
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 16

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        생활권 수목이란 주민들이 생활하는 지역에 식재된 수목으로, 가로수, 학교수목, 아파트 수목 등 종류가 다양 하며 도시경관과 생활환경 개선의 이점을 제공한다. 그러므로 생활권 수목의 유지와 관리에 있어서도 인근 주민 에 혐오감이나 피해가 없도록 방제를 수행하는 것이 매우 중요하다. 일반적인 경엽살포의 경우, 약액 비산에 의해 주민들의 활동 제한, 안전사고 및 재산상 피해가 발생할 수 있으므로 사용이 제한적이다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해, 나무에 약제를 직접 주입하는 나무주사(trunk injection)가 보편적인 생활권 수목 방제법으로 주목 받고 있으며, 이는 주입물질의 손실이 없고, 외부환경에 크게 영향 받지 않는다는 장점이 있다. 하지만 생활권 수목 전반에 대한 나무주사 처리방법이 명확하지 않아 약효가 일부 가지에서만 나타나는 등 사후 검증 및 관리가 미흡한 실정이다. 본 연구는 생활권 수목 병해충 방제 나무주사 제품의 효과제고를 위한 기존 처리방법 개선 및 최적의 약제처리 방법을 검증하였다. 느티나무외줄면충(Colopha moriokaensis)을 대상으로 시험을 진행하였 으며, Acetamiprid을 시험약제로 사용하였다. 느티나무에 대하여 약제처리 위치, 주입량, 천공수, 주사시기에 따른 약효 및 약해를 확인하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 최적의 약제처리 방법을 제시하였다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        수출입 묘목류에 있어서 깍지벌레류는 주요한 해충으로 다양한 묘목류에서 검출되고 있다. 깍지벌레류 중 우리나라의 소나무에 피해를 주고 있는 소나무굴깍지벌레는 연 2회 발생하는 해충으로 1세대는 4월, 2세대는 8월에 발생하여 소나무 잎에 피해를 준다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 수출입 묘목류에서 검출되는 깍지벌레류의 소독효과에 대한 정보를 제공하기 위하여 포스핀과 에틸포메이트 그리고 메틸브로마이드를 이용하여 소나무굴깍지벌레를 대상으로 훈증효과를 검정하였다. 포스핀을 소나무굴깍지벌레 알을 대상으로 0.06 mg/L 이상 처리시 난부화억제율은 100%였으며, 에틸포메이트 처리의 경우 성충은 2.6 mg/L, 알은 7.4 mg/L에서 100% 살충활성을 보였다. 그리고 메틸브로마이드를 40 g/㎥으로 2시간 훈증처리시 소나무굴깍지벌레 성충은 100% 치사하였으며, 알의 경우 26.0 mg/L을 처리했을 때 100%부화억제 효과를 보였다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        소나무재선충병은 1988년 부산 금정산에서 처음 발생하여 2017년 4월 기준 109시ㆍ군ㆍ구에서 99만본 이상 발생하였다. 소나무재선충 방제방법 중 가장 효과적인 방법은 나무주사로 약제 단가가 저렴해져 처리 면적은 점차 확대되고 있으나, 그 시기가 12월~2월로 극히 제한적이어서 처리시기 확대를 위해 10월 말부터 5월 중순까지 아바멕틴 유제와 에마멕틴벤조에이트 유제를 월 1회 나무주사하여 그 효과를 검정하였다. 그 결과, 10월 말~1월까지는 두 약제 모두 100% 방제효과를 보였고, 아바멕틴 유제는 2월(93.3%), 3월(86.7%), 4월(83.3%), 5월(80%) 방제효과를 나타내었다. 반면에 에마멕틴 벤조에이트 유제는 2월(100%), 3월(96.7%), 4월(96.7%), 5월(50%)로 4월까지 효과가 뛰어 났으나 5월에 급격히 방제가가 떨어졌다. 2월~5월까지 나무주사 후 약제 잔류량을 분석한 결과 아바멕틴 유제가 에마멕틴벤조에이트 유제 보다 약제 잔류량이 많았고 두 약제 모두 처리 시기가 늦을수록 약제 잔류량도 적게 나타났다. 각 시기별로 나무주사한 가지의 일부를 채취하여 소나무재선충을 접종한 결과 처리시기가 늦을수록 소나무재선충 증식량이 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 또한 처리방법을 현행방법과 주입병을 이용하여 각각 2월에 나무주사한 결과, 두 방법 모두 소나무재선충 예방효과, 약제 잔류량, 소나무재선충 증식량에는 차이가 없었다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        알락하늘소(Anoplophora chinensis)와 유리알락하늘소(A. glabripennis)는 전 세계적으로 검역상 중요한 하늘소과 해충이다. 우리나라에서 이들은 자연 기주목과 분재에서 피해를 주고 있다. 