현일은 영덕 과 기장에서 줄어드는 경향을 보였고, 강릉은 상대적으로 냉수대 출현일이 증가하는 추세를 보였다. 또한 강릉, 영덕, 기장 해역에서 6월에 냉수대 출현이 증가하는 경향을 보여 냉수대 발생 해역과 시기에 변화가 발생 된 것으로 분석된다. 이러한 결과는 우리나라 주변의 여름철 동아시아 몬순의 약화가 냉수대의 발생원인인 풍향과 풍속에 영향을 미쳤기 때문으로 판단된다.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the results of observations in 2013 and 2014 including ocean buoys, in-situ investigations and wind data, we examined the spatio-temporal variation of cold water masses along the eastern coast of Korea. Usually, a cold water mass first appears along the northern part of the eastern coast from May to July, and then along the southern part of the eastern coast from late June to mid-August. Cold water masses appear 3~5 times a year and remain for 5~20 days in the southwestern part of the East Sea. A distinctive cold water mass appeared usually in mid-July in this area, the surface temperature of which was below 10℃ in some cases. During the appearance of a cold water mass in the southwestern part of the East Sea, the horizontal temperature gradient was large at the surface and a significant low water temperature below 8℃ appeared at the bottom level. This appearance of cold water masses clearly corresponded to southwesterly winds, which generated coastal upwelling.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, changes in daily temperature range were investigated using daily maximum and minimum temperatures of Busan and Daegu for last 81 years (1934-2014), and also characteristics of daily temperature range and seasonal fluctuations by urbanization were examined. First, elapsing changes showed a lower decreasing trend in Busan (0.32℃) than Daegu (1.2 8℃) for last 81 years. Daily temperature range showed the highest rise in winter in both Busan and Daegu. Second, daily temperature range due to urbanization showed that Busan had a pronounced decreasing trend before urbanization meanwhile Daegu showed the same trend after urbanization. On seasonal changes, the results of Busan showed a decreasing trend in summer before urbanization, and in autumn after urbanization. For Daegu, the results showed a decreasing trend in spring before urbanization, and in winter after urbanization. Seasonal fluctuations of Busan showed little difference in the pre and post-urbanization, except in winter and summer. There was large difference in daily temperature range in winter after urbanization, and in summer before the urbanization. The results in Daegu showed that there was decreasing trend of daily temperature range in all seasons after urbanization.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the wind direction and the wind speed of the nearest temperature observations point of the National Weather Service was analyzed in order to investigate the rapid rise and drop of water temperature in the East Coast appeared after passing of the 2015 typhoon No. 9 and 11. Then the figures were simulated and analyzed using the WRF(weather research and forecast) model to investigate in more detailed path of the typhoon as well as the changes in the wind field. The results were as follows. A sudden drop of water temperature was confirmed due to upwelling on the East coast when ninth typhoon Chanhom is transformed from tropical cyclones into extra tropical cyclone, then kept moving eastwards from Pyongyang forming a strong southerly wind after 13th and this phenomenon lasted for two days. The high SST(sea surface temperature) is confirmed due to a strong northerly wind by 11th typhoon Nangka. This strong wind directly affected the east coast for three days causing the Ekman effect which transported high offshore surface waters to the coast. The downwelling occurred causing an accumulation of high temperature surface water. As a results, the SST of 15m and 25m rose to that of 5m.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It is well known that urban relative humidity has continuous decreasing trend owing to the influence of urbanization. The change of relative humidity is directly influenced by two factors, namely, temperature effect and water vapor effect in various urban effects. In this study, the temperature and the water vapor effects on the relative humidity change were analyzed by using monthly mean relative humidities for a long period(1961~2013) in Busan and Daegu. The major results obtained in this study can be summarized as follows. Firstly, the urban dryness was caused mainly by water vapor effect in summer. But, for the other seasons, the urban dryness is mainly due to the temperature effect. Secondly, the relative humidity in Busan is on the decrease until now. This phenomenon is similar to another Korean huge cities such as Seoul, Daejeon and Incheon.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study selected 10 regions among major Korean cities. Then the study classified the yearly change of relative humidity of those regions for 37 years based on 1996 (from 1974 to 2011) aimed at high temperature days, and examined them by stage regarding daily maximum temperature. For large cities and small cities, in general relative humidity had been likely to increase at high temperatures of 30℃ or over before 1996, whereas it has decreased since 1996. For suburban areas, relative humidity had been prone to diminish before 1996, whereas it has been likely to either increase since 1996 or rarely some of the cities have not shown any change. The increasing tendency of relative humidity before 1996 in large cities and small cities is believed to be because of an increase of the latent heat of vaporization by the supply of steam from cooling towers established in downtown areas. Meanwhile, the decreasing tendency from 1996 is concluded to be caused by the change from counter-current circular cooling towers, which produce a great quantity of steam including arsenic acid, to cross-flow cooling towers, which produce hardly any steam containing arsenic acid. This change was in accordance with the modification and pursuit of an urban planning law that ordered cooling towers that had been installed on rooftops be installed in the basement of buildings in consideration of a “Green network creation” project by the Ministry of Environment, urban beautification, concerns since 1996 over building collapses, and according to an argument that steam containing arsenic acid could be harmful to human health owing to chemicals contained in the water in the cooling tower in summer.