The dynamic analysis of poles made of advanced composite materials is carried out for different length-thickness ratios and layup sequences. The numerical results using ABAQUS obtained for plates and shells are in good agreement with those reported by other investigators. The new results for laminated composite pole structures in this study mainly show the effect of the interactions between the radius-length ratio and other various parameters. The effect of fiber angles of long composite poles also investigated. Key observation points are discussed and a brief design guideline is given.
This study deals with an enhanced assumed strain (EAS) three-dimensional element for free vibration analysis of laminated composite and sandwich structures. The three-dimensional finite element (FE) formulation based on the EAS method for composite structures shows excellence from the standpoints of computational efficiency, especially for distorted element shapes. Using the EAS FE formulation developed for this study, the effects of side-to-thickness ratios, aspect ratios and ply orientations on the natural frequency are studied and compared with the available elasticity solutions and other plate theories. The numerical results obtained are in good agreement with those reported by other investigators. The new approach works well for the numerical experiments tested, especially for complex structures such as sandwich plates with laminated composite faces.
In this paper, practical problems for current feeder service between Busan port and west coast of Japan were extracted through in depth interviews with Japanese feeder vessel companies, shippers, and port authority based upon which major criteria (elements) for improvement of the feeder network are structured in hierarchic order and weighed relative importance through AHP method. From the questionnaire answered by Korean and Japanese port users and experts the weights of criteria were calculated and the shipping service was ranked the first by both parties with 0.235 and 0.217, respectively. The port service and support system ranked the second and the third, whereas the port marketing was shown to be the lowest of all. Considering the overall weights, the increase in a port loading and unloading speed of port service was followed by provision of dedicated deck for feeder vessel of port facilities for Korean respondents. Therefore, speed up of the port operations and providing docks for feeder vessel are to be firstly provided for more efficient feeder operations, which would be the basis for the construction of optimal transportation network.
A strategic decision making on location selection for product transportation includes many tangible and untangible factors. To choose the best locations is a difficult job in the sense that objectives usually conflict with each other. In this paper, we consider a multi stage multi criteria transshipment problem with different types of items to be transported from the sources to the destination points. For the optimization of the problem, a goal programming formulation will be presented in which the location selection for each product type will be determined under the multi objective criteria. In the study, we generalize the transshipment model with a variety of product types and finite number of different intermediate nodes between origins and destinations. For the selection of the criteria we selected the costs(fixed cost and transportation cost), location numbers, and unsatisfied demand for each type of products in multi stage transportation, which are the main goals in transshipment modelling problems. The related conditions are also modelled through linear formats.
This paper is structured into three main parts and a conclusion. The main section provide definitions of efficiency, effectiveness and performance in terms of the distribution channel, followed by a review of related performance measurement, before discussing difficulties of measurement. According to the theoretical approach, it appears that key theroretical issues are centered around customer service, logistics excellence, time compression, the use of IT, and a move towards integrated logistics. The empirical approach shows that in the past, various financial performance indicators were regarded as relevant management information. However, today, management needs additional performance indicators. Therefore, external assessments of effectiveness must be performed to measure customers' satisfaction with the physical flow of product through the distribution channel network. So, what is needed is to take previous normative and explorative research and progress through a framework by developing valid measures of distribution channel's effectiveness and efficiency, and identifying research methodologies suited to the data collection requirements.