본 연구에서는 분재에서 phosphine의 이들 두 하늘소에 대한 방제효과를 조사하였다. Phosphine은 솔수염하늘소 유충과 알에 대해 높은 훈증효과를 보였다. 2 g/m3 농도의 phosphine을 24시간 훈증처리 시 유리알락하늘소와 알락하늘소 난은 부화하지 못하였고, 알락하늘소 유충은 동일농도에 168시간 훈증처리 시 100% 치사되었다. 분재 생육기(2월)나 휴면기(1월) 모두에서 phosphine 훈증제는 2 g/m3 농도에서 두 알락하늘소를 100% 치사시켰다. 그러나 2월에 각 분재목[단풍나무(Acer palmatum)와 소사나무(Carpinus turczaninowii), 아그배나무(Malus sieboldii)]을 대상으로 훈증처리 시, 세 수종 모두에서 잎과 꽃잎의 크기가 작아지고, 꽃의 개화가 지연되는 약해가 발생되었다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        솔껍질깍지벌레(Matsucoccus thunbergianae)는 우리나라 곰솔(Pinus thunbergiane)림의 주요 해충중의 하나이다. 솔껍질깍지벌레는 단목 (丹木)마다 밀도에 차이가 있고, 수관 내 가지별로도 밀도차이가 있어 예찰이 어렵다. 따라서 본 연구는 황색 끈끈이트랩을 이용하여 솔껍질깍지 벌레의 분포나 발생을 예찰할 수 있는 방법을 제시하기 위하여 수행되었다. 곰솔림에서 끈끈이 트랩에 유인된 솔껍질깍지벌레 수컷 성충의 밀도와 가지 내 약충의 밀도는 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 끈끈이트랩에 유인된 솔껍질깍지벌레 수컷성충의 밀도는 곰솔의 상층부가 하층부보다 높았으나 통계적 차이는 없었다. 곰솔 가지의 단위면적당 솔껍질깍지벌레 밀도는 흉고직경이 클수록 높아지는 경향을 보였으며 1~2.5 cm 사이의 굵기 내에서는 통계적 차이가 없었다. 곰솔 가지의 방향이 지면을 향하는 쪽이 반대 방향을 향하는 쪽에 비하여 솔껍질깍지벌레의 밀도가 높았다. 솔껍 질깍지벌레의 예찰에 끈끈이 트랩의 사용을 제안하며, 가지에서의 밀도는 2~2.5 cm 굵기의 가지를 선택하여 지면쪽의 밀도 조사를 추천한다.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Horsehair worm parasitism of mantids was investigated for two years, 2012 and 2013. The mantids were collected from forty-nine sites from August to November. Mantids collected from twenty-one sites (42.9%) including Amur silver grass plantation at Samjang-myeon in Sancheong, Gyeongnam province were parasitized by horsehair worms. C. japonensis was recorded from T. angustipennis and T. aridifolia and C. fukuii, a newly recorded species in Korea, was isolated from T. aridifolia. C. japonensis was found from T. angustipennis and T. aridifolia collected from Gyeongnam province (Jinju, Sancheong, Sacheon, Uiryeong, Hapcheon, and Goseong) and Sangju, Gyeongsbuk province. C. fukuii was isolated from T. aridifolia collected from Gunwi, Gyeongbuk province and Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi province. The C. japonensis parasitism of T. angustipennis and T. aridifolia was 27.0% and 10.7%, respectively. The number of C. japonensis in a host was from one to nine, but most was one from a host. The body length of C. japonensis showed tendency to decrease with number of parasites, but not significantly different. Horsehair worms did not affect body and abdomen length and digestive system of host. However, egg possession of host was different, that is, unparasitized T. angustipennis and T. aridifolia. had more eggs (63.7%) than parasitized ones (2.6%).