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Bakanae disease of rice, caused by Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon, the imperfect stage of Gibberella fujikuroi, is one of the most important rice diseases worldwide, but no rice variety has been found to be completely resistant to this fungus. Cultivation of resistant cultivars is the most beneficial way of reducing quantitative or qualitative losses to for bakanae disease in rice. To facilitate the study of this disease, accurate and large scale screening methods were developed for the inoculation and evaluation of Bakanae disease. Even and large scale infection was achieved by using F. moniliforme spore in tissue embedding cassette and seedling tray. The efficiency of F. moniliforme infection with the concentration of 1×106 spore/ml caused better distribution (F-value=33.96) than 1×102 (F-value=10.69), and 1×104 spore/ml (F-value=2.63). We established new criteria of healthy and non-healthy plant, and introduced calculation of proportion of healthy plants to meet fast evaluation of resistance level of each variety. The effect of F. moniliforme strains containing different genetic background was also evaluated with rice varieties to figure out the stability of resistance level. GA3 response of rice variety was significantly correlated with bakanae disease, but it did not adequate for direct indicator of bakanae disease resistance. These results indicated that a large scale infection method developed in this study is fast and reproducible, as well as a disease evaluation system provides an accurate measurement of bakanae disease resistance of rice.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to examine the actual status of the urban heat island in Daegu by analyzing the data of 17 automatic weather stations installed in the Daegu area. And the results can be summarized as follows: First, regarding the temperature distribution in Daegu by summer time zones, for the 31 days(August 1st till 31st), 18 days showed daily maximum temperature over 30℃, and 11 days indicated daily minimum temperature over 25℃. The day that showed the highest daily maximum temperature was August 5th, which indicated 36℃. Second, about the spatial distribution of time ratio exceeding 30℃and 25℃, the area with the highest time ratio exceeding 30℃is mostly the downtown(central area), eastern area, and northern area. Meanwhile, regarding the time ratio exceeding 25℃, the downtown area centering around the central area were high as over 70%, and the outskirts were low as under 65%. Third, considering the temporal distribution of daily maximum temperature and daily minimum temperature, daily maximum temperature was shown around 14:00 to 15:00 while the daily minimum temperature was indicated around 17:00 to 18:00. Daily maximum and minimum temperature were appeared at northeast and downtown, respectively. Fourth, regarding the spatial distribution of tropical days and tropical night days, tropical days showed 77%and tropical night days indicated 42% before and after the 24th and also the 13th each. Tropical days were occurred up to 24 days at northeastern area. And the southwestern area of Daegu showed under 22 days. The downtown showed the 14 days of the tropical night. However, the outskirts indicated relatively few days as under 10 days. Fifth, about the spatial distribution of the average daily temperature range (the difference between the highest temperature and lowest temperature), the central area, the central part of the city, showed the smallest as 7.2℃, and as it was closer to the northern area, it became larger, so in the eastern and northern area, it was over 8.8℃or so.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examined urbanization effects and the causes of urbanization, urban population growth, increase of the city scale, land cover change, and human cultures and economic activities, using the daily minimum temperatures of the past 50 years (1961-2010) with the subject of Busan and analyzed correlations between urbanization effects and the causes of urbanization. Thereby, this paper drew a conclusion as below: 1) Due to the urbanization effects, the average annual daily minimum temperature increased as about 1.2℃; however, except for the factor of urbanization, the increase was shown as about 0.2℃. The occupancy of urbanization effects in the total temperature increase was quite high as about 83%. 2) Just like other cities experiencing urbanization, Busan, too, sees population growth and the expansion of city area as well as increased urbanization effects. First of all, correlation between population growth and urbanization effect was high as 0.96 before 1985 while it was lowered as 0.19 after 1985. Also, correlation between the increase of city area and urbanization effect was high as 0.64 and 0.79 before and after 1985. 3) Regarding the correlation between long-term land use change and urbanization effect, urbanization effect was affected greatly by the increase of city area (0.97) and reduction of green area (0.92). 4) Concerning human activities possible to affect the climatic factors of a city, this paper found the following factors: road length, car increase, power use, and the consumer price index, etc. And regarding the correlation between the three factors and urbanization effect, the correlation was higher in the consumer price index (0.97), the number of registered cars (0.89), power use (0.75), and road length (0.58) in order.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examines the climatological variability of urban area and the increase of temperature by urbanization using the observed data of Busan and Mokpo during the last 100 years (1910∼2010). The results are as follows. First, the maximum temperature in Busan during the last 100 years has increased by 1.5℃ while average temperature and the minimum temperature have increased by 1.6℃ and 2℃. In Mokpo, the maximum temperature and average temperature have increased by 1℃ and the minimum temperature has increased by 0.8℃. The increase of urban temperature appeared to be higher in Busan than in Mokpo by 0.5℃∼1.2℃. Second, as for the change in temperature before and after urbanization, the maximum temperature, average temperature and the minimum temperature during last 50 years compared to the previous 50 years have increased about 1.5℃, 1.6℃ and 2.1℃, however, the predicted temperature after removing urbanization effect was estimated to be increased by 1℃. The proportion that urbanization takes on the overall increase of temperature appeared to be 33% at the maximum temperature, 37.5% at average temperature and 52.3% at the minimum temperature, thus the proportion of urbanization appeared to be maximized at the minimum temperature.