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2010년부터 2012년까지 포도수출단지(경기 화성, 경북 상주와 영천, 전북 남원, 충북 영동)에서 발생하는 병해충 조사의 일환으로 애매미충에 의한 포도 피해의 지역적 차이와 수출농가와 내수농가의 발생량 차이를 조사하였다. 애매미충에 의한 포도 잎 피해는 2010년에만 확인되었는데 지역과 농가별에 따라 차이가 있었다. 2011년과 2012년에는 애매미충에 의한 피해엽이 발생하지 않았으나 끈끈이트랩에는 채집이 되었다. 2011년 영천지역에서는 검은볼애매미충이 우점 하였고, 영동지역에서는 이슬애매미충이 우점 하였다. 2012년 조사에서는 이슬애매미충과 이마점애매미충, 검은볼애매미충이 채집되었는데 조사지역이나 과원의 관리형태(수출과원과 내수과원)에 따라 밀도에 차이가 있었다. 모든 조사지역에 서 이슬애매미충이 우점 하였고, 수출과원에 비하여 내수과원의 밀도가 높았으나 채집 개체 수는 트랩당 2마리 내외로 낮았다.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This report is a part of research on pests occurring in grapevine orchards in export complexes (Hwangsung in Gyeonggi, Sangju and Yeongcheon in Gyeongbuk, Namwon in Junbuk and Yeongdong in Chungbuk) from 2010 to 2012. This research was conducted to evaluate the distribution and difference in damage rates depending on management types of grapevine orchards (domestic sale farm vs. export farm). Damage by Arbordia spp. occurred only in 2010 and differed depending on localities and individual farms in the same area. Numbers of orchards damaged by Arbordia spp. were one, two and four in Hwasung, Namwon and Sangju, respectively, and the damage rate was below 6.2%. There was no damage in the orchards in 2011 and 2012, however, Arbordia spp. were collected on sticky traps in the orchards. A. nigrigena and A. kakogawana were the dominant species in Yeongcheon and Yeongdong, respectively, in 2011. A. kakogawana, A. maculifrons and A. nigrigena were collected on sticky traps in 2012. Collected numbers of Arbordia spp. were different depending on localities and management types of the orchards (domestic sale vs. export). A. kakogawana was the dominant species in all the survey sites and the densities were higher in the domestic sale farms than in the export farms.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Black pine bast scale, Matsucoccus thunbergianae is one of the most serious in black pine, Pinus thunbergii forests in Korea. Since this pest was first reported in Goheung, Korea in 1963, which is gradually spread into neighboring regions and now occurs in many regions of the southern and eastern part of the Korean peninsula. The monitoring for distribution of M. thunbergianae was able to observed by naked eye egg sacs and pupa of male on the host until now. Therefore, this monitoring was very difficult in the low density of M. thubergianae. This experiment was conducted to use simple and practical moving cross-shaped flat trap for monitoring of M. thunbergianae. The monitoring of M. thunbergianae using the device was carried out to southern regions of the Korean peninsula. The first emergence of male showed mid. March in Namhae and late march in Busan, Jinju and Pohang. The peak of emergence showed late March in Namhae and early April in the other regions. When the number of M. thunbergianae intermediate nymph showed 58~59, 11~44 and 8~25 on 39.25 ㎠ bark area of the black pine, Pinus thubergii for 1 week, the number of captured its male adult was 58~83, 67~488 and 1~55 on the moving cross-shaped flat trap (10× 13㎝), respectively. The low density of M. thunbergianae was some few the number of capture, but there were no significant difference in its high density. Also, the number of captured its male adult was no significant in the different color (yellow, red, white and blue) of the moving cross-shaped flat trap.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Trunk injection of nematicides was applied to prevent pine wilt disease (PWD). Although the trunk injection of nematicides was effective to PWD prevention, it was not effective to a vector, Monochamus alternatus. Thus, This study was investigated for the insecticidal activity and the effect of oviposition deterrence by injecting to pine trees with systemic insecticides such as Acetamiprid SC 10%, Imidacloprid DC (20%), and Thiamethoxam DC (15%). As a results, mortality of M. alternatus adults was 100% at 56 days after trunk injection. Percentage of M. alternatus adults moved to a young black pine tree by trunk injection of Imidacloprid DC (20%) and Thiamethoxam DC (15%) in screen cage (4.0×2.0×2.5m) was 76.7% and 70.0%, respectively. But the mortality of M. alternatus adults showed 100%. Percentage of M. alternatus adults moved to the treated and untreated young black pine trees by trunk injection of Acetamiprid SC (10%) in screen cage (4.0×2.0×2.5m) were 25.9% and 49.5% at 1st day and 3rd day after treatment, respectively. Percentage of M. alternatus adults oviposited to treated pine logs at 3month after trunk injection of liquid mixture of Acetamiprid SC (10%) and Emamectin benzoate EC (2.15%) in screen cage (72×72×100㎝) was 25%. But, untreated pine logs was 100%
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pine wood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is associated with the pine wilt disease and transmitted by pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus. Because pine sawyer has one-year life cycle, one natural infection of PWN is occurred a year. Therefore, artificial propagation method of PWN is needed to improve experiment associated with PWN. In this study, effect of diameter, paraffin sealing of twig and dosage on pine wood nematode reproduction in Japanese black pine, Pinus thunbergii. PWN reproduction was compared in twigs of P. thunbergii and P. densiflora. Numbers of reproduced PWN were higher with decreasing diameter of twig. Distance (5 and 10 cm) from inoculation site of PWN did not influence reproduction of PWN. Reproduced numbers of PWN were higher in the paraffin-sealing twig than non-sealing twig. Dosage of PWN influenced reproduction of PWN. Reproduction rate was the highest at the rate of 10 IJs (13.7 and 61.1-fold increasing in P. densiflora and P. thunbergii, respectively 30 days later) whereas lowest at the rate of 1000 Ijs (1.1 and 0.7-fold increasing in P. densiflora and P. thunbergii, respectively 30 days later). Numbers of reproduced PWN were more in P. thunbergii than P. densiflora.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Host plants of insect pest in turfgrass and ornamental tree, Popillia flavosellata (Coleoptera: Ruteridae) were investigated in golf courses and forest. Twenty six species in 18 families were observed to be fed on from this research and 22 species in 15 families were recorded newly host plants of P. flavosellata. Thus, total number of host plants of P. flavosellata were 49 species in 23 species. P. flavosellata adult mainly fed on flower of host plants. Seasonal prevalence of P. flavosellata adult was investigated in East Valley Country Club in Gwangju, Gyeonggii, Korea using Japanese beetle pheromone lure and a eugenol feeding attractant. Peak activity of P. flavosellata adult was nearby 20 June. Mean attracted number of P. flavosellata adult at peak day were 197.6 individuals/ trap/day at 2008 and 268.1 individuals at 2010. Occurrence of P. quadriguttata were very lower then P. flavosellata. Mean attracted number of P. quadriguttata adult at peak day were 17.5 individuals/trap/day at 2008 and 2.3 individuals at 2010 in same trap.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The most effective methods against pine wilt disease (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, PWD), black pine bast scale (Matsucoccus thunbergianae), pine needle gall midge (Thecodiplosis japonensis) is the trunk injection of insecticides. The period of trunk injection that was considered with ecology and physiology of pests such as pine wilt disease, black pine bast scale and pine needle gall midge, was applied from Dec. to next Feb. and June, Dec. respectively. And there are differences in quantities of being injected chemicals to pine trees by the period of trunk injection. Thus, we investigated to prevent the effect of insecticides, to estimate the effect under the trunk injection of insecticides for pine trees against pests by the