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To preserve atmospheric environment of urban areas, it needs to create urban space considering air pollution sources and natural and geographical properties such as wind circulation. According to this study could examine climate and environmental characteristics of Daegu and accordingly suggest a climate map in urban environment and an “advice map” in urban planning. The urban area(area paved with asphalt and concrete) of Daegu has increased by more than five times since 1960. In addition, the analysis of thermal environment through satellite data shows that the surface temperature between a place paved with artificial structures and a farmland shows 10∼20℃ difference during the daytime in the summer. Regarding the parks inhibiting the heat island of a city have the small area of trees, and the road paved with concrete is wide so that they hardly serve as the source of heat absorption. As Apsan is located to the south of Daegu and Palgonsan to the north and Daegu has east high west low type, mountain wind from mountains in the south and north passes a city and delivers heat and air pollutions at night. In the west of Daegue, there is the poorest environment and industrial facilities and environmental basic facilities are mostly located, so large residential complexes that are being built around the industrial facilities as if they set up a folding screen and therefore the poor environment is increasingly worse.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we investigated the effects of Upo-swamp upon local thermal environment with nighttime cooling rate. To do this, we set up the AWS(Automatic Weather observation System) over the central part of Upo-swamp on the early October 2007. We conducted the study by comparing the AWS data with another weather data observed by several meteorological observations of the Korea Meteorological Administration located at the vicinity of Upo-swamp for one year. The air temperature of Upo-swamp was higher than that of the surrounding in cold-climate season. But it was opposite in warm-climate season. We confirmed that Upo-swamp roles to mitigate the daily and annual air temperature ranges. And the daily air temperature variation of Upo-swamp lagged behind the land one. This phenomenon represent that the heat reservoir capacity of Upo-swamp is much larger than that of the ground.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to implement the modeling of selected substances for the evaluation of Atmospheric Environmental Capacity by means of the data of 2006 atmospheric pollution substance emissions. As a result, it turned out that the substance with the concentration higher than Atmospheric Environmental standard concentration was NO2, and 17.6% of the total regions researched turned out to exceed the standard concentration. In addition, set was the targeted amount to be reduced in the areas where the upper limit of emission per unit lattice was exceeded, and the model was adopted accordingly. As a result, it turned out that about 80% of the actual emission should be reduced to meet the 2006 Atmospheric Environmental standard over the Daegu. In reality, it is impossible to reduce 80% of the actual emission. Thus, the same ratio of reduction was applied in all of the Daegu regions, and the modeling was applied. The results are as follows: When 30% was reduced, the level went down to 50 ppb, which is as high as 2006 Atmospheric Environmental standard; when 50% was reduced, the level went down to 30 ppb, which is as high as 2007 Atmospheric Environmental standard.
        2005.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The importance of atmospheric conditions for the assessment of an air pollution situation has been demonstrated by their influence on the various compartments of an air pollution system, comprising all stages from emission to effects. Especially, air pollutants dispersion phenomenon are very sensitive according to wind data. But the discussions of how to apply representative meteorological data in air pollution dispersion model are not frequent in Korean environmental assessment processes. In this study, we investigated the difference of air pollutants dispersion phenomenon using U.S EPA ISCLT3 model according to applying the different meteorological data observed at two points for Seongseo industrial complex of Daegu. Two points are the spot site of Seongseo industrial complex and Daegu meteorological observatory. The winds speed of the spot site were smaller than those of Daegu meteorological observatory. In the winter season, the differences came to about 64% for the period(1 February 2001~31 January 2002). Wind directions were also fairly different at two points. The air pollutants dispersion phenomenon estimated from our numerical experiments were also fairly different owing to the meteorological conditions at two points.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Characteristics of urban warming phenomenon were studied using degree days for three big cities(Seoul, Busan, Daegu) adjacent to airport. Time variation of the cooling and heating degree days was analyzed using the daily mean air temperature data measured at the six meteorological observatory for long-term periods(25~43years). The results for the big cities are as followings: 1) It was found that the heating degree days trended to decrease from year to year. 2) The cooling degree days were nearly unchanged during the same analysis periods. 3) The number of days calling for air-heating also tended to decrease as time passes. 4) Those of air-cooling were nearly unchanged during the same time. It suggests that the change of air-heating condition owing to urbanization came in evidence in the winter season, but that of air-cooling condition was slight in the summer season. On the other hand, the long-term trends of degree days were very small in airport areas except for Kimhae airport. Hence, the gaps of degree days between big cities and rural airport areas are increasing.