injecting period and time, boring site, opening and shutting of injection site. On Pinuns thunbergii, it was examined to figure out the effect of insecticides by the injecting period, twice a month on a sunny day around 10 AM from January to September. Injecting of insecticides was tested at a dose of 5ml per cm dbh of a pine tree after boring with hand drill at 50 cm high from the ground. As a result, abmectin 1.8% EC and phospamidon 50% SL were injected over 90% of mortalities from the end of January to the middle of March but as time goes by, injecting insecticides tended to decrease. To compare the volume of injecting insecticides in a day, between 10 AM and 2 PM on February 23rd, abamectin 1.8% EC was injected at a dose of 5ml per pine trees with micro pipette after boring with a drill machine at 50 cm high from the ground. As a result, injecting insecticide of a pine which was injected around 10 AM was completely injected and about 90% of the insecticide was injected in case of a pine that was injected around 2 PM. Trunk injection of insecticides was examined to figure out differences of the volume of injected insecticides before and after rain. There was no difference not only the rainfall but also the bored direction.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Trunk injection of nematicides is applied to prevent pine wilt disease(PWD). Although the trunk injection of nematicides is effective to PWD prevention, it is not effective to vector insects such as adults of M. alternatus and M. saltuarius. Thus, This study was investigated for the insecticidal activity and the effect of feeding deterrence by injecting to pine trees with acetamiprid. For screening effective nematicides, some insecticides were injected to pines on December 30th, 2008 and their insecticidal activities and feeding areas of M. alternatus and M. saltuarius were investigated in the insects breeding dishes (100× 40mm) where put on 1 to 2-year-old twig which was selected from injected pine trees in early June. As a result, insecticidal activity and feeding deterrence of acetamicprid were most effective. Feeding areas of M. alterantus adults, when tested with 1-year-old twig and 2-year-old twig of healthy pine trees, were 170.3±107.0 mm2 and 258.0±123.2 mm2 respectively. And Feeding areas of M. alterantus adults, when tested with 1-year-old twig and 2-year-old twig of pines injected at a dose of 0.3 ml per cm dbh of a pine tree with acetamiprid, were 57.7±72.3 mm2 and 65.7±51.2 mm2 respectively and their mortalities also were 0%, 28.6%. The feeding areas of M. alterantus adults tested with 1-year-old twig and 2-year-old twig of pine trees injected at a dose of 0.6 ml per cm dbh of a pine tree with acetamiprid, were not fed on it and the mortalities were 28.0%, 57.1% respectively. In case of the feeding areas of M. saltuarius adults, when tested with 1-year-old twig and 2-year-old twig of healthy pine trees, it was 112.±35.1 mm2 and 159.2±65.2 mm2 respectively. And the feeding areas of M. saltuarius adults, when tested with 1-year-old twig and 2-year-old twig of injected pine trees at a dose of 0.3 ml per cm dbh of a pine tree with acetamiprid were 0.61±0.0 mm2 and 8.1±12.4 mm2 and both mortalities were 23.1%. Although M. saltuarius adults, when tested with 1-year-old twig of a pine tree injected at a dose of 0.6 ml per cm dbh of a pine tree with acetamiprid, were not fed on it but M. saltuarius adults tested with 2-year-old twig of the same pine tree were 2.0±3.7 mm2 and their mortalities were 53.8%, 61.5% respectively. We investigated insecticidal activities, the effects of feeding deterrence of acetamiprid for vector insects where fed twigs of injected pines by stop up hole with a cork or not, and the trunk injection to pine trees at a dose of 0.5, 1 ㎖ per ㎝ dbh of a pine tree with acetamiprid on the early June. As a result, all of the vector insects were not fed and the feeding area was within 11 ㎟ and the mortality of M. alternatus was